Chapter 10

As if it was the return of summer, the weather in mid-September suddenly became hot.Rong Chenzi hadn't slept all night, at this time he sent the mussel away with a piece of fake "fairy meat", and was sleeping soundly.

The summer is scorching hot, the cicadas are singing non-stop, even a few pots of orchids in the Qingxu Temple are wilted and their leaves can't lift their spirits, and there is no one in the temple.

Fu Ya was still in a red shirt, and she called out to Qing Yun who was cleaning up the dishes in the dining hall, "My soul summoning bell is missing, can you find it for me?"

Qing Yun is the youngest disciple of the Qing generation in Qingxu Temple. He is fifteen years old, and he is also deeply influenced by Rong Chenzi. He is enthusiastic about righteousness.Hearing what Fu Ya said, he nodded immediately: "If you dare to ask the wizard, he can remember the location of the drop, and it will be easy to find along the trail."

Fuya smiled brightly: "Maybe it's near the training ground in the back mountain."

Qing Yun didn't care about the sun outside, and walked towards the training ground with a reply.Fu Ya followed behind him, the magic staff in her hand glowed faintly.

It takes less than half an hour to walk from Qingxu Guanshantang to the back mountain, but Qingyun is a Taoist, with good foot strength and familiar with the distance, but it took more than a quarter of an hour to reach the place.

In September, the mountains and forests were lush with vegetation. He was pulling the nearby bushes, and his light blue Taoist robe was not very conspicuous among the deep trees and grass.Fu Ya tightly held the staff in her hand, and walked forward intentionally or unintentionally: "I seem to have been here before..."

Qing Yun followed her forward, and a row of willow posts in front of her, three inches above the ground, was set up by someone, and there was a strange pattern on the ground.Qing Yun didn't think much about it, so she rummaged around under the tree, guessing where Fu Ya might have left it when she was resting under the tree.

Fu Ya stood behind him, moved her lips slightly, but didn't hear a sound, she saw wisps of black mist emanating from the staff in her hand, but the mist dissipated as soon as it touched Qing Yun.The yin wood amulet on Qing Yun's chest ignited a wisp of smoke.Qing Yun also noticed something: "Not good! There is something unclean in the back mountain!"

Fuya's expression remained unchanged, pointing to the wooden plaque on his chest: "What is this?"

Qingyun also didn't care about looking for her Faling again: "This is a talisman given by my master. I don't have much skill in the small way. If I encounter a powerful monster, I'm afraid it will be dangerous. Let's look back first and make plans after telling the senior brother! "

Fu Ya nodded: "That's fine, but I'm a little scared if you go ahead. Isn't your Qingxu Temple a Taoist temple? Why do monsters appear nearby?"

As expected, Qing Yun walked in the front, he didn't have any scheming, and replied after hearing the words: "My teacher has a special physique, and there are desperate monsters who come to provoke me every year."

Fuya laughed lightly, and the three-inch sharp knife point unexpectedly popped out of the staff in her hand without a sound.She suddenly raised her hand and stabbed Qing Yun's back, seeing that the cold front was about to penetrate into the flesh, suddenly Qing Yun screamed in front of her and fell to the ground, falling on her back, making the stab miss.

Fu Ya was taken aback, retracted the sharp weapon on her staff, Qing Yun rubbed her shoulders and climbed up, only to see gold stars in front of her eyes, when she looked down, she realized that it was a big river clam, four feet long and black, falling from a tree. shell.He turned pale with shock, and didn't notice how ugly Fu Ya's face was: "Wow, why is there a river clam on the tree!!"

Fu Ya was annoyed, but Qing Yun felt terrified: "It's such a big one, maybe some monster has appeared again, Xiaodao has to go back and tell Master!!"

He ran forward in a hurry, but Fu Ya was not willing to let the prey escape, she bullied herself to chase without saying a word.After running three steps, the mussel transformed into a human body, and without seeing her move, it stood in front of Qing Yun: "Little Taoist priest, bring me two more passion fruits!"

As soon as she appeared, Fuya stopped in her tracks and gritted her teeth.Although Qing Yun didn't want to see her, she didn't dare to offend her again, so she complied and took her back to the dining hall to pick up the passion fruit.In the dining hall, her food and beverages were all recorded in the expenses, Rong Chenzi didn't say a word, and everyone let her eat what she liked, and how much she wanted.

