Chapter 163 Apprenticeship, Jian Yunchen
"What!" Mo Qingxuan was taken aback by Jian Yunchen, wave after wave.

"Hehe." Jian Yunchen smiled, but yes, there are really not many people who can be accepted as apprentices by Jian Yunchen, and he is also puzzled in his heart, and those people don't know why they asked him to do this.

Whether it's good or bad is beyond Jian Yunchen's control, he is nothing in front of those people, and he can't tolerate his opposition.

Of course, only Jian Yunchen knows these things.


"What? You don't want to?"

"No, no, no, I am willing." Mo Qingxuan said immediately, after all, she was still spying on the method of soul cultivation, and Jian Yunchen, as the dean of Tianxuan Academy, would definitely be able to come up with that thing.

"En." Jian Yunchen nodded. He also wanted to see what was special about Mo Qingxuan. He had already experienced this alchemy technique, but I'm afraid it was not enough.

"Meet the master." Mo Qingxuan was also smart, and immediately knelt down and performed a big salute to the master.

This move made Jian Yunchen appreciate it very much.

After doing all this, the hall fell into a brief silence again.

Jian Yunchen has been secretly watching Mo Qingxuan, he wanted to see the potential of this kid, but what shocked him was that he couldn't see through it at all.

"Master, can my apprentice have a request?" Mo Qingxuan couldn't help but wanted to ask Jian Yunchen for a method of cultivation.

People like Jian Yunchen, although they have accepted themselves as disciples.However, you may not see each other a few times throughout the year, or retreat, or travel around the world to find a way to break through.

"Huh?" It was also the first time Jian Yunchen saw such a bold person.

"Master, can you give this disciple a volume of the method of soul cultivation." Mo Qingxuan still couldn't resist the temptation of the method of soul cultivation, so she had to speak out.

"The method of soul cultivation." Jian Yunchen murmured, "You have quite a lot of knowledge. Now ordinary people generally don't know how to write about soul cultivation."

"It's just a fluke for the disciple to know." Xiao Yin is Mo Qingxuan's biggest secret, so it's naturally impossible to tell it.

"Show your soul power, let me see."


A wave of soul power was fully displayed from Mo Qingxuan's body.

The invisible soul power flocked to every corner of the hall without fear.


Suddenly, a muffled sound resounded in the hall.

Mo Qingxuan felt that her soul power was shrinking sharply, as if she had encountered a barrier and could no longer extend freely.

And that was a suppressed feeling.

"That's right, Qingxuan." Jian Yunchen's closed eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes were full of appreciation, "He has reached the Soul Refining Realm at such a young age, he really is a natural alchemist!"

The oppression that Mo Qingxuan encountered naturally came from Jian Yunchen.

Jian Yunchen himself is an alchemist, and an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years. His soul state may not be one-tenth that of Mo Qingxuan.

"As expected." Mo Qingxuan murmured.

"I'm very surprised that you are able to know these things without a teacher's guidance. If you comprehend it yourself, you can only use the word genius to describe it." Jian Yunchen stroked his graying beard, revealing infinite admiration in his tone meaning.

"Master, this disciple also knows about it by accident, but he doesn't know anything about this soul." Mo Qingxuan's words are true.

"En." Jian Yunchen nodded, which was expected, "You are an alchemist, if you don't cultivate your soul, you won't be able to improve at all."

"What! It's like this!"

"Hehe, let's talk about these things later, as for the method of soul cultivation, I have it here, but..."

"Master, it's nothing, as long as I can lend it to my disciples, I'm willing to do anything." Mo Qingxuan was so coveted by the soul cultivation method that she forgot everything, and unexpectedly interrupted Jian Yunchen's words.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan like this, Jian Yunchen shook his head helplessly.

"Now is not the time for you to practice, go back, you will be given to practice when the time is right, you should go back and prepare for the tidal baptism."

While talking, Jian Yunchen's body slowly faded away, and finally disappeared into the hall.

Mo Qingxuan was also helpless, but she also came to her senses, it was useless to worry, it seemed that she had to wait for the opportunity.

Mo Qingxuan bowed slightly to the seat of honor, and slowly backed out.

Tianxuan Academy.

"Boss Ao Gen, you're finally done."

"Well, it's about seven or eight."

The person who spoke was none other than Ao Gen, and now his injuries have almost healed.

However, he was always thinking about Mo Qingxuan in his heart.

After that separation, Ao Gen never saw Mo Qingxuan again.

Although I heard that those freshmen had officially entered Tianxuan Academy and became a student, Ao Gen never had time to visit them.

When news of Mo Qingxuan's performance in the hunting competition reached Ao Gen's ears, Ao Gen was not too disturbed, as if everything was normal.

"Boss Ao Gen." Seeing Ao Gen lost in thought, the people next to him couldn't help reminding him.

"What's the matter?" Ao Gen smiled slightly, since Liu Tong would come to him, there must be something wrong.

"Boss Ao Gen, this freshman has already arrived, those guys will not let go of this opportunity, they have already gone to snatch him, we..."

"Let's go and have a look, and see if there are any talents worth recruiting in this year's freshmen." Ao Gen also takes these freshmen's blood seriously. Go on, unless you have enough strength.

"Okay." Hearing Ao Gen's nod, the man named Liu Tong finally showed a smile, "Boss Ao Gen, they are performing martial arts."

"Come on, lead the way."

Mo Qingxuan didn't have time to think about whether Ao Gen was here, she had just come out of the hall, but she was wondering how to get to the newborn area.

With her hands on her hips, Mo Qingxuan was so angry that she couldn't help cursing secretly.

"Qingxuan, we have been waiting for you for a long time." Suddenly, Hua Qingchen's voice came from the side.

"Hmph." Mo Qingxuan snorted coldly, and when he saw the person coming, he went straight in the opposite direction.

"Qingxuan, Qingxuan..."

"Brother Qingchen, forget it, she..."

"Hey!" Hua Qingchen shook his sleeves angrily, and he felt uncomfortable after being deflated again and again, "Qingxuan, the dean must have told you about that, I just happened to know the gathering place, why don't you come with us ?”

Hearing this, Mo Qingxuan stopped and thought for a while, this tidal baptism is considered a top secret matter, and ordinary people would have no way of knowing it.

If you miss the chance to fight for a place because of this, it will be worth the candle.

Seeing Hua Qingchen treat Mo Qingxuan like this, Shangguan Xuetong was extremely jealous, and the hatred for Mo Qingxuan in her heart increased again.

"Why are you still standing there, lead the way." Mo Qingxuan turned slightly and said with a blank expression.

"It's really not ashamed to pretend what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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