Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 167 The Tower of Cultivation, the Divine Cauldron Tower

Chapter 167 The Tower of Cultivation, the Divine Cauldron Tower
After a while, about 20 people came out from the side.

"This?" Mo Qingxuan was puzzled, how could he find so many people in just one day.

"Sister Mo, these are all freshmen, about half of them are those who refuse to pay tribute." Jing Tian explained to Mo Qingxuan, "Sister Mo, your reputation of defeating Bai Can has already been passed down among the freshmen. It opened, and after me and Jingdi bewitched them, they nodded and agreed."

"You, you." Mo Qingxuan shook her head, took a step forward, and said, "Everyone, I'm afraid I, a girl, can't lead everyone well, so..."

"Sister Mo, we're going to follow you." Before Mo Qingxuan could finish speaking, someone interrupted.

"That's right, we've got you fixed, Sister Mo, otherwise we'll have nowhere to go."

"That's right, Sister Mo, we have already offended all those forces."

Before long, more and more people agreed.

Mo Qingxuan smiled wryly, she didn't expect this to happen like this.

"Well, I have an idea here." Mo Qingxuan thought for a while, "If you don't wait another ten days, if you still have such enthusiasm at that time, I will promise you."

"Oh! Long live!"

"Long live!"

Seeing these new students like this, although Mo Qingxuan felt a little relieved, she was also rational.

If the power is established like this, it will really push everyone into the fire pit.

Therefore, there is still a lack of a deterrent effect.

There is still a lack of a chance to deter other forces. If there is no such deterrent, there will be many gangs to find fault on the second day of its establishment.

Mo Qingxuan had her reasons for deciding to make plans after ten days of slaughter.

First, after ten days, the tidal baptism must be over, and Mo Qingxuan's strength has also improved, and there are more guarantees.

Second, Mo Qingxuan wants to test people's hearts, but not all of them are sincere, and it is also a good choice to take this opportunity to eliminate impurities.

Seeing their enthusiasm, Mo Qingxuan shook his head.

Jing Tian and Jing Di naturally noticed Mo Qingxuan's expression, and they also realized that rushing a little bit put so much pressure on her.

Therefore, the two brothers dismissed these people very sensiblely, and they will make a decision at that time.

Jing Tianjing and the two walked back with a guilty conscience, and they didn't dare to speak much.

Seeing the two of them like this, Mo Qingxuan burst out laughing.

"It's okay, I still don't know the little Jiujiu in your stomach?"

"Hey." The two smiled awkwardly.

"Sister Mo, what are your plans?" After all, Jing Tian was smarter, and he could see Mo Qingxuan's every move.

"It's good to be able to form a force, but in the future it will depend on the two of you." Mo Qingxuan smiled calmly, "I'm a girl after all..."

Mo Qingxuan's mind is naturally impossible to manage a force, and she also understands that it is because of her alchemy skills that this well-meaning place is able to follow her willingly.

Jing Tian is so smart, Mo Qingxuan also thinks he can understand this truth.

If you don't even understand this, there is no need to hand over this force to him to manage, and there is even no need to form a force.

"Sister Mo, this leader is only doing it for you..." Jing Di couldn't help but say.

After hearing this, Mo Qingxuan smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

On the other hand, Jing Tian's expression changed, and he quickly interrupted.

"Sister Mo, please give this force a name." Jing Tiangong said.

"Hehe, I haven't made up my mind yet." After speaking, Mo Qingxuan walked outside, "It seems that you need to listen to Jing Tian's words more about managing the well in the future."

This remark left Jingji in a daze, not knowing what was going on at all.

"You, you." Jing Tian shook his head and followed.

Jing Tian doesn't plan to tell Jing Di Mo Qingxuan's decision now, that is, this faction has been established, and the management of the faction is managed by Jing Tian.

If you tell Jingdi, this big mouth might go out and brag right away, which is not a good thing.

Therefore, there is nothing to hide from him.

Furthermore, if Jingji himself has awakened to something, then he also understands the importance of this thing, so he won't say anything more.

The stupid Iji scratched his hair a few times, but he still didn't understand.

"Hey, Jing Tian, ​​wait for me to download..."

Mo Qingxuan was in such a hurry to go out, she naturally wanted to see the "Divine Cauldron Pagoda" with such great abilities.

After inquiring all the way, I found out the location of the Shending Pagoda.

With Mo Qingxuan's looks, it's not difficult to get some news out of him.

It seems that the news that there is a beautiful woman in the courtyard will spread throughout the academy in a short time.

On the way to and fro, there are all kinds of figures, some of them have different faces from others, and they must be people from outside the region.

Of course, Mo Qingxuan also noticed that there were many women. When these women looked at him, their eyes were full of jealousy.

Mo Qingxuan was naturally delighted, it seems that the looks of these seniors are not very good quality.

The careful Mo Qingxuan found that the faces of these women had some dull blackness, and she didn't know what the problem was.

After walking for a while, the three of Mo Qingxuan arrived at the Divine Cauldron Pagoda.

There were several people waiting outside the tower, seeing that Mo Qingxuan and the others were unfamiliar faces, they stopped the three of them.

"Three newborn babies, come here for the first time."

"Yes, Elder." Mo Qingxuan stopped, bowed slightly, and was very polite. The local officials would not offend them if they could.

"Little girl, you think highly of me if you call me elder, just call me Deacon Li." Seeing how polite Mo Qingxuan is, this Deacon Li's attitude is much better.

"Deacon Li, hello, may I ask if there is anything in the Divine Cauldron Pagoda that needs special attention, please let me know." Mo Qingxuan said in a low voice.

"You are smart, people who enter the tower for the first time really need to pay attention to something, otherwise your lives will be in danger." Deacon Li stroked his beard and said very flatly, he said these words almost every year Dozens of times, after so many years, there is nothing new.

"Then trouble Deacon Li."

Sure enough, as Mo Qingxuan expected, fortunately, he didn't break in randomly at that time, otherwise the gain would not be worth the loss.

Deacon Li looked at Mo Qingxuan, and was shocked, how could the freshmen of this class be so powerful, they couldn't see through Mo Qingxuan's details.

As soon as she became interested, she didn't know how long she could last for the test.

Deacon Li thought of this, smiled slightly, and turned his head to look at the deacons behind him.

They have been partners for a long time, so they naturally understand each other's meaning.

They were also very surprised. Is this really okay? When dealing with a new student, you must know that many old students cannot persist. This is a very strict test of the soul.

However, Deacon Li had spoken, and the few people had no choice but to prepare.

"Okay, you three come with me."


Mo Qingxuan and the others quickly followed.

Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan noticed that the Shennong Cauldron that had been lying in Qiankun's eyes lightened up slightly, but the light was fleeting.

(End of this chapter)

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