Chapter 12

As if they had discovered the intrusion of strangers, rotting corpses kept pouring in.Dahe Clam also knew that this would not work——Qingxuan's cultivation base was not enough, and he couldn't last long. If Rong Chenzi was around, he might be able to kill him for a few days and nights.

She concentrated her thoughts and cast a large-scale ice freezing technique, freezing a large area of ​​carrion corpses nearby. It was the first time for Qingxuan to experience immortal techniques other than Taoism, which was an eye-opener.It's a pity that He Mu is not as patient and meticulous as Rong Chenzi: "Old man Ge, what are you looking at? Run, let's go find your master."

The two ran to the depths of the mountain, but the Lingxia Mountain range stretches for hundreds of miles, and now it is difficult to see things and evil spirits are rampant, so it is not easy to find someone?After a short search, the Taoist priest found someone, but it wasn't Rong Chenzi.This person was wearing a light blue Taoist robe and a wine gourd was tied around his waist. When he got closer, he found that it was also a corpse.The eyeball of the left eye was hanging out of the socket, as if it had been dead for a long time.

Qingxuan said to Boundless Buddha, and wanted to chop off his limbs when he went up, but the monk waved his hand suddenly, and he sacrificed the flying sword!If it wasn't for He Mu's quick hands and quick eyes to bounce off the flying sword with a single pearl, half of Qingxuan's head might have been lost!

Qingxuan was covered in cold sweat, and the Taoist priest's rotten fingers actually pinched his fingers!Now not only Qingxuan, but also He Mum couldn't help laughing: "This Taoist priest is interesting!"

She flicked her index finger and muttered something.Qing Xuan was fighting with the dead Taoist priest, but a moment later he saw the Taoist priest walking in front of He Mu in a daze, He Mu stopped Qing Xuan who was about to cut off his arm: "Now he is his own, let's go."

Qingxuan's eyes widened, and he saw that dead Taoist priest walking silently in front of the mussel, and when he encountered a corpse approaching him, he would draw a corpse-suppressing talisman! !Qingxuan's outlook on life completely collapsed: "This..."

He Mu followed behind the Taoist priest, feeling a sense of security, and then said: "Ecstasy, he can be taken as a puppet if he has spiritual consciousness, but it's too detrimental, so it's generally not used."

With this Taoist clearing the way, Qingxuan's pressure was greatly relieved. He Mu was not interested in killing monsters, and looked around only to find Rong Chenzi.At this time, the mountain is too strong to use spiritual knowledge to detect.Mountains and rivers with aura in ancient times actually have their own temperaments, just like human emotions.

It will not appear on weekdays, but once it is triggered, it will be terrifying.When the mountain is so angry, it is very likely to offend it again and harm itself.

A man, a monster, and a corpse were walking forward, when the dead leaves in front of them were suddenly lifted, and a huge white wave rushed towards them.He Mu pulled Qingxuan back more than Zhang hurriedly, picked up dead branches and drew a circle, making Qingxuan stand in the circle together with the puppet corpse.

When the white waves approached, Qingxuan realized that they were not waves at all, but white snakes, countless small white snakes twisted together, each about two fingers long, spitting letters hissingly.

Qingxuan began to worry a little: "The restriction in the observation, I don't know if it can prevent this Gu worm."

The waves of snakes surged towards them, and all the snakes had only one eye, which grew in the middle, which was particularly frightening.He Mu immediately changed his face: "Although that stupid woman is a first-class witch, she can't exert such power with her witch power!" She crushed the blood-red pearl in her hand violently, Blowing, the red shimmering light spread out, and after a while, it followed the wind direction as if it had substance.

He Mu didn't delay any longer, picked up Qingxuan, and made a tactic with his right hand, a water pattern rippled around him.Qingxuan only felt a darkness in front of his eyes, and a sharp pain in his body.He looked around and was shocked: "Water escape technique!"

The mussels followed the ray of red light and arrived at Qixia Peak in Lingxia Mountain not long after.

The surroundings finally began to show traces of fighting, but it definitely didn't look like Rong Chenzi and Fu Ya were fighting alone.The big river mussel had a dignified expression, and when it passed a mountain stream, the water in the entire stream turned black.She looked at Qingxuan who was walking ahead, chasing the ray of red light, and suddenly turned sideways and hid in the rocks beside the mountain stream.

The place is barely flat in the mountains, and the half-person-high stone bars are piled up here and there. It seems that they want to build some kind of temple, but the construction has not yet started.The mussels searched for the smell of blood, and soon found a section behind the granite rocks.

A person, a woman, leaned against the back of the rock and panted violently. Her clothes were covered with blood, her left breast was pierced across by a dead branch, and her face was densely intertwined with cobweb-like red threads. terrible.

Sensing the aura of a stranger, she desperately clenched the Soul Summoning Bell in her hand, and then released it in despair after seeing who was coming: "It's you..." She coughed up a wisp of black blood, but it was Fu Ya.

