Chapter 60

"This Xianzhi is quite good, but it is barely comparable to the Five Elements Spiritual Fruit, but I am afraid that I will disappoint fellow Taoists. The poor Taoist is also quite interested in the Five Elements Spiritual Fruit, and there are younger generations who are not good enough in the clan. I can't think about it anymore, this metamorphic spiritual fruit is picked from the Myriad Transformation Sacred Tree, and it is comparable to the Five Elements spiritual fruit."

The void swayed slightly, and a voice suddenly sounded, and a spirit fruit the size of a longan appeared in the void, lingering with vitality, endlessly, exuding a force of vitality.

"Pimpedao also wants to join in. I hope you fellow Taoists will not blame you. Purple jade grapes are picked from the spiritual root of purple jade vines. They can only be obtained after 9000 years. It is very effective for the cultivation of the wood attribute."

With an old voice faintly resounding, a purple jade-like grape suddenly appeared, each plump, crystal clear, rich innate wood spirit pervaded, hundreds of grapes condensed on a small redbud, Its value is no less than the treasures floating in the void, and it is even better.

"Innate Lark Grass! Can I exchange for Five Elements Spirit Fruit?"

"Myriad Tribulations Jade Linglong! Can the Five Elements Spirit Fruit be exchanged?"

One after another, the innate wood spiritual objects that were only heard of in the prehistoric times appeared in the void of the main hall. The visions were transpiring, and the fragrance was wafting. Greedy, drooling, wanted to snatch it, but thought of being surrounded by masters, and even in the huge territory of Tianling Palace, I could only hold back, but there are also some people who are lucky because of this. A layer of miasma, and a higher level of xinxing.

In the cave, Qingchen looked at the rare spiritual objects appearing in the void through the mirror stone, his eyes were full of envy, but he didn't have the slightest greed, it wasn't that Qingchen didn't want to have it, nor was it his character How noble.

But he can see clearly that it is useless to force now if he knows what is not his own, or even just to make himself suffer. If he wants to own himself, he must have overwhelming strength. Only in this way can he do whatever he wants, otherwise even if he gets it, he cannot Possess it for too long, and sooner or later it will invite disaster.

However, Qingchen is not idle, looking for what he needs most at present among the many spiritual creatures.In the treasure exchange session of the Wanbao Conference, in addition to the spiritual treasures provided by Tianling Palace, it can also be exchanged between monks. It can be regarded as a place for monks to exchange barter, and it is also one of the highlights of the Wanbao Conference.

Soon, Qingchen swept the treasures in the void with his soul, and came to a conclusion. While weighing in his heart, he also smiled at Zhen Yuanzi.

"Fellow Daoist, if you don't make a move at this time, when will you wait! Pindao is going to support you this time, but I'm still waiting for Fellow Daoist to realize Daluo Daoguo as soon as possible, and rely on the power of Fellow Daoist in the fight against the Black Snake Clan Seeking shelter, you are the main force this time, don't let the poor be disappointed!"

Faced with Qingchen's joke, Zhen Yuanzi laughed. He was a little worried before, but now he looked around the hall and felt relieved.

Although there are many rare spiritual objects in the field, and some of them are even more valuable than the five-element spiritual fruit, Zhen Yuanzi knows which big Luo powerhouses have not fully revealed their background, and is waiting for the competition for the treasures later. In this way, he has great confidence Zeng, I believe that as soon as this thing comes out, as long as the big Luo powerhouse doesn't die, he will definitely crush the audience and take the Five Elements Spirit Fruit into his arms.

Zhen Yuanzi's thoughts moved slightly, a gold box made of congenital Geng gold appeared, and the next moment it appeared above the void of the hall, with a little finger, a ray of spiritual light entered the gold box, and the whole hall was immediately covered by a layer of golden light, followed by a strong The extreme innate Yimu Qi gushes out, floating in the entire Tianling Palace hall, gushing out life essence.

"Ginseng fruit!"

"Ginseng fruit!"

"It's really ginseng fruit!"

When the golden light dissipated, a spiritual fruit of a baby under three dynasties appeared in the box, the body was fragrant, and the sun shone around. Pu was recognized by the monks as soon as he appeared, and everyone was amazed.

