Chapter 145 Second Grade Elixir, Detoxification Pill
Mo Qingxuan went there without hesitation, a long sword was condensed in her hand.

But that Ao Gen's strength is not low, how could such a thing happen.

After a while, Mo Qingxuan came to Ao Gen's side, and saw that his leg was bitten by a dog, and Ao Gen's lips were already black.

It was actually a second-grade sky poisonous bamboo snake.

Although the grade of this snake is very low, its toxicity is extremely high.

Sky Poisonous Bamboo Snake has an extremely small body and likes dark and humid places. This kind of stream is the most common.

Unexpectedly, Ao Gen didn't notice at all, and was attacked by this snake when he bent down to fetch water, and Ao Gen didn't even have time to defend with immortal energy.

It seems that the poison has eroded the entire meridian, which is the horror of this snake. Once the poison enters the body, it spreads very quickly.

However, the snake was still attached to Ao Gen's leg wound.

"Senior!" Mo Qingxuan couldn't help screaming seeing Ao Gen's darkened face.

"Qingxuan..." Ao Gen said weakly, "I'm fine, this thing won't kill me anytime soon, I just feel weak."

"Enn." Mo Qingxuan nodded heavily, tears were slowly oozing from the corners of her eyes.

"Qingxuan, do me a favor."

"Say it, senior, tell it."

"Help me get that thing off my leg..."

Mo Qingxuan was taken aback. If she wanted to remove it, she should remove the meat as well. It was really difficult for her to do so.

"It's okay, isn't it just a little meat?" Ao Gen's voice became deeper and deeper.

Don't let that snake poison again!

As soon as Mo Qingxuan gritted her teeth, a small knife was condensed in her hand, and she began to remove the snake that Ao Gen had injured on her leg.


Ao Gen endured the pain, and a gasp came to Mo Qingxuan's ears.

At this time, Ao Gen couldn't use his immortal power, so he naturally carried it.

Hearing Ao Gen's voice, Mo Qingxuan felt extremely distressed, but thinking about it, if he didn't get rid of it, Ao Gen would really die.

Mo Qingxuan slashed heavily.


Bean-sized drops of sweat oozed from Ao Gen's forehead.

At this time, Mo Qingxuan also panicked, and she didn't know what to do. This was the first time she encountered such a situation.

"Calm! Calm!" Mo Qingxuan shouted in her heart.

He took a deep breath, slowly opened his closed eyes, and found that Ao Gen was looking at him with a smile.

"Senior Ao Gen, it's finished, how are you doing?" Mo Qingxuan asked anxiously.

"I feel that the poison has invaded my whole body, and I can last for another three hours..."

Mo Qingxuan realized that Ao Gen's lips had changed from black to purple.

"Let's go, get out of here, it's not safe here."

After saying that, Mo Qingxuan walked over and lifted Ao Gen from the ground with great difficulty.

But, Ao Gen is really heavy...

Ao Gen was lying on Mo Qingxuan's back, almost being dragged aside by Mo Qingxuan, and Ao Gen's injured leg was bleeding all the time.

"Senior Ao Gen, hold on, there is a cave ahead..." Mo Qingxuan wiped the sweat off his forehead with one hand.

Putting Ao Gen down gently, Mo Qingxuan went to find out if the cave was dangerous or not.

Although there is some smell, it should be left by some monsters, but they have to cover up their smell.

Mo Qingxuan used all her strength to get Ao Gen in.

A moon stone was taken out, and the cave became much brighter in an instant.

The hole was not big, and the two of them felt a bit crowded, so Mo Qingxuan thought she should block the hole.

I remembered the days when I fled in the Xidu Mountains.

"Baby..." Mo Qingxuan whispered the name softly, but the baby was no longer visible.

Mo Qingxuan sobbed, now is not the time to think about these things.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't find a stone to block the entrance of the cave, so he had to use some branches to cover it up.

Now it's time to figure out how to save Ao Gen.

Ao Gen is now in a coma.

Faced with such a situation alone, and with a human life at stake, Mo Qingxuan was a little hesitant.

"What to do, what to do!" Mo Qingxuan walked in the cave.

The more anxious Mo Qingxuan was, the more chaotic his head became, and he couldn't think of a way out.

If Na Yiyuan was still looking into all this, there might still be some hope, but now it seems that Mo Qingxuan is the only one who knows.

"That's right! Black Rock Grass!" Mo Qingxuan just remembered that he had some medicinal herbs in his eyes.

As an alchemist dignified, I don't believe that I can't save you!

Mo Qingxuan's heart also began to calm down, and with a wave of faith, several black rock grass appeared in his hand.

Black rock grass has the effect of detoxification, although I don't know if it will be effective against this poison, but Mo Qingxuan still wants to try it.

Mo Qingxuan thought about it, it should be made into a liquid medicine.

After a while, Mo Qingxuan made the black rock grass into a liquid medicine.

After the liquid cooled, Mo Qingxuan slowly spread the viscous liquid on Ao Gen's wound.

The moment the medicinal liquid touched it, Ao Gen's body trembled slightly.

Mo Qingxuan was overjoyed, as long as it works!

"Just wait quietly for senior Ao Gen to wake up." Mo Qingxuan was very happy.

"Mother, if you leave him like this, he will die."

"Little Yin?"

"Yeah, mother, Xiao Yin is here." As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yin floated out of Mo Qingxuan's body.

"You unlucky child." Mo Qingxuan shook his head helplessly, "Quickly tell me, what can you do, human life is at stake!"

"Mother, pay attention to the information I sent you." Xiao Yin was obedient and did not make trouble.

Some information immediately appeared in Mo Qingxuan's mind.

"Detoxification Pill." Mo Qingxuan couldn't help muttering, and then continued to look down.

"It's actually a second-grade elixir!" Mo Qingxuan was horrified. She didn't know how to refine this second-grade elixir.

"That's right, mother, if you want to save this person, you must refine the detoxification pill, or wait for the body to be collected in two hours!"

"Ah?" Mo Qingxuan looked at Ao Gen, with a troubled expression on his face.

No matter what, for the life of senior Ao Gen, I'll do my best!
Fortunately, this detoxification elixir does not require any special medicinal materials. Although it is in the ranks of second-grade elixirs, they are all common medicinal materials.

"Too bad, there is still a piece of medicinal material missing in Qiankun's eyes!" Mo Qingxuan had some medicinal materials stored in Qiankun's eyes, but if he wanted to refine this detoxification pill, one thing was missing.

Odorless grass.

This is a key medicinal material, but I didn't expect it to be there.

"Xiao Yin, let's go, accompany your mother to find the medicinal materials!"

Mo Qingxuan immediately decided to go out and look for the medicine that was missing.

In this deep mountain, the most indispensable thing is medicinal materials.

But it's not wise to go out to find medicinal materials at night, but there seems to be no other way now.

It's only one step if you can take one step, anyway, you must save senior Ao Gen!
Mo Qingxuan felt a strong motivation spontaneously!

After a while, Mo Qingxuan's figure melted into the dark night...

(End of this chapter)

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