In the back mountain, Fu Ya caught a civet cat bitterly, lit a fire under a locust tree, hung the civet cat on the fire, and muttered something.The civet cat writhed and struggled in pain, opened its mouth wide but couldn't make a sound, only a pair of eyes were wide open.After about two moments, finally the civet cat stopped struggling, Fuya finished chanting the spell, opened her eyes, and with two fingers curled into claws, she expertly plucked out the pair of protruding eyeballs.

She took out a small bottle, poured out the gray-white ashes-like powder, drew a human face on the ground between a row of willow stumps, and placed two cat's eyeballs where the human eyes would be.Then he took out another vial, the liquid in it was as bright red as blood, and was still throbbing.As if seeing the most beloved thing, her eyes became gentle, and after staring for a long time, she dumped the contents into the cat's eyes.

The pair of vertical pupils seemed to regain their spirits in an instant, looking straight at the sky with the pain and resentment before dying.

Originally, the eyeballs of murderous people are the best... Fu Ya clapped her hands, thinking resentfully.She knew that Rong Chenzi suspected her, but what did that matter, everything that should be arranged was properly arranged, and it was only for one night.

In Qingxu Temple, He Mu bounced back to Rong Chenzi's bedroom with three passion fruits in his hands.Rong Chenzi was still sleeping, and his sleeping posture was also extremely rigid, lying flat, with his hands folded in front of his abdomen, if the mussels didn't make trouble, this sleeping posture wouldn't change once a night.

Only when she was really fussy, Rong Chenzi couldn't help turning his back to her.

The mussel was sitting on the couch, gnawing on three passion fruits.Rong Chenzi didn't like her eating on the couch, but he couldn't help her either.I've said it many times that it's invalid and I won't say it anymore.Just as he was eating vigorously, Qingyun came to report outside, saying that a big river mussel was found in the back mountain.

Rong Chenzi sent him away, began to wash and wash, and only asked He Mu indifferently: "What are you doing in the back mountain again?"

The clam finished eating the fruit and was looking for something to wipe its hands.Rong Chenzi was really afraid of her, so he casually wrung out the towel in his hand and handed it over. "It's hot, I want to soak in water." He Mu wiped his hands with his towel, and handed it back intact after wiping.

Only then did Rong Chenzi begin to wash his face: "Your eyes are not healed yet, don't take a bath in the back mountain spring water. The primers used in southern Xinjiang witchcraft are very evil, and people who eat that water will get sick."

The clam rolled on the couch: "It's hot, hot, hot!!"

Rong Chenzi sighed softly, and ordered the serving disciples outside the door to bring a large wooden barrel one person tall, filled with a bucket of clear water: "You soak it first," he drew a cold ice talisman, and was slightly warmed by the scorching sun The spring water was immediately extremely cool, "In the future, let Qingxuan lead someone to dig a pond and plant some lotus roots, and you will have a place to play."

The mussel didn't pay much attention to the matter of the pond: "Rong Chenzi, do you really want to wait for Qing Su to come back before dealing with Fu Ya?"

Rong Chenzi adjusted her clothes without hesitation: "That's natural, if there is no real evidence, how can you hurt people at will? Besides, it's not easy to practice, how can a poor Taoist destroy her foundation just because of a momentary suspicion?"

The mussels were soaked in the wooden barrel, the skirt was wet with water, the black hair fluttered like seaweed, and the skin was as moist as jade.Rong Chenzi only glanced at it for a while and didn't take another look.He is a real gentleman, and he would never even think about some lecherous thoughts.The clam played with the water: "You are not afraid that she is ready to deal with you!"

Rong Chenzi had already corrected his appearance and was about to go out. Hearing the words, he just said indifferently: "If this is the case, it is also because of the lack of knowledge and skills, and there is nothing to say. Never."

When he went out, he closed the door at any time, and when the mussel turned over, it turned into a big mussel again, sinking and floating in the bucket.

"You are raising me, aren't you also waiting for real evidence?" She thought for a while, and suddenly became elated again, "Well, there are exciting things to watch tonight, so remember to bring snacks! Fu Ya, you mustn't Disappointed in this seat..."

(End of this chapter)

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