Chapter 41
"Girl doll, do you know me? Hehe, this is really weird." Seeing Mo Qingxuan's reaction as soon as he came in, Xiu Chanzi looked up at her and said slowly.

Xiu Chanzi was also full of doubts. It stands to reason that this girl should be seeing him for the first time.However, a strong interest in Mo Qingxuan also came.

"'re just that..." Mo Qingxuan turned around a few times, then patted his head again, "Aren't you just that old man who practiced Zen, I've seen you."

Karma?He really knew himself, Xiu Chan kept looking for Mo Qingxuan in his mind.

"It's her?" A picture of a person flashed in Xiu Chanzi's mind, but he shook his head again and murmured, "Impossible, absolutely impossible, it's been so long, how could he still be alive."

Xiu Chanzi immediately denied this absurd idea, took a gulp of tea, and suppressed his inner emotions.

"Hehe, little girl, I didn't expect you to know the old man's name."

"Don't call me a little girl, your whole family is a little girl." Mo Qingxuan had no manners, especially for such a cheap little old man.

This kind of little old man has a human face and a beast's heart. With the example of Beizhong, Mo Qingxuan really saw the so-called respect for the elderly!
"Mo Qingxuan, Miss Mo." Xiu Chanzi didn't care that much, at such a great age, why bother to meet a little girl.

"So you know my name, so you still call me little girl. Are you a fool?" Mo Qingxuan glared.

Now Mo Qingxuan is not afraid that she will anger Xiu Chanzi now, because she knows the purpose of Xiu Chanzi to arrest her and come here.If you act too cowardly, you will put an invisible pressure on yourself.

Another one, it is also good to have a mouthful.During this period of time, I have been "concerned" by others. I can't fight back, but I can fight back.

I, Mo Qingxuan, am a woman, not a gentleman!

Xiu Chanzi looked at Mo Qingxuan in surprise. Could it be that the information was wrong?When did this Mo Qingxuan become so tough?

"It's not difficult to know your name, you'd better hand over your things." Xiu Chanzi's face suddenly darkened, he was not a kind person in the first place, why would he talk nonsense with this little girl.

"What?" Mo Qingxuan pretended not to know, her mind was spinning quickly, and she had to think of a way to free herself.

"Is it good enough to pretend?" Xiu Chanzi snorted coldly, "Search for me, strip and search for me."

"Are you a pervert, old man?" Mo Qingxuan folded her hands on her chest and squatted down.

Where do those people care about these things, Zen Xiu would not stop until he opened his mouth.

"Ah! Old rascal! Old ruffian!" Mo Qingxuan screamed, and seized an opportunity to run around the hall.


Xiu Chanzi slapped the table heavily: "What a shame, catch him."

What is the system?Mo Qingxuan really laughed, a lecherous little old man, and disrespectful.

"Stop..." Mo Qingxuan, who was running, stopped suddenly, and looked at Xiu Chanzi with disdain, "Little old man, actually... we are not enemies, but friends."

Karma?What kind of tricks does Mo Qingxuan play?

"Talk about it." Xiu Chanzi thought, it's not bad to play with the little girl, but it's boring to be bored here every day.

"Hey, I'm hungry, and you know that Xiusan of yours abused me along the way. Huh..." Mo Qingxuan began to cry as she spoke, with a pitiful look on her face, "The three of them grew up all day long. If you eat wine and meat, give me some rotten leaves, and those grass roots... Woohoo, I'm so hungry!"

Xiu Chan's face was full of black lines, this Mo Qingxuan was too tough, she burst into tears as soon as she said it, and her ears couldn't be at peace!
"Come on, stop."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hungry..."

"Stop!" Xiu Chanzi roared, and the guards couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"Hmph..." Mo Qingxuan's crying was also frightened, but she was just choked up, "I... Is she hungry, you repair..."

"Okay!" Xiu Chanzi was really impatient, and said to the guard beside him, "Get her a table."

Mo Qingxuan smiled through tears, and finally bought some time.

On the other side of the Demon Realm, there is also a palace no worse than this one.

On the bank of Wangchuan River, Nether Palace.

Ye Shuo was just like usual, sitting behind the bead curtain, playing a guqin leisurely.

In the past, Yao Linger danced here, but now Yao Linger is gone.It turned out that just a few days ago, there was news from the demon world that Yao Ling'er's father was coming soon, so Ye Shuo allowed her to go back for a few days.

The strings trembled, and the music played was sad.

Yes, Ye Shuo still misses her, the former her.

"Your Majesty the Devil."

"how is the progress?"

"She escaped from the Huazong, but she is now in the Demon Realm."

"Where?" Ye Shuo suddenly stopped what he was doing and asked.

"Falling Immortal Cliff."

"Xiu Chan..." Ye Shuo waved his hands thoughtfully.

That person retreated quietly, leaving only Ye Shuo in the huge palace.

"Hmph, Zen Xiu, want to play? Then play with you, I guarantee you will have a surprise." Ye Shuo whispered, with a smile on his lips.

The sound of the piano is played again, accompanied by the music, it is not so lonely.

Mo Qingxuan, who was far away in Falling Immortal Palace, certainly didn't know that she was being watched by the majestic Mozun, and now she had more important things to "sweep" the dining table.

The Zen master is not stingy, he has everything from big fish to big meat, but Mo Qingxuan didn't eat a single mouthful, and said he was full after eating a few cabbage leaves.

"Are you looking very hungry?" Xiu Chanzi smiled, "Just your little gaudy guts, don't think about running away."

Mo Qingxuan blushed, unexpectedly, Xiu Chanzi saw through: "Who wants to run away, how much can a woman eat, do you think I'm Xiu Er?"


Karma!Hearing this name, Xiu Chanzi couldn't help swallowing. Xiu Er is his confidant, so he also knows Xiu Er's appetite.

"Ahem... Miss Mo Qingxuan, can you speak now?"

"Ah! Old man Xiu, it's really hard to describe!"

"Say." The old man shouted this sentence, which made it uncomfortable for anyone, let alone a high-ranking Zen practitioner.

"Actually, Bi Jue is not on me." Mo Qingxuan pretended to be pitiful, and said helplessly.

"What did you say! Where is that?" Xiu Chanzi was furious, originally because of Bi Jue on Mo Qingxuan, but now Mo Qingxuan actually said he didn't know.

"If you don't believe me, search it." Mo Qingxuan said nonchalantly.

"Search for me."

"Hey, wait. You can search, but don't mess around!" Mo Qingxuan said, just kidding, she is a big girl.

The guard at the side looked at Xiu Chanzi, and Xiu Chanzi nodded.

After a while, the bodyguard who searched truthfully reported that there was no sign of Bi Jue.

"Back off, it seems that I want to have a private talk with this Miss Mo."

"Wait, the guard's hand touched me just now, I won't say anything unless you kill him." Mo Qingxuan rang.

At this time, the guard's face suddenly darkened, and he quickly knelt on the ground: "Master Mozun, I didn't."

"Hmph." Xiu Chanzi flicked his sleeves, and the bodyguard turned his head away, "Miss Mo, look, if you want her hand, I'll give you a life. The old man's sincerity is enough."

Mo Qingxuan was frightened to death. He wanted to make a joke, but he didn't expect the old man to kill him as soon as he said it.The meaning of the words of Xiu Chanzi is that if you don't know the point, you will end up in the same way.

"Bi Jue is still in the Huazong."

(End of this chapter)

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