Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 2 There is no way ahead, there is a dryad

Chapter 2 There is no way ahead, there is a dryad
Hua Qingchen thought that Mo Qingxuan was playing tricks on him, and said disdainfully, "Who do you want to fool with such a trick?"

Hearing only a "pa", Hua Qingchen fell down in front of Mo Qingxuan without even humming.

Mo Qingxuan watched helplessly as a vine directly knocked Hua Qingchen unconscious, while the arrogant vine twisted its body and wanted to attack her.

Mo Qingxuan subconsciously turned around and fled forward quickly.What's the point of saving him if he spends radishes and loses money himself?
run and run...

Eh!Why don't you stay where you are?
It was only then that Mo Qingxuan realized that he was hanging in the air, and a vine directly fixed himself in midair.There is no way, I can't run away.

"Dead tree demon!" Mo Qingxuan slapped the vines fiercely, venting her anger in her heart!


Mo Qingxuan suddenly felt a sharp pain, her neck tilted, and she passed out in a daze.

"Shushu... I haven't tasted such blood for a long time."

Through the gloomy moonlight, I saw thousands of vines sweeping towards this side.Faintly, an old and dull face appeared at the end.

White beard, black robe, fluffy white hair, and those vines have disappeared. It is an old tree demon who has lived for an unknown number of years.After a pause, the hoarse voice sounded again.

"This little girl's blood is special, it's green in color and has a strong medicinal fragrance."

The tree demon was puzzled for a while, and stretched out his hand to try it out.

Suddenly, a red light shone on Mo Qingxuan's chest.As time passed, the light became more and more red, and finally formed a vortex around Mo Qingxuan's chest.The surrounding green blood quickly flowed towards the vortex, devouring the last bit of it.

The Dryad was also startled by the scene before him and became confused, but he didn't dare to look forward.Even though he was so far away, he still deeply felt the aura of danger.He was terrified of that thing.

However, this girl's blood is really delicious.

A vine protruded from behind the tree demon, and moved towards Mo Qingxuan.

The vortex seemed to be about to stop, and suddenly sucked the vines.It actually started to absorb the essence of the tree demon. The tree demon felt his body lighten up, and his demon power gradually dissipated, so he quickly took the tree vine back.

Fortunately, he harvested it early, otherwise he would have to wait for the next spring here today, take root and sprout, and practice for thousands of years to thrive.

"Could it be that thing?" The tree demon murmured, if he met the legendary treasure, he would have to explain it here today.

After thinking about it again and again, the tree demon took those vines and ran away.

Of course Mo Qingxuan was still in a coma, but Hua Qingchen had already woken up.He wanted to take advantage of the tree demon's unpreparedness and make a surprise move, but the changes in Mo Qingxuan made him give up this plan.

Hua Qingchen didn't get up in a hurry, if the tree demon intentionally creates the illusion of leaving later, the loss outweighs the gain.As far as he knew, if it was really the legendary treasure, those monsters would probably give it three points.

In an instant, calm was restored in the forest.

The moonlight gradually moved eastward, and the dawn light slowly took over the land.

chirp... chirp...

The sound of birdsong in the morning awakens all sleeping things.A thin layer of white mist slowly formed in the forest, which added a bit of mystery to the forest.

In the hazy mist, I saw a white figure standing there hesitating.

She was dressed in a white gauze robe, her hair was tied up high, and her white face had sharp edges and corners.The beautiful sword eyebrows are slightly furrowed, and the deep eyes are fixed with a trace of irritability, looking at the little man on the ground.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on that gloomy handsome face, and the slightly raised corners of his lips showed a faint smirk, which really made people unable to guess his thoughts.

If Mo Qingxuan was awake and looked at Hua Qingchen's appearance, he would definitely scold him again: "Hua Luobo, you're a disciple!"

Hua Qingchen stared straight at the jade pendant on Mo Qingxuan's chest, thinking whether to take it away, and disappeared before Mo Qingxuan woke up.

Staring, Hua Qingchen hesitated for a long time, and finally walked towards her.

