Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 183 The competition begins, very exciting

Chapter 183 The competition begins, very exciting
In the following competitions, a few people from the late Feixian stage appeared, and they were the people Ao Gen said to pay attention to yesterday.

Judging from the displayed strength, it is indeed very powerful, but there must be a lot hidden.

Because their opponents were far behind them in terms of strength, there was almost no effort, and they won the victory.

The person on the field now is exactly the Xiang Zhenghao that Ao Gen said yesterday.

A king of weapons - the spear in his hand.

The slender handle does not look cumbersome in his hand, on the contrary it is his specialty.

Looking at Xiang Zhenghao's posture with a spear, Mo Qingxuan couldn't help but marvel.

It is simply a state of perfection.

But there is still a little fire, otherwise it will definitely be a difficult opponent.

It should be because of the big difference in strength, and Xiang Zhenghao didn't want to waste too much time here.

With a loud shout:
Nine Heavens Spear: Spear Claws Underground Coffin!
I saw Xiang Zhenghao waving the spear, switching up and down, jumped up, and then slapped down heavily.

He didn't shoot at people, but at the ground!


There was a heavy metallic sound, and the tail of the gun suddenly spread apart, taking on the shape of a spider, sinking deeply into the ground.

As he shouted loudly, on one side of his body, with his waist as a fulcrum, his right hand clenched the body of the gun, and his left hand exerted force on the other side of the gun.


A long ravine appeared in front of him.

And his opponent didn't even have time to dodge, and was directly bounced up by the force from below.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiang Zhenghao straightened his figure again, held the gun in both hands, and swung it directly at that person.

This set of movements is really like playing baseball.

That person was naturally sent flying, and fell to the side, with blood gushing out of his mouth like money.

Xiang Zhenghao should have kept his hand, otherwise some sharp thorn must have pierced it.

Naturally, Xiang Zhenghao won this match.

"Xiang Zhenghao, win!" After saying that, Yi Yuan shook his head helplessly, these little bastards really don't need money to repair this place!
With a wave of his hand, there was a rumbling sound on the ring.

Mo Qingxuan was very surprised, has the land been repaired?
"Number ten! Red ten Mo Qingxuan vs blue ten Li Tian!"

Finally arrived at Mo Qingxuan.

"That Li Tian is a member of the Bai gang, Sister Mo, please pay attention. But that Li Tian is extremely lustful, he is a well-known lustful person in Tianxuan Academy, and many innocent female students have been destroyed by him here." Jing Tian at the side said.

Following the direction Jing Tian pointed, Mo Qingxuan looked at Li Tian.

Judging by his appearance, he is someone who has been hollowed out by a woman, and he doesn't know what to do.

Mo Qingxuan didn't speak, just nodded his head, but secretly admired Jing Tian in his heart, how long it took to get this information this time.

Although it was not very secret information, at least Jing Tian did it.

Sure enough, he was right.

Mo Qingxuan stood up and walked slowly towards the ring.

"Are you the genius among the freshmen?" Li Tian licked his lips and said ferociously.

Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together, that monster will mix with those guys from the Bai Gang.

A virtue!
"Please enlighten me."

"Haha, it's exciting! I just like girls like you, why don't you have five hundred demon pills, and sleep with me!"

Spiritual attack!

The most flower soul: Vientiane!
Vientiane, ten times!
With a series of attacks, Mo Qingxuan has been able to make the clouds flow smoothly.

Mo Qingxuan really had no intention of chatting with such an apprentice, so he started fighting directly.


The darts all over the sky flew towards Li Tian.

At this time, Li Tian's face also changed. He wanted to make fun of him, but he was attacked like this.

That mental attack temporarily distracted Li Tian, ​​which also caused more than a dozen darts to be swept into Li Tian's body.

However, Mo Qingxuan didn't add any material to him. If those things were directly detonated, Li Tian might lose directly.

But Mo Qingxuan's trick was not exposed so early.

It was Mo Qingxuan's trick to get into Li Tian's body.

Soon, a protective shield appeared on Li Tian's body, and he was indeed a strong man in the late Feixian stage.

"Hmph, these are useless to me."

Indeed, Li Tian just felt a little pain.

The corner of Mo Qingxuan's mouth twitched, she didn't care, and disappeared in place.

Li Tian retreated again and again, keeping his eyes on the surroundings, and finally chose a direction.

"Come out! Beauty!"

With that said, Li Tian punched that place.

And Mo Qingxuan also slashed down heavily.

Clang!clang clang!

What is this fist made of, or is it human?

It's still possible to do this!
"Haha, this full set is indeed the best armor."

It turns out that Li Tian actually wore armor on his hands, no wonder, otherwise it really is not human who can do this.

Li Tian twisted his body, left Mo Qingxuan's knife, and landed directly behind Mo Qingxuan.

"Beauty, give me a punch!"

Mo Qingxuan's face changed, this Li Tian is not so stupid!
Immediately, Mo Qingxuan jumped up, and Li Tian missed this punch!

Vientiane, twenty times!
Right in front of Li Tian, ​​countless darts flew towards Li Tian, ​​Li Tian's expression changed, and he hurriedly put up a protective cover.

"Senior Li, I will give you a way to treat your own body."

At some point, Mo Qingxuan had appeared behind Li Tian.

Li Tian's face changed, and he felt that he knew what Mo Qingxuan was going to do.

Another row of darts flew towards Li Tian's back.

Li Tian had no choice but to defend again.

"Hehe. Senior Li, can the left side defend again?"

"The right side!"

Mo Qingxuan's speed was too fast, and Li Tian couldn't defend himself at all.

The surroundings of Li Tian's body are also a spectacle, darts from all directions are flying towards him, the central target.

Mo Qingxuan's figure flew aside lightly, and now she can watch the show.

Li Tian was also in an extremely embarrassing loss, and this could make Li Tian hurt for at least ten days.

"Red Ten Mo Qingxuan wins!" Following Yi Yuan's voice, Mo Qingxuan also slowly walked off the ring.

There were many competitions in succession, but none of them were worth watching.

Before they knew it, they came to the last match of the first match.

"Red Eighteen Liu Qin vs. Blue Eighteen Chu Feiyu."

Is it finally that guy's turn to play? I want to see what's so special about that guy.

Chu Feiyu walked towards the ring unhurriedly. In his eyes, Liu Qin had nothing to look at at all.

"Ten tricks for you!" Chu Feiyu said arrogantly.

This remark moved everyone on the field. Although they knew about this Chu Feiyu's record in the arena, this Liu Qin was also a strong player in the late Feixian stage.

"You're crazy..." Liu Qin pointed at Chu Feiyu with a big sword in his hand.

"Generally speaking, it doesn't take a tenth of my strength to deal with rubbish like you."

"Then let's fight!" Liu Qin took the big sword and swept towards Chu Feiyu directly.

Liu Qin's speed was not slow, but Chu Feiyu was also fast in hiding.

"One trick!" Chu Feiyu shouted loudly.

But Liu Qin didn't stop because of this, but continued to attack.

"Two strokes!"


"Three moves!"


"Four tricks!"


"Five tricks!"

After five moves in a row, Liu Qin didn't get any benefits, and his face became serious...

(End of this chapter)

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