Chapter 86
Blood was dripping from the corner of Ci Kun's mouth, looking at Ci Ze who had blocked the sword and died for him, even his Dao Heart, which had not been immobile for ten thousand years, was shattered, tears streaming down his face.

Ci Ze was trained by him alone, although he is not a father and son, he has long been a father and son.

He knew what Cize wanted to say in the end, and revitalizing the Cijiu clan was his long-cherished wish. As Cize got along with him day and night, he naturally understood his heart.

Staring at Qing Chen who was gradually revealing his figure in front of him, Ci Kun's eyes showed endless hatred, and he struggled to get up, a blood hole the size of a bowl in his chest was translucent from front to back, and fresh blood flowed out.

Although Shize blocked the sword for him, Qingchen's sword is too powerful. Although it is not as powerful as Qingchen's sword that killed the Tianfeng of the Tiansnake clan back then, its power should not be underestimated. A big Luo strong man beheaded.

Although Ci Kun was not dead, he still suffered unimaginable heavy injuries, and the extremely cold sword intent was constantly obliterating in his Taoist body, freezing everything.

"Qingchen, today I, Shikun, will never die with you."

Shikun gritted his teeth, his eyes were blood red, and he chose to devour someone.

"Poison Pearl Plague, poisoning the world!"

Unaware of the injuries on his body, a yellow orb in his hand exuded a blazing light. He threw it violently, and the void crackled. Gobbled up to Qingchen.

Jiuben is a congenital poison, proficient in the way of poison. Although the Wenhuang Pearl is only a middle-grade innate spirit treasure, but it has been conceived for millions of years, and at this moment, it is another blow with anger, sparing no effort, and the momentum is huge , poisoning the world, the surrounding thousands of miles of flowers and trees are instantly withered, and everything in the thousands of miles is extinct. The Thorn Dove clan protected by Thorn Kun is better, and those casual cultivators who escape slowly will suffer, and many of them died in the hands of teammates. .


Qingchen's face was indifferent, and he regretted that he didn't kill Shikun with a single sword, but in the end it was a serious injury.

Now facing Cikun's angry blow and seeing the divine light of plague sweeping from all over the sky, Qingchen sneered, the three-light divine water oscillated, and his body faintly emanated divine light, ignoring the overwhelming corrosive divine light, Wu Qingmeng Divine Sword, chopping down with one sword.

This sword is majestic and upright, it does not have the sword intent of extreme coldness, it does not have the power of extinction, it does not have the meaning of emptiness and clarity, it is only majestic and majestic, it is the original sword intent of Qingmeng Excalibur, and it has been in harmony with Qingchen for thousands of years sword intent.

At this moment, there was a sudden blow, and the world was silent for thousands of miles, only a sword was upright, coming from the sky, and the sword fell.

"call out!"

With a sword owl's head, Ci Kun's head flew up, with an unbelievable expression on his face. Before he died, he didn't understand why his Plague Pearl didn't do any harm to Qing Chen.

When he came here, he was full of confidence, and he asked himself that he brought enough family background, even if there was an ambush, he could handle everything. He didn't want to be schemed by Qingchen and was seriously injured. The follower of Da Luo from the snake clan of that day, became the second soul of Da Luo who died under Qingchen's sword.


Qingchen will never show mercy. Now that he has decided to fight, he must completely eradicate the roots. This is the cruel law of survival in the prehistoric world.

A sword light swept across, shattering Cikun's mind and soul sea. Since then, Cikun, the only Daluo strongman of the Cijiu clan, died and disappeared from the prehistoric world.





At this moment, the whole audience was silent, with disbelief and shock on their faces, and they couldn't believe that the strong Da Luo who could easily kill them with a flip of his hand, actually died like this.

However, they were sluggish, and Qingchen didn't. After beheading Cikun, he couldn't stop and shot quickly. As the divine sword swung, the sword light raged, taking away the lives of a large number of monks.

Splattered with blood, the sudden wailing and strong smell of blood around them made them react, looking at the corpses all over the ground and Qing Chen who was showing off his might.

All the cultivators were terrified, unable to resist at all, someone from the Thorn Dove Clan shouted, turned into a streamer and flew away into the distance.

