Chapter 21 Baby No, Old Fox

Mo Qingxuan sat alone at the place she and Hua Qingchen loved, which was the cliff where one could look out over the sea.But at this moment, Mo Qingxuan wanted to leave so much for some reason.

After all, is Huazong the place where she should stay?

It was a mistake to come here.

I came here by accident.

Now, it was difficult to leave, two lines of clear tears slowly flowed from Mo Qingxuan's eyes.

Hmph, but is he that easy to bully?
Later, Mo Qingxuan made some delicious food for Hua Qingchen and sent it to him full of heart.Unexpectedly, I saw Xuetong there.

Qingqing me, mouth to mouth, so ambiguous.

Seeing this, Mo Qingxuan couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to come here alone and cry alone.There was only one person here, no one to confide in, no one to talk to, it was the first time that Mo Qingxuan felt so lonely.

"Junior Sister Qingxuan."

Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan was startled and wiped away tears.Turning his head, he realized that it was a stranger, but he looked so familiar.

"You are?" Mo Qingxuan asked suspiciously.

"Um, I'm Hua Jianli."

"Oh? Let me tell you, why does it feel a little familiar?" Indeed, Mo Qingxuan remembered that this person was the one who fought with Hua Qingchen during the day.

"Hehe, during the daytime, I also saw Junior Sister Qingxuan." Hua Jianli said cheerfully.

"Didn't you get hurt by Hualuo...Hua Qingchen?" Mo Qingxuan also felt strange that this guy didn't take good care of his wounds, but came here to make friends with him.

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal.Mo Qingxuan also became alert.

"Hehe, Junior Sister Qingxuan was joking. It's just a small injury, how could it be so pretentious, and it's already seven or eight points better now." Hua Jianli said proudly, "How about I show Junior Sister a few jumps?"

Mo Qingxuan hurriedly stopped him: "That's unnecessary. But, what's the point of Senior Brother Jianli coming to me?"

"Can't I just come and chat with my junior sister?" Hua Jianli rolled his eyes and said.

"Senior Brother Jianli, it's getting late now, I should go back." 36 The best plan is to go, no matter what conspiracy you have, just run away, "Senior Brother Jianli, let's talk when we have time."

Before Hua Jianli could reply, Mo Qingxuan ran away.

"Hey..." Hua Jianli picked up the jade hairpin on the ground, and was about to return it to Mo Qingxuan, but Mo Qingxuan was nowhere to be seen, "He ran pretty fast."

Hua Jianli had no choice but to put away the jade hairpin, and had no choice but to wait until the next time he met Mo Qingxuan before returning it to him.

Mo Qingxuan ran back to Zhongxuan in shock, it was still too early, so he went to look at Xuan Zhuo.

Xuan Zhuo was seriously injured at that time, and for some unknown reason, he still hasn't woken up now.Now lying on a cold stone, slowly recuperating.

"Uncle Xuanzhuo, wake up quickly, Qingxuan is alone and has no one to talk to." Mo Qingxuan had no choice but to complain to a comatose person.

To say that from the very beginning, the best thing I can do to myself is Xuan Zhuo.

As for Hua Qingchen, he just looked at his body and saved his life.However, Mo Qingxuan didn't know why she had to rely on Hua Qingchen, she had a familiar feeling, deja vu.

Mo Qingxuan didn't bother to think about that anymore, at least now she could see that Hua Qingchen was a liar, and it's not too late to stay away from him.

"Uncle Xuan Zhuo, get up quickly, I'll cook something delicious for you."

Mo Qingxuan followed Xuan Zhuo sentence by sentence like this, if he wanted to talk, it was more like talking to himself.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker, Mo Qingxuan also got up and prepared to leave. Tomorrow, maybe Xuetong would challenge her.

Mo Qingxuan smiled wryly, with her own strength, she should have instantly killed herself.However, no matter what, you can't admit defeat. If you say you are stubborn, be stubborn. Anyway, you only have yourself, so go on your own way.

Just as he was about to go out, he bumped into Beizhong who was coming towards him, and it was too late to hide.

