Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 26 Although Bi Jue is good, she is really greedy and sad

Chapter 26 Although Bi Jue is good, she is really greedy and sad
Staring blankly at Mo Qingxuan's leaving figure, Hua Qingchen didn't know what it was like.Anyway, seeing Mo Qingxuan like this made him uncomfortable.

"Qing..." The words came to an abrupt end.

With Mo Qingxuan's appearance, Hua Qingchen vaguely understood that Mo Qingxuan seemed to have misunderstood something.

Hua Qingchen was startled: he didn't think that he wanted Bi Jue to bring her to Huazong right from the beginning.

It seems that I can't get it today, and my position in Mo Qingxuan's heart should also change drastically.Hua Qingchen couldn't help smiling wryly, it seemed that he had to find his master, he really had no choice.

Hua Qingchen went to look for it, but he didn't expect that a bigger regret was still waiting for him later.

The two of them didn't know, but there was someone secretly paying attention to all this.

"It seems that the opportunity has come." After a while, the man in the dark chased after Mo Qingxuan.

World affairs are always tied to interests.Things in the world are difficult, and in the end, only my own tears are paid.

A lonely self, a prosperous world, and an ordinary life.

But all of this was broken by the thing called Bi Jue, even he didn't know what it was, and he didn't know why it appeared on his body.

If possible, Mo Qingxuan would rather call out that piece of Bi Jue in exchange for her cute Hua Qingchen.

It's just that Mo Qingxuan can't find it now.

Now it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down, Mo Qingxuan doesn't think she can escape from Penglai.

If you can't go, then die.

"Flower carrot, goodbye."

Mo Qingxuan closed her eyes and jumped forward.

Floating in mid-air, it was a kind of relief, and finally left this boring world.

Mo Qingxuan's last smile remained under the cliff where no one saw it.

In front of the distant Nether Palace, Ye Shuo clutched his chest, his heart ached several times today than before.

"Qingxuan, is that you?" Ye Shuo murmured, looking at the dim red sky.

Thinking day by day, Ye Shuo found that his feeling was getting stronger and stronger.It seems that it is necessary to give it a try, and this is also good, take this opportunity to clean up these disobedient people.

Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon.

Mo Qingxuan felt a beam of light shining on her eyes, which was dazzling, and she couldn't wait to open them.

Why is the scenery in front of me so beautiful? In front of the cliff, there is a big banyan tree with lush branches and green leaves.Born here alone, it is a beautiful landscape from a distance.

"Am I in heaven?"

"Hehe, you can live well now."

Mo Qingxuan was startled and backed away.Why is there still someone talking about this?Looking back, it turned out to be a familiar person.

"Flowers fade away?"

"Junior Sister Qingxuan, you still remember me."

Mo Qingxuan nodded: "Of course I remember, but why did you save me?"

"Hehe, I happened to see it and saved it." Hua Jianli seemed to be talking about an insignificant thing.

"Thank you." Mo Qingxuan thanked him even though he wanted to kill himself and was rescued by him.

"I don't know why Junior Sister Qingxuan is so hard to think about it? The wonderful youth is just the beginning." Hua Jianli cared intentionally or unconsciously, "Besides, Junior Sister Qingxuan is as beautiful as a flower, and it is a pity to die."

"Hehe." Although Mo Qingxuan sounded awkward, she was still amused.

Yes, who doesn't want to live in a good time.

If the heavens give me a chance to live, I will definitely practice hard and conquer the Huazong one day.

Mo Qingxuan couldn't help clenching her fists.

"Junior Sister Qingxuan, let's go back."

Mo Qingxuan shook her head: "I want to have a quiet meeting here."


After finishing speaking, Hua Jianli walked aside and entered the state of cultivation, and did not bother Mo Qingxuan anymore.

Speaking of that flower light dust, Mo Qingxuan didn't know what to do when he walked like that, so he went to Beizhong immediately.After all, this matter is big and big, and it is not big if it is not big.

Beizhong also did not expect that Mo Qingxuan would not even listen to Hua Qingchen's words.

"Master, what should we do now, the disciple is helpless?"

"That's the only way to go."

