Chapter 79
Immediately, the room was full of fragrance, the elixir is the elixir, and even Mo Qingxuan could feel where the fragrance drifted to and how big the fragrance was.

It was only then that Mo Qingxuan realized that this was exactly the medicine perception power mentioned in the Nourishing Qi Rong Pill, but it seemed that Nascent Soul was needed to feel it.

"Hey, mother, why don't you ask me to come out if you have something good."

"Little Yin! Why do you..." Mo Qingxuan was shocked to see this little guy running out by himself.

"Alright, mother." Xiao Yin looked at the soul fruit, salivating, "Didn't I tell you that I exist in your body and are connected with you, but I exist independently."

Although Mo Qingxuan didn't know what this little guy was talking about, she always felt very awesome.

Seeing Xiao Yin's eagerness to move, the saliva under his chin had already flowed three thousand feet, Mo Qingxuan felt amused.

cute little guy.

"I don't want to eat it for you, hmph." Mo Qingxuan directly covered the box.

This made the greedy little cat so anxious, Xiao Yin babbled, showing his extreme dissatisfaction.

"Will you tell mother what effect this food has, or you won't want to eat it." Mo Qingxuan began to seduce Xiao Yin slowly.

Xiao Yin pouted, unexpectedly didn't fall into the trap, but lowered his head as if thinking about something.

"Okay, if you're being cruel, then I'll eat it myself." Mo Qingxuan was about to take the box and leave.


"What did you say... Hmph, I heard it." Mo Qingxuan grabbed Xiao Yin's little feet and hung them upside down.

"Mother...Mother, stop!" Xiao Yin yelled, begging for mercy.

"Then are you going to say it?" Mo Qingxuan pretended to be angry, and said in a more serious tone.

"Yeah... Mother, if you abuse me again, you will hurt yourself." Seeing that Mo Qingxuan stopped, Xiao Yin couldn't help coaxing Mo Qingxuan, and even laughed mischievously.

Seeing this, Mo Qingxuan is so angry, a typical example of getting cheap and being good!

"If you don't get rid of you little guy today, then I, Mo Qingxuan, won't mess around!"

Mo Qingxuan gave a wicked smile, and began to "torture" Xiao Yin.

What are you scratching your armpits, what are you scratching your little feet...

Xiao Yin was so itchy that he didn't want it, and cheers filled the room.

"Mother, don't..."

Suddenly, Mo Qingxuan faintly sensed that something was wrong, why did this little Yin behave so strangely!
I saw Xiao Yin lying on Mo Qingxuan's palm as if very tired, and his laughter became very weak.

It seems very tired.

Mo Qingxuan's head suddenly felt a sharp pain, and she could feel Xiao Yin's pain.

Oops, overplayed it!
"Xiao Yin, Xiao Yin, what's wrong with you..."


Xiao Yin's voice slowly disappeared, his figure became dim, and finally disappeared.

It's over, shouldn't it be played to death...

Mo Qingxuan felt dizzy for a while, why did she play so much? It's over, that's her Nascent Soul, who died playing!


Nascent Soul died playing, why is he still alive?

"Heck, mother, why do you curse people?"

A familiar voice came from Mo Qingxuan's mind, it was that Xiao Yin's.

"You damn child." Mo Qingxuan felt like crying, as if something was lost and found again.

I will cherish you very much.

It turned out that Xiao Yin was like a baby who had just been born, but she didn't have so much energy to support her to the outside world.

As the mother body, Mo Qingxuan can naturally replenish energy for it.

Mo Qingxuan's headache just now was due to excessive consumption of mental power.Mo Qingxuan began to understand what Xiao Yin had said.

co-existing yet independent.

To coexist, Xiao Yin has to grow through Mo Qingxuan's supplies. As Xiao Yin grows, Mo Qingxuan's strength also increases, or Mo Qingxuan's spiritual power can become stronger, and then alchemy It also grows accordingly.

"I don't know if other people's Nascent Soul can do this."

"Stupid mother, Xiao Yin is unique in the world."

"Unique? Why is that?" Mo Qingxuan was still puzzled why he was the only one who could do it, "Could it be because of the cultivation technique?"


"Huh? Why used to... Yang Qi Rong Dan." Mo Qingxuan suddenly realized.

"Mother, if you don't know, I'm going to laugh at you. You're really stupid." Xiao Yin giggled while mocking Mo Qingxuan.

"What are you talking about! Brat! Next time I come out to see you, I won't deal with you!" I was despised by my own Nascent Soul, if it spread, people would laugh at me if I hid my face in the cracks of the ground.

"Mother, if you say you're stupid, you don't believe me. She's a little girl, so you might as well say she's a brat."


Mo Qingxuan was so moved that he couldn't laugh or cry, this living thing, if he didn't play it to death, it had to play himself to death.


"I lost." Mo Qingxuan raised the white flag to surrender, it would be a wonder if he didn't get played to death if he continued like this.

"Yeah... Okay, mother, quickly refine that soul fruit, so that I can grow up."

"grow up?"

"Well, I can only grow up by eating."

"That's it, you should have said it earlier!" Only then did Mo Qingxuan understand that this Soul Fruit is actually a treasure that has an effect on Nascent Soul, that is, it can improve spiritual power.

After saying that, Mo Qingxuan picked up the Soul Fruit and bit it.

"Idiot mother!" Xiao Yin hurriedly stopped Mo Qingxuan, "Mother, this thing is very precious, and it cannot be wasted like this."

"Then what should I do?" Mo Qingxuan asked awkwardly, she knew so little.

"Then Gu Yue Lingling is not teaching you to refine medicinal materials, just make this soul into a liquid."

"Okay, then I'll go find a medicine cauldron."

"Stupid, it's the way of alchemists."

Mo Qingxuan was stunned, could he do it?Never mind, try it out.

Mo Qingxuan opened the lid, and a wave of immortal power wrapped around the soul fruit, so that its fragrance would not dissipate.

According to the statement on the Nourishing Qi Rong Pill, Mo Qingxuan continued to pour immortal power into it, really using huge pressure to turn the Soul Fruit inside into a liquid medicine.

At this time, Mo Qingxuan's mental strength was always paying attention to the enchantment that wrapped the soul fruit. If there was a loophole, all previous efforts would be wasted.

An alchemist, the first thing he learns is to have two purposes at once.

While preventing the medicinal liquid from dissipating, he injected Xianli and continued to press the medicinal materials.

As time passed, Mo Qingxuan noticed that cracks had begun to appear in the Soul Fruit, and his mind moved.


Oops, a small hole actually appeared, on the wrapped Xianli!
Mo Qingxuan hurried to make amends, but fortunately, he was quick and did not fall short.

This little episode made Mo Qingxuan more focused, paying attention to the movements on both sides all the time.It seemed that this was also a hard work, and layers of sweat had already oozed from Mo Qingxuan's head.

However, the Soul Fruit only cracked a few cracks.

Recommend a friend Hua Jianyu's masterpiece "Waste Material Against the Heavens: The Concubine Xiao Xiao Plays the Evil King". "For those who are interested, check it out!Well written!Very yellow and very baoli!

(End of this chapter)

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