Chapter 61 Snow Leopard Baby, Where Are You?
Hua Qingchen and Xuan Zhuo followed Gu Yue Lingling back to Fangshi, Uncle Feng really admired how Gu Yue Lingling did it, and actually brought her back.

"Uncle Feng, then you don't have to worry about them leaving. The two of them agreed to be honorary elders in our Gu Yue family. I think our Gu Yue family has taken a big advantage with their strength."

Originally, Hua Qingchen was unwilling to stay because Mo Qingxuan's affairs were still waiting for him.In fact, Xuanzhuo was a little selfish, he still kept Hua Qingchen behind, saying that it would not be too late to look for it for a while.

Hua Qingchen really wanted to go up and chop Xuan Zhuo, it was to lose her friend, besides, Mo Qingxuan was still his half-disciple.

As for the relationship between Xuan Zhuo and Gu Yue Lingling, there is no need to discuss it and it has to be kept a secret during this period. If it is announced, it might not be a good thing, and it would not be too late to announce it after the matter is clear.

"That's really great!" Uncle Feng was also excited. After all, with the help of Xuanzhuo and Hua Qingchen during this period, the casualties of the herb-picking team have dropped dramatically. What a steal.

"Uncle Feng, go and arrange two good rooms for the two of them, you can't treat them badly."

"Miss San said that the servant will do it now."

"Wait." Gu Yue Lingling suddenly remembered the reason why she came here, just in case, it's better to take a look, "The real purpose of my coming today is to check the ledger again, but I was delayed by chasing them It's time."

"What? Miss San, do you still need to look at the account book?" Uncle Feng asked subconsciously.

"It's nothing but the ledger has just been put away, I'll go get it for Miss San right now."

"It's time to work, Uncle Feng."

"It's okay, it should be." Uncle Feng waved his hands and walked into the house.

Looking at Feng Bo's figure going away, Gu Yue Lingling saw a trace of panic in Feng Bo's eyes from what he said just now.

Could it be that the Gu Yue family had such a big loophole?Uncle Feng is the person in charge of medicinal materials in the Gu Yue family.

It's noon now, and the sun was shining, but Mo Qingxuan and Ye Shuo were exhausted from the rush.

In order to deceive people, the two of them did not fly or take the road, but walked in the dense forest.The two had been walking for a few days. They just drank some water and ate wild fruits on the way, and they couldn't move anymore.

"I said Qingxuan, did you remember the wrong way? Why haven't you arrived after walking for so long?" Ye Shuo complained.

"It should be here soon, if I remember correctly." Mo Qingxuan hesitated, she didn't know the way anymore.

Ye Shuo heard that Mo Qingxuan said that he had encountered a snow leopard in this area, and thought that Mo Qingxuan saved the life of the snow leopard, so the snow leopard should be willing to be a pet beside Mo Qingxuan.

After much deliberation, if she could subdue the snow leopard, then Mo Qingxuan would have another card in her hole.If Yeshuo had to leave Mo Qingxuan one day, it would be an extra guarantee for her life safety.Therefore, Ye Shuo immediately decided to help Mo Qingxuan tame the snow leopard.

However, he never expected that Mo Qingxuan would get lost after leading the way.

"Qingxuan, where is Dong?" Ye Shuo asked suddenly.

"This way?" Mo Qingxuan looked at Ye Shuo uncertainly, "Over there?"

"Haha." Ye Shuo laughed loudly, "You're so stupid."

"Ah, you're stupid!" Mo Qingxuan didn't say anything, and threw some stones towards Ye Shuo.

"Grandma, I was wrong, please get around!" Ye Shuo had no choice but to beg for mercy.

"Hmph, you know it's you who lead the way." Mo Qingxuan said arrogantly, the meaning was obvious, as long as I know the way now, you have to follow no matter how many detours I take.

Mo Qingxuan was very excited when she heard Ye Shuo said that she could take pets, and it was that kind of pet with high strength, who wouldn't want such a compliant bodyguard.So Mo Qingxuan wants to go to that place more than anyone else, but it's a pity that she really can't remember the way!

"Are you sure you met in this area?"

Mo Qingxuan nodded affirmatively.

Ye Shuo stretched out his nose, sniffed in various directions, and then pointed to a place: "Over there!"

"With such a good nose, Ye Shuo, you are not a puppy, are you?" Mo Qingxuan asked weakly, and the next sentence made Ye Shuo vomit blood, "Don't bite me!"

Ye Shuo's head was full of black lines, and if he didn't explain it, he would really be regarded as a dog: "This is a special ability of my family. It is much more noble than dogs, and snow leopards should have their own territory. They will not leave unless it is absolutely necessary. .”

"Oh, so you're not a dog." Mo Qingxuan just wanted to be angry with Ye Shuo, who made him laugh at herself just now.

"Can I go, auntie?" Ye Shuo shook his head helplessly, he was too lazy to argue with Mo Qingxuan, no, it should be said that he couldn't fight!

Seeing Ye Shuo being so boring, Mo Qingxuan ruthlessly despised him, followed him and walked forward.

Ye Shuo found that this place does not seem to have such an existence of divine beasts so easily, it seems that the snow leopard is just an ordinary spirit beast.

Beasts and demons are completely different concepts, and the spiritual intelligence of demons is higher than that of beasts.A bigger difference is that monsters can cultivate, while beasts can only rely on inheritance, or absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and the essence of the moon to increase their strength.

And the aura in this place is not very abundant, so Ye Shuo dared to draw such a conclusion, but although it is an ordinary spirit beast, some alchemists can refine some elixir to help them change their physique.

Mo Qingxuan is one, so no matter what, if he is subdued, the strength of this snow leopard will definitely increase according to the improvement of Mo Qingxuan's alchemy.

The forest became denser, and the road became more difficult to walk. Mo Qingxuan was about to complain about the road Ye Shuo took, but Ye Shuo gave him a gesture to stop talking.

Through the leaves in front of them, a lake appeared in this place. What surprised them even more was that there were actually two groups of snow leopards here.

It seems that their luck is really good, and they encountered a territorial dispute as soon as they came.

"The leader of the Demon Realm, what should we do?" Mo Qingxuan asked in a low voice. She found that she had an extraordinary talent for nicknames. A carrot and a leader of the Demon Realm are really good.

"Wait." Although Ye Shuo didn't like this nickname, the arrogance and indifference of the past was impossible in front of Mo Qingxuan, so he had to accept, "We are looking for death by rushing up now, and we will wait until they kill each other and hurt both of us." Go forward and add some fire."

"Boss, you're so bad. Ah... that's not right..." Mo Qingxuan was halfway through speaking, but Ye Shuo covered her mouth.


Mo Qingxuan nodded to show that she understood, and Ye Shuo let go of her hand.

"That's exactly the snow leopard I met before." Mo Qingxuan pointed to a smaller snow leopard and said, "This kid, I haven't seen you for so long, he's actually become the boss."

Ye Shuo was sweating coldly, but it was true, he was really the boss.

With two snow leopards drawing their swords and crossbows, no one will notice that there are people beside them. Whoever has the sharpest claws and sharpest teeth in this geomantic treasure land belongs to him!

This is also the law of beast survival, the strong are respected, the weak prey on the strong!

 Three more today~ There will be more later~
(End of this chapter)

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