Chapter 43
The next day, Xiu Chanzi sent someone to the Nether Palace to entertain Ye Shuo, saying that the person who possessed the fairy artifact had been caught, and now he invited Ye Shuo to discuss the plan of the Demon Realm.

Ye Shuo was very indifferent, he already knew the news, but it was a bit embarrassing to kill him directly due to the inconvenience.Now it is just right for the Zen master to call someone to come.

After the visitor left, Ye Shuo also knew that it was time to prepare well.

Going this time, it is destined not to be so peaceful.As for the small things in Xiu Chan's heart, Ye Shuo already knew about them, but he didn't point them out.

Half a month ago, Xiao Jie from the demon world and the ghost-faced scholar from the underworld left the base camp and went to Falling Immortal Palace.Ye Shuo understood very well what the three old monsters were planning, the last appearance had already made them panic.

"Really think I'm so calculating? Hmph, take this opportunity to wipe them out in one fell swoop, and let you see who is in charge of this demon world." Ye Shuo took a sip of his drink, his eyes turned red, and he was angry.

It has been ten thousand years, and it seems that the former reputation has disappeared in the long river of time.

Ye Shuo couldn't help but feel sad again, time has passed, years have passed, how many people still remember my name, Ye Shuo.

"Qingxuan, is this Qingxuan you?"

Ye Shuo felt relieved, it was still a long night, and this was the first time she shed tears full of longing.The night is late, quiet, the moon is bright, so beautiful, so harmonious, but without you...just without you and me, I still remember that promise, but you made me wait so long.


I wait, even if it is ten thousand years.

Ye Shuo flapped his long wings, soared into the sky, and headed for Xiangxian Palace.

He is ready to practice Zen, and Ye Shuo is also ready. Thousands of years ago, the name Demon Lord was not just for fun, but now Xiu Chan is shameless to let others call him Demon Lord.

The sky was dyed fiery red by the crimson moon, and it was quiet, maybe tomorrow it would be stained with a real layer of blood.

Hua Qingchen and Xuan Zhuo walked aimlessly on the mainland of Kyushu, they only knew that Mo Qingxuan was captured by people from the Demon Realm, and the direction of the Demon Realm was generally westward, so they went westward.

Along the way, they walked very slowly, the road was difficult, and there were monsters along the way.Small monsters are not difficult to deal with, but it is inevitable that there are some more powerful big monsters in the forest, and these big monsters are a little troublesome to clean up.

However, killing the enemy all the way made the strength of both of them improve.

The two had just finished killing a tiger demon and were sitting beside them eating dry food.

"Qingchen, there is no way for us to go on like this. Sooner or later we will be consumed by monsters on this road." Xuan Zhuo said, although Hua Qingchen is very strong, but in case of any sudden situation, the loss outweighs the gain up.

"Junior Brother Xuan Zhuo thinks?" Hua Qingchen also thinks it makes sense, and it's not a good idea to search like this.

"In this way, we will go west while resupplying in our human city." Xuan Zhuo thought for a while and said.

Although in terms of seniority, Xuan Zhuo is called Senior Brother Hua Qingchen, but after all, he came into contact with the world earlier than Hua Qingchen, and in some respects he dealt with problems more calmly.

Hua Qingchen thought for a while, then nodded: "That's it, let's go, it's not safe here, and it's time to attract more powerful monsters later."


After discussing it, the two walked out of the forest. There happened to be a city not far away. The two smiled at each other and walked towards the city.

Demon Realm, Fallen Immortal Palace.

In order not to show his flaws too early, Xiu Chanzi made some elaborate arrangements. If Ye Shuo hadn't heard the news, he would really think that Xiu Chanzi entertained him so kindly.

As for Xiu Chanzi himself, he had already led the crowd at the door to welcome Ye Shuo.

I have to say that sometimes being too polite and respectful to others can often paralyze the other party.Xiu Chanzi was extremely satisfied with all of this, with such a big show, he couldn't believe that Ye Shuo didn't have the slightest sense of vanity.

