Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 119 Paradise, an island within an island

Chapter 119 Paradise, an island within an island
Cangshan is emerald, a land of lush green forests.

Pieces of tall forests, dense shrubs and grasses grow wildly in this area, and all kinds of monsters dominate here.

This is Tongxian Cliff, the forbidden area of ​​Huazong.

Although it is a beautiful place, it has to be said to be a beautiful trap.

Behind the trap is the lesson of blood.

But there are many opportunities hidden here, as long as you are brave enough, as long as you are lucky enough, then you can become a peerless strong person when you walk out of here.

Hua Qingchen has been here for a few days, and this is what every Huazong core disciple has to experience.


Another fierce tiger attacked Hua Qingchen, Hua Qingchen was exhausted and unable to resist.

Seeing the tiger getting closer and closer, Hua Qingchen closed her eyes.

The tiger leaped and rushed towards Hua Qingchen.

In an instant, Hua Qingchen slammed together and punched the tiger's jaw.

This punch exhausted all of Hua Qingchen's strength.

The tiger fell directly into the bushes on one side and let out a miserable cry.

Hua Qingchen lay powerless, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This Tongxian Cliff is indeed an extremely dangerous area, but Hua Qingchen doesn't understand, where is the opportunity that the master said?

There is only danger, but no wealth.


"not good!"

Soon after speaking, Hua Qingchen suddenly turned her body to one side, and the tiger's claws tore through the place where Hua Qingchen was lying.

"You bastard! Your life is still tough!" Hua Qingchen scolded angrily.

Enduring the pain, he stood up and met the tiger's eyes.

The fierce tiger had already been beaten to the bone by Hua Qingchen just now, and the infinite fighting spirit was revealed in his eyes.

At this moment, Hua Qingchen is no match for this tiger, and it is a tiger that regards him as a prey without thinking!
Now Hua Qingchen was a little flustered, how to do this, one mistake could become a delicacy in the tiger's mouth.

The steps under her feet couldn't help but move, Hua Qingchen looked at the tiger and felt hairy, and really wanted to run away.

Hua Qingchen tightly held the jade slip in his hand, as long as he exerted more force, someone would come to rescue him.

This jade slip was specially processed. In order to prevent emergency accidents for the disciples who came in to practice, the senior officials of the Huazong would send a message back to the Huazong as soon as they were crushed, and someone would come to rescue them.

Hua Qingchen was very tangled in her heart.

If you go out like this, you will definitely be laughed to death, how will you get along in Huazong Gai in the future.

He is powerless to stay here, he is really too tired, the immortal energy in his body has been exhausted.

Hua Qingchen looked around from the corner of his eye, there were endless trees on one side, and a clump of bushes on the other side, behind the bushes was still a tree, and behind the bushes, Hua Qingchen didn't dare to look back.

If the tiger rushed over at this time, it would really be powerless.

"do not care!"

Hua Qingchen had already made up her mind, and wanted to go directly to the tree, and as soon as she turned around, she was about to walk forward.

But the tiger had already noticed Hua Qingchen's movements, so he rushed over there first...


Hua Qingchen's voice spread throughout the mountain.

It turned out that although Hua Qingchen was heading in that direction, she did use her strength to climb forward, but her body fell backwards and fell into the bush.

Originally, he wanted to deceive that fierce tiger once, but Hua Qingchen didn't expect that after one wave was not over, another wave would rise quietly.

Under the bushes, there is an empty canyon, Hua Qingchen just fell down...


A gust of cold water covered Hua Qingchen, Hua Qingchen could hardly breathe, and the cold current was particularly turbulent.

Cold and exhausted, Hua Qingchen slowly passed out and let the drift away...

I don't know how long it took, Hua Qingchen heard the sound of the sea breeze in a daze, trying to open his eyes with difficulty, Hua Qingchen felt that his whole body was falling apart.

"Am I still alive..."

Hua Qingchen struggled to stand up, this place seemed to be an island, he only remembered that after falling into the valley, he found himself falling into the water, and then he was unconscious.

As if she was washed to the shore by the water, Hua Qingchen looked down at a stone under her feet.

It seems that the soreness on his body is related to this stone, Hua Qingchen couldn't help kicking hard to vent his unhappiness.


Hua Qingchen lifted one foot up, and let out a miserable cry.

Why are you kicking so hard!It's really self-inflicted!
Holding her injured foot, Hua Qingchen couldn't even stand still, jumping around in place, like a clown acting.

However, the scene behind it surprised Hua Qingchen...

I saw a boundless ocean in front of me, and a majestic mountain was standing there far, far away.

The peak is very high, and the cliff face is almost vertical.

Hua Qingchen looked at the mountain with a very familiar look, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"Tongxian Cliff!"

Hua Qingchen was horrified, isn't that mountain the Huazong's Tongxian Cliff!

How could it be possible to float here after looking so far away, and such a small island has never been found near Penglai Island.

Hua Qingchen began to pay attention to it, could this be the adventure that the master said?

Hua Qingchen began to look around the island to see if there was anything that would excite her.

It took more than an hour for Hua Qingchen to walk around the island, it doesn't look very big.

It's just a matter of going to the mountain in the middle of the island.

Gradually, Hua Qingchen felt something strange, he found that there seemed to be something attracting him on this mountain, and Hua Qingchen began to climb up the mountain slowly.

On top of that hill, there is a palace.

On the plaque in front of the palace gate are the big seal characters of the fourth elder brother flying and dancing.

"The Temple of Fallen Wood."

Hua Qingchen muttered a few words in a low voice, suddenly there were bells ringing all around.

Hua Qingchen was startled, and unavoidably took a few steps back.

"Is there a ghost in here?"


The bell was ringing around in this area, Hua Qingchen felt extremely uncomfortable listening to the bell.

The melody filled the brain over and over again, like Sanskrit sounds, and also like regular music.

"Damn place!" Hua Qingchen wanted to leave, because this place made him suffer.

But his footsteps were as heavy as a thousand catties, and he couldn't move forward at all.



Hua Qingchen knelt down heavily, the mountain range trembled, and his roar shook the forest.

The bell sounded more and more quickly, and Hua Qingchen found that he couldn't move at all, as if he was fixed in that place.

You can't stand up, and you can't fall down.

Kneeling like that, like a pious old monk offering salvation to a soul.

Slowly, slowly, pictures began to appear in front of Hua Qingchen's eyes, as if in a dream, scenes passed by in front of him.

Hua Qingchen murmured softly, but she didn't know what she was talking about.

He looked very sad, and tears slowly flowed from his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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