Chapter 36
When Hua Sect disciples arrived here, there was no one there, only Hua Qingchen and Xuan Zhuo were left fainted on the ground.

"After all, it's a step late." Said a senior disciple.

Since Hua Qingchen didn't keep those people behind, they naturally wouldn't chase after them.Several disciples went forward to lift Hua Qingchen and the two of them up, and the group turned back in the direction of Huazong.

After a while, a few people came out from the woods on the side, naturally Xiusan, Xiuer, Feng Kui and the fainted Mo Qingxuan.

"Three, it's a good thing you're here." It is said that the second and third class of Xiu Chan is a secret confidant around Xiu Chanzi, and they are called one, two, three, and four.

"Hmph, Er, you really lived up to your name, and you were tricked by a girl." Xiu San was obviously extremely dissatisfied with Xiu Er's way of doing things, so he was not angry when he spoke.

"Hey." Xiu Er naturally patted his head, and his face turned red.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's a good thing this girl was caught, otherwise I'd have to go back and forth." Xiusan pointed to Feng Kui who was beside him, "Go over and get him up, let's hurry back."

Picking up Mo Qingxuan casually, she flew towards the west.

On the way, Mo Qingxuan woke up a few times, but Xiusan was so cruel that he knocked her out mercilessly.Mo Qingxuan was also depressed, she didn't even have a chance to roll her eyes.

After tossing and turning for a few days, she fainted, was knocked unconscious again, had no food to eat, sometimes Xiusan kindly poured Mo Qingxuan a few sips of water, and passed away.

Mo Qingxuan also became smarter. Even when she was awake, she didn't get up. Instead, she closed her eyes and practiced.

But this Mo Qingxuan was also depressed for a while, since the last time he broke through to the foundation establishment at the Clumsy Peak, he hadn't made any progress.And every time he inhales the aura of heaven and earth, it disappears between his bodies in the blink of an eye.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the body?
Depressed to be depressed, Mo Qingxuan didn't have any teacher to teach her, so she had to practice blindly by herself.It is true that the practice is in vain, and it is more or less diligent.

"Second, the front is my demon world, come down and go in."

Xiu Er nodded, and put Feng Kui off his back.Feng Kui was only slightly injured, but he had woken up a long time ago and was just a little weak.

"Wake up clean without dying, you think this little trick of yours can hide from you, Third Master Xiu." Xiu San didn't feel pity for the fragrance, and directly threw Mo Qingxuan down.

"Damn, another pretender." Mo Qingxuan said inwardly, "Wait until I become stronger, auntie, see if I don't take your skin off."

After all, Xiu Er was the one who had eaten Mo Qingxuan's fish, so he ran over quickly and caught Mo Qingxuan.

"You white-eyed wolf, the scar is really healed and you forget the pain." Xiu San was also speechless to Xiu Er for a while, and didn't bother to talk to him, and walked forward directly.

Mo Qingxuan's face was not as dusty as imagined, she opened her eyes to look, and Xiu Er stared blankly at her.

Mo Qingxuan simply closed her eyes, and turned her head to the side: "Idiot, you bastard!"

"Ah?" Xiu Er didn't have such a person in the devil world, so it's not too much to look at him a few more times. He blushed and became embarrassed, and suddenly reached out to wipe away the drool.

"Ah!" Mo Qingxuan seemed destined to have a relationship with the dirt on the ground.

"Miss Qingxuan, I'm sorry." Only then did Xiu Er realize that he still had a living person in his hand.

Mo Qingxuan slapped off Xiu Er's hand and struggled to get up.He glared at Xiu Er angrily, and twisted his face angrily.

"Idiot, you idiot!" Mo Qingxuan stomped her feet, scolding Xiu Er for eighteen generations in her heart.

"Hey." How does Xiu Er have any experience in dealing with such things, there is nothing else to do except touch his head.

On the other hand, Feng Kui covered his mouth and smiled, coughing, and coughing when he got too excited.

The little episode is fleeting.

Mo Qingxuan also took a good look at this place.

Billowing yellow sand, a gust of wind blowing, covering the sky.But it's not like a desert, it's not hot here, on the contrary it actually gives people a cold feeling.

There is a legend in the world that when a person dies, his soul will go to hell.The border between the mortal world and hell is a place called Fengdu.

A group of people continued to move forward, such a big wind and sand could not fly at all.But what surprised Mo Qingxuan was that there was no one here even though it was daytime.

It is also very easy to guess that there are people living here, because Mo Qingxuan found a city not far ahead, standing there.

Because of the presence of Third Master Xiu, Mo Qingxuan couldn't easily follow Xiu Er's words.Therefore, I didn't ask where this is.

After walking a few miles further, a plaque hanging high on the city wall had two big characters in seal script.


"Fengdu?" Seeing these two words, Mo Qingxuan was startled. He had heard many legends about this place, but he never expected this place to exist.Although they knew that Xiu Er and the others were from the Demon Realm, they didn't expect that Fengdu was not only connected to the Underworld, but also the gate of the Demon Realm.

"Why, Miss Qingxuan knows this Fengdu?" Seeing that Mo Qingxuan seemed to know this place, Xiu Er asked stupidly.

"Yeah." Mo Qingxuan nodded, but turned to look at Xiu Er again, "Isn't this Feng connected to the underworld? Could it be that the intersection of your demon world is also here?"

"Hehe, Miss Qingxuan, you don't know something." It was not easy to get a good opportunity to brag, and it was still in front of Mo Qingxuan, Xiu Er was a little proud, and said eloquently.

Xiusan just glanced at it, but didn't stop him.

"Oh? Tell me about that idiot?" Mo Qingxuan asked, knowing more news is not a bad thing.

Two idiots!Miss Qingxuan actually called herself a fool again, which meant cleverness, and Xiu Er was very happy in his heart.It's like eating honey, it's so sweet, Xiu Er is a little bit smug.

"That idiot will tell a story to Miss Qingxuan."

Mo Qingxuan suppressed a smile and nodded.

It is said that the demon king Ye Shuo unified the three worlds of monsters and the underworld. Since the demon world and the underworld are relatively close, they merged these two places.

Then there is the theory of where the devil world is.

If one wanted to go to the Demon Realm, one had to pass through the Underworld, and the Underworld faced the mortal world across Fengdu.The demon world is well hidden in the underworld.

Mo Qingxuan nodded, expressing that he understood the stakes.

"You two are scribbling behind, why don't you keep up." Xiusan was also a little impatient, and shouted directly to the back.

"Understood." Xiu Er hurriedly replied.

"What's the big deal." Mo Qingxuan said angrily, rolled her eyes, and walked forward helplessly under Xiu Er's push.

crunch - boom -
There was no guard at the gate of the city, Xiu San pushed it away, and there was a roaring sound.

There were no bustling crowds inside, and there was no one on the street.

It's so cold, so damn cold.

Mo Qingxuan had nothing to be afraid of, anyway, if there was any danger, there would be these thugs by his side.On the contrary, she looked around leisurely.

"There's an inn over there." Mo Qingxuan's sudden cry startled the three big men.

Xiu San gave him a blank look, but he didn't say anything, and thought for a while: "Alright, I'll stay here tonight, and I'll go to that place tomorrow."

After all, he went up first.

Tongfu Inn.

"Is anyone there?" Xiu Er roared, this was instructed by Xiu San.

A few candles were lit up, making the room a little bit brighter.

"Guest officer, stay at the top of the hotel?"

(End of this chapter)

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