He Mu brushed the corner of her clothes, not intending to kill her, let alone save her: "It's me..." There was even a smile in her voice, "Poor."

Fuya's body began to make strange noises, like spring eating leaves, and the rustling sound was endless.Her eyes were bulging, and her right hand kept drawing blood curses on her chest. The mussel was not in a hurry, leaning on the stone bar, and said slowly: "Almost everyone knows that fairy meat is a good thing, but how to really eat it is not clear. Few people know."

Fuya's chest heaved violently, but her expression seemed to be unable to take in any air.Dahe Mu simply sat down on the stone bar, leisurely shaking a pair of jade-like feet: "All righteous gods recorded by the Heavenly Dao are protected by the Heavenly Dao. Even if they are killed by force, no one will bear the crime of killing the God I can afford it." She smiled like a flower, and said slowly, "But if the righteous god's own character is flawed, he will be reduced to a fallen immortal. At this time, if he wants to eat his flesh again, it will be regarded as an act of justice for the heavens."

The redness on Fu Ya's face became more and more obvious, as if it was about to split her skin.He Mu slowly got up and approached, stopped five steps away from her, and slowly cast spells with his right hand, a wisp of blue water slowly penetrated Fuya's body.Fuya seemed to feel better, but soon she felt something was wrong, as soon as the water entered her body, it immediately stirred up her natal Gu and minghuo!
Rong Chenzi kept his original position and concentrated his energy on dealing with the enemy.He felt something strange when he first entered the mountain, he was very familiar with the formations, and after careful observation these days, he also had a rough idea of ​​Fuya's strength.As soon as he entered the mountain, he found Fu Ya's formation, but after breaking the formation, Lingxia Mountain was even more aroused.

At that time, he guessed that a certain southern Xinjiang Wumen might come out in full force.

The magic flames and talisman seals intertwined on Qixia Peak, just when the sand and stones were flying away, suddenly a voice shouted from outside: "Master?"

Rong Chenzi was startled, and immediately revealed his flaws, what kind of person the other party was, he stopped him immediately, and at the same time went to grab Qingxuan who was hovering halfway up Qixia Peak.Rong Chenzi had no choice but to change from defense to offense, breaking out of the encirclement to save his eldest disciple.

The eight witches who besieged him were all good players, how could they let such a good opportunity pass by, countless Gu worms flooded towards him, desperately trying to break through his restraint, he was eager to rescue Qingxuan, and kept adjusting properly His breath was suddenly disturbed.

In a grove of purple bamboos next to the ancient pine, Fu Ya's face was as pale as a ghost, but her consciousness was still there: "You brought his apprentice here just to disturb him? Are you going to help him or us?"

The big river clam stands leaning on the bamboo, and the white skirt flickers in the night: "Who do you help? I never help anyone." She looked at Rong Chenzi who was gradually no longer able to cope in the magic circle, with a lazy expression, "If Those sorcerers killed him, thank God I can take the body away. If those sorcerers are killed by him... I will be wronged and stay in Qingxu Temple for a few more days."

Fu Ya suddenly felt hopeful: "If this Taoist priest is dead, can you not kill me?"

Dahe Mussel didn't even look at her: "It's too late, you were injured by Rong Chenzi's Tiangang Fumo Curse, and you are actually dead now. I don't know Taoism, the most I can do is to protect your natal Gu and let your It’s just a little bit longer. But even though you are dead, you can do one thing for me. Those guys from your sect look amazing, but I always feel uneasy. If Rong Chenzi wins, I will let him I have saved you, um, if you vote for a good family again, it is guaranteed to be better than the one in front of you."

Fuya touched her chest, there was no heartbeat there.The red threads on her face had faded to the point where there were no traces, her skin seemed to be moistened by water, and it was extremely white and tender. Who would have thought that such a body would be dead.

The clam was touching her belly—she was hungry!

While the two were talking, something was wrong with Rong Chenzi.Countless Gu worms flocked to Qingxuan. He fought hard to receive the witcher's stick, rushed out of the siege, and used Taoist mystical techniques to force the witch Gu back, but the stick on his body seemed to be extremely poisonous, and he repeatedly drew symbols on the wound to try to suppress it.

Dahe Mussel has no snacks, and his stomach is getting more and more hungry: "You are an immortal! Don't break my meat!"

The situation in the arena was tense, several wizards surrounded Rong Chenzi and his disciples and sat down, rang the soul calling bell, and the mourning pestle made of human bones in their hands also buzzed.With a serious expression on his face, Rong Chenzi took out a purple talisman from the treasure bag.

In the Taoist mysterious method, the talismans are also divided into five grades, which are gold, silver, purple, blue, and yellow. The power of each color increases from yellow to gold, but the corresponding spell consumption is also large.

Although mussels are not familiar with Taoism, they still know common sense things.Therefore, I always felt that Rong Chenzi was able to do a job with ease before, and that's why I saw him keep sacrificing yellow talismans.

