Chapter 7 Manman Immortal Method, Cooking Again
One day, ten days, January, March.

The days passed by very quickly, and they flowed quietly through the fingertips without knowing it.This Mo Qingxuan's "cooking skills" are also getting better and better, and Xuan Zhuo's life has finally improved to a higher level.

"Qingxuan, your peach blossom soup is really good, I still eat that today."

"Uncle, you have eaten up the only peach tree in the courtyard."

"Then, didn't you say that there is a dish called lotus cake in that book? Uncle, my mouth is watering when I heard that."

"Master Uncle, you are just a little dirtbag, where do you want me to find Lianhua?"


"Then you should teach me the Qi-gathering formula."

Xuan Zhuo wanted to go on, but was interrupted by Mo Qingxuan. He had eaten enough for this month, so he should fulfill the promise.

"What's the hurry, cultivators should not be greedy, otherwise it will be counterproductive." Xuan Zhuo smiled, "Besides, my stomach has not had enough for your uncle!"

"You, you are making trouble for no reason!" Mo Qingxuan wished to kill Xuan Zhuo with his eyes.

"Martial Nephew, Martial Uncle, I will go out for a while, but don't go too far, the world is not peaceful recently."

Mo Qingxuan didn't pay any attention to Xuan Zhuo at all, and sulked at the side.Xuan Zhuo looked at Mo Qingxuan with disdain, not understanding the way of respecting a teacher at all, and left gracefully.

Mo Qingxuan closed her eyes, trying to control the aura of heaven and earth around her.

Collapsing, I finally found some spiritual energy, and as soon as Yuan Ying touched it, the spiritual energy disappeared.

Separation, failure again and again, clusters of aura, there are so many here, but when they gather, a few mischievous auras lose their temper like a child.

The wandering, frolicking aura finally had enough of playing, and when he calmed down, he realized how something foreign had come.Then they unite and rush towards Yuanying.


Mo Qingxuan suddenly had a sharp pain in his head, woke up with a start, opened his eyes, only to realize that Xuan Zhuo appeared in front of him at some point.

"Stupid girl, play the piano indiscriminately!"

Mo Qingxuan vaguely heard the scolding, her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

When Mo Qingxuan woke up again, it was already dusk.

"Water, water."

Hearing his voice, Xuan Zhuo appeared here instantly: "Qingxuan, you're awake."

Mo Qingxuan's lips were pale, her face was dull, and she was indescribably haggard.Looking at the weak Mo Qingxuan, Xuan Zhuo felt indescribable, if she had something good or bad, how could he explain it to Hua Qingchen.

Mo Qingxuan took a sip of water and murmured, "Master, Master Uncle, what's wrong with me?"

"You, practiced kung fu indiscriminately and almost lost your temper. Fortunately, I came back in time, otherwise your Nascent Soul would have collapsed." Xuan Zhuo shook his head helplessly, "What a fate!"

Mo Qingxuan's pale face forced a grin, and when she got excited, she coughed.

"It's okay, Master Uncle will recuperate you with the immortal method, and you will be fine after lying down for a few days. You should have a good rest."

Xuan Zhuo retreated quietly, actually he didn't understand that there was something unknown in Mo Qingxuan's body.Otherwise, with his skill, he couldn't save Mo Qingxuan at all.

After another few days, Mo Qingxuan slowly recovered, and Xuan Zhuo was also a little surprised by his recovery ability.With such a serious injury, it took only a few days for him to jump on the ground.

"Qingxuan, those so-called cultivation formulas are actually a channel. It is a channel for the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth to enter the body from the outside."

"Aura has no rules to follow. Through ingenuity, the ancestors explored this practice law, which is the most suitable law for human body cultivation. Therefore, it is best to have a set of formulas to guide you into the world of cultivating immortals."

"Previously you had no way to capture the aura between heaven and earth, and you still lacked a training process, but the formula contains this process, so that the originally wild aura can be used by you."

After hearing this, Mo Qingxuan realized that she was so reckless. This time she was very lucky, otherwise she might have lived enough.

