Chapter 112 Leave Alone, Go Alone
Gu Yueyuan seemed to have already known the outcome, and he thought so too. Now that the Gu Yue family is stable, he doesn't want to have anything to do with such a peerless master.

Because, the Gu Yue family has nothing good enough to satisfy Ye Shuo. If Ye Shuo's anger is aroused, the Gu Yue family will collapse.

This Gu Yueyuan also considered Zhou Dao, Zhengchou had no reason to drive Ye Shuo away, this was just right.

"Mr. Ye Shuo, I need your help during this time." Gu Yueyuan smiled, "The Gu Yue family doesn't have anything to entertain Mr. Ye Shuo. I hope Mr. Ye Shuo will forgive me."

Hearing what Gu Yueyuan said, Mo Qingxuan understood in his heart that these two people seemed to have hooked up a long time ago, but everything was going on in secret.

Ye Shuo smiled slightly and turned to leave without saying a word.

"What's the hurry, I'm not in a hurry to sit here for a while." Mo Qingxuan said suddenly.

Now is also the time to ask about Gu Yueyuan's Mozheng, but now it seems that the Gu Yue family will not exist, because Ye Shuo has lied to himself from the beginning.

The secret of the Gu Yue family's immortal artifacts should also be a lie, right?
But what does Ye Shuo want from Gu Yue's family?

As soon as Ye Shuo stepped out, he stopped, and was surprised that Mo Qingxuan would call him back.

"Qingxuan, what's the matter?"

"If I told you to sit down, just sit down. Where did you talk so much nonsense!" Mo Qingxuan said that she didn't have a good face, and said that she would make do with herself anyway.

Ye Shuo naturally sat down.

"Patriarch Gu Yue, if Qingxuan has something to ask here, I hope Patriarch Gu Yue will let you know." Mo Qingxuan's tone became respectful.

"Oh? Miss Mo, just ask if you have anything. As long as the old man knows, I will tell you."

"I wonder if the Gu Yue family can tell you if the Gu Yue family has a fairy weapon." Mo Qingxuan asked seriously, she kept staring at Gu Yueyuan.

Neither Gu Yueyuan nor Ye Shuo expected that Mo Qingxuan would suddenly ask this question.

This also made Gu Yueyuan into trouble, whether to say it or not.

However, Ye Shuo thought that Mo Qingxuan was getting smarter about some things, and some things he would not say at first.

"Immortal Artifact? Miss Mo is talking about the Nine Great Immortal Artifacts?" Gu Yueyuan asked aloud, looking at Ye Shuo from the corner of her eye.

Gu Yueyuan found that Ye Shuo didn't have any waves.

"Of course." Mo Qingxuan already had some expectations.

"Hehe, Miss Mo, there are records in our family that the Gu Yue family has a fairy artifact called Mo Zheng, but it has been lost for a long time, so the current Gu Yue family can't find that Mo Zheng. " Gu Yueyuan said naturally.

Gu Yueyuan will naturally keep that secret, that is, the matter of giving Mo Zheng to you Ye Shuo.

"Oh, so that's the case, thank you to the Gu Yue family." Mo Qingxuan was still a little disappointed in her heart, it was really difficult to find something without a direction.

But Mo Qingxuan also learned from Gu Yueyuan's mouth that this family really has immortal artifacts, so give him Mo Qingxuan a direction.

It was late at night, and the three of them dispersed.

When leaving, Mo Qingxuan asked Gu Yueyuan for some medicinal materials, and Mo Qingxuan didn't ask for nothing, Mo Qingxuan would give some pills as a reward.

Gu Yueyuan said that he would send someone there early in the morning.

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Yue Yuanbiao asked someone to send double the medicinal materials. Although he didn't know what kind of pill Mo Qingxuan was practicing, but the Gu Yue family had enough pills to collect there.

Mo Qingxuan just wanted to refine some Huiqi Pills, and Mo Qingxuan was ready to leave the Gu Yue family, so naturally he needed some money, and this pill could just be exchanged for money.

