Chapter 66 My pet is called baby
"Yesuo, wait for me."

"Huh? Qingxuan, why are you here?" Of course, Ye Shuo hoped that Mo Qingxuan would come out, but in the situation just now, he probably wouldn't come out. Mo Qingxuan's move would surprise Ye Shuo .

"Of course I'm here to take care of my baby." Mo Qingxuan gently smoothed the little snow leopard's fur, secretly admiring Ye Shuo, this little snow leopard is also very heavy, and it can still have buns on its chest.

"Your baby?"

"Well, Little Snow Leopard is my little baby."

"So that's how it is." Why didn't Ye Shuo realize that the previous Mo Qingxuan wasn't so cute.

"The baby is so pitiful, where is the doctor?"

"Qingxuan, don't worry, the Gu Yue family is originally a merchant family that uses medicinal materials. There should be some alchemists. I will ask Uncle Feng later and I will find out." Hua Qingchen didn't know when she appeared in Mo Qingxuan's room. later.

"Alchemist? Not refining..."

"Then thank you, Young Master Hua."

As soon as Mo Qingxuan was about to do something, Ye Shuo interrupted her.Mo Qingxuan also understood immediately, she almost slipped her tongue just now.

"Hmph." Hua Qingchen snorted coldly, with a very haughty look, as if swearing who is more useful in front of Mo Qingxuan.

Ye Shuo just smiled and didn't care.However, he kept thinking about the Gu Yue family in his mind, as if he had heard the name of this family somewhere.

"Mo Zheng." Ye Shuo suddenly realized and muttered to himself.

"Yesuo, what are you talking about?" Mo Qingxuan's ears were sharp.

"No." Ye Shuo shook his head, and said nothing more, "Let's follow Hua Shaoxia to find the alchemist."

After finishing speaking, Ye Shuo left first.Looking at his figure, Mo Qingxuan always felt that Ye Shuo was hiding something, so he followed him after a while.

Demon Realm, Falling to Immortal Cliff.

Xiu Chanzi had a gloomy face every day, for no other reason than to let Ye Shuo escape.This also means that there is still some turning point for things. If he makes a comeback, Xiu Chanzi doesn't think he can beat him again.

After all, Ye Shuo's reputation was no joke ten thousand years ago.

"Master Mozun, there is news that Mo Qingxuan appeared in Gu Yue City."

"Is this true?" Xiu Chanzi was a little surprised when he heard the news. He didn't expect it to take so long to find out the news. It seems that the system for collecting information has to be changed.

"Really, but..."

"Say." Xiu Chanzi's face darkened.

"I didn't find Ye Shuo, but a new face appeared beside Mo Qingxuan."

"Yeah." Xiu Chanzi nodded thoughtfully, "Order to stop all those who are searching for Ye Shuo, and let Xiu Yi go to Gu Yue City."

"Yes, Xiaode will leave."

"Wait, let Xiu Yi play by ear." Speaking of this, Xiu Chan's mouth raised a wicked smile, and he didn't know what kind of calculation he was planning in his heart.

The hall fell into silence again.

"Yesuo, when did you wear a mask to be so arrogant, ha ha." Xiu Chanzi laughed a few times, as if he was laughing at Ye Shuo, but also excited.

When Hua Qingchen found Uncle Feng and explained his purpose, Uncle Feng said embarrassingly that there was no pharmacist in Gu Yue's family.

No one would have guessed that the Gu Yue family was originally a family mainly based on medicinal materials, but there was no pharmacist in the family, which surprised everyone.

But Hua Qingchen wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in, just now he had patted his chest to promise, but now it is like this, this time he will be ashamed in front of Ye Shuo.

Taking a sneak peek at Ye Shuo from the corner of his eye, he found that there was nothing wrong with it.

"What are you pretending to be?" Hua Qingchen was inexplicably jealous, curled her lips, and murmured.

"Let me try it." A familiar voice came from behind.

When everyone turned their heads, the person who came took them by surprise.

"Miss San, why are you here?" Xuan Zhuo's expressionless face finally showed some smiles.

"Of course it was the matter that my father discussed with you. I don't know you two heroes..." Gu Yue Lingling seemed a little embarrassed when she said this.

"Let's talk about this later, Miss San." Xuan Zhuo rolled his eyes, "Come on, let me introduce you, this is Qingxuan, Qingxuan, this is Lingling."

When Mo Qingxuan heard the name Lingling, her heart skipped a beat.

The two women looked at each other and smiled. As for Ye Shuo, they were not very familiar with each other, so there was no introduction.A group of people went to the hall to drink tea again, and the poor little snow leopard was ignored again.

When Gu Yue Lingling heard that Mo Qingxuan also came from that place, she felt a little more shocked. It seemed that this was also a breakthrough point.Now that it is like this, Gu Yue Lingling has used all means to keep Hua Qingchen and the others, otherwise the Gu Yue family will only perish.

Mo Qingxuan was also certain in her heart that this Gu Yue Lingling was Lu Lingling that Hua Qingchen had mentioned back then, that is Xuan Zhuo's old lover.Seeing Xuan Zhuo's demented expression, she was amused for a while.

"Ah, what happened. My little snow leopard, woo woo..." Mo Qingxuan just remembered that there was another little snow leopard waiting for her to be treated.

"what happened?"

When Gu Yue Lingling asked, Xuan Zhuo explained the reason behind it, and Gu Yue Lingling agreed without saying a word.

After everyone left, Uncle Feng was shocked, and he was certain of something in his heart, it seemed that he could leave this place too.

Gu Yue Lingling was fiddling with some medicinal materials at the side, and took out a small cauldron-like thing from the side, which must be the medicine cauldron.She is not a cultivator, so she has no eyes of heaven and earth.

Everyone present was very surprised. They didn't expect that the third lady of the Gu Yue family was actually a pharmacist.

"Lingling, are you a pharmacist?" After a while, the two girls became friends and called each other by affectionate nicknames.

"Probably." Obviously, Gu Yue Lingling didn't want to say too much, after all, this was a secret of the Gu Yue family, but it wasn't a secret after today.

About half an hour later, Gu Yue Lingling prepared the liquid medicine. The little snow leopard's injury was not particularly serious, so the medicine was not that complicated.

The biggest difference between a pharmacist and an alchemist is that the former can only make medicines, while the latter condenses the medicines into pills.When congealing the pill, some aura of heaven and earth will be incorporated into the liquid medicine, so the pill is naturally better than medicine.

Suddenly, an unexpected situation appeared.After drinking the liquid medicine, the little snow leopard opened its eyes, stood up, and a mysterious Alvin appeared above its head.

Everyone present was stunned, what kind of situation is this.

"Quick, Qingxuan, drive your Nascent Soul to fuse closely with that Aowen." After all, Ye Shuo is a well-informed person, and he immediately understood what was going on, "It wants to establish a contract with you. After the fusion is successful, , it is your pet."

Mo Qingxuan was overjoyed, it didn't take much effort, she was about to control Yuan Ying, but Ye Shuo stopped her.

"and many more……"

(End of this chapter)

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