Worried that Mo Qingxuan would wake up suddenly, Hua Qingchen tiptoed over there.It was the first time to do such a thing, and the other party was a woman, so he couldn't help feeling guilty
After a while, Hua Qingchen's figure appeared on Mo Qingxuan's body.The movement was so ambiguous, Hua Qingchen straddled Mo Qingxuan's body.The faint fragrance from her body floated into Hua Qingchen's nose, making him refreshed immediately.

Hua Qingchen looked at Mo Qingxuan below him, his eyes became gentle for no reason.

In the twilight morning light, the people under him are as peaceful as picturesque.

On her fair and delicate face, her eyebrows were like crescent moons, and her slender eye feathers were like a pair of fluttering butterflies, trembling slightly as she breathed lightly, blocking her bright and bright eyes.Under the pink and small cherry lips...

His eyes lingered, and when he moved to Mo Qingxuan's snowy neck, he suddenly saw a big spring blooming in her.

Hua Qingchen's eyes froze slightly, she blushed hurriedly turned her head away, and said silently in her heart: Do not look at evil!
But that jade pendant was lying there quietly, and that piece of jade pendant was more attractive than anything else.Hua Qingchen gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and stretched out her hand to touch forward again.


Hua Qingchen, who was physically and mentally tense, did not know that Mo Qingxuan had woken up, and received a slap in the face.Just as he came back to his senses and wanted to explain, he was kicked by Mo Qingxuan again.

Mo Qingxuan didn't have that much strength to kick Hua Qingchen far away, but Hua Qingchen couldn't stand still, and directly pressed down on her.

Lips touched and eyes stared at each other.

The air almost condensed, and the time was only a few seconds——

Mo Qingxuan suddenly raised his hands, and slapped his face two or three times...

Clap, clap, clap.

Hua Qingchen quickly rolled away like a carp, leaving Mo Qingxuan's body.Two strokes to the left, three strokes to the right, and another round is unbearable.

"Ah... woo, stinky rascal!" Not long after, Hua Qingchen rode on her again, and Mo Qingxuan was of course very annoyed.

"I..." Hua Qingchen was obviously a little embarrassed.

"What are you, Hualuobo, I'm going to kill you today." Mo Qingxuan's eyes were red, when had he ever suffered such a great grievance.

"Miss Qingxuan, hey! I just want to see your jade pendant..." Hua Qingchen had no choice but to tell the truth with a sigh.

Listening, Mo Qingxuan suddenly heard the jade pendant, and subconsciously covered her chest.This jade pendant is too important to her. Although she doesn't know what it is, it must not be ordinary.

"Miss Qingxuan, can I lend it to you? Thank you very much." Hua Qingchen said seriously.

"Hmph, do you think this girl will listen to your nonsense?" Naturally, Mo Qingxuan would not hand over such an important thing to Hua Qingchen, such a scum, it doesn't matter if she doesn't make friends.

"You—" Hua Qingchen didn't expect Mo Qingxuan to be so stubborn, and suddenly smiled playfully, "How about I let you suppress it too?"

"Get out!" Mo Qingxuan blushed, and glared at Hua Qingchen angrily, "Dengtuzi."

"Where does Miss Qingxuan say that? Isn't this a beautiful deal." Hua Qingchen laughed and became a rascal.

"That's a good idea. I don't know why I met such a shameless person like you." Mo Qingxuan also saw that Hua Qingchen was a gentle scum, and didn't want to talk to him too much.

After finishing speaking, Mo Qingxuan turned around and left.The moment she turned around, the tears could no longer be held back and welled up in her eyes.

After all, she is a woman, helpless, no matter how wronged she is, she can't show it in front of others.No one is kept here, just change to another place, if the advantage is taken, it will be taken, anyway, we will never meet again.

Looking at Mo Qingxuan's lonely and charming back, Hua Qingchen's smile suddenly froze on his face. The familiar feeling of deja vu made his heart twitch violently, and the pain gradually spread...

"Qingxuan, where did we meet?" Hua Qingchen couldn't help muttering.

That look, that tear, how familiar.Hua Qingchen just couldn't remember, he had never had this feeling before.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan walking away slowly, Hua Qingchen followed slowly.Although I can't get the jade pendant anymore, I can't let others touch it.

Mo Qingxuan didn't know that she could still walk forward with a small tail.

(End of this chapter)

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