Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 54 The Small Temple of the Land, Lord of the Land

Chapter 54 The Small Temple of the Land, Lord of the Land
"Grandma Yan, don't make fun of her, you've been busy for a long time." Mo Qingxuan winked at Ye Shuo on the one hand, and said to Granny Yan on the other hand with a smile.

Granny Yan waved her hand: "It's old, it's useless."

"How could it be?" Mo Qingxuan helped Granny Yan to the side and sat down.

"Eh? I almost forgot, old lady, I suddenly remembered to tell you some good news." When she was talking about this, Granny Yan intentionally took a look at Ye Shuo.

Ye Shuo was taken aback, stopped what he was doing, but immediately smiled at Granny Yan.Granny Yan also smiled back, but didn't say much.

Mo Qingxuan could see the eye contact between the two, and she couldn't help feeling strange.

"Grandma Yan, tell me quickly what good news it is."

"Of course it's good news to get out of Fengdu City."

"Really!" Mo Qingxuan was a little excited, and for a moment forgot where she was.

"You child..." Granny Yan hurriedly stopped her, motioning her to say that there are too many people here.

"I'm sorry." Mo Qingxuan blushed, lowered her head and dared not speak any more.

"Well, I'll have a detailed chat with you later. Now that there are more people in the store, if something goes wrong, it won't be worth the loss."

"That's fine, then I'll be fine, Granny Yan."

After saying that, Granny Yan went to greet guests at other tables.When Granny Yan left, Mo Qingxuan immediately pulled her face down, and looked at Ye Shuo meaningfully.

"Qingxuan, why are you looking at me like that, I'm panicking." Ye Shuo was obviously a little guilty, took a few sips of air from his empty cup.


Mo Qingxuan burst out laughing, she didn't understand why she was so happy to see Ye Shuo's embarrassment.

"Tell me, what's going on with you and Granny Yan." Mo Qingxuan put away her smile, and said to Ye Shuo in a tone that could not be refused.

Ye Shuo stared blankly at Mo Qingxuan in front of him, the change must have been a bit big.He had never spoken to himself in this tone before, Ye Shuo suddenly remembered something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Why, what are you laughing at, what is so beautiful?" Mo Qingxuan subconsciously looked down, only to see that a button on her chest had long since disappeared.

Seeing that more than half of her chest was exposed, Mo Qingxuan directly picked up the teacup and threw it at Ye Shuo.

That bad guy, I said what he looked at, men are not good things!

As Mo Qingxuan thought about it, her face slowly turned red again, and she couldn't bear it any longer, and Mo Qingxuan trotted upstairs.

The most depressing thing was Ye Shuo, he was just in a daze just now, why did he mess with this aunt!He really didn't do anything!

"Hey, what should I do with this." Ye Shuo muttered to himself, picked up the empty teacup again, and drank it like a glass of spirits.

How to do?Explain it!

"Qingxuan, open the door and listen to my explanation."

Hearing the knock on the door outside, Mo Qingxuan couldn't help feeling amused, you idiot!

"Qingxuan..." Ye Shuoye also decided to pull back, just beg, what's the big deal, "Qingxuan, you have to tell me what's wrong."

Suddenly, as soon as Ye Shuo's words fell, Mo Qingxuan directly opened the door, and Ye Shuo fell unsteadily to the ground with a surge of momentum.



"Qingxuan, don't be angry." Ye Shuo stood up, rubbed his head and laughed.

Originally, Ye Shuo could not fall, but the moment he fell, Ye Shuo suddenly thought of this method to coax Mo Qingxuan to be happy.

Ye Shuo succeeded in making Mo Qingxuan happy for a short while, but how could Mo Qingxuan let him go so easily.

"It's fine if you don't get angry, then tell me what happened just now."

Ye Shuo became serious, he went to the door vigilantly and took a look, after making sure no one was there, he closed the door.

"Qingxuan, I can tell you, but can you not tell others?"

Mo Qingxuan also started to get serious, it seems that this problem is really serious.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan nodding, Ye Shuo also started talking, telling what he saw last night.Of course, Ye Shuo cleverly omitted some of them and did not tell Mo Qingxuan.

Mo Qingxuan never expected that Granny Yan would have such a great background, that she would be related to the land master.

"Yesuo, did that land master treat us good or bad?" Mo Qingxuan was a little worried.

"I don't know." Ye Shuo shook his head and patted Mo Qingxuan, "Now I can only take a step and watch, don't worry, I'm not here, I don't care about a little land master inside."

"Yesuo, I beg you something."

"Qingxuan, what, you say."

"In case it's really as you analyzed, I hope you don't kill them, after all, Granny Yan is pretty good." Mo Qingxuan gritted her teeth and said what was in her heart.

That's right, in Mo Qingxuan's heart, that Granny Yan really doesn't look like a bad person, some people can't pretend to be kind at all.

Ye Shuo smiled slightly: "I promise you, maybe my guess is wrong, no matter what, it's good that we have more minds. Alright, let's go down."

Mo Qingxuan secretly nodded to Ye Shuo, I hope so.

When they went down, Granny Yan had already prepared a table of food and was standing there beckoning the two of them to go down.

"Come, come, Qingxuan, come and taste, and see if the taste of these dishes has changed."

At this time, Mo Qingxuan really felt bad. Granny Yan was so kind to him, and he still doubted her, but now is considered an extraordinary period.

After the meal, Mo Qingxuan kept thinking about this problem, no matter how good the meal was, she lost her appetite.

However, Granny Yan was busy, so she didn't notice Mo Qingxuan's strangeness.

Later, Granny Yan came to tell Mo Qingxuan and the others that she wanted to take them somewhere, Mo Qingxuan and Ye Shuo checked, Ye Shuo indicated that it was okay, and the three of them wanted to go out.

Sure enough, as Ye Shuo thought, it was exactly the road Granny Yan took last night.

The journey is not far, and after a few street corners, we will arrive at the land temple.

"Grandma Yan, you didn't mean to take us out, why did you bring us to worship the land god?"

"Hehe, you'll know when you go in."

Walking into the temple, one can see that the land god is just like the legend, known as the most low-key fairy in the fairy world.The interior decoration is not too luxurious. As an Earth Immortal, it seems that the life of the Earth Lord is not that luxurious.

A few lampstands, some incense, a clay statue, and nothing else.

As soon as Mo Qingxuan came in, he found an old man with white hair and beard waiting here.

"Old man, I brought him."

The land master nodded and did not speak, but looked at Mo Qingxuan with interest. As for Ye Shuo, they met last night, so they were not too surprised.

Suddenly, Ye Shuo turned his head to look in the direction he came from, and looked at the land master with a surprised expression, and the pinch was just right at this time.

"Old lady, it seems that you are quite punctual." The land master twitched his beard and said with a playful smile.

(End of this chapter)

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