Chapter 190 Thank you for the gift!great tonic
The two collided with each other, making a loud noise.

Mo Qingxuan knew which small tricks were of no use to Chu Feiyu, so instead of wasting his strength, it was better to directly suppress them with big moves.

This "meeting gift" to each other did no harm to either of them.

"Haha! Your attack is nothing more than that!" Chu Feiyu's figure was fixed, and his mouth couldn't help talking again.

"Hmph." Mo Qingxuan snorted coldly, and didn't talk too much nonsense about Chu Feiyu.

Mo Qingxuan didn't believe it anymore, those attacks by Tie Niu just now were useless to Chu Feiyu.

Therefore, for Mo Qingxuan, the most energy-saving and most effective way to fight this battle is to fight quickly.

Before Chu Feiyu came back to his senses, Mo Qingxuan attacked Chu Feiyu with another [-] times attack.

At that moment, Chu Feiyu made a handprint, and the black mist filled around his hands again, forming a strange protective shield.

"Twenty times, break it for me!" Mo Qingxuan shouted loudly, and the strength on the blade increased a little more.

Although the blade was able to go down, it was still impossible to break through this strange protective shield.

"25 times!"


At this time, a strange and piercing barking sound came into Mo Qingxuan's ears, and that feeling was very uncomfortable.

What the hell is a shield.

"Top!" Chu Feiyu was also struggling a bit, kicked his legs and lifted his hands upwards.

On the arena, a pair of footprints suddenly appeared and went deep into the ground.

This shows how strong Mo Qingxuan is, and also how amazing Chu Feiyu's defense is.

Suddenly, Chu Feiyu freed a hand, and the blade of the sword in Mo Qingxuan's hand went down a little bit, but Mo Qingxuan felt something was wrong, faintly feeling a little dangerous.

not good!retreat!

Mo Qingxuan no longer loves to fight, and retreats.


Shura Field: Thousands of souls return to their ancestors!

"My soul obeys orders!"

Then, Chu Feiyu uttered a deep murmur from the corner of his mouth, as if he was reciting some spell.

The black mist around Chu Feiyu slowly gathered in front of him, and these similar black mist continuously emerged from his body.

Mo Qingxuan's face became more and more solemn, watching the black mist whirling wildly, she felt that she must not go up at this time, otherwise she would be crushed into meat paste by the black mist shaped like a meat grinder.

Mo Qingxuan was deeply afraid of this thing!

Finally, the speed of the black mist began to slow down, but a huge shadow also appeared in front of Mo Qingxuan.

It was actually accumulated by the soul!

Mo Qingxuan's expression changed, so these external things are of no use to this phantom.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't bear to compare that powerful soul power with her own soul power.

"No wonder those people's attacks are useless against Chu Feiyu." Mo Qingxuan nodded, as if he understood something.

As for why the iron bull is useful, it is naturally because he uses brute force.

That's why he was able to attack Chu Feiyu twice by mistake.

The people on the opening stage were not only surprised but also surprised, what kind of freak is this Chu Feiyu, and what is the thing in front of him.

They had deep doubts. Although they didn't know what it was, they already felt a little afraid.

And those who were defeated by Chu Feiyu smiled wryly.

This brother has always kept the feeling.

Shura Field: Bodhi of Blood!
"Give my blood, sacrifice your spirit, behead!"

Immediately afterwards, with a flick of his right hand, a stream of blood essence shot out from his index finger.

When that drop of blood entered the black mist, the black mist became violent.

The phantom formed by the black mist began to turn into a skull, and the hollow facial features made people shiver.

Deep down fear and dread.

The phantom started to attack, and a pure soul storm attacked Mo Qingxuan.

"It's such a familiar attack." Mo Qingxuan didn't know why she felt this way.


It is very similar to the Soul Wind Blade in the test in the Divine Cauldron Pagoda.

I don't know if I can absorb it.

What others look at with dread, but in Mo Qingxuan's eyes, it becomes a tonic.

However, it is not so easy to get these "supplements", and Mo Qingxuan is not sure about this thing.

Mo Qingxuan's sword gang came out again, and a protective film suddenly appeared around Mo Qingxuan.

Although he knew it was useless, how could Chu Feiyu be fooled if he didn't do this.

Mo Qingxuan's heart was full of joy, this soul storm was useless to her.

Those soul powers entered Mo Qingxuan's body, and entered that strange space along the route that Mo Qingxuan had already prepared.

Mo Qingxuan didn't know what that was, as long as it could be stored anyway.

At this time, a very interesting scene appeared.

Those soul storms were sent out continuously, but Mo Qingxuan kept absorbing them like nothing happened.

On the contrary, that layer of protective cover is funny like a filter, removing some impurities.

Chu Feiyu was very strange, it made people want to hold his heart.

These two people are simply not human, they are both so perverted.

One person's attack is very dreadful at such a distance, but the other doesn't care about such a terrifying attack at all, and stands calmly by the side.

It lasted for about a minute before Chu Feiyu felt something was wrong.

Because those souls who attacked have not come back.

"Damn it! Give it to me!" Chu Feiyu panicked with the complicated knot in his hand, obviously wanting to take back this attack.

"Haha! I'll suck it." Mo Qingxuan on the other side looked at Chu Feiyu sympathetically, and the speed of sucking accelerated.

Chu Feiyu's face changed, these souls were out of his control, he could only watch helplessly as these souls turned into Mo Qingxuan's body.

"What kind of monster is this! Can it absorb souls?" This time, it was Chu Feiyu's turn to be surprised.

Others may just see those souls as black mist, but Chu Feiyu knows it best in his heart.

This is because Morromon specially gifted some souls to himself when he went out, otherwise he had to capture them by himself.

This Morromon uses the soul as the medium, combined with Morromon's unique skills and martial arts, to launch some terrifying attacks.

These attacks are exactly soul attacks!

Therefore, there is a deep fear of this Morromon on the mainland.

This can also explain why some forces joined forces at that time and did not wipe out the Morromen.

"What the hell did you do, give me back your soul!" Chu Feiyu said angrily, there might be some kind of punishment for losing these souls.

"Hehe, do you want to know?" Mo Qingxuan smiled lightly, "Then beat me."


There is no other way, since Chu Feiyu lost these souls, his attack power will naturally go to the next level, so it is hard to say whether he can defeat Mo Qingxuan now.

"This son must not stay..." Suddenly a voice came into Mo Qingxuan's ears.

master?Jian Yunchen?

(End of this chapter)

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