Chapter 96

"So what if it's true? So what if it's not? I'm tired of you hypocritical guys."

Xuanyou looked at Xuanhua coldly, and shouted.

"Xuanyou, if you really want to get involved in the affairs of our several lines and Cang Ming's line, you should think it through clearly?"

The great elder of the Xuanwu clan said in a hostile manner.


Xuanyou said in a cold voice.

With a direct shot, with a wave of the sleeve robe, all the big Luos in the field were covered, and with a light tap of the show finger, blossoming holy lotus flowers appeared suddenly, spinning continuously, exuding endless killing intent, the space was shattered into pieces, seven A huge black hole formed in an instant, and the endless devouring power surged, sweeping towards the seven powerful men of the Xuanwu clan, including Xuanxu, who were in the perfect state of Daoguo.

"Xuanyou, how dare you underestimate us, you will have to pay the price this time!"

"Hmph! Xuanyou, you will definitely pay the price for your arrogance."

Xuan Xu and the others who were surrounded by the black hole in space roared angrily, unleashing magical powers one after another, the innate spirit treasure radiated brilliance and murderous intent.

"Transformation!" Xuan Xu yelled softly, and sacrificed a picture scroll of the top innate spirit treasure level. On it, thousands of seas rushed, and the waves soared into the sky, turning into basalt roaring towards the sky and rushing towards the deep black hole.

"Roar!" The great elder of the Xuanwu clan danced imperceptibly with the Nine Snakes Coiling Dragon Staff, the power of the top innate spirit treasure was released, one stick after another, the shadow of the staff all over the sky was incomparably domineering, facing the dark and faint The hole swung away.

"Hiss! Senior Xuanyou actually plans to fight seven with one!"

Qingchen was horrified, he didn't expect this senior Xuanyou to be so domineering, as soon as he made a move, he directly planned to make a move.




The area covered by the black hole roared endlessly, spiritual light flickered, shocking power erupted unceasingly, and thrilling waves came out, causing the void to completely collapse.

Holding the Qingmeng Excalibur tightly, Qingchen was secretly vigilant, the sea of ​​souls was rolling and spinning, and an extremely terrifying force was secretly accumulating, ready to strike at all times.

Once the black hole is completely shattered, Xuanyou will compete with the seven Daluo powerhouses. When the situation is not good, Qingchen will strike without hesitation and give them a powerful blow by surprise.



The black hole continued to shatter and disintegrate under the mad attack of several Da Luo Dao Guo Consummation Realm powerhouses.

"Hmph! It's not that easy to come out."

Xuanyou's beautiful eyes are cold, wide sleeves are waving, and white lotus flowers like jade fly out one after another, floating in the mid-air of the hall, crystal clear, and then as Xuanyou's sleeve robe is swept away, thousands of white jade lotus flowers follow the mysterious trajectory Fly to Xuanxu and the others.


A series of illusory light beams appeared, connecting thousands of lotus flowers, and then gradually solidified, sealing off that area.


Thousands of lotus flowers roared in unison, bursting and exploding, like tens of thousands of nuclear bombs exploding together, destroying the sky and destroying the earth. The entire vast Xuanwu Hall, except for the place where Xuanyou and Qingchen were standing, was completely annihilated.

"Ah! Xuanyou, the old man will not let you go!"

"Damn the splash!"

The hall is filled with endless and violent space power, a mighty torrent hits the void, engulfing Xuan Xu and the others who have just escaped from the black hole, the infinite space power is violent and violent, like an indestructible sharp blade cutting their bodies and souls , making them miserable, cursing viciously, attacking this torrent with all their might.

"Space turbulence!"

Qingchen exclaimed, shocked by Xuanyou's powerful strength, it's unbelievable that Xuanyou could provoke such a tyrannical attack so easily.

Spatial turbulence contains violent and terrifying power of space, the smallest one can easily kill a strong man in the early stage of Daoguo, if it is large enough, it will be a strong man in the perfect state of Daoguo who perfectly controls the Dao All are in danger of falling.

Seeing Xuanxu who was trapped in the turbulent space, struggling to attack Xuanxu and the others who were struggling, and Xuanyou beside him with a calm face, Qingchen's eyes revealed an unprecedented desire for strength.