"Qingxuan." Xuan Zhuo changed the subject and said seriously, "Now I will teach you the cultivation formula of Hua Sect. My Hua Sect expelled the disciples of the master sect, and I am not qualified to teach it to you. I will do Hua Qingchen a favor .You promise me your request."

Mo Qingxuan nodded, and found that Xuan Zhuo spoke so seriously, it didn't seem like he was talking casually.

"Uncle, I promise you."

"You promised to be a stupid girl before I even said it!" Xuan Zhuo said with a look of hatred.

Such familiar words, what a stupid girl!
Hey, why does this uncle look like Hua Luobo, Mo Qingxuan was fascinated for a moment, and giggled.

"Qingxuan, Qingxuan!" Xuan Zhuo waved his hand in front of Mo Qingxuan.


Xuan Zhuo shook his head helplessly, and was still distracted at this moment: "My request is very simple, that is, you must join the Hua Sect in the future."

This is not a request, it is more like nonsense.It's just that Mo Qingxuan has been thinking about Hua Qingchen, the man who looked at her body, seemed to be fucked by him, and disappeared the next day.

Of course, Mo Qingxuan agreed without hesitation. In a moment of excitement, she coughed several times: "Ahem, thank you uncle."

Xuan Zhuo smiled, and didn't say much, sometimes thinking about it, this Mo Qingxuan is really cute.

However, Xuan Zhuo's smile stopped abruptly. If time could be restarted, if everything hadn't happened, this place should be full of laughter.

He hates, he hates Xuan Zhuo, he hates God's injustice, and he hates Huazong even more.

This is reality, and he is destined to be alone.Xuanzhuo's favorite word is "fate", the fate given by God, the fate he should have experienced.

"Uncle, Uncle, what are you thinking?"

Mo Qingxuan made a noise and brought Xuan Zhuo back to reality. Xuan Zhuo smiled, and suddenly a few lotus flowers appeared in his hand.

"Wow, what a lotus flower with spiritual energy." Mo Qingxuan was surprised, where did it come from.

"Of course, this is a mortal fairy. Uncle Shi will make you a lotus cake." Xuan Zhuo said.

Mo Qingxuan was moved for a while, when did the uncle become so good?wrong!A few days ago, he seemed to be the one who said he wanted to eat lotus cake.

"Wait, uncle!" Mo Qingxuan called out to Xuan Zhuo who was about to leave, "When will you teach me the formula, this time you can't lie to others."

"If you don't eat enough, how can you have the strength to teach!"

Mo Qingxuan didn't expect that Xuan Zhuo would want to play tricks again, her mouth pouted, as if she was about to get angry.Xuan Zhuo ignored it, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"If it doesn't taste good, I won't talk to you anymore, Uncle Smelly!" Mo Qingxuan roared.

Xuan Zhuo on the other side had a black line on his face, the sentence that you can't offend a woman is indeed right.

In the seemingly ordinary world, Mo Qingxuan and Xuan Zhuo seem to be living in this closed space, so they don't know what's going on outside.

The mortal world is already in turmoil, with demons everywhere, and this mortal world is going to be chaotic.

On the mainland of Kyushu, all sects of the sects gradually began to defend themselves.They all know that now it's just the little soldiers from the devil world who come to explore the way, and the big devil behind him hasn't been born yet.


"I don't know what's going on? Is that language really going to start?"

"Maybe, this mortal world has been quiet for so many years."

"The battle between immortals and demons ten thousand years ago was also true?"

No one denied it, and the hall fell into silence for a while.

"Bi Jue has appeared." Suddenly a hoarse voice sounded, it was Hua Xu, the master of Hua Sect.

"The legendary celestial artifact Jasper Jade?"


"It can't be taken away by people from the demon world, otherwise the common people will really be doomed."

Those people all knew what the news meant, and they peeped at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Daoist Huaxu, why don't you tell me what to do?"

After listening, everyone looked at Xuanzhuo in unison. After all, the foundation of the Huazong on the mainland is long and long. This is related to the misery of the mortal beings, and there must always be a person who makes decisions.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover." Hua Xu said slowly.

 There will be another update later, please bookmark, please recommend tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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