Chapter 48


The divine sword shook, Qingchen and Zhen Yuanzi galloped towards Baiyu and Xiao Wuchen, Qingmeng slashed with the divine sword, and went straight to the fierce beast on the opposite side, as the sword light passed, water vapor filled, and a magnificent river emerged , The water waves beat the sky and the earth, the vastness rushed, and the waves were monstrous.

The big river collided with the flames, making a sizzling sound, and Qingchen fully demonstrated his powerful power as the incarnation of the origin of innate water.

The white waves towered across the sky, and in the breath, the flames that could have burned the sky and easily melted the innate metal were extinguished by the water waves, and then rushed towards the beast that swallowed the flames. Thousands of waves rushed up, killing the flames fiercely The beast drowned and swallowed, the ferocious beast roared and struggled, trying to escape from this torrent that was constantly absorbing the vitality and strength in his body like a sponge.

It's a pity that if the sky wants it to die, it is bound to be hard to escape.Although the ferocious beast frantically tried to break free, the level and power of the innate water used by Qingchen far surpassed that of flames, and the ferocious beast could not escape the fate of perishing.


Taking advantage of the flame beast being strangled and the beasts below being frightened, Qingchen and Zhen Yuanzi each protected Baiyu and Xiao Wuchen and rushed to the distance, wanting to take advantage of the gap and take them with them. Escape quickly, leave this area, and then slowly figure it out, trying to find a way to leave this mysterious mountain range.

"Where to go!"


"Leave that white tiger behind!"

Three violent shouts resounded through the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds, the two beast kings and the golden-robed Taoist were furious, and shot violently, rushing into the sky like cannonballs. Neighing, the claws are ferocious.

Then, under the astonished gazes of Qingchen and the others and the ferocious beast, the golden sword arrived first, piercing through the void, and appeared in front of Qingchen and the others, blocking the attacks of the two king beasts. The power was compressed into a beam of light that pierced the sky, as if it was about to pierce the sky, the void was chaotic, and the mysterious energy covering the entire mountain was much thinner under this fierce impact, and the mysterious power from other places swarmed in from all directions. Fill that place with mysterious energy like mist, and restore it to its original state in an instant.

The three powerhouses intentionally compressed the energy of the explosion within a certain range, lest they hurt Xiao Wuchen, or she would be swept away by the aftermath and turn into nothingness.

"Hmph! Do you want to take it all for yourself? Let's see if we agree!"

The bird king neighed, making eye contact with the beast king countless times, staring closely at the golden-robed Taoist, and once he noticed any abnormalities in him, he would join forces and kill him in an instant with the murderous technique.

Qingchen's eyes flashed brightly, and in the blink of an eye, countless thoughts flashed through his mind. The water movement technique was running, and he led Bai Yu and others to gallop to the distance. With one step, thousands of miles were passed, and he headed towards a direction with the least number of ferocious beasts. Gone fast.


The ferocious beasts in that area roared, extremely excited, and rushed towards Qingchen and the others continuously, grinning their teeth, with fierce faces and violent eyes, countless supernatural powers bombarded them, streamers exploded, and the sky and the ground were flooded with all kinds of light. The flames are burning, the ice is piercing, the poisonous gas is gushing, and the cold light is scorching. Qingchen and the others were intercepted, and the sky was blocked by countless birds, so they had to lower the light to break through the dense forest.

The sword light is roaring, the brilliant sword light rushes into the mountains and forests, Qingchen is full of murderous intent, and the murderous intention is violent, a Qingmeng divine sword is so powerful that it shocks the sky.Today's Qingchen Taiyi Dao Fruit has achieved great success and is gradually consummating. Unless Daluo makes a move, even a half-step Daluo powerhouse, Qingchen can rely on his own swordsmanship and Xuan Ao to fight Zhongyi.Although there are many ferocious beasts surrounding them, as long as it is not the three masters who are fighting each other, Qingchen has no fear.

