Waterfront in the Wilderness is Immortal

Chapter 31 The first opening of heaven and earth sadly reminds Baiyu to retreat

Chapter 31 The first opening of heaven and earth sadly reminds Baiyu to retreat
Hu Yun smiled at Qingchen, flung his showy hand, and two rare treasures of heaven and earth reappeared in the void. A strange red-gold stone with a cold light shone on it. The moment it appeared, the temperature of the entire cave dropped sharply, and the frost condensed.

"Heck!" Bai Yu was affected by the relatively close distance. Even though he had broken through half a step of the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit during the process of preaching to Mr. Hu, he was caught off guard and was still shivering from the scattered cold air. Teeth chatter.

"What is this thing? Why do I feel that if this continues, I will be frozen alive, so hurry up and put this thing away!"

Bai Yu said to Hu Yun and Qing Chen tremblingly, the white frost all over his body blended with the white fur all over his body, crystal clear, if he didn't curl up at this time, he seemed to be a god born from the ice and snow .


It's a pity that as soon as Baiyu finished speaking, he let out another scream, but it was another rare treasure that appeared in the void at this time. It was attacked by frost and protected itself. Blood-red hot flames burst out from the whole body of emerald green crystals. The blazing, fire waves are surging, constantly colliding with the frost, the sound of "sizzling" is constant, and the ice and fire are attacking each other.

Bai Yu was unlucky, being tightly surrounded by the power of ice and fire, she didn't know what was going on, her mana was suppressed by some kind of energy, it was difficult to move, she couldn't break free, she could only rely on her physical strength, Enduring the extreme pleasure of the two heavens of ice and fire, he kept screaming and echoing in the cave, making the listeners shudder.


A trace of worry flashed in Xiao Wuchen's eyes, and he looked at Qingchen begging for help. Although the white lion was a bit mean and nagging, he was kind to him after all. Seeing him enduring such pain, Xiao Wuchen couldn't bear it , repeatedly growled at Qing Chen, urging Qing Chen to rescue Bai Yu quickly.

"Jinxuanbing and Muyuanhuo are actually these two rare treasures. Fellow Daoists, these two treasures are also rare. They are actually the rare spiritual objects among the five elements that contain the principle of intergeneration of the five elements, and they are innate, yes, yes, Coupled with the previous bipolar fruit, it is very beneficial for the poor Taoist to break through Taiyi, and now the Sanguang Shenshui belongs to fellow Taoists."

Qingchen stared at the two powerful treasures in the air, clicked his tongue, praised him, and was very satisfied. Although Qingchen had better spiritual objects that could allow him to enter the Taiyi Daoguo, I have to say that Hu Yunna The three treasures that came out were extraordinary, and they were of some use to him.

Qingxiu caressed gently, and a few drops of Sanguang Shenshui in the void flew straight to Hu Yun.

Hu Yun stretched out his hand, took out a jasper gourd, collected a few drops of Sanguang Shenshui, and looked at Qingchen with more kindness in his eyes, she knew that she still took advantage of Qingchen.

"Haha! It's nothing, this is also a good fate. I just took this opportunity to temper Baiyu's muscles, bones and body, and sharpen his mana. It will be of great benefit to his cultivation and breakthrough to the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit in the future." After the exchange, , Qingchen looked at Xiao Wuchen with a pitiful expression on his face, and comforted him in a deep voice.

"Baiyu, this opportunity is once in a million years, and it is not easy. If you can gain something, it will be the best. Of course, if you don't, I don't mind adding fire to you, master." Qingchen looked at Cheng Bai Yu, tempered by both ice and fire, narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled at the corners of her mouth.


Although Bai Yu was enduring the pain of the confrontation between the two heavens, his five senses did not disappear, and he knew everything that happened in the cave.

The conversation between Qingchen and Xiao Wuchen naturally reached his ears, especially Qingchen's later words made his hair stand on end, and it felt even more terrifying than the double heaven he was enduring now.

