Chapter 155 The tenth team, take the bait
Hearing the latter sentence, Bai Cheng's face changed, and he turned pale instantly!

"No...I won't lie." Bai Cheng's voice trembled a little.

Seeing the expression on Bai Cheng's face, Mo Qingxuan really wanted to laugh, but she held back when she thought about it.

This is extorting a confession!It's not child's play!
"Okay, then, Bai Cheng, let's talk about the 'hunter' this time."

Bai Cheng naturally knew what Mo Qingxuan said about the hunter. After struggling for a moment, he began to speak slowly.

It turned out that these old students dispatched a total of ten teams, with five people in each team.

Each of their teams has a task to snatch the demon core. Once the task is completed, the whole team will pass the assessment. If the task is not completed, even if there is one less demon core, the team will fail the assessment.

Bai Cheng's team is the tenth team, which is the weakest team from the name.

Otherwise, Mo Qingxuan and the others wouldn't have caught him so easily.

After listening to Bai Cheng's words, it seems that this old man's strength is not bad, and the lowest team members are all Feixian ranks.

I don't know what kind of strength the captain of the first team is.

When Mo Qingxuan was about to write other questions, he suddenly felt some aura stronger than Bai Cheng rushing towards him.

"Go." Mo Qingxuan retreated without hesitation.

Jing Di went up and stuffed a white cloth in Bai Cheng's mouth, preventing him from speaking.

Then the three quickly fled to the depths of a dense forest.

After running for more than ten minutes, the three stopped.


As soon as he stopped, Jing Di burst into laughter. Mo Qingxuan and Jing Tian met each other's eyes, but they didn't understand why this kid was laughing out loud.

"Jingdi, are you stupid?" Jing Tian asked tentatively.

"'re stupid, no, I have to smile first." As he spoke, Jingji leaned against a tree beside him, laughing maniacally.

Mo Qingxuan broke into a cold sweat and was speechless. What's so funny about this?

"Ha... you guys... haha... do you know what I stuffed into his mouth?" Jing Di supported the tree with one hand, and looked back at Mo Qingxuan and Jing Tian.

"What?" Jing Tian rolled his eyes.

This well is really an embarrassment to him!

"Your stockings, haha." Jingji blurted out a few words, laughed wildly again and left.

"What! Haha, Jingdi, why are you so bad!" Jing Tian laughed wildly when he heard this.

This time, only Mo Qingxuan was left wondering, what strange brothers.

It's just that Mo Qingxuan didn't know that Jing Tianjing's smelly feet became famous among the freshmen in a short period of time, and the stench can be said to be spread thousands of miles!
"Sister Mo, you don't know, my elder brother..."

"Don't say it!" Jing Tian hurriedly stopped.

"Jingdi, tell me quickly, I'm covering you." Once Mo Qingxuan was interested, it's okay to make trouble.

"No one knows about stinky feet in Jingtianjing!"

"Pfft..." Mo Qingxuan covered her mouth and smiled, Xiaojia Biyu laughed like two big men.

Jing Tian stood aside, his face flushed from embarrassment.

"Okay, but to be honest, how did you get that Bai Cheng to force a confession." Mo Qingxuan didn't want to embarrass Jing Tian, ​​so she changed the subject.

After laughing enough, Jingji naturally calmed down.

When they heard Mo Qingxuan ask about this matter, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Jing Tian, ​​don't you like to talk? Go ahead." Jing Tian smiled treacherously.

"No, elder brother said." Jingji replied with a smile.

Mo Qingxuan really can't stand these two brothers, they are such a pair of treasures, no wonder they are brothers.

"Okay, you two say one by one, don't make any more money." Mo Qingxuan really couldn't listen anymore, so she had to order the two of them to stop.

The two shrugged at the same time and snorted coldly.

"Sister Mo, do you really want to listen?" Jing Tian asked cautiously, "Are you sure you don't regret it?"

"Nonsense, hurry up and talk." Mo Qingxuan's interest had already risen, so she naturally couldn't care about any methods, and Mo Qingxuan really wanted to see the methods that were not suitable for children.

There is no way, the two brothers are worth repeating the "unsuitable for children" method.

Hearing that Mo Qingxuan's face was getting redder and redder, these two guys couldn't hold back their words.

"You two are going to die for this girl!"

Jing Di was taken aback, what happened to this aunt?
"Jingdi, why are you still standing there, run away!" After finishing speaking, Jing Tian pulled Jingdi and ran to the side.

Mo Qingxuan drove them all over the mountain.

"You two better not let me catch you!"

When Bai Cheng was rescued, the sock dropped from his mouth, and he foamed at the mouth.

It's no wonder that when Bai Can and the others approached, they couldn't help covering their noses and mouths.

And Bai Cheng had been gagged for more than ten minutes, it would be strange if he didn't foam.

"Bai Cheng, what happened." The person who spoke was Bai Can, the captain of the tenth team, who was also Bai Cheng's cousin.

"Ouch!" Bai Cheng didn't have any free time to speak, and retched a few times heavily.

He already hated those people to the bone.

Although his strength, Bai Cheng, is not high in Tianxuan Academy, when has he ever suffered such a hardship, and it was by such a group of freshmen.

Therefore, this face must be recovered, otherwise it will really become a laughing stock in the academy.

Seeing Bai Cheng like this, Bai Can had no choice but to wait.

After a while, Bai Cheng stopped slowly, took the water from his companion, rinsed a few mouthfuls, and then slowly recovered.

"What? Okay?" Bai Can got a little angry after waiting, so his tone was a little cold. If someone else, Bai Can would have dealt with it long ago.

"Cousin, you must help me seek justice." Bai Cheng said with a sad face, "And you are not allowed to spread this matter."

The people next to him nodded hurriedly. Although Bai Cheng's strength in the academy was nothing, but with Bai Can around, they couldn't afford to offend him.

"What happened, you tell me!" Bai Can roared, his patience had reached its limit.

"Yes, yes, cousin, don't be angry." Bai Cheng was also taken aback, and quickly told Bai Can the whole story.

The more he listened, the more gloomy Bai Can's face became, obviously very angry in his heart.

"These three freshmen are so bold, today I will let you understand that I, Bai Can, are not easy to bully!" Bai Can clenched his fists and said in a low voice.

Seeing Bai Can like this, the stone in Bai Cheng's heart finally fell to the ground. It seems that Bai Can will make a move.

On Mo Qingxuan's side, the three of them were already tired from running, and were lying on a small hillside.

"Sister Mo, what should we do now, then Bai Cheng shouldn't just let it go, after all, there is still Bai Can." Jing Tian said casually, taking a tender grass in his mouth.

"Well, you're right. Maybe now their two cousins ​​are already searching for us." Mo Qingxuan sat up and said lightly.

"Then what should we do, it's impossible to just sit and wait for death!" Jingji interjected.

"Of course not, you guys, do you have the guts?" Mo Qingxuan turned her head and smiled slightly.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan like this, the Jing brothers knew that Mo Qingxuan was thinking of a plan again, so they nodded heavily.

"What do you say, Sister Mo, we listen to you!"

"What should we do? Naturally, we should strike first."

(End of this chapter)

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