Wherever they passed, the corpses lay horizontally, and they were destroyed all the way like killing gods. The blood was sprinkled all over the forest, across the giant trees, flowing through the luxuriant green grass, dripping on the ground, and sinking into the dust.

Zhen Yuanzi also did not show any weakness, the dust swept away, and the corpses were everywhere. Every time he swung his arm, he would leave a large number of corpses of ferocious beasts. With his cultivation base and many powerful divine channeling techniques, he was like strolling in a courtyard, shuttling back and forth among the fierce beasts, reaping the lives of many powerful fierce beasts in an understatement.

The roar of the lion resounded through the mountains and forests, the sand rolled wildly, and the waves of the earth flew up. Bai Yu held Xiao Wuchen and was protected by Qingchen and Zhen Yuanzi in the middle. His eyes were fierce, and he let out a sky-shaking lion roar from time to time. The sound waves rushed, and many fierce beasts His figure paused slightly, his mind was in a trance, and then he was swept away by the sword light or the floating dust, fell into the sky, and died violently in the forest.


Above the nine heavens, the two beast kings were anxious. Seeing Qingchen and the others falling into the forest, sweeping all the way, and leaping thousands of miles again, they were about to leave the boundary of Luohun Peak, and they were burning with anxiety.Once Qingchen is far away from this place, even they dare not pursue it. As creatures who have lived in the mysterious mountains for millions of years, no one knows this area better than them. There are powerful separatists, and there are many Jedi who would fall even if they strayed into it. They dare not venture out of Luohun Peak, fearing that if they are not careful, they will be killed by the strong.

With a horizontal strike of the sword, the golden sword light flowed violently, magnificent and majestic. Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the two beast kings, the golden robe Taoist made a bold move, using various kendo killing techniques one after another, blasting towards the two beast kings, and at the same time With a sharp retreat, he took a step forward and came to the area where the group of monks in the golden feather robes were.

The group of monks were very smart, although they were greedy for the precious medicine, they still stayed where they were, and were not dazed and took the risk of snatching it.Now seeing the golden robed Taoist return safely, his mind is at peace, the fight there is too terrifying, it makes people shudder, even if they are far apart, they can still feel the power that made their hearts palpitate.

"My lord!" Someone stepped forward and bowed to the golden-robed Taoist in a respectful tone.

"Let's go! Get out of here quickly!"

The golden-robed Taoist nodded, and said to the monks below, and then turned into a streamer, and went out of Luohun Peak.He forcibly suppressed his injuries and fought against the two kings, and now his injuries have worsened. If there were no accidents, he speculated that he might also be buried here today.

Now that the two big beast kings are plotted by him and attracted attention by the group of monks, they must leave this place immediately while taking advantage of the time.Although the cultivation of those monks is not very good, but their strength is extraordinary, presumably they should be able to resist for a while, and provide a lot of time for themselves and others to evacuate.But afraid of accidents, Taoist Jin Pao decided to leave first, hoping that the people behind him could catch up with him.

"I am also angry! I am also angry!"

Although the golden-robed Taoist's attack was ferocious, it was not difficult for the two beast kings to defeat them. Their faces were ugly, and they looked at the direction where the golden-robed Taoist left, filled with resentment. The bird king was furious and gritted his teeth.

"Okay! The most important thing now is to snatch the little white tiger. First get the precious medicine, and then talk about other things. As for the golden robe Taoist, he is powerful. If he doesn't come to snatch the precious medicine, he will leave."

The Beastmaster spoke with a calm tone, and looked in the direction where the golden-robed Taoist left, his gaze was so deep that it was hard to see the depth.

The bird king stomped his feet, very unwilling, but now he has been plotted against, one wing was injured by the sword intent, his strength is weak, and he dare not easily refute the beast king who was originally stronger than him, with a pair of fierce eyes, looking at Qingchen The mountain forest where they were fighting, swooped away. He wanted to protect his revenge, and he wanted to get the precious medicine to improve his strength.

The Beast King looked at the Bird King who had already started to move, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he also walked towards Qingchen's forest.

 Happy New Year’s Day everyone, and I hope you will support us a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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