He knew that Qingchen would definitely do what he said, and once he made a move, he would be absolutely miserable, as he had seen from the few times he managed to hunt and kill half-step Golden Immortal Dao fruit beasts.

What made Baiyu even more depressed to the point of vomiting blood was that after hearing Qingchen's words, Xiao Wuchen, who had always believed in Qingchen, immediately changed his course, cheered himself up, and kept shouting for joy when he saw himself making a fool of himself , even Hu Ling'er joined in later, laughing unscrupulously, with a gloating expression on his face.


Finally, after the time for two cups of tea, Qingchen put away the two rare treasures, Baiyu was freed, and sat down on the ground all of a sudden, his whole body was black, exuding a smell of paste, his body was covered with frostbite, and the fire poison was raging, Staring at Qing Chen with a look of unrequited love.

"Okay! Don't make such a gesture. If we practice cultivation, if we want to become the Dao, we should go through all kinds of hardships and hardships. You just went through a small tempering to achieve this posture. How can you talk about seeking the Dao?" , to achieve enlightenment and detachment." Seeing Bai Yu's expression, Qing Chen sternly reprimanded him.

Bai Yu got up, roared aggrievedly, and thought to herself, now I finally know why Taoist Taishi accepted the master as a disciple, the same high-sounding, the same righteousness, and he insisted on acting like I am doing it for you when he cheated others , although I feel that the mana is running more smoothly, and my blood is surging, but who would like to suffer this kind of feeling!In this world, there really are these monks who can stand and talk without back pain, and make sarcastic remarks one after another.

Qingchen seemed to know Baiyu's inner voice, smiled at him, and said loudly: "I see that although your physical body has greatly increased, you still have unlimited potential, and there are still many things to be discovered. The power of the two heavens of ice and fire is limited after all , and when the poor way out, I will solve it for you and refine the strength of your physical body to perfection."

"Fellow Daoist Hu Yun, we need fellow Daoist Lao to arrange a cave for the poor." Afterwards, Qing Chen immediately turned around and said to Hu Yun.

"Fellow Daoist, don't worry!" Hu Yun bowed to Qing Chen with a gentle tone.

"Yes! I miss you so much, Master!" Bai Yu subconsciously opened his mouth to thank, and when he came back to his senses, he realized it, blind rice!This is the rhythm that will kill me!Can you say no?Master Qingchen, I just want to practice quietly by your side, waiting for Xiao Wuchen to grow up!
It's a pity that at this time, Qingchen had already followed Hu Yun to the cave to practice, so he couldn't hear his heartfelt voice, but even if he heard it, Qingchen's temperament probably didn't sound like he didn't hear it.

Facing Bai Yu, Hu Linger and Xiao Wuchen looked sympathetic and showed a helpless expression. They scrambled for the spiritual fruit in the cave and never tired of it. Anyway, it has nothing to do with them. Naturally, after expressing their feelings, the matter has nothing to do with themselves. hang up.

Qingchen followed Hu Yun and flew towards the hinterland of Qianxia Mountain. After a while, he came to a continuous mountain range and landed on a lone peak like a giant sword reaching the sky.

"What a sharp mountain!"

Qingchen looked at this peak that rose from the ground and stood upright among the mountains. On it, pines and cypresses were verdant and soaring to the sky. With a sharp aura, even the innate aura around him was a little more violent and less gentle.

"This is Juefengdongtian. It is the place where the fox clan stationed in Qianxia Mountain has buried their swords for a long time. I see fellow Taoists practicing the way of swordsmanship. This should be an excellent place for retreat and practice for fellow Taoists." Hu Yun looked at Qingchen had a satisfied look on his face, knowing his intentions, he smiled.

"Fellow Daoist Hui Xinlan, thank you Qingchen!" With a cup of hands to Hu Yun, the water movement technique was activated, and Qingchen flew to the lonely peak, preparing to open a cave and practice hard in closed doors.

 I also hope that everyone will support me a lot. If you have any good suggestions, you can also put them forward. Xuehai is very grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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