Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 125 Wanted in the whole city, kill without mercy

Chapter 125 Wanted in the whole city, kill without mercy
"How is it possible? Why does it feel like it has entered the Demon King rank all of a sudden." This was Amu's last thought when he was shot flying.

"Mother, let's go!"

"But that Chu..." Mo Qingxuan still wanted to kill Chu Feiyu in the past, so as not to leave hidden dangers behind.

"Mother, it's too late."

After saying that, the baby hunched over Mo Qingxuan, and quickly headed towards the dense forest.

Mo Qingxuan didn't leave for a while, but Amu struggled to get up.

The blow just now was very terrifying. If Amu hadn't used all his immortal power to protect the meridians, otherwise he would have fallen at this time.

He just couldn't figure out why that leopard suddenly had such terrifying strength.

Inquiring around, Amu found that Mo Qingxuan was no longer there, but a long bloodstain stretched into the jungle.

"Let me just say, how could it be possible to be so strong without paying any price." Amu murmured, "No, young master!"

Amu hurriedly looked aside, seeing Chu Feiyu lying there safely, he was slightly relieved.

If this Chu Feiyu had three games and two mistakes, then he would have to follow suit.

Walking over with trembling steps, Amu carried Chu Feiyu on his back. It is better to get him back first, if Mo Qingxuan returns to the carbine, it will not be worth the loss.

The baby flew away with Mo Qingxuan on its back, and its speed became slower and slower.

"Baby, what's wrong with you? Put me down quickly." Hearing the baby's rapid breathing, Mo Qingxuan vaguely felt something was wrong.

Finally, the baby took a few steps forward tremblingly, then fell to the ground.

"Ah..." Mo Qingxuan burst into tears, "What's wrong with you, baby."

Mo Qingxuan hugged the baby's head away from her chest, and gently stroked the baby's body with her hands, a wave of heat spread to her hands.

Taking a closer look, Mo Qingxuan found that her hands were covered in blood, and the baby was seriously injured.

It's no wonder that the baby has been fighting with Amu for so long, and later he used some method to improve his strength, and took Mo Qingxuan for such a long distance.

"Baby... what's wrong with you?" Mo Qingxuan asked in a crying voice.

"Mother...I'm fine..." The baby said weakly.

"You tell mother what's going on." Mo Qingxuan's heart ached so much that she had already treated the baby as if it were her own child. The baby's body was bleeding, and Mo Qingxuan's heart was also bleeding.


It turned out that the baby had used the power left in it by Ye Shuo of Gu Yue's family, and forced it to have the current result.

No wonder Ye Shuo reminded it to be used with caution, and not to use it unless absolutely necessary.

"That bastard Ye Shuo, why are you still haunted!" Mo Qingxuan gritted her teeth with hatred, she blamed all these faults on Ye Shuo.

"Mother, don't blame Ye Shuo's father, he is also..."

"Don't call him father!" Mo Qingxuan interrupted, "Okay, forget about that broom star, I'll get you some water."

Although Mo Qingxuan hated Ye Shuo so much, she was still a little relieved in her heart. She never thought that she would keep such a deal with Ye Shuo.

However, the account of hurting the baby must not be let go!

Although the baby was very sad, even if it was only seven or eight years old, it could see Mo Qingxuan's duplicity, so it couldn't help but smile, and then passed out.

When Mo Qingxuan came back from fetching water from the nearby lake, she found that the baby had passed out, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

It's useless to go around in a hurry. Although Mo Qingxuan is an alchemist herself, I'm afraid this experience...

"That's right! Xiao Yin!" Mo Qingxuan patted his head, only to remember that there was such a thing in his body, "Xiao Yin, come out!"

"Yawn!" Xiao Yin yawned, obviously just woke up from a dream, "Mother..."

"Oh, you lazy boy, come here and take a look at the baby's injuries."

"Hiss..." Xiao Yin took a few breaths, "Why is it so serious?"

"What should I do!" Mo Qingxuan asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, mother, let's find a safe place first."

"But, how can I lift the baby..." Mo Qingxuan looked at Xiao Yin not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Look at me, mother!"

I don't know what kind of trick that Xiao Yin used, but he directly got the baby into the air.

Mo Qingxuan was very surprised, but it was too late to ask, maybe the pursuers were right behind.

Not long after, Mo Qingxuan found a hidden cave.

Mo Qingxuan took out a moon stone. She bought it when she first came to Xiducheng and thought it was a rare thing. She didn't expect it to be of great use now.

Immediately, the cave was lit up.

The cave is just the right size, and the entrance is small and hidden.

"Mother, let's go pick some herbs next, to help baby sister heal her wounds."

This little Yin was really reliable at critical moments, and Mo Qingxuan turned around and looked at the baby with distress.

"Don't worry, baby, mother will definitely cure you."

Amu exhausted the last bit of strength before carrying Chu Feiyu back to Xidu City.

Fortunately, the soldiers guarding the city found out, otherwise these two people might not be discovered until the next day.

Knowing that his son was seriously injured, Chu Ba, the lord of Xidu City, who was originally protecting his shortcomings, was naturally very angry, and vowed to dig three feet to find Mo Qingxuan.

Early the next morning, Mo Qingxuan's portrait was posted in every corner of the Western Capital City, and it was written with a high bonus.

Mo Qingxuan is wanted!

"Old man Chen, ask the people in your auction site to pay more attention to that female doll, and notify me as soon as you find it." Jian Yunchen said in a noncommittal tone.

Seeing Jian Yunchen's attitude, Elder Chen was also shocked, but it's been a long time since he saw old man Chen like this.

"Old Jane, who is this girl, why do you attach so much importance to it?" Elder Chen still couldn't help asking.

"You really want to know?" Jian Yunchen smiled playfully.


"She is the man in black robe!"

"What!" Elder Chen was shocked, and it took him a while to recover, "Could it be you..."

"Well, she's the second one." Jian Yunchen interrupted.

Elder Chen swallowed, and realized that he had done an unwise thing.

"It seems that Chu Ba has hit the iron plate this time." Elder Chen naturally knew that what he just said was of great importance, so he changed the topic casually.

"Hehe, you'd better ask your people to pay attention, your share of benefits is indispensable to you." Jian Yunchen picked up a cup of tea and sipped it slightly, "Today's Longjing tastes good."

"Sweet and mellow."



No one knew what the two strange old men were laughing at.

The wanted news started to spread in the Western Capital City. Countless people went to the Western Capital Mountains outside the Western Capital City to see if they could meet Mo Qingxuan who was hiding.

The reason why people are used instead of those ant beasts is because Mo Qingxuan's luck is very good. He happened to walk out of the territory of the ant queen, so those ant beasts also lost their effect.

At this moment, Mo Qingxuan was in the cave, and the entrance of the cave was blocked by Mo Qingxuan.

Those people outside wanted to find Mo Qingxuan, it was as difficult as climbing the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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