Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 107 Life and Death Matter, Ye Shuo Appears

Chapter 107 Life and Death Matter, Ye Shuo Appears
Jian Xue never dreamed that Mo Qingxuan understood this kind of mental attack.

"Ah..." Jianxue didn't have time to defend herself, so she squatted down with her head in her arms.

All of Mo Qingxuan's attack power attacked Jian Xue's mind.

This mental attack has nothing to do with your own strength, because it is your Nascent Soul and brain that are attacked. If you are not careful, if you suffer from a mental attack, it will cause a mental disorder if it is small, and it will directly cripple your mind if it is serious.

So the mental attack of this alchemist is also extremely terrifying.

Mo Qingxuan almost exhausted all her strength to urge this attack. She was attacking Jian Xue with all her strength, but Jian Shuang was also affected a little.

Because of the lack of alchemists on the mainland, the immortals have long neglected the Nascent Soul defense.

That's why there were consequences like today. Even though Mo Qingxuan's strength was so low, he could severely injure them. However, with strong strength, there is a strong defense force, and his own strength is still the most important.

Mo Qingxuan watched the blow with satisfaction, while Jian Xue kept rolling on the ground with her head in her arms.

Jian Shuang also ignored Mo Qingxuan, and walked directly to Jian Xue.

"Third sister! Third sister!"

Jianshuang couldn't bear the pain of Jianxue, so she knocked her out with a palm, and she didn't know what kind of person Jianxue would wake up to.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mo Qingxuan naturally chose to run away, so she wouldn't just wait for the opponent to come and kill her.

It took a while for Jianshuang to find out, so she hurried after her.

On Gu Yueyuan's side, he was about to fight fiercely with the sword wind.

Jianfeng is also a person who crawled out of the dead, so his strength is naturally not weak.

"Gu Yueyuan, do you have this strength?" Jianfeng still kept mocking, he believed that the aggressive method would make Gu Yueyuan lose his own strength, and delay time again.

He didn't know that Jianxue had no attack power now, and Jianshuang was searching for Mo Qingxuan all over the street.

Gu Yueyuan was really angry when she heard this. The two of them originally had a particularly strong hatred, so it was inevitable that Jian Feng would make her heart become impetuous.

It was rare for Jianfeng to find such an opportunity. Although he was seriously injured, he still dealt a heavy blow to Gu Yueyuan.

Injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injuring eight hundred!
Jianfeng, this is true, life for life.

Only then did Gu Yueyuan realize that he had been fooled, adjusted his state slightly, and attacked Jianfeng again with one blow.

Because of his injury, Jianfeng's movements became slow, and Gu Yueyuan couldn't dodge this blow at all.

A heavy palm hit Jianfeng's chest directly, and Jianfeng fell to the ground in response.

A layer of dust kicked up from the ground.

For a while, Jianfeng didn't get up.

"Jianfeng, didn't you get killed by the blow of the old man? Don't pretend, get up and fight with the old man again!" Gu Yueyuan has always been worried about what Jianfeng said just now, now that he has this opportunity, how can he Will give up easily.

"Jianfeng, you shrinking turtle, are you scared!"

After waiting for a while, Jianfeng still did not move.

"Not good!" Gu Yueyuan yelled secretly, and went straight down, only to find that Jian Feng was no longer here.

However, the sword wind shed some blood along the way, and Gu Yueyuan chased after the blood.

Ye Shuo was flying all over the sky, Gu Yueyuan was in the south of the city, and Mo Qingxuan was in the north of the city, so it was a bit troublesome to find it.

Finally, Ye Shuo sensed some fighting movements, so he immediately swept over there. The place Ye Shuo went was the place where Jian Xue and Mo Qingxuan fought just now.

Ye Shuo did not find Mo Qingxuan here, but he found Jian Xue lying on the side.

"Hmph, you all have to pay with your life!"

Ye Shuo mercilessly stomped on Jian Xue's neck.


The neck was directly smashed, and the body and head were moved.

But it didn't seem to be over yet, Ye Shuo stepped on Jian Xue's chest again, and Yuan Ying couldn't let it go!
When doing this, Ye Shuo didn't even blink his eyes. Mo Qingxuan was his back-liner, and anyone who bullied Mo Qingxuan would die without a place to die.

Sometimes Ye Shuo became ruthless, and no one could compare to him. His former reputation was not just talk, it was painted with the blood of countless people.

Ye Shuo had no choice but to keep searching.

"Qingxuan, you must be fine!"

Mo Qingxuan had already left Guyue City at this time, and Guyue became a mountain. Where there were some forests, Mo Qingxuan hid in. At this time, the baby was coming soon.

As soon as Mo Qingxuan stepped in, Jianshuang followed behind.

Jianshuang began to look for it carefully, but he didn't dare to be careless, while protecting his Nascent Soul, if Mo Qingxuan came again, it would be over.

"Little girl, don't hide, I know you're here." Jianshuang lured her with words while looking around.

At this time, Mo Qingxuan was hiding in a bush, and when she heard Jianshuang's voice, she couldn't help feeling flustered, and her heart speed slowly started to pick up.

Suddenly, a paw came up from behind.

"Ah!" Mo Qingxuan immediately covered her mouth, and when she looked back, it turned out that the baby had arrived.

Mo Qingxuan hugged the baby directly, she was really scared.

But Mo Qingxuan's cry just now had already attracted Jianshuang.

"Let me find you, little girl, come out and die. If you want to blame, you will be the one who maimed the third sister. I have to take your head back to make her happy." Jian Shuang continued, continuing to seduce Mo Mo Qing Xuan.

Mo Qingxuan in the bushes looked at Jianshuang who was getting closer and closer, and felt overwhelmed, don't worry about it, let's fight!

Mo Qingxuan made eye contact with the baby.

Mo Qingxuan's mental strength naturally did not recover so quickly, but he could barely launch an attack.

Jianshuang still walked slowly, paying attention to the wind and grass around her.

Suddenly, another old routine, a mental attack!

However, Jianshuang had already taken precautions and protected Yuan Ying.

"Haha, little girl, I didn't expect that. I've already prepared myself. Your method is no longer effective. I don't believe that you can use your mental attack for a third time!" Jian Shuang laughed.


Suddenly a huge impact hit Jianshuang. Jianshuang had already put all her energy on protecting the Nascent Soul, so she couldn't escape the impact of the baby.

Jianshuang was hit directly.

"Don't you know that I have a trick?" Mo Qingxuan stood up with a smile, and immediately rushed towards Jianshuang.

Jian Shuang was also a master, and it didn't take long for her to realize that Mo Qingxuan's blow was simply tickling.

Jian Shuang patted Mo Qingxuan directly, and Mo Qingxuan was sent flying a few feet away.

The baby roared and rushed towards Jianshuang.

"That's right, it's actually a spirit beast that can be repaired." Jianshuang saw the baby's strength at a glance, "But it's not enough!"

Jian Shuang slapped the baby away with one palm, and walked slowly towards Mo Qingxuan.

Seeing Jianshuang getting closer to Mo Qingxuan, the baby continued to rush towards Jianshuang regardless of the pain, but was slapped away mercilessly.

"Baby..." Looking at these scenes, Mo Qingxuan cried out heart-piercingly.

At this time, Jianshuang had already arrived.

"Baby, don't, let's go!" Mo Qingxuan cried weakly.

Jianshuang had already raised the sword in her hand, ready to slash at Mo Qingxuan, when a voice suddenly appeared.

"Anyone who offends me, die!"

(End of this chapter)

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