This kind of cultivator who waved his hands and locked the perfect state of Daluo Daoguo, looked down on all the strong, and his detachment from everything caused Qingchen Heart Lake to set off huge waves, which could not be calm for a long time.

"Xuanyou, let us out quickly, or we won't let you go!"

Xuanhua was surrounded by the endless power of space in the turbulent flow of space, his whole body was covered in blood and scars, and he yelled threats viciously.

Xuanhua's threat to Xuanyou didn't take it to heart at all, when he decided to make a move, he had already thought it through clearly, to shake Xuanyou's heart with just one or two threats, in the eyes of Qingchen and Xuanyou, it was simply ridiculous.


Suddenly, Xuanyou retreated hundreds of feet.

Qingchen has been secretly guarding, even though Xuanxu and Xuanhua have been suppressed by Xuanyou, their nerves are still tense. Before the dust settles, Qingchen dare not relax in the slightest.

Hearing Xuanyou's reminder, Qingchen's water movement technique was running to the extreme, as fast as lightning, and moved horizontally in one direction without hesitation.


Qingchen and Xuanyou collapsed from where they were standing, dust and sand rose up, and a huge deep pit appeared, from which incomparably terrifying power spilled out.

Qingchen exclaimed inwardly that he was lucky, glad that he escaped fast enough, just a trace of the overflowing power made Qingchen's scalp tingle, his back tightened, and he felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart.

Two old men with disheveled white hair appeared in the main hall, one was wearing a blue Taoist robe, with a cold light in his eyes, confronting Xuan You who was separated from the air, the two unexpected auras collided, shaking the whole Xuanwu hall.


Another old man in a yellow Taoist robe stepped forward and came to the area where Xuanxu and the others were trapped. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the void, and a little divine light appeared. , like a strange beast raised by the old man, slowly flowing against the old man's arm.

"go with!"

The old man waved his hand lightly, and the vast space turbulently flowed back and forth, submerging into the void and disappearing.

As the turbulent flow of space receded like a tide, the figures of Xuanxu and the others appeared. Seeing the old man in front of them, Xuanxu and the others hurried forward and said respectfully: "Meet the ancestor!"


The old man in the yellow Taoist robe nodded, then turned around and came to the old man in the blue robe, with a cold and cold voice, he said to the serious Xuanyou, "What do you want?"

"The Xuanwu God Seal should return to the Cangming lineage."

Xuanyou's momentum was like a rainbow, and she spoke firmly.

"No! The two patriarchs can't!"

After Xuanxu saw Xuanyou say this, the two elders were silent, they didn't refuse immediately, they said hastily.

"Ancestor, no way!"

Several other people are also in a hurry. The Xuanwu God Seal has many secrets of the Xuanwu clan. They all have more or less conflicts with the Cangming clan, and they have interests involved, so they are united to prevent Xuanwu from Shenyin returned to Cangming's lineage, if the two ancestors agree, then their previous sufferings will be in vain, their interests will be damaged, and all calculations and plans will be in vain.

"What's wrong, this Xuanwu God seal belongs to my Cangming lineage, and now that I'm back, it's justifiable that my Cangming lineage will be in charge again."

The void vibrated slightly, with ripples, a young Taoist wearing a Taoist robe of blue sky and wrathful sea suddenly appeared in the hall, smiled at Qingchen, and came to Xuanyou's side.

"You broke through!"

The old man in the blue Taoist robe was taken aback when he felt the breath fluctuations from the young Taoist priest.

"Sitting quietly for thousands of years, you will finally realize something!" The young Taoist said with some emotion.

The words of the young Taoist fell into the ears of Xuanxu and the others, which directly changed their expressions, and they looked at the young Taoist in horror, with a look of fear on their faces.

The old man in yellow robe shrank his pupils and let out a long sigh, "The Xuanwu God Seal has returned to Cang Ming's lineage, and this matter is over, so I don't need to say more."

After the old man finished speaking, he left with the green robed old man without even looking at Xuanxu and the others.

"Let's go!"

The young Taoist nodded to Xuanyou and said, then rolled up Qingchen, took Xuanyou out of the hall, and shot towards a distant island.

 Chapter 3 is released today, and I hope you will support me a lot. The basket is ready, and please feel free to deliver it. Recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, subscriptions, collections, all comers are welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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