Xiao Yin was eating something like a jelly bean, which was refined from the soul fruit that Gu Yueyuan gave him for the second time.

According to what Xiao Yin said, the effect of eating the soul fruit for the second time is definitely not as good as the first time. It might be better to refine it one by one and eat it as jelly beans, which may be more effective.

What Xiao Yin said is also reasonable, there is a saturation in the absorption, and it is a waste to eat it, it is better to take it slowly.

This time, Mo Qingxuan planned to complete all the steps of alchemy alone.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't wait to start alchemy.

This time Qi Pill is just a first-grade pill, so it is not complicated to refine.

It also happened to be used as a elixir for Mo Qingxuan to practice, so it couldn't be more suitable.

Half an hour later, there was a bang, indicating that Mo Qingxuan had exploded the furnace, and the first refining failed.

After destroying three batches of medicinal materials, Mo Qingxuan was able to refine only one elixir that was not like an elixir.

"Mother, it's not bad. You can produce a semi-finished product in the first refining." Xiao Yin encouraged from the side.

"Hey." Mo Qingxuan sighed, this alchemy is indeed not an easy task, "you should come, Xiao Yin."

Mo Qingxuan couldn't bear to waste any more medicinal materials, so he called Xiao Yinshang. After all, these were all entanglements, and when the entanglements were enough, it would not be too late to refine them slowly on the way.

After several hours of hard work, Xiao Yin impressively refined the remaining elixir into a bottle of slowly recovering qi elixir.

About thirty or so.

Now, it's time to say goodbye to them.

"Qingxuan, do you have to go?"

What Mo Qingxuan didn't expect was that Ye Shuo was the first person Mo Qingxuan looked for, and she didn't know why.

"En." Mo Qingxuan nodded.

"Can't I follow you?"

"No, Ye Shuo, if you dare to follow me, I'll never talk to you again." Mo Qingxuan's tone couldn't help but accentuate, she really didn't like this kind of restraint.

"it is good."

Seeing Ye Shuo nodding, Mo Qingxuan knew in her heart that Ye Shuo would definitely not come. What she admired was Ye Shuo's daring personality.

After that, Mo Qingxuan left without even saying goodbye.

Looking at Mo Qingxuan's back, Ye Shuo didn't know what to do.

When Xuan Zhuo heard that Mo Qingxuan was going to leave, he also tried his best to persuade him to stay. He himself was planning to stay in the Gu Yue family, and he wanted to accompany Gu Yue Lingling.

He waited for Gu Yue Lingling to become an alchemist before marrying her.

Mo Qingxuan didn't say why he left, but said that he wanted to go for a walk, and would come back to Gu Yue City to meet him again if he had the opportunity.

Xuan Zhuo didn't try to keep him anymore, he knew that Mo Qingxuan's character couldn't be kept.

There is no permanent feast in the world, and it is time to say goodbye.

"Gu Yueyuan's family, thank you for taking care of me during this time, this is something new." Mo Qingxuan left ten qi recovery pills for Gu Yueyuan, which is generous enough for Mo Qingxuan.

"Miss Mo will definitely need money a lot during this journey, so let's treat the 100 taels of gold as money." Gu Yueyuan took out a package from one side and handed it to Mo Qingxuan.

"Then I would like to thank Patriarch Gu Yue."

"I have something else here, I think Miss Mo will be interested." Mo Qingxuan took out a jade document from Qiankun's eyes.

"Oh?" Mo Qingxuan felt puzzled, when did this Gu Yueyuan become so generous.

"This is an invitation letter. Do you still remember the arbitration meeting I told you about? This time they will hold an auction in the western capital, and it will start in more than ten days."

This way, Mo Qingxuan knew the direction he should go, and that was the Western Capital City.

The sun had already slanted, and Mo Qingxuan and the baby had already walked outside the city.

After all, alone, on the road alone.

"However, it's good to have you, baby, thank you for being with me all the time."

"Yeah, there's me too, mother."

"You talk too much."

These are three little friends, and they went away with cheers all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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