Chapter 88
"Sword formation, get up!"

With Xiao Wuchen and Bai Yu shouting loudly, the last mysterious formula in their hands was released, and a murderous sword formation suddenly appeared, trapping a group of monks in the formation space, isolating them from the outside world.

"Despicable and shameless! Hong Yun has the guts to let us out, we will fight it out in an upright manner, what kind of ability is borrowing the formation."

"That's right, what kind of skill is it to rely on two beasts who can't change form to ambush and sneak attack!"

There was a sound of cursing in the formation, followed by roaring sounds, and the monks inside were attacking the formation.

"Hmph! What is the difference between male and female? A group of males insist on distinguishing male and female. When your brain was cultivating, you were squeezed by a cave door or smashed by a meteorite! Now that you have entered this sword formation, it is my home field. I want to go out." Ask the old lady first if she agrees!"

As soon as He Hongyun and Baiyu appeared in the formation, Xiao Wuchen couldn't wait to domineeringly declare that everything here is up to him, and hurled insults at the few monks who were so loud and fierce.

"And you dare to call my old lady a beast. Aren't you just a beast with six legs? You have two more legs than my old lady, and two more legs than ordinary males. If my old lady is a beast, then you Not even a beast."

Xiao Wuchen's words were not astonishing, and he continued to die, his eyes drifted directly over the base of the monk's thighs, and he said with contempt on his face.

The faces of Bai Yu and Hong Yun who were standing beside Xiao Wuchen turned black, and they looked at Xiao Wuchen beside him who was spitting all over the place strangely.

Then Hong Yun glared at Bai Yu directly, and pointed to the sword formation, with an expression that said you were dead.

Bai Yu naturally understood Hong Yun's meaning, wanted to cry but had no tears, her face was bitterer than eating bitter gourd for ten thousand years, and she looked at Xiao Wuchen sadly.

This sword formation was set up by the master himself, with a trace of the master's soul guarding, every move is under the watchful eyes of the master, why don't you have a clue in your mouth, dare to say anything, you are a swindler!
Xiao Wuchen couldn't hear Bai Yu's inner voice, and was still cursing at the group of monks endlessly.

"You said you, can't you just stay in the cave and practice? You just want to come out and wander around. It doesn't matter if you have a low IQ, but you were fooled by the reptiles of the black snake clan to come here to trouble the master. You are too tired of life. !"

"Sneak attack is not a skill, and you have to find some excuse if you are stupid and calculated. Now that you have come in, whoever is so stupid will let you out after you say a few words, and life and death will be separated from you."


"Don't talk nonsense! Kill them, and it will be much easier to break the formation!"


The group of monks were completely enraged by Xiao Wuchen, and frantically killed Xiao Wuchen and the three of them. All kinds of spirit treasures flew all over the sky, setting off a monstrous power.

"Hmph! I'm afraid you will fail!"

Xiao Wuchen snorted coldly, feeling confident, he swung out a spell, and the entire sword formation was in motion, the innate five-element sword light circulated endlessly, constantly being born from the formation, colliding with the spirit treasures that had been bombarded.

One sword light is broken, and several sword lights are added. Even if the spirit treasure is powerful, it can easily smash one sword light, two sword lights, or a hundred sword lights.
But the formation is supplemented by the infinite aura between heaven and earth, and the sword light is endless and continuous. When thousands of sword lights are killed together, a few spirit treasures can't bear it, the aura is dim, and they fly back.



There are casual cultivators coughing up blood, they are richer than the cultivators of the thorn dove clan in the Unable to Formation, and their treasures are scarce, and some spirit treasures that are connected with each other are seriously injured and are backlashed.

"My lord, the Great Five Elements Sword Formation, which is a fusion of the Five Elements Sword Formation and the Nine Palaces Sword Formation, is really powerful. Only the Five Elements Sword Light transformed from the innate sword energy is so powerful."

