Chapter 169 Mysterious Old Man, Tower Keeper

what!Someone actually spoke!

Mo Qingxuan was so frightened that she almost withdrew her defense, but she immediately noticed something strange.

The soul wind blade didn't attack her anymore.

Mo Qingxuan herself didn't know what happened, and was wondering, that voice sounded again.

"You... your... that... but Shennong Ding."

The old voice sounded again, but it was intermittent, as if it was very weak.

"Who are you?" Mo Qingxuan could already use her soul to communicate with people.

This is also the sign of the beginning of soul cultivation.

"I..." The old voice stopped abruptly.

This made Mo Qingxuan a little creepy, what the hell is this.

And the strong man from the school that day didn't notice it.

After the old voice disappeared, there was complete silence.

Mo Qingxuan planned to wait, but the owner of that voice actually knew about the Shennong Ding, maybe it was a chance.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Mo Qingxuan was completely immersed in her own world.

However, the outside world is a different scene.

Almost everyone was stunned by Mo Qingxuan's performance and couldn't say a word.

Is this person a freak?
Even Yang Ruohan stared blankly at Mo Qingxuan on the field. She had been there for two hours at that time, and she knew what it was like inside.

Although Mo Qingxuan said that he only stayed there for an hour, Yang Ruohan felt that Mo Qingxuan would definitely be able to surpass him.

Although she didn't know why she had such a feeling in her heart, Yang Ruohan had already planned to make friends with Mo Qingxuan.

But Mo Qingxuan inside is not as they imagined, because there is no soul wind blade to attack her.

"Girl doll, are you still there?"

Suddenly the old voice sounded again.

"En." Mo Qingxuan hummed softly, she was still on guard.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I am the tower guard here."

What made Mo Qingxuan curious was that the old man's voice was not broken like before, which is really strange.

"My original spirit can't come, and I wasted too much just now, so I was talking intermittently." The old tower guard seemed to know what Mo Qingxuan was thinking, and explained before Mo Qingxuan could speak, "What's your name?"

"Mo Qingxuan." Hearing the old man's kind voice, Mo Qingxuan felt that he was not a bad person.

"Mo Qingxuan?" the old tower guard murmured, "It looks so familiar, hey, hehe, I can't remember it when I'm old."

"What! You know me?" Mo Qingxuan first learned about her specialness from Ye Shuo, and she came out to travel because she wanted to unravel her own life experience.

"I don't know either, it feels a little familiar."

Hearing what the old man who guarded the tower said, Mo Qingxuan couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed.

"Grandpa guarding the tower, do you have anything to do with this Shennong cauldron?" Mo Qingxuan couldn't help asking.

The old tower guard never showed up, but he couldn't help sighing when he heard Mo Qingxuan talk about the Shennong Ding.

Mo Qingxuan's ears were sharp, and he caught it. It seemed to be true.

"I'm sorry, Qingxuan, I can't tell you now." The voice of the tower guard old man sounded slowly again, "I don't have time to explain to you either."

"What? Why!" Mo Qingxuan hurriedly asked.

"Hehe, you must participate in the college competition in a year's time. If you get in the top ten, you will naturally see me again. Remember..." The voice of the old man guarding the tower became weaker and weaker, and Mo Qingxuan could feel it. He is very weak.

"Okay." Mo Qingxuan agreed, this Shennong cauldron is definitely a great help for alchemy.

Therefore, Mo Qingxuan wanted to completely restore the Shennong Ding.

However, Mo Qingxuan has nothing to do now, maybe this mysterious old man who guards the tower can help him.

"Well, then I will wait for your good news, and remember that I may disappear in this world in a year."


"This is a formula that will help you get rid of the impurities in the Shennong Ding in one year. It is impossible to clean it up in 1000 years with your method."

Mo Qingxuan thought that she had almost finished the Shennong cauldron, but she didn't expect the gap to be so big.

call out.

A ray of light shot straight into Mo Qingxuan's mind, and then the golden light turned into words one by one, which must be the formula.

For a long time, the voice of the old tower guard was heard no more.

Mo Qingxuan opened her eyes suddenly, and bowed slightly to a certain place.

"She's awake!" Someone on the field exclaimed, and it boiled instantly.


"It's been more than three hours!"

Mo Qingxuan didn't know that time passed so quickly, of course she didn't care what other people looked at him.

She was already immersed in the world just now.

From now on, she will work harder, strive to improve her strength, and win the top ten in the competition a year later.

For her Shennong Ding, but also for the old man who guarded the tower.

"Sister Mo, are you alright, but you've worried us too much." Jing Di was the first to come over and greet her.

"I'm fine, my grades should be good..."

"It's not only good, it's off the charts!" Jingji said seriously, "You can tell by the expressions of those people."

Mo Qingxuan looked back, everyone was different, but it could be seen that they were very excited.

At this time, Mo Qingxuan saw Yang Ruohan smiled and nodded to him, then got up and left.

Mo Qingxuan was puzzled for a while, not knowing what the other party meant.

"Girl baby, congratulations." Deacon Li did not know when he appeared behind Mo Qingxuan.

"Deacon Li, thank you."

"Hehe, during my time as a deacon, there were actually two people who were able to make this test fail to show the value of soul power. It's my luck." Deacon Li was also very pleased.

"Deacon Li is too proud." Mo Qingxuan did not show too much pride, "Deacon Li, where is this place of cultivation?"

"Hey, I almost forgot, you are here to practice, come, I will take you to a good place."

After finishing speaking, Deacon Li led Mo Qingxuan outside.

"You bastards, what are you doing here if you don't practice!" Deacon Li angrily reprimanded the old students who watched the fun.

Those old students rushed away, it seems that Deacon Li's words here are very effective.

After walking for a while, Deacon Li brought the three of them to the training place.

This place is divided into practice rooms, which are divided into three levels.

This three-level training room can accommodate ten people to practice in total, and can transform a beast pill or a demon pill at the same time.

This second-level practice room can accommodate five people to practice in total, and can transform two beast pills or demon pills at the same time.

This level of practice room can only accommodate one person to practice, and can transform three beast pills or demon pills at the same time.

Obviously, this level of training room is the most efficient, but it also consumes the most, most people can only practice in the third and second level of training rooms.

"You guys remember, don't stay here for too long, at most three days." Deacon Li specially asked before leaving.

Mo Qingxuan went straight to the first-level practice room with Jing Tianjing, Mo Qingxuan didn't have anything but Beast Danduo.

(End of this chapter)

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