Chapter 18

In the early morning of the next day, Mo Qingxuan got up early.After all, it was hard to stay, so it's better to work harder.Mo Qingxuan is still building a foundation, so she doesn't need anyone to point her out.

The delicate flowers are so crystal clear in the morning dew, and the red sun has not risen in the east, otherwise the bright brilliance will not leave.

"The flowers here are so beautiful, it really is the Huazong, and its reputation is well-deserved." Mo Qingxuan couldn't help muttering, and wanted to go up and pick one.

Why not put such a flower in the room.

"You'd better not pick it."

A cold voice sounded behind him, Mo Qingxuan stopped what he was doing, and looked behind him.It turned out to be Xuetong.

"Senior Sister Xuetong." Mo Qingxuan didn't know what to call her, and she seemed to be called Senior Sister, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Xuetong obviously didn't like Mo Qingxuan, and asked in a rhetorical tone, presumably wanting to give Mo Qingxuan a blow.

"This..." Mo Qingxuan lowered her head, feeling a little embarrassed, and said softly, "I hope Senior Sister will specify."

"You still don't want to call me senior sister. Although the master has accepted you as an apprentice, hmph, but you are not my junior sister. You should think about what is special about yourself."


"In short..." Xue Tong also suddenly realized that she had slipped her tongue, and hurriedly covered it up, "In short, please do it yourself, if you want to become Master's apprentice, then you have to ask me."

After all, this Xuetong also turned around and left.

Mo Qingxuan was also unclear about Xuetong's words, why couldn't she become the master's apprentice?What's special about me?Also, what does it matter to you that the master accepts apprentices?

Looking at Xuetong's leaving figure, Mo Qingxuan stuck out her tongue, which seemed to relieve her hatred.He immediately decided to stay away from her in the future.

"Qingxuan, what's the matter?" Hua Qingchen also just arrived here, but saw Mo Qingxuan making strange movements, so she asked aloud.

"It's nothing, Hua Luobo, I'm earlier than you." Mo Qingxuan smiled, and didn't intend to tell Hua Qingchen that Xuetong was here just now.

Hua Qingchen touched her head in embarrassment, she was already early, but this girl was earlier.

"I seem to have seen Junior Sister Xuetong just now." Hua Qingchen hurriedly changed the subject, otherwise she might be hurt.

"Oh, it's her. Come over to say hello." Mo Qingxuan said casually.

"that's it?"

"that's it."

"No, it's not in line with her character." Hua Qingchen doubted, apparently not believing what Mo Qingxuan said so simply.

"She also said that I came here because I have something special, and that the master has to pass her test to accept me as a disciple." Mo Qingxuan said coquettishly, obviously not very happy about these words.

"Special?" The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested, Hua Qingchen asked immediately, "Qingxuan, I want to ask you a question, answer me seriously, okay?"

Seeing Hua Qingchen being so formal, although she was puzzled, Mo Qingxuan just nodded without asking.

Hua Qingchen looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, he said, "Did you tell anyone else about Bi Jue?"

"No, you know." Mo Qingxuan replied without hesitation.

"what happened?"

"This matter is very important, Qingxuan, you must keep this secret, otherwise it will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles, and even kill you."

"Okay, I see."

Hua Qingchen smiled, turned around and went to practice.

Now at the top of the breakthrough, how can we not practice hard.

But Mo Qingxuan has no intention of practicing anymore.

After Hua Qingchen's reminder, Mo Qingxuan realized that what Xuetong said just now was not unreasonable.

special?Does it count if you have a fairy weapon?

Hua Qingchen knows this secret, and Hua Qingchen will definitely tell his master, that is to say, this secret is no longer a secret among the senior Huazong.

Beizhong accepted himself as an apprentice, how could he accept him personally with his aptitude, only that could explain all this.

Thinking of this, Mo Qingxuan couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Hualuobo, are you lying to me too?"

Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan thought again, when Xuetong said this, she faltered again just now, could it be that she also knew this?

He hesitated to speak, but he had ghosts in his heart.

After thinking so much, Mo Qingxuan really wanted to take a look at the thing on her body.With a steady mind, Mo Qingxuan entered the state of cultivation, resisting her Nascent Soul to attack the seal.


Unbelievably, that Bi Jue had disappeared.

Huami is there, but Bijue is gone.

Mo Qingxuan suddenly opened her eyes, hesitating whether to tell Hua Qingchen about this matter.Finally, after careful consideration, Mo Qingxuan decided not to tell anyone about this matter this time.

It's okay to inquire about Hua Qingchen first, if you really think what you think, then you can only treat yourself as blind.

A few more hours later, the training is over.

"Hua Luobo, I just thought about it and realized something was wrong." Mo Qingxuan pretended to be puzzled, "Do you think Senior Sister Xuetong also knows about my possessions?"

"What! How is it possible." Hua Qingchen blurted out without thinking.

Mo Qingxuan was not in a hurry to argue, but just told Hua Qingchen everything that happened.

This time, Hua Qingchen was also confused, he didn't expect things to happen so complicated.

However, this Xuetong is really suspicious. After that battle, she was able to defeat Fengkui, who she couldn't even deal with.

As for Xuetong's identity, Hua Qingchen just knew a thing or two, but it was definitely not that easy.

Defeating Fengkui without taking any injuries, much strength is hidden.

Another possibility is that Xuetong is from the Demon Realm.

But even if Hua Qingchen was killed, he didn't believe it. After all, he and Xuetong grew up together, and the master said that she was from the Shangguan family.

Now, Hua Qingchen has to speculate a little bit, what the master said that day really scared him.

Looking at Hua Qingchen who was lost in thought, Mo Qingxuan felt a sense of disappointment in his heart. It seems that this Huazong is not a place for him to stay for a long time.

Mo Qingxuan was also helpless, she had suffered so much, it was not fair to God.

"Qingxuan, how about I ask Xuetong?"


When Hua Qingchen said this sentence, she regretted it, how could she say such a stupid question.

"Brother Qingchen looking for me?"

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

"Junior Sister Xuetong, I was looking for you." Hua Qingchen took the conversation naturally.

With this acting ability, it seems that Hua Qingchen is not as amiable as she appears on the surface.

"Senior brother, why are you looking for Xue'er?"

"Isn't this the sect's internal meeting about to start? Let me see how much my junior sister has improved in her cultivation now."

"Thank you, brother." Xue Tong smiled, "I will definitely live up to my high expectations."

Hua Qingchen didn't have much to say: "Then look forward to your wonderful performance at the conference."

However, Xuetong turned her gaze to Mo Qingxuan.

"Junior Sister Qingxuan, will you participate?"

 There are two updates today, and one more tonight, please collect and recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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