Chapter 562 Mandarin ducks will grow old (finale)

Xiao Yin expressed his innocence, it is a sin to disturb such a warm scene.

"Xiao Yin." Mo Qingxuan smiled slightly, wanting to hold Xiao Yin in his arms, "You are my Nascent Soul."

Mo Qingxuan said slowly, today is different from the past, she has understood everything, so she also knows Xiao Yin's identity.

So Xiao Yin still has the memories of Mo Qingxuan.

"I'm sorry." Xiao Yin lowered his head, and the joy just now disappeared without a trace.

"If you want to blame it, blame the Jade Emperor, and don't care about your business." Mo Qingxuan didn't care about anything.

"En." Xiao Yin nodded heavily, feeling much better.

"Let's go, let's go find the baby." Mo Qingxuan laughed and pushed Ye Shuo aside.

Things have come to this, if that bad guy Ye Shuo leaves her again, Mo Qingxuan will never let him go.

Mo Qingxuan has fully recovered, and there is nothing left in this place, so this space here began to collapse.

"Let's go, Qingxuan."

After a while, Mo Qingxuan and Ye Shuo left, and this place has completely become a history.

Perhaps, he will be immersed in the long river of history over time.

When the baby saw Mo Qingxuan appearing in front of his eyes, he was also extremely happy.

How can you not be unhappy when you get together again after a brief separation?
The group returned to Sister Mo.

There is nothing to deal with now, the Jade Emperor has been defeated.

A few days later, Ye Shuo actually ordered the withdrawal of troops from the Heaven Realm, and did not take the opportunity to drive the Heaven Realm to extinction.

I am afraid that the heavens will not be able to return to their heyday in tens of thousands of years.

Ye Shuo is just a little bit of kindness.

Originally, the purpose of fighting against the heavens was to save Mo Qingxuan, so there was nothing else to do.

As for the heavens, let them fight for themselves.

"Qingxuan, let's find a place where no one is around, I want to be with you forever." Ye Shuo said slowly, and then tapped Mo Qingxuan's forehead lightly.

Mo Qingxuan didn't speak, but just nodded.

Perhaps this day is long overdue.

"Impossible!" Suddenly, a voice came from outside.

It's Yao Linger.

Ye Shuo's face changed slightly, a little angry: "Ling'er! It's not your turn to intervene here!"

Mo Qingxuan glanced sideways, and Ye Shuo couldn't help taking a step back, there was something wrong with this girl's eyes.

Yao Ling'er didn't speak, but just looked at Mo Qingxuan.

"Yesuo, you go out, I'll talk to Miss Linger." Mo Qingxuan said.

"I... hey!" After finishing speaking, Ye Shuo walked out, unable to speak any more, otherwise the more he explained, the more confused he would become.

There were only two women left in the hall, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward, and no one spoke first.

"Who are you?" Mo Qingxuan spoke first.

"I don't know me, but I know you."

The corner of Mo Qingxuan's mouth twitched, it seemed that she was famous.

Seeing that Mo Qingxuan didn't speak, Yao Linger continued, all she wanted to say was how she had been by Ye Shuo's side for the past 1 years.

Mo Qingxuan just listened quietly, this person seems to be a rival in love.

After a long time, Yao Linger finished speaking.

"It's over?" Mo Qingxuan said calmly, no matter what she said now, she would not leave Ye Shuo.

Yao Ling'er didn't speak, and two lines of tears flowed slowly.

"Sorry." Mo Qingxuan couldn't bear to see this in her heart, so it's better not to stay here.

"Wait!" Yao Ling'er roared.

Mo Qingxuan stopped and looked back.

"I wish you happiness..." Before Mo Qingxuan came back to his senses, Yao Ling'er's body slowly disappeared here.

Mo Qingxuan shook her head, tears were about to come out of her eyes.

"Qingxuan, you came out, why are you crying?" Ye Shuo was startled when he saw the tears on the corner of Mo Qingxuan's mouth, he couldn't care less, and explained directly, "I have nothing to do with Linger..."

"Hush..." Mo Qingxuan covered Ye Shuo's mouth with her hand, and then said, "I believe in you."

Ye Shuo was confused, but he nodded his head emphatically.

Secretly, Yao Ling'er was completely disappointed after hearing Ye Shuo's words, and she also understood that she would never have a fate with Ye Shuo again.

Yao Ling'er is really just a passerby, Ye Shuo only has Mo Qingxuan in his heart.

Another night of red moon.

Under the moonlight, Ye Shuo and Mo Qingxuan hugged each other, enjoying the beautiful scenery around them, enjoying this hard-won reunion.

"Yesuo, how long did you say you would stay by my side." Mo Qingxuan asked, what a woman most wants to hear in front of a man she loves is a promise.

"The world is old." Ye Shuo smiled slightly.

"Poor mouth." Mo Qingxuan hammered Ye Shuo.

"Qingxuan, please trust me, I will always be by your side."

"I don't believe you." Mo Qingxuan pushed Ye Shuo away and ran to the side.

Ye Shuo looked at Mo Qingxuan's back and shook his head.

Compared with winning the country, it is better to stay with the beauty for a lifetime.

There is nothing else to ask for.

As for Hua Qingchen, he should be the most tragic person.

The last time the Jade Emperor played him a fairy dance, which caused him to fall into reincarnation again.

There is still such a Huazong in the mortal world, and he cannot open his own memory in every life.

Birth, Huazong, old age.

In the reincarnation of life after life, Hua Qingchen's heart suddenly thumped a lot, as if something was guiding him forward, but it was a pity that it disappeared at that moment.

Whether in the mortal world or in the heavenly world.

One more Hua Qingchen remains unchanged, and one less Jade Emperor remains unchanged.

Everything is in motion, and everything is moving forward.

Of course there was also the pair of mandarin ducks - Ye Shuo and Mo Qingxuan.

100 years later.

Ye Shuo and Mo Qingxuan had their first baby.

Once, Mo Qingxuan said that she would give birth to a bunch of cubs for Ye Shuo.

Ye Shuo laughed, she was born, it's not that she can't afford it.

Twelve years have passed.

Ye Shuo and Mo Qingxuan had a group of babies, they really had a group.

Mo Qingxuan said, look, Ye Shuo, I did it.

Ye Shuo just smiled, he was really happy from the bottom of his heart.

1 years have passed.

Ye Shuo and Mo Qingxuan finally grew some white temples, they are old...

The previous promise, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, will last forever, and they have fulfilled it.

Perhaps, during the period, there was a small temper and a small awkward situation, but they still grow up.

"Qingxuan, look how beautiful the sunset is."

"Yesuo, do you think we will die?"

Ye Shuo smiled slightly and asked, "Are you afraid of dying?"

Mo Qingxuan shook her head and said, "I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to be with you anymore."

Ye Shuo fell silent, and gently hugged Mo Qingxuan into his arms.

"Qingxuan, wait for me, I'll go somewhere and be right back."




"Go play."

"playing what?"



"because of you."

"Because of me again?"

"You said, you want to watch the sunset and welcome the sunrise in my arms all the time. Only the heavens can do it, and I will go against the sky for you. The mandarin ducks will grow old, and love will live forever."

Mo Qingxuan smiled, so charming.

Mandarin ducks will grow old, and love will live forever...

(end of book)

(End of this chapter)

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