"Qingxuan, it's so late to see that kid Xuanzhuo." Mo Qingxuan hadn't spoken yet, but it was Beizhong who spoke first.

Mo Qingxuan was also in trouble. What should he call Beizhong? Although he accepted him as a disciple, he didn't tell him in person.

"Master." Mo Qingxuan smiled wryly, that was all she could say.

"Yeah." Beizuka smiled kindly, "Come on, follow me."

It was still the stone table in the small courtyard, and the chess pieces on the table had long since disappeared.

Mo Qingxuan tactfully poured a cup of tea for Beizhong last time, then stood aside.

"Qingxuan, sit down." Beizhong greeted.

"En." Mo Qingxuan didn't think that Beizhong was so approachable, so it was unnatural to be so polite.

I am no one, so why treat myself so well.

Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan remembered that she still had a piece of Bi Jue that many people coveted.Thinking of this, everything becomes clear.

Thinking of this, Mo Qingxuan felt more relaxed.There are also some schadenfreudes, the things you want, I don’t even know where they are now, so you just look for them slowly.

Where Mo Qingxuan was sitting, she secretly looked at Beizhong from the corner of her eye.

A little old man with a long white beard.The vicissitudes on the face can be seen that he has experienced many things, but it is difficult to see his age.It is not surprising that people who practice Taoism can change their appearance with just a few tricks.

"Hehe..." Mo Qingxuan suddenly laughed. Mo Qingxuan was imagining whether the little old man would slap himself to death if he found out that he didn't have Bi Jue on him.

"Qingxuan, what are you laughing at? Is there something dirty on my face?" Beizhong was also puzzled for a moment, why was the well-behaved Mo Qingxuan smiling.

The joke was overdone, what can I do.

"That's right, I'm here to help Master." Mo Qingxuan simply pretended to be stupid and continued to tease Beizhong.

After saying that, Mo Qingxuan really stepped forward and slapped Beizhong's face a few times.Looking at the world, Mo Qingxuan is probably the only one who dares to do this.

"But what?"

"Master, it's too dark, I can't see clearly."

"Forget it, come and play chess with Master."

"Play chess?" Mo Qingxuan blushed and said embarrassedly, "I really don't know how to do this."

Beizuka was also speechless, not knowing what to say.

"Qingchen said, you have a piece of jade on your body. The old man likes jade very much. I don't know if I can lend it to the master."

Mo Qingxuan thought in his heart, the old fox finally showed his fox tail.And that flower radish is really not a good thing.If you want to steal something from this girl, don't give it to you liars.

At this moment, Mo Qingxuan finally understood the importance of that piece of jade on her body.Although I don't know where I got it from, it is indeed a treasure.

"This..." Mo Qingxuan came up with a plan and pretended to be in trouble.

"Why, you don't want to?" Beizuka said in a deep voice.

"No, no." Mo Qingxuan hurriedly explained, "I seem to have lost it..."

"What!" Beizuka shouted violently, "How could it be!"

Beizuka's lungs almost exploded in his heart, prodigal son, such a good thing was lost.

"Master, if I go back and look for it, I might find it." Mo Qingxuan said cautiously.

"Forget it, it's okay to lose it if you lose it." Bei Zhong forced himself to be calm, but he still didn't want to show greed.

"Understood, master." Mo Qingxuan's tone was low, she wanted to make Beizuka feel that she was blaming herself.

"Then you go down first." Beizuka waved his hand, but he didn't have the mood to continue talking.

"Oh." Mo Qingxuan was eager to stride away, the aura that Beizhong showed just now made her breathless.

Beizuka took a few sips of tea alone and laughed.

"Little girl, the old man is so easy to deceive? Then Bi Jue will be in the old man's pocket sooner or later. If the old man gave you the opportunity to hand it over to yourself today, if you don't take it, then don't blame me for being rude."

Beizuka's body gradually blurred and disappeared.

After returning to the room, Mo Qingxuan cautiously probed into her body again, but no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find Bi Jue.

Mo Qingxuan smiled wryly, really lost it!

"Woo... my baby."

(End of this chapter)

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