It is really that the ginseng fruit is so famous, the top ten spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, it is hard to recognize it, but I did not expect that there will be a ginseng fruit in this Wanbao conference.Even Wu Fengzi and the others who presided over the Wanbao Conference were taken aback for a moment, obviously they were also shocked, they didn't expect this thing to appear.

But then there was ecstasy, even with the state of mind of their Daluo Daoguo's perfect cultivation base, there was a wave of waves at this time, every time a famous treasure appeared in the Tianling Palace Wanbao Conference, the reputation of Tianling Palace would be because of it If it rises sharply, the hundreds of clans behind it will also benefit a lot, and the rewards they get will be even more generous.

"I didn't expect such a treasure as ginseng fruit to appear in this Wanbao Conference. It's really a great fortune, haha! I think all fellow Taoists should have no objections! The poor daoist will be the master. The five-element spiritual fruit belongs to the fellow Taoist who brought out the ginseng fruit." It's all over."

In the void, the old Taoist standing beside the stone platform chuckled, stretched out his sleeves, and punched the ginseng fruit deep into the void of Tianling Palace.

Spiritual thoughts intersect in the void, some want to find the whereabouts of the ginseng fruit, and some want to find out the monk who took out the ginseng fruit. They think it should not be worth one, and there are still stocks, many of which are of the Daluo level. .

It's just that when they probed their spiritual thoughts into the void, there was a roar of thunder, killing the visiting spiritual thoughts one after another, many grunts came from the cave, and their owners' faces were flushed, and some even had grim faces, suffering from great pain .It was obvious that their goal was not achieved, stealing chickens would not be enough to lose money, and their souls were injured by the thunder, which was not shallow.


Wufengzi snorted coldly, looked at the spirits that exploded in the void, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth, looking at the void above his head like an idiot.Tianling Palace is so simple, how can it be a place where you can run wild, this void is covered by layers of extremely powerful formations, even I dare not explore easily, let alone you, just so you can stand up.

In Xiaodongtian, Zhen Yuanzi took a closer look at the five-element spiritual fruit in front of him, and put it away with a wave of his sleeve robe. Seeing Qing Chen's meaningful gaze, Zhen Yuanzi was slightly taken aback, with a wry smile on his face, and looked at Qing Chen. Chen Chuanyin was full of apologies.

"Fellow Daoist, when the Ten Thousand Treasures Conference is over, if fellow Daoist has any doubts, Zhen Yuanzi will never hide it, and will definitely tell you all about it."

With an inscrutable smile on his face, Qingchen thought of the ginseng fruit just now, and became more and more sure of his guess. Although he had calculated Zhen Yuanzi, he was a little guilty, but Qingchen had a thick skin and always knew how to hide his expression. Don't be afraid of being found out, the big deal is that when Deng figured out everything by himself, he would just confess the crime, but he would accept the punishment and accept the punishment himself and then go on.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for getting what you want!"

"Congratulations fellow daoist for obtaining this spiritual fruit, with the ability of fellow daoist, you can expect a lot!"

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist! Congratulations, Fellow Daoist! Now with the help of this thing, half of the purpose of the trip, Fellow Daoist, has been achieved, and the other half is just a matter of time."

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Zhen Yuanzi, you must hurry up and advance to Da Luo, when the time comes, we must beat those bastards of the Black Snake Clan to the ground!"

Seeing that Zhen Yuanzi got the Five Elements Spiritual Fruit, Qingchen and others congratulated him again and again. Heifeng and Canghun also participated in the competition, but the things they brought out were only average among many spiritual objects. Although Yuan Zi's eyes were hot, he still congratulated him sincerely, which made Qing Chen look up to him a lot.

It's just that Xiao Wuchen's words made Qingchen frowned, took a deep look at Xiao Wuchen and said nothing.Qingchen turned his head and just saw the scene where the thunderbolt from the sky blasted and killed many spiritual thoughts. He glanced at a few spiritual objects floating in the void, and smiled unscrupulously.

 The sea of ​​blood is begging for recommendation tickets from all brothers and sisters, please collect them, come on, take the recommendation tickets and beat me to death!
  In addition, Xuehai said that the scene of Hongda in the wild is about to unfold in the future. Various legendary characters and other mysterious characters in the wild will appear one after another, and some familiar stories will also appear. I hope everyone will support it!

(End of this chapter)

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