All of a sudden, light flashes everywhere, and they go in all directions. At this time, no matter who they are, they wish they could grow two legs and escape from this place quickly. Every time they slow down, they will be killed by the sharp sword light.

"Is this the original selfishness of living beings? Are living beings really selfish?"

Qingchen looked at the thornyow clan who ran a little faster than the rest of the casual cultivators, and murmured to himself.

Whether it is that Shikun is his enemy and wants to kill him, or that Shize resists Qingchen's sword with his life alone, or that Shikun still does not forget to protect the remaining clansmen when he attacks and kills him, in the end it is all for The thorn dove family.

Now when Cikun died, the Cijiu clan immediately dispersed and ran for their lives in a panic. Could it be that they were only selfish?
Living beings have selfishness, so they choose to maintain themselves before the great crisis of life and death, but what should be said about the actions of Ci Ze and Ci Kun before, then what will be the explanation for the actions of senior Xuanjun?
No, creatures are selfish, but not only because of their inner selfish desires, maybe because of dormancy, for the future, maybe
The avenue is infinitely mysterious, sometimes even a grain of dust can cause a living being to think about it, and a drop of water can make a monk suddenly enlightened.

Qingchen's spirit enveloped the audience, and he knew every move in the arena like the palm of his hand.For a while, because of the great escape of the Thorn Dove Clan, Qingchen's thoughts sympathized, and he fell into enlightenment unknowingly.

Even so, the movements of Qingchen's hands are still not slow. The soul incarnation sits cross-legged on the twelfth-rank good fortune Qinglian, quietly comprehending and pondering, and waving the Qingmeng Excalibur in his hand one after another. Qian Jianguang flickered out in an instant, rushing to all directions, harvesting the lives of monks one after another.

Brilliant blood sprayed, splashing the blood red of this area like splashing ink, Qingchen's robe was hunting, and the Qingmeng Excalibur in his hand was like a sword dance, which was pleasing to the eye, and an unspeakable rhythm fluctuated between his steps, his temperament seemed to follow The killing is slowly sublimating and transforming.

Blooming and withering of blood flowers, repeated again and again, seems to be endless, Qingchen's temperament is dusty, blood splashes, green clothes are not stained.

It's just that in the eyes of the fleeing cultivators, this scene seemed to be the approach of death, and every step made their hearts tremble.

Except for some monks who fled to the rocky mountains in the wasteland, no one could escape Qingchen's sword. With a single thought, the sword's light reached thousands of miles in an instant. The head flew up, and the blood spurted out. It traced a beautiful trajectory, fell into the air, and shattered .

Even the cultivator of the thornyow family who escaped at the beginning was no exception. With a sword across the air, in the blink of an eye, Qingchen chopped into several pieces like cutting tofu.

A cultivator with sharp eyes found that Qingchen did not chase and kill the creatures who fled to the wasteland and rocky mountain, and ran in after him, perhaps there was a glimmer of life.

Soon other monks also discovered this, and they all fled there one after another, hoping to have a chance to survive.

Qingchen was still killing constantly, and he gradually realized in his heart that when he slaughtered all the cultivators except those who fled to the wasteland and stone mountain, Qingchen stopped and stood up.

The breeze came slowly, with a hint of sweetness and coolness in the blood, Qingchen's eyes suddenly glowed, and then quickly retracted.

At this moment, Qingchen realized, and smiled brilliantly, as if the sun was warming in the rising sun, shining brightly, the ice and snow melted in an instant, and everything was alive.

"All living beings have selfishness, just like the thousands of Taos. Although they have different forms, they all lead to the same goal. They all arise from obsession. There are obsessions in the heart that generate all kinds of lust."

"With obsession in the heart, love is born, and all things thrive!"

"There is obsession in the heart, so love is born. The monks eat the clouds and drink the dew, and hope to live forever."

"The heart has obsessions, so it is selfish, living beings compete with each other, and the way of heaven runs."

"My obsession is for the ultimate avenue, for the sword, and for love!"

 The sea of ​​​​blood is begging, I hope everyone will support it, recommend tickets, monthly tickets, subscriptions, rewards, collections, I hope everyone will support it.There is one more chapter, the sea of ​​blood is going to continue to cheer.

(End of this chapter)

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