Bai Yu looked at the innate five-element sword light of the monks who had been killed, his eyes were full of blazing heat, and he thought to himself, as long as the five qi in his body are fully developed, and he advances to the perfect realm of Taiyi Daoguo, he will ask the master to pass on this supernatural power to him. For myself, wouldn't it be difficult for monks of the same level to be rivals in time?

Xiao Wuchen was overjoyed to see that the sword formation was so powerful just after it was in operation, and he was thinking about how to let Qingchen pass the sword formation to himself.



Although the Five Elements Sword Light is very powerful, it has not yet threatened the lives of the few half-step big Luos in the field.

Several people frantically attacked the formation, hoping to break through the formation and escape, otherwise no one knew what would happen after a long time.

The rest of the cultivators were also assisting a few people to bombard the formation, full of resentment in their hearts, they thought that fleeing into the wasteland and rocky mountains would have a chance of life, but when they met the red cloud, they thought that the time would be lucky, but in the end, they left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den, this time they couldn't even run nowhere to go.

"If you want to break through the formation, relying on your wine bags and rice bags, it's a dream!"

Xiao Wuchen sneered, changed the spell in his hand again, tapped the void with his finger, and a river of colorful swords crashed down, sweeping towards the group of monks in a mighty way, and five elements of sword light continued to pour into the river of swords, increasing the number of swords. With the power of the river, the waves soared into the air and slapped down, and the sword intent filled the entire space of the formation.



"I don't want to die!"

Cultivators were constantly being swallowed by Jianhe. In a blink of an eye, there were only about [-] monks, after the five-element sword light and Jianhe's two strikes and killings, only less than a hundred remained to support them.

"See how long you can last!"

The way of swordsmanship is the way of killing and attacking. The death of almost ten thousand monks filled the entire sword formation with evil spirit and greatly increased its power. Following Xiao Wuchen's words, a tiger's howl suddenly resounded in the entire formation.

The invisible sonic impact caught the nearly [-] surviving monks off guard, and they were in a trance for a while. Jianhe fell down suddenly, and some monks were unable to dodge in time, and were swallowed by Jianhe, leaving no bones left.


After another impact, several half-step big Luos were wounded all over their bodies, and they looked sad when they saw that they were the only ones left.

This sword array is isolated from the outside world, they can't absorb spiritual energy, and the mana in their bodies has been wiped out by Jianhe, and there is very little left.


The waves slapped the void, making a loud noise, and Jianhe charged again. A few half-step Daluo watched the surging Jianhe gradually eating away at his body, and regret and resentment flashed in his heart

A big hand that covered the sky suddenly appeared and slapped the formation fiercely.

"Crack! Kick!"

The entire sword array shook, cracking, and the array was covered with spider web-like cracks.


Cultivator Da Luo, who was already in despair, suddenly became excited when he saw this scene. He seemed to see hope, thinking that he didn't have to die here, frantically squeezed the vitality in his body and the power of flesh and blood, and used secret methods to try his best to get out of the sword river Escaped and flew into the sky above the formation.


There was a light hey in the air, and then another palm fell, coming towards the Great Five Elements Sword Formation.

The faces of the three of Hongyun were ashen, seeing which palm the formation was not broken, they were about to breathe a sigh of relief when they saw another palm coming, their hearts immediately raised their throats, and they had better be prepared to escape at any time.

"Want to go! It's not that easy!"

Seeing the movements of those monks, Xiao Wuchen's eyes turned cold, and he waved the seal in his hand, running the formation to the extreme, trying to compete with that big hand to see if the formation was broken first, or those monks die first.


Like a raging dragon, Jianhe roared and rushed towards those monks. The entire space of the formation burst into the void, and the sword intent was overwhelming.



After all, it was Xiao Wuchen who took a quick step. Before the big hand slapped on the formation, Jianhe engulfed and strangled those monks, and then shattered.

 There are two more chapters, and the sea of ​​​​blood is going to cheer, and I hope everyone will support it!

(End of this chapter)

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