Chapter 176
Seeing Bai Can's appearance, Bai Shan's expression became serious.

Is it really that great?
This is Bai Can's strongest blow. If it is played to the extreme, it will be difficult for the strong at the late Feixian stage to resist.

But after using this trick, there are special after effects, it seems that Bai Can is going to do his best.

Bai Can showed killing intent!
"Stupid!" Bai Shan scolded angrily.

If this Mo Qingxuan really died in the ring, then he would not be able to explain it. At that time, things would really get serious.

Only at this time did Bai Shan feel a sense of regret.

Because a freshman may ruin the entire Bai Gang, it's too much to lose.

Why didn't you stop them in the first place!

Bai Shan is now praying that Bai Can's attack will not succeed, even if he gets hurt a little, it doesn't matter.

However, it seems that Bai Can really succeeded.

It's really unimaginable, just two Feixian-rank people, it shouldn't be said that a Feixian-rank and a Xianren-rank person can make such an attack in a fight, it's really inconceivable.

If Mo Qingxuan can take this attack, then Mo Qingxuan's momentum will reach an unprecedented height.

On the contrary, if it fails, then Mo Qingxuan may lose her life...

Bai Can's aura seemed to be brewing, reaching a certain bottleneck would be a perfect blow.

Mo Qingxuan already smelled something dangerous.

Can't let him go on!

Most of those darts just now were defuse by Bai Can.

And he, Bai Can, also successfully transformed from defense to attack.

The current Baican seems to be a time bomb, which is bound to come at you at any time.

Immediately, a protective shield appeared on Mo Qingxuan's body.

Mo Qingxuan looked at Bai Can with a solemn face, why did this guy suddenly become so powerful.

Perhaps it should be said that his martial skill seems to have been upgraded.

Because Mo Qingxuan also received a blow from this martial skill last time, but Mo Qingxuan took it.

"Haha, I'm surprised!" Suddenly Bai Can laughed twice.

If he didn't speak, he really thought he had turned into a demon, because his eyes were red and some blood had already leaked from his seven orifices.

That's right!

Bai Can is swelling, and he can be called a blood man.

But that attack is also strengthening, this is a life for an attack.

In this small competition, this Bai Can can actually make such a decision and launch such an attack.

This shows his narrow-mindedness.

"Then let me try to see if I can break him!"

The most flower soul: Vientiane!
Bow and arrow!

After a while, Mo Qingxuan condensed a bow and arrow in his hand.

The flying arrow hit Bai Can's body, and there was a sound of metal colliding.

Mo Qingxuan didn't believe it yet, ten arrows in a row, all shot at the same place.

However, all failed.

Is that human being?
Mo Qingxuan was also speechless, what the hell is this, there is such a skill.

"Haha, my White Elephant Art is originally for defense, it's useless for you to do this." Bai Can is not in a hurry, now he only needs time.

Of course, you have to endure the swelling pain.

It was only after Mo Qingxuan realized that these things were useless.

It's better to try spiritual attack or soul attack.

Thinking of this, Mo Qingxuan secretly rejoiced that this guy actually told himself this fatal flaw.

"Senior Bai Can, thank you for letting me know." Mo Qingxuan cupped his hands at Bai Can.

This move aroused the doubts of the people on the field.

It seemed strange at first.

Just now Mo Qingxuan had been attacking Bai Can to no avail, which was too strange, as if Mo Qingxuan was waiting for Bai Can to use this big move.

The current Bai Can is like a tortoise with its head retracted into its shell. If he doesn't come out, he can't attack him.

Mo Qingxuan's eyes were slightly closed, but she could feel everything in the outside world.

cluck cluck.

Mo Qingxuan made some strange noises.

It was the first time for Mo Qingxuan to use this soul attack, so she wasn't too proficient.

Mo Qingxuan could feel that there was a miniature version of herself in her mind, that little thing seemed to be making some complicated handprints.

In fact, those actions were all Mo Qingxuan's own thoughts, they were just executed.

Soul Attack!

Mo Qingxuan seemed to feel that something was pulled out of her body by an invisible force.

But that process is very jerky, and this attack will be useless in a fast battle.

However, this situation is different now...

Why did Bai Can have such a weird way of attacking?

As soon as that force came out of Mo Qingxuan's body, Gang rushed towards Bai Can.


Bai Can uttered a painful cry.

"Is this the power of the soul?" Mo Qingxuan murmured, it was many times stronger than mental attacks.

"Qingxuan, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, Ao Gen from the audience shouted loudly that Bai Can was going to launch this attack in advance.

White Elephant Divine Art: Curly Teeth Touch the Sky!
Bai Can's body doubled in size, and he punched Mo Qingxuan without hesitation.

At Ao Gen's reminder, Mo Qingxuan quickly backed away, and was hurt by that punch.


A mouthful of blood spat out from Mo Qingxuan's mouth.

Bang bang bang.

Every time Bai Can took a step on the ring, there would be a bang bang bang bang, and he slapped towards where Mo Qingxuan was.

Mo Qingxuan fell heavily on the ring like a kite with a broken string.


Countless people in the stands took a deep breath, this Bai Can really didn't know how to sympathize with others.

Following Mo Qingxuan's fall, a cloud of dust also rose from the stage.

The field fell silent.

1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes...

Bang bang bang.

Suddenly, there was another explosion on Bai Can's body.

Mo Qingxuan actually still has the ability to fight!
"Even if it's death, I'll pull you in!" Mo Qingxuan stood up slowly, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth.

It has to be said that this Mo Qingxuan is powerful, and can even create attacks while evading.

Bai Can let out an angry roar, ran towards Mo Qingxuan again, and slapped Mo Qingxuan away.

But now there is almost no good spot on Bai Can's body, it's all blood.

This competition has lost its original charm, but it has become a desperate battle.

Deacon Li's face also changed. If this is pursued, who can bear it.

This time, play big.

Perhaps, the White Gang will cease to exist.

At this moment, Mo Qingxuan only felt that her body was moving, and it was very painful, extremely painful.

At this moment, not only Mo Qingxuan was anxious, but even Ao Gen was also very anxious.

Ao Gen even wanted to rush up to rescue Mo Qingxuan, but he couldn't do that, otherwise Mo Qingxuan's efforts would be in vain.

And it was a waste of time, and it might arouse Mo Qingxuan's hatred.

"Qingxuan, come on!" Ao Gen secretly cheered for Mo Qingxuan, "My Qingxuan, you can do it!"

Bai Can dragged his half-crippled body and walked slowly towards Mo Qingxuan, every step was so difficult.

"Primary school girl, you lost." Bai Can grinned and said slowly.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Can raised his foot and stepped on Mo Qingxuan who was lying on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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