Chapter 82

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

The moment the shield was breached, the woman in Tsing Yi let out a yell, waved her sleeves, and streams of light flew out, shooting towards the beast.


The few remaining people were tearful and did not dare to stay, fearing that the girl in Tsing Yi's heart would be in vain, they dragged the crying girl and fled into the distance.

"Sister Xuanwei!"

The girl screamed, and was dragged away by the crowd. She was very fast and escaped thousands of miles in a blink of an eye.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

A few beams of light hit the hard scales on the forehead of the beast, sparks splashed everywhere, revealing its true face, it was a few cone-shaped innate spirit treasures.



The ferocious beast roared, staring at the woman in Tsing Yi who injured them with fire in its eyes, and paid no attention to the few people who escaped.


Xuan Wei saw that he had succeeded in attracting the attention of these fierce beasts with one blow, and watched the girls go away and gradually disappear without a trace, and heaved a sigh of relief.


The air exploded, and the attacks of several ferocious beasts slammed down, charging towards Tsing Yi Xuanwei with boundless and terrifying power.

Standing with the palm in front of the chest, a strange magic formula was shot out, the conical Lingbao continued to rotate around Xuanwei, the speed became faster and faster, an invisible force of strangling was born, and the surrounding mountains, rocks and void were all shattered.


Two huge forces collided with each other, earth and rocks collapsed, flying sand and rocks, and the rumbling sound was endless.

Heart beating wildly, a huge crisis arose in Xuan Wei's heart, desperate to be injured, Xuan Wei took advantage of the huge collision force, took the opportunity to fly out, and retreated thousands of miles away, her willow eyebrows stood on end, her beautiful eyes were full of evil Looking at the place where he stood just now.


That area completely collapsed, and the thousands of feet of the mountain suddenly cracked in all directions, earth and rocks splashed, and gravel scattered all over the place.

A huge beast resembling a pangolin emerged from the shattered rocks, with two pairs of blood-red eyes the size of copper bells, and a huge earth-yellow horn on top of its head. The cold light flickered and pointed directly at the sky. The whole stone mountain.


Xuanwei coughed up blood, and the fierce force of the collision wounded her heart.


Stimulated by the smell of blood, several ferocious beasts were excited, roaring and rushing towards Xuanwei who was not far away.

The animal's paw fell, covering the sky and the sun, the sharp horns were swaying like a cannonball, and the long tail full of spikes shot out, like a huge long whip whipping directly, the fangs shone coldly, and the smelly blood basin A gray light that corroded the earth was ejected from the mouth.


Xuanwei's eyes showed killing intent, facing several fierce beasts whose strength was no less than his own, he began to desperately fight, and a long knife as thin as a willow leaf appeared, and the aura of a high-grade innate spirit treasure diffused, Following Xuanwei's loud shout, he suddenly jumped up and slashed towards the beast.

At the same time, the other hand didn't stop, dancing again and again, one after another strange formulas were swung out one after another, and hundreds of them were condensed in an instant.

Several cone-shaped congenital spirit treasures are suspended in mid-air, separated into four directions, reflecting each other, breaths are intertwined, dazzling light flashes, several cone-shaped spirit treasures close in the middle, and instantly condense into a giant awl that lifts the sky, shattering the void , The gigantic boulder turned into powder in a blink of an eye, carrying a mighty power and bombarding several ferocious beasts.




Feeling Xuanwei's ferocious and powerful attack, the attacks of several ferocious beasts became more rapid and violent, the earth trembled and shook, and the mountain cut off the river.


Several fierce and terrified auras collided with each other, with great sound, the violent energy impacted in all directions, destroying everything, the air waves were soaring, and the land of thousands of miles was turned into scorched earth in this violent collision.

"Even if I die, I want one of you to be buried with me!"

Xuan Wei was resentful, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, his Tsing Yi was blood-red, his eyes were full of fierce determination.


A few fierce beasts were not having a good time. They were injured by Xuanwei's desperate moves. Their thick scales flew and their skin was ripped apart. A fierce beast covered with spikes suffered most of the force. It was seriously injured and drenched in blood. The spikes crashed and fell like flowing water.


Xuan Wei roared angrily, his whole body was intertwined with water blue and khaki, the light was blazing, and a basalt with a head of thousands of feet appeared in the field.

Xuanwu made the first move, leaping up with his whole body, his mouth opened wide like a river breaking its embankment, a huge stream of water rushed down, each drop weighed as much as a hundred catties, and smashed towards several ferocious beasts.

A khaki-yellow light flashed across the tortoise shell, and the spirit snake swallowed snake letters on the shell, emitting dazzling lights, and a loud "bang" sounded like a mountain suppressing it, and fell to the ground.


The ferocious beast roared, letting the heavy water fall on its body, splashing blood, rushing forward, colliding with Xuanwu.

Regardless of his disregard, Xuanwu relied on his strong defense to forcibly resist the collision attacks of several fierce beasts, and aimed at the seriously injured beast.

The fierce beast covered in spikes instinctively felt the crisis of life and death, and the blood-red rays of light surged all over its body, and the spikes surged all over its body, gathering and condensing a huge black thorn on its back, which was as high as ten thousand feet.


As if the sacred mountain and the heavenly pillar collided, the originally scorched earth was filled with heavy sand, covering the sky and covering the earth.

"Crack! Kick!"

The spikes shattered inch by inch, turned into foam and drifted away with the wind and sand, and the spiked beast was directly smashed into a puddle of flesh by Xuanwu, and the original land of thousands of miles fell directly in this big collision.


Although Xuanwu successfully suppressed the spiked beast, his body, which had been severely injured in the previous wave of shock, was invaded into the bone marrow by the force of the spiked beast's death blow, and his breath was sluggish, like staying in a lamb. Without the slightest resistance.


The tragic death of the spiky beast and the thicker blood aura stimulated the remaining beasts even more, and each of them rushed towards the dying Xuanwu like a hungry wolf.

"Are you going to die? Maybe it's just that I'm really not reconciled. I hope they have now returned to the clan land smoothly."

Xuan Wei struggled with his body, wanting to fight again, but found that he was covered with scars and had no strength at all. He was full of unwillingness, and stared resentfully at the several fierce beasts that came over.


"call out!"

Just when Xuan Wei was full of resentment and closed his eyes waiting to die, a clear sword chant came from Nine Heavens, and a clear sword light slashed down vertically, the sword light was sharp, directly killing

The most ferocious beast that charged at the front was split into two.

The blood gushes out and spreads in the mid-air, the sun and stars shine, sprinkle golden light, and the blood red is reflected crystal clear, like a coquettish red rose, coated with a layer of gold, which has an indescribable beauty.

Tsing Yi is hunting, black hair is flowing, Qing Chen stands alone, and the Qingmeng Excalibur is floating in the air.

Under the leadership of Zhen Yuanzi, Xiao Wuchen and the others followed and landed beside Qingchen.

The death imagined in Xuanwei's mind did not appear, she felt something was wrong, the surrounding was too quiet, she opened her eyes suspiciously, and Qingchen and his party came into view.

A huge ferocious beast was evenly divided into two, blood spurted out continuously, several surviving ferocious beasts were stunned, and the scene fell into an eerie silence for a while.

 It’s Monday again, and Xuehai sincerely hopes that everyone will have a good week. In addition, I would like to ask for recommendations, monthly tickets, rewards and subscriptions.Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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