Of course Hua Qingchen knew what Beizuka said, but he really didn't want to do it.Helpless, the teacher's order is hard to do, otherwise it will be a big rebellion.

"But, Master..."

"It's up to you, and only you are the most suitable"

Hua Qingchen broke into a cold sweat, why is it herself again.

"Master, I'm afraid this disciple is not competent." Hua Qingchen had no choice but to say this, otherwise the misunderstanding between herself and Mo Qingxuan would never be resolved.

Beizuka looked at his most proud disciple and couldn't help shaking his head.The other disciple had already let himself down by the word "love", and now, it was still in its infancy, and it was time to cut it off.

Having learned the lesson once, this time, Hua Qingchen must not be allowed to follow in his footsteps.

Love is the most complicated thing in the world.

"Qingchen, the master can only go by himself."

Hua Qingchen never imagined why this Beizhong was so straightforward, when he was puzzled, Beizhong had already got up and walked out.

At this time, how could the two of them find Mo Qingxuan, now that Mo Qingxuan was enjoying the beauty of the sunset at that place, she forgot those complicated things for a short time.

Obviously, Beizhong and the others soon discovered that Mo Qingxuan had disappeared.

"Master, what should I do now?"

"Hmph, even if she doesn't see her, she can't leave Penglai." Beizhong was a little annoyed, and this time he was determined to bring Bi Jue over, "I'm waiting right here."

Hua Qingchen didn't dare to speak more, bowed and waited.

The flowers are getting away. It's really late, and the wind is blowing

"Sister Qingxuan, it's windy here, why not go back first. I heard that the sunrise here is more beautiful."

"Oh? Really?" Mo Qingxuan asked with great interest, "It seems that we need to watch the sunrise in another place."


"It's nothing, I said let's go back quickly."

Mo Qingxuan jumped forward and walked forward, worrying beyond the sky.

"That thing isn't on me, take it easy." Looking at Mo Qingxuan's figure, Hua Jianli raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Jianli, what are you doing behind, hurry up and go."

"Oh, soon."

Hua Jianli smiled and walked forward.

Gradually separated from Hua, Mo Qingxuan walked towards her room full of joy.As soon as he reached the door, Mo Qingxuan turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hmph, want to leave?" Beizhong was also furious, when had he been so aggrieved.

Mo Qingxuan suddenly found that she couldn't move anymore, old man!

"Qingchen, go over and get her in."


"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!" Beizuka said angrily.

Hua Qingchen reluctantly walked towards Mo Qingxuan, her eyes met, Hua Qingchen looked at Mo Qingxuan's eyes that were about to kill someone, Hua Qingchen couldn't help lowering her head.

"Qingxuan, I'm sorry, I brought you into Huazong, then I will also take you out."

Mo Qingxuan couldn't move or speak now, so she could only let Hua Qingchen manipulate her.

"Girl doll, be sensible, and quickly hand over Bi Jue." Beizhong's tone was indifferent, and he didn't talk nonsense, straight to the point.

"Cough." Mo Qingxuan was released from the confinement, her chest felt stuffy, and she couldn't help coughing, "I lost it!"

"Don't hide it from me, don't annoy the old man, otherwise, hum..."

Mo Qingxuan ignored Beizhong's indifference, and said coldly: "Why lie to you, I can investigate it myself."

Beizhong had already known from Hua Qingchen that Bijue hid in Mo Qingxuan's body with a flower puzzle.However, Beizhong had already detected it, and the Huamizhen was still there, but it was empty inside.

"Hmph, you're still playing tricks, where did you hide Bi Jue?"

"Heh, old man, come here, I'll tell you." Mo Qingxuan actually laughed.

Beizuka put his ear to it in doubt, never expecting Mo Qingxuan's expression to change.

"You! Make it! Dream!" Mo Qingxuan roared out, and even the peerless Beizhong couldn't guard against it.

Beizhong was furious, and immediately slapped him, and Mo Qingxuan passed out directly.

"Qingxuan..." Hua Qingchen couldn't help walking forward.

"Put her under house arrest here, and no one will approach her without my order."

After finishing speaking, Beizhong shook his sleeves and left, he was really angry.Being teased by a little girl one after another, if it spreads out, what face will there be!

 The second one is delivered!

(End of this chapter)

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