Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 39 Breakthrough Breakthrough, Listening Scale

Chapter 39 Breakthrough Breakthrough, Listening Scale
In the early morning of the next day, Granny Yan woke up early, but she was still feeling tired.Thinking about it, maybe it was because I didn't sleep well last night, and I didn't pay too much attention to it.

Looking at Mo Qingxuan who was sleeping soundly beside her, she smiled and retreated quietly.

When Granny Yan went out, Mo Qingxuan opened her eyes.To be honest, I didn't sleep all night last night, not because I didn't feel sleepy, but because I really didn't dare to close my eyes again.

As soon as he closed his eyes, there were those empty eyes in front of him, piercing.

Thinking of this, Mo Qingxuan shivered.

Looking at the window, Mo Qingxuan was thoughtful, and looked in the direction of the door for a while, but couldn't help being curious, and walked in the direction again.

Although Granny Yan said yesterday that it is best not to open the windows during the day, because there must have been many souls walking here last night, leaving too much cold air.Therefore, every year on the eighth day of the seventh month, every household in Fengdu City closes its doors and windows, in order not to be hurt by the cold air.

After confirming that Granny Yan would not break in suddenly, Mo Qingxuan moved towards the window again.Halfway through, he retreated to the door and quietly bolted the door, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Mo Qingxuan opened the window carefully, and there was a very thick fog outside.The fog covered the red sun and everything that could be seen clearly.

After a while, Mo Qingxuan felt a sense of sleepiness, and Mo Qingxuan couldn't help running the formula of the constitution, and started to practice.

With her eyes closed, Mo Qingxuan didn't know that the mist outside was forming a vortex and slowly gathering around Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan just felt that it was refreshing like never before, frantically absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.It's just that she didn't know that what she absorbed was the thick fog outside.

An hour passed quietly.

Mo Qingxuan felt that her strength was slowly increasing, and she was even about to break through the Foundation Establishment level.Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan opened his eyes, and was dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

"What to do, what to do! If Granny Yan finds out, she will be scolded to death."

Looking at the fog that filled the room, Mo Qingxuan was no longer in the mood to practice, and the joy just now also disappeared.Mo Qingxuan dejectedly went to the window and closed it, so that the mist could no longer come in.

The most important thing now is how to get rid of the fog in the room, Mo Qingxuan doesn't want to disappoint Granny Yan.She had told herself not to open the window, but now she was hiding the fog from her and getting the fog into the house.

I don't know what side effects this mist has. How come I don't have any reaction to the smell?

Mo Qingxuan simply sat cross-legged on the floor, resting her chin with her hands and was stunned.

"How is it possible!" Mo Qingxuan murmured suddenly, "How is it possible, how did this mental method work by itself?"

Mo Qingxuan found that all the meridians in his body began to work, and a wave of spiritual energy filled the meridians and burst out towards the dantian.

And what happened next surprised Mo Qingxuan even more, and she was stunned for a moment, overjoyed.

The white mist in the house slowly swirled, and there was no wind at all in the house.Mo Qingxuan opened her eyes at this time, and found that the mist formed a vortex and circled around her, blending into her skin from time to time.

"So it's because of this mist." Mo Qingxuan seemed to understand what happened to him just now, "But others are useless to others, but I can use this mist to cultivate?"

Forget it, let's talk about upgrading!

Mo Qingxuan stopped thinking about it, closed her eyes tightly, and began to practice with one heart and one mind.After another half an hour, Mo Qingxuan felt that no spiritual energy had entered his body, and when he opened his eyes, he found that all the white mist in the room had disappeared.

Almost, almost broke through!
Mo Qingxuan walked to the window again, wanting to break through in one fell swoop.

bang bang bang...

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Mo Qingxuan had to give up. It seemed that he had to find another chance.

"Miss Qingxuan, are you awake?" It was Xiu Er's voice.

Mo Qingxuan was not that stupid, so he didn't answer right away, but after a few knocks on the door, he yawned a few times on purpose.

"Woke up."

"Hey, Miss Qingxuan, this breakfast is ready, come down quickly."

"Understood." Mo Qingxuan replied helplessly, rolled her eyes, and smiled.

Facing the bronze mirror, Mo Qingxuan was deeply overwhelmed by her own appearance, and she was overwhelmed by her beauty.After tidying up and arranging her clothes, Mo Qingxuan got up and walked out the door.

Penglai Xiandao, Huazong.

It has been a long time since Hua Qingchen and Xuan Zhuo were rescued by Huazong disciples, but they haven't woken up yet.Fortunately those disciples went there in time, otherwise Hua Qingchen and the two would have died at the hands of Xiu San.

Beizuka checked the injuries of the two of them, but luckily they were only seriously injured, and sighed.I regret that at the beginning, if Mo Qingxuan had snatched Bi Jue over when he came to Huazong, so many things would not have happened.

It's good now, and now the two most proud disciples have become like this.

After thinking about it for a while, Beizhong headed towards the Zongnei Chamber, and it was time to think of a way to get Bi Jue back.

Not long after Beizuka left, Xuetong appeared here.

Looking at the unconscious Hua Qingchen, Xuetong sat aside and watched blankly.

"Senior brother Qingchen, I'm sorry." As she said that, Xuetong began to cry. Ever since she was a child, when did the person closest to her suffer from such a crime.

"Mo Qingxuan, Senior Brother Qingchen became like this thanks to you, I will definitely make you pay with blood!" Xuetong stood up, tears streaming down one after another. run outside.

"Hehe, Hua Qingchen, I didn't expect you to become like this. Farewell." As soon as Xuetong left, a gloomy voice sounded here.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Hua Jianli, Hua Jianli raised his fists and was about to hammer Hua Qingchen.

"Stop!" A cold sword was placed directly at Hua Jianli's throat.

"Hehe, little sister Xuetong." Hua Jianli put away his fists, he knew that today he had no chance, Xuetong's strength was far beyond the surface, she was from that family.

"Hmph, if you want to kill Senior Brother Qingchen to pass my test."

"Junior Sister Xuetong, I also accept you..."

"Shut up! No matter who ordered it, you are not allowed to hurt Senior Brother Qingchen."

"Since Junior Sister Xuetong said so, then I will give Sister Xuetong some face." Hua Jianli hadn't stopped the smile on his face, but suddenly, with all his strength, he flicked the sword around his neck away, and went straight to the outside with a flash Go, "Junior Sister Xuetong, if you can protect him once, can you protect him forever? Hmph, you won't be so lucky next time."

After all, Hua Jianli left the place.

Xuetong breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Qingchen, goodbye by fate."

Walking in front of Hua Qingchen, Xuetong gently kissed his forehead deeply.He got up and left without looking back.

Tongfu Inn.

Mo Qingxuan finally confessed that he didn't sleep well last night, and fled back to the room under Fengkui and Xiusan's strange eyes.

Feng Kui's complexion has also improved a lot, after all, he is the proud son of the younger generation in the demon world, and he still has the ability to be proud of.

Although Feng Kui has a high status in the demon world, Xiu San and the others, as a special status, are not too polite to Feng Kui, but Feng Kui also understands who they are and doesn't care that much.

Feng Kui and Xiu San looked at each other, Xiu San shook his head.

There was no need to monitor Mo Qingxuan anymore, after all, Granny Yan had also heard about this weird eighth day of the seventh lunar month, no matter how clever she was, Mo Qingxuan would not be able to escape.

As soon as Mo Qingxuan returned to the room, she couldn't wait to open the window to absorb the white mist outside.The formulas of the mental method are running quickly, and they are absorbing crazily.


After a while, Mo Qingxuan suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

(End of this chapter)

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