Crazy Concubine Against Heaven: His Highness Demon Lord is so annoying

Chapter 71 Preliminary alchemy, refining medicine first

Chapter 71 Preliminary alchemy, refining medicine first
Hearing Liu Qiancang's words, Liu Xiahui was shocked. The Shangguan family was finally going to make a move, and his Liu family was about to rise.

"I'll tell you some good news for my father." Before Liu Xiahui could slow down, Liu Qiancang dropped another bomb.

"Wait..." Liu Xiahui stopped immediately, then ran to the side and picked up the teapot and poured it vigorously, "Slowly...slowly..."

Liu Qiancang broke out in a cold sweat, why didn't this kid grow up with him at all.

"Then Miss Shangguan has also returned from the Huazong."


A sip of tea spouted from Liu Xiahui's mouth, and the goddess came back.

The reason why Liu Xiahui gave up on Gu Yue Lingling at the beginning was because if this Miss Shangguan could get into the marriage of the Shangguan family, then she would not have to worry about the future of the Liu family.

However, when Liu Qiancang went to the Shangguan family to propose a marriage, the head of the Shangguan family refused because Miss Shangguan was practicing in the Huazong.When the Liu family was about to give up on this matter, the Shangguan family made another promise, that is, it would not be too late to say this after defeating the Gu Yue family.

Therefore, the Liu family did not hesitate to fight against the Gu Yue family, otherwise they would not care about messing with this ancient family even if they gave him ten guts.

Seeing the appearance of this distraught son, Liu Qiancang really didn't have any interest in talking any further, he shook his head and walked back, leaving only Liu Xiahui giggling here.

"Father..." When Liu Xiahui came back to his senses, he realized that he was the only one in the huge room, but he smiled smirkly again, and happily went back to his room.

The next morning, Mo Qingxuan got up early, because Gu Yue Lingling promised her one thing last night, that is to refine medicine.

After a while, I saw Gu Yue Lingling's light figure walking towards this side. It seemed that Gu Yue Lingling was keeping her promise and was not trying to fool herself.

"Morning Qingxuan." Gu Yue Lingling put down the things in her hand and greeted Mo Qingxuan.

"Morning." Mo Qingxuan was more interested in the things that Gu Yue Lingling brought up, picked up a small cauldron to play with, "Is this the medicine cauldron?"

"Yes." Gu Yue Lingling nodded.

Small and exquisite, with two tripod ears, the tripod body is a mysterious pattern.There are four tripod feet under the tripod. The tripod is about five or six inches high. The tripod mouth is open, which must be the place where the medicinal materials are put in.

Seeing Mo Qingxuan couldn't put it down, Gu Yue Lingling was also happy for a while, and didn't bother her.Gu Yue Lingling just didn't know if she could win over Mo Qingxuan to help her.

"Lingling, let's start." Mo Qingxuan was a little impatient. Ever since she got a book of alchemy secrets from the Lord of the Earth last time, Mo Qingxuan understood that alchemy must first be refined. She did not expect this Gu Yue Lingling was actually a pharmacist.

"Qingxuan, can you keep this secret for me?" Gu Yue Lingling put away her smile and said seriously.

"Okay." Although he was puzzled, Mo Qingxuan didn't feel comfortable asking.

So Gu Yue Lingling talked about some basic things about refining medicine. Mo Qingxuan actually knew it, because she had already read the secret method, but she didn't say it. What troubles arise.

Refining medicine is actually not very difficult. For alchemy, it is just a matter of turning solid medicinal materials into liquid medicine, but it is troublesome for ordinary people.

A pharmacist pays attention to mental power, and mental power is to control the temperature. The temperature required for each medicinal material to become a medicinal liquid is different, and this depends on the pharmacist's feeling.

Fire is not the kind of fire produced by nature.The fire of refining medicine comes from the condensed spiritual power of the pharmacist, so the pharmacist also has a level, and can control the duration and temperature of the fire.

Hearing this, Mo Qingxuan was a little confused, why is this different from what was said in the secret method.

"Lingling, why did I have the good fortune to read this book, that book says that from medicinal materials to medicinal liquid, it is not fire that is used, but air."

Gu Yue Lingling was stunned, what is the background of this Mo Qingxuan, but considering that Mo Qingxuan came from the Huazong, such a big school must have records about this, and it is nothing to see it for a few moments.

"Qingxuan, if you can use your energy well, then you have the potential to become an alchemist." Gu Yue Lingling said seriously, when she talked about alchemy, she revealed infinite yearning and respect.


"You know?" Gu Yue Lingling looked at Mo Qingxuan full of doubts.

Mo Qingxuan nodded and did not deny this, and some doubts in her heart were resolved because of this conversation.

The essence of nourishing qi and melting alchemy, the key lies in qi.

"Okay, alchemists are still far away. I don't know how many exist on this continent. Even an ordinary alchemist is a rare existence." Gu Yue Lingling also withdrew her fantasy, and which alchemist would not want to become one? What about alchemists?

"What are these things for?" Mo Qingxuan saw that besides medicinal materials, there were some miscellaneous things. There seemed to be knives, and some things she couldn't name.

"These..." Speaking of this, Gu Yue Lingling was very happy, "These are the methods of refining medicine invented by myself, which can quickly refine medicine liquid."

Those ordinary medicinal materials are not so hard, and they can be divided into small pieces with a knife, which saves time and energy.

And the delicate little mill is used to turn the dried medicinal materials into powder, and then use the unique medicine hopper to keep continuously inputting them into the medicine cauldron.

Then, there was a stream of liquid medicine coming out of a groove channel in the medicine cauldron.

Mo Qingxuan was stunned. She was not surprised by Gu Yuelingling's original creation, but because it ran counter to the ancient alchemy method.

It seems that the reason for the disappearance of alchemists on this continent is because the method of alchemy has not been handed down at all.

That groove should be called Dankou.And alchemy is when the medicinal materials are turned into liquid outside, and the medicine cauldron is the necessary assistant for melting alchemy.If you continue to practice like this, you may not be able to practice the elixir in your life.

Mo Qingxuan nodded silently in her heart, it seemed that she had finally found some breakthroughs, she had to find a way to get a medicine cauldron to try.

"Miss San, the master is here to invite you." Suddenly a Xiao Si came over, seeing that he looked a little anxious, something must have happened.

Gu Yue Lingling didn't know what to do for a while, if she left Mo Qingxuan here alone, it would feel a little dishonest, but at this time, such behavior must never exist.

"Lingling, go ahead, I'll do it myself." Mo Qingxuan also understood Gu Yue Lingling's difficulties, so she made a noise, letting Gu Yue Lingling step down.

After Gu Yue Lingling left, Mo Qingxuan gently stroked the medicine cauldron, this was the first time she touched the medicine cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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