Chapter 9

The sound was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears.

For a while, it was noisy and lively, but now it is completely silent.

Who is a Zen practitioner?Demon World No.1.Nowadays, if someone dares to say this here, he is either stupid, or his cultivation level is higher than that of Zen Xiu.

Xiu Chanzi's smile suddenly froze, and his livid face showed that he was about to kill someone.

"Dare to ask who is your friend? Why can't I practice Zen to control the devil world? Today I want you to know how to control the corners of your mouth."

After all, Xiu Chanzi punched in one direction.


This is such a big move, the people present know how powerful this is.Looking at it in disbelief, this Zen master was really angry.

There was a ripple in the air, and that piece of energy directly turned into nothingness.


There was another gasp of air-conditioning, this is considered to be a long experience, and it really is that there are people who are beyond human beings.

"Xiu Chan, you can't beat me." Ye Shuo laughed again.

The auspicious clouds slowly dispersed, and Ye Shuo spread his wings, stopping in mid-air, looking down here.With scarlet eyes, anyone who sees it can't help but want to kneel down.

Who is this?Presumably everyone at this time thought this way.

Zen Xiu, who was about to make another move, saw someone coming, and stopped his moves abruptly.The anger in the eyes increased a bit, but it passed away after a while, and the eyes were calm.

Xiuchanzi, Xiao Jie, and the ghost-faced scholar looked at each other and smiled wryly. This god also came out of the mountain for this fairy artifact.

Bowing his head and bowing respectfully, he said, "Greetings to the Demon Lord."

Mozun?How many people on the field covered their chests, and the stimulation they received today was even more than the usual one hundred years ago.

For thousands of years, there is only one person in the Demon Realm who has been honored, and that is Ye Shuo.The former leader of the demon world, now he actually appeared here, and he is not dead yet.

Ye Shuo waved his hands, folded his wings, and came out of nowhere.

"The three of you come with me." Ye Shuo said casually, and took the lead to walk forward without looking at the three of them.

The three of them sighed secretly and followed forward.

"Master Mozun, what did you invite you out of?" Xiao Jie broke the silence in the arena, only Xiao Jie knew how badly he was beaten back then.

Ye Shuo casually picked up the glass of wine on the table, and drank it down: "You three old fellows have lived for tens of thousands of years to come out, how could I be missing."

There were black lines on the heads of the three of them, and they didn't know how to continue the conversation.

People who cultivate the Tao originally increase their lifespan through cultivation, and the time limit is approaching, but now they are not diligent in their cultivation.

According to legend, one of the secrets of gathering the nine immortal artifacts is the way of longevity.

longevity?Be it immortals, humans, or demons, they are all coveted things.

Ye Shuo didn't know why he wanted the Nine Great Immortal Artifacts, maybe it was because of her.

"Ming people don't talk dark words, each takes what he needs, immortals and demons are destined to be peaceful." Ye Shuo said slowly, "Think about it, whether to fight hard or wait for death, you know for yourself."

"Where is it, I would like to listen to the Demon Lord." The ghost-faced scholar then said, and was the first to express his opinion. He also knew how powerful Ye Shuo was.

Ye Shuo nodded, and looked at Xiao Jie and Zen masters again.

"Yes." Xiao Jie was really scared of being beaten, so he said hastily.

Although Xiu Chanzi is really upset, you Ye Shuo disappeared for thousands of years, and you really regard yourself as a character. Your era of Ye Shuo is over.

However, now that Ye Shuo's strength has not been found out, Xiu Chanzi dare not express too much dissatisfaction.

"I would like to obey orders." Xiu Chan said with a bow.

"Well, let's all go back and get ready." Ye Shuo said, "I'll find some old friends to catch up with."

After a while, Ye Shuo disappeared, and the three of them looked at each other without saying a word.After a while, a piece of enchantment disappeared, which also meant that Ye Shuo had gone far.

Xiuchanzi walked slowly to one side and sat down, feeling very unwilling in his heart.

"I said you two, are you really following orders?" Xiu Chanzi finally said it out, and he was still the only one who couldn't make waves.

Hearing this, Xiao Jie and the ghost-faced scholar looked at each other in surprise, this god wouldn't think...

"Otherwise what else can I do." Xiao Jie also sat down and said slowly, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"That's right, what else can I do." The ghost-faced scholar picked up the wine on the table and drank it in one gulp.

Obviously they are all peerless and powerful men, but now they have to act according to the faces of others, which is considered aggrieved.


"You can't!?" Xiao Jie and the ghost-faced scholar couldn't help covering their mouths, and didn't say any more.

"Why, dare not?" Xiu Chanzi looked at the two with contempt, "Since you dare not, I will not say anything."

"Could it be that you have some ingenious plan?" Xiao Jie asked rhetorically as he was not a newborn calf and could still see through the little tricks.

"Of course." Xiu Chanzi said frankly, "However, we don't know Ye Shuo's strength yet, so we can't act rashly."

"Old monster, you'd better hurry up and don't keep it up." The ghost-faced scholar asked anxiously.

"come over."

Play it safe, no matter how strong you are.

After talking for an unknown amount of time, the three of them raised their glasses with wicked smiles.

But the three of them didn't know that in that distant Nether Palace, Ye Shuo thoughtfully shook the wine bottle in his hand, and suddenly the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"It seems that it hasn't appeared for too long, and many people don't know how to write Pain."

No matter who is a Zen master, Ye Shuo has a deep impression on him, extremely deep.

In those days, he was regarded as a worthless person by the clan, with no talent, no blood... and was bullied everywhere.

Ye Shuo remembered that at that time, there were people who stepped on her body every day, and uttered wild words in her ears every day.

"I practice Zen, the one with the most blood in the clan. If I bully you, I will bully you. If you have a problem, you can seek revenge from me."

Every time Ye Shuo looked at him with eyes full of tears, he always looked up to the sky and laughed and left.

At some point, he became the biggest enemy in his heart.

Ye Shuo practiced, practiced, and practiced again, he would surpass Xiu Chanzi.

Ye Shuo was strong, but he let Xiu Chanzi go.

Thinking of this, Ye Shuo shook his head, not knowing what to do.

Perhaps, this is the morals of the world.

There are always a lot of greedy people; there are always a lot of jealous people.

"Respect." Unknowingly, Yao Ling'er appeared next to Ye Shuo.

Yao Ling'er poured wine for Ye Shuo, and then slowly sat down beside Ye Shuo, leaned on it slowly, curled up in Ye Shuo's arms and fell asleep.

Ye Shuo looked at Yao Ling'er, couldn't help shaking his head, and lightly touched her forehead.


Of course Yao Ling'er felt the kiss, and heard the words clearly, but she didn't shed tears.

She was content to lie down quietly like this for a while.

 Today's second update, please collect it!

(End of this chapter)

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