Taking advantage of Ye Shuo's unpreparedness, the three of them combined to kill him!Hehe, the kill can't be successful, and Xiu Chanzi also prepared a bigger backhand, but that thing is too powerful, so don't use it if you can.

Everything is ready, just waiting for Ye Shuo, the main character, to come.

And Mo Qingxuan was tied to the hall, Mo Qingxuan was still wondering, what's wrong?There was no such a mess yesterday, and I wanted to ask someone, but soon found that not all the people in Falling Immortal Palace were as stupid as Xiu Er, so naturally they couldn't get anything to say.

"Don't try to trick me, you'd better take care of your own life!" said a guard next to Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan thumped. Could it be that she was about to be killed?
Mo Qingxuan didn't know that Xiu Chanzi had already given up on it, because he couldn't find Bijue from her body, and it was useless to keep it. Now he kept it because it could still attract Ye Shuo.After this time, Xiu Chanzi will kill Mo Qingxuan.

Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan was interrupted by a noise outside, only to see a group of people walking in.

Ye Shuo didn't take everything that Xiu Chanzi arranged, but he didn't show it, he just walked inside.Taking advantage of Ye Shuo's inattention, Xiu Chanzi glanced at the person next to him, who nodded and walked to the side.

"Master Mozun, please take your seat." Xiu Chanzi looked respectful.

"No need, take me to see people." Ye Shuo replied indifferently, after so many years, he really gave up this kind of eating.


"What? Don't want to?"

"How come, hehe, this way please." With a smile, Xiu Chanzi led in front and walked to the other side of the hall.

At this time, Ye Shuo's heart also became agitated.

Will it be her?

Step by step, step by step is like a minion, it is difficult to move forward.

Finally, the person in front of him came into view, and Ye Shuo let out a long breath.

Dressed in a white gauze, she still looks like that, she is all over the country and the city.The familiar face made Ye Shuo slowly walk towards Mo Qingxuan, and finally appeared after looking for it for so long.

Mo Qingxuan stared blankly at Ye Shuo who was walking towards this side. She had a familiar feeling in her heart, as if she had seen it somewhere before, but she just couldn't remember it.

Who is the man in front of him?Why is there two faint tears under its eyelids.


"Who are you? Have we met?"

The two spoke out almost at the same time, and fell into silence for a while, and neither of them spoke again.It's like an old friend I haven't seen for a long time. Although I have a thousand words, I don't know where to start.

"Okay, okay, why are you here looking for this girl? Want to marry me? This girl will never marry you even if she dies." Mo Qingxuan also said forcefully after making sure that there was no such person in her mind.

Whoever he is, maybe he's a prince from the Demon Realm, and that Zen master just wants to give himself to this man.

After hearing this, Ye Shuo couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Qingxuan, don't be afraid, I'll take you away."

As soon as he finished speaking, an aura erupted from Ye Shuo, and Ye Shuo attacked Zen Xiu without hesitation. As for the others, they were like ants and didn't care at all.

How did Xiu Chanzi react, they didn't expect Ye Shuo to be so powerful, and it was a sneak attack, Xiu Chanzi immediately vomited blood and retreated.

When Ye Shuo mentioned Mo Qingxuan, he went outside directly.

"Want to leave? Are you still not coming out?"

The people who came out were naturally Xiao Jie and the ghost-faced scholar.

"Sorry." The two of them bowed their heads slightly in front of Ye Shuo, which could be regarded as the last gift.

"Jumping clown." Ye Shuo continued to attack, and with just one move, the two were repelled.

Xiu Chanzi was dumbfounded, how powerful this Ye Shuo was, and shouted: "Put me in formation!"

Suddenly, the Falling Immortal Palace trembled suddenly, and a coercion spread around.

Ye Shuo vaguely smelled a dangerous smell, and murmured: "Millions of Souls..."

(End of this chapter)

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