Chapter 97
"Hundred Beast Spirit Grass?"

After Mo Qingxuan practiced the first elixir, she began to have a great liking for medicinal materials. When Gu Yueyuan mentioned the beast spirit grass, Mo Qingxuan was a little surprised.

"Well, Miss Qingxuan doesn't know that this Hundred Beast Spirit Grass is also a very precious treasure." Gu Yueyuan sighed slightly, what a pity.

"Oh? So that's how it is." Although Mo Qingxuan really wanted to know the efficacy of the Beast Spirit Herb, but after considering everything, she still didn't ask.

If asked, Gu Yueyuan might think that she was spying on his things.

Gu Yueyuan also didn't speak, but walked aside, and when she unfolded her terrifying consciousness, she could see several miles around her.

This is a real-level terrifying powerhouse.

However, after a round of exploration, Gu Yueyuan still didn't find anyone, not even ghosts.

"It seems that they left very quickly." Gu Yueyuan shook her head, "It's useless to stay here, let's go back."

"Patriarch Gu Yue, then these..." Mo Qingxuan originally wanted to talk about these corpses, after all, they were also people who had worked for the Gu Yue family.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yueyuan understood what Mo Qingxuan meant, and with a wave of his hand, all those corpses disappeared, and the handling was very clean and neat.

Mo Qingxuan was speechless. She wanted Gu Yueyuan to bury them alive, but she didn't expect that Gu Yueyuan would not even leave any residue behind.

"Qingxuan, let's go." Xuan Zhuo naturally saw the unhappiness in Mo Qingxuan's heart, and persuaded her, this is a family matter.

Mo Qingxuan and the others didn't know that there was a person watching them from the top of the mountain not far away, and it was Ye Shuo.

Ye Shuo was very protective of Mo Qingxuan. As soon as Mo Qingxuan came out, he secretly followed him. He was afraid that something would happen to Mo Qingxuan. Although Mo Qingxuan didn't know that his strength had already recovered, but Ye Shuo still has his own way to protect Mo Qingxuan.

"Spiritual Grass of Beasts, good thing." Ye Shuo murmured.

Does Ye Shuo know the efficacy of this beast spirit grass, this thing is a pile of garbage to people, but to beasts, it is undoubtedly the best thing in the world.

There is one thing that beasts covet in the spirit grass of all beasts, that is, they can cultivate after eating this spirit grass.

To become refined through cultivation, the first thing is to cultivate.

Although beasts can't speak and have no thoughts, which beast wants to be a beast for a lifetime?
Cultivation means strength, strength means being king, and being king means trampling other beasts under their feet!
Ye Shuo thought for a while, a very smug smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and then fled in one direction.

"The baby should like this thing."

In order not to cause trouble, Liu Qiancang and his son decided to quickly give the wolf king the beast spirit grass to eat.

The two tiptoed towards the backyard, although Jianfeng and the others were not here yet, Liu Qiancang was still cautious.

It's really spreading the word that you are not afraid of being laughed at by others, but you have to be so sneaky in your own home.

"Father, are you real? Don't eat my wolf king to death." Liu Xiahui still couldn't believe that this thing has such a great effect, that it can make animals cultivate.

"You silly boy." Could it be that my father will cheat you, "The last time I was in Xidu City, my father saw this hundred beast spirit grass with his own eyes."

"Western capital city?"

"I really remembered one thing when you asked me. There is a terrifying force in the western capital city that is collecting beast spirit grass, saying that some families can hand it over in exchange for the blessing of that force. Thinking that Gu Yueyuan has really been found." Liu Qiancang couldn't help but sigh with emotion for Gu Yueyuan's luck.

"Father, why didn't we hand it in?" Liu Xiahui asked.

"Why are you so stupid? Our Liu family now has the Morromen and the Shangguan family, why do we have to provoke other people, people can't be too greedy, otherwise they will die faster." Gu Yueyuan really wants to be caught by this turtle My son was blown away!

"Understood, father means that this wolf king can be one of our trump cards, right?"

"That's about the same. If you still don't understand, get the hell out of me. The Liu family doesn't want waste!" Liu Qiancanghu touched Liu Xiahui, very proud, after some teaching by himself, he finally understood a little bit.

Unbeknownst to the father and son, Ye Shuo had already sneaked into Liu's mansion at this time.

Ye Shuo almost couldn't help laughing when he heard the dialogue between this weird father and son. There are so many weird things these days, and it's really rare for father and son to be weird together.

Liu Qiancang kept holding the box in front of his chest, carefully, not even Liu Xiahui touched it.

This also gave Ye Shuo no chance to take advantage of it, but it made Ye Shuo depressed for a while.

The wolf king also seemed to have been seriously injured, and the Liu family didn't have anything to treat it, so they just let it lie there.

The wolf king has been moaning for an unknown number of days, lying alone, alone.

The greatest tragedy of a beast is that it falls into the hands of people who are more beast than themselves.

The Wolf King will never forget that day, when he was forced to sign a contract by Liu Xiahui, and became his slave, a slave who could not resist!

"Wolf King, today is your lucky day." Liu Xiahui walked forward, pretending to stroke the Wolf King.


The Wolf King couldn't shout anymore.

"Hui'er, feed this spirit grass to it." Liu Qiancang probed again, and carefully gave the spirit grass to Liu Xiahui after making sure no one was there.

Liu Xiahui took the spirit grass and stretched it towards the wolf king.

"I'd like to see how you let a wolf eat grass." Ye Shuo was not in a hurry, instead of being bored looking for opportunities, he might as well just sit and watch a show.

The wolf king didn't open his mouth no matter what, and hid away as soon as he smelled the smell, Liu Xiahui was also anxious.

"Father, this wolf king can't stand the smell of grass!"

"Hey, my brain." Liu Qiancang patted his forehead, "This wolf doesn't eat grass, you idiot, hurry up and get some meat from the kitchen."

"Yeah, I'll go right away." Liu Xiahui also smirked, and ran to the kitchen with her fat body trembling, while throwing the beast spirit grass aside.

How could Ye Shuo miss this opportunity, the spirit grass was taken away without anyone noticing.

But Ye Shuo didn't leave right away, he still wanted to watch a play.

"You bastard, you have to waste another two catties of my flesh. If you don't grow up, I'll take your skin off!" Liu Qiancang yelled at the wolf king, feeling sorry for the two catties of flesh!
Ye Shuo couldn't bear it anymore, and left here, he would have to expose himself when he laughed.

When they returned to Gu Yue's family, Mo Qingxuan and the others had already returned.

Gu Yueyuan's face was solemn, so Ye Shuo didn't care about it, and gave him the news to ensure that he would be happy.

But Mo Qingxuan seemed to have something on his mind, Ye Shuo walked forward with a smile.

"What's the matter, Qingxuan?"

"Yesuo, it just so happens that I have something to ask you." Mo Qingxuan hesitated in his heart whether to ask Ye Shuo, since he happened to be here, so it doesn't hurt to ask, "Do you know the beast spirit grass?"

"Oh? Are you talking about this?" Ye Shuo raised the spirit grass in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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