A strange incantation sounded, Qingxuan leaned next to Rong Chenzi and said something, Rong Chenzi frowned, as if he had reprimanded him, and immediately made a move without showing mercy.

The sand and rocks in front of him blocked the eyes, and the two sides were fighting to the death. The big river clam was standing on a bent bamboo, and his stomach was growling with hunger. She was a little impatient: "Let's finish the fight early, I'm exhausted watching it." She He muttered again, "I'm starving to death too, go back to the temple early and let the little Taoist make supper."

Fu Ya stood where she was, her body temperature was still there, but her pulse, breathing, and heartbeat had stopped, but her consciousness showed no signs of collapsing.She has been in contact with dead bodies for many years, and she has a faint fear in her heart, and she is also a little excited about death.

The clam took out a conch from its bosom and blew gently, the whole mountain forest suddenly resounded with a gust of wind, mixed with a strange rhythm, like the sound of camel bells.Everyone's mana was passing away at a perceivable speed. The wizard thought it was Rong Chenzi's Taoist supernatural power, and Rong Chenzi thought it was southern Xinjiang witchcraft.

After about three quarters, both sides were sweating heavily, Fu Ya looked forward and saw that her masters and uncles were all in a daze, as if they had forgotten to chant the mantra.But Rong Chenzi bit the tip of his tongue, took advantage of the pain to concentrate, and suddenly let out a clear drink, and sacrificed the golden talisman in his hand, immediately severely wounding the six witches.

He Mu shook his head and put away the conch: "Sure enough, the disparity in strength is too great to count on." She turned her head and smiled brightly at Fu Ya, and said softly, "It's your turn, go."

Fu Ya only felt that those eyes were as blue as the sea, and the consciousness sunk into the pupils, as if a huge wave was also stirred up. She walked forward in a daze. , Qingxuan had already fallen to the ground and couldn't get up.

Seeing Fu Ya approaching, he pursed his lips slightly, and casually cast a silkworm-eating Gu, intending to destroy Fu Ya's natal Gu.Fu Ya was a little dazed, and fell down at Rong Chenzi's feet without even dodging.

Rong Chenzi knew that wizards generally kept natal Gu, after the body died, natal Gu would not die immediately, but would follow the remaining soul consciousness of the master and fulfill the master's obsession, so he didn't pay attention at this time.

He sacrificed a blue talisman again, and when he was chanting the incantation, Fu Ya, who had no breath under her feet, suddenly rose up again, her figure was like a ghost, and she directly hit his lung and Shu acupoints with her palm, directly breaking his vitality.Rong Chenzi couldn't dodge it in time, he made a wrong step and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Although Fuya was dead, her body suddenly emitted a strange radiance. She took off her clothes one by one, and the talisman fire shone brightly in the dark forest.There was an almost innocent daze on her face, and her body was as white as jade in the dim light.

Rong Chenzi had just been hit by this blow, and his breath was already disordered, seeing this, he hurriedly recited the magic mantra, gathered his consciousness, and concentrated his mind to calm down.But the remaining two wizards were distracted, Rong Chenzi took the opportunity to make a move, leaving no room for it.A silver talisman was sacrificed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

The power of the silver talisman was so great that the two sorcerers were unable to resist, and their corpses fell on the mountain.

Fu Ya was still approaching slowly, her body was naked, Rong Chenzi always hated the evil art, she only frowned slightly, then covered her eyes with the gauze wrapped around her wrist, opened her eyes, and held the sword in her hand From top to bottom, with a single strike, Fu Ya's head fell apart.

Dahe Clam couldn't prevent him from using this technique to break the charm, and hastily withdrew the puppet technique.

The strong enemy has refused, but Rong Chenzi can't rest, he still needs to go to Qixia Peak to secure the land and suppress Lingxia Mountain.Deal with the corpses and poisonous insects in this place.He clutched his chest and abdomen and kept coughing lightly, Fu Ya's slap was extremely ruthless, obviously hurt his heart and lungs.He kicked Qingxuan up, his breathing was unstable, and his voice panted slightly: "Where did she get separated from you?"

Qingxuan lost all energy, Rong Chenzi could only hold his arm with one hand: "Lead the way!"

Da He Mu thought for a long time before he realized that he was asking himself.

She jumped down from the purple bamboo, and Rong Chenzi subdued the Gu insects and corpses all the way, the big river clam did not dare to cast spells rashly, lest he would notice.But the puppet Taoist priest was still wandering around in the forest, she moved slightly, and the Taoist priest had already walked towards Rong Chenzi, Qingxuan pointed at the Taoist priest's body, before he made a sound, Rong Chenzi was also fooled by it.

This Taoist priest must be an ancestor of the Taoist sect. When he passed away, he found a cave in Lingxia Mountain. At this time, the body was aroused by the mountain, but his instinct was still there.Before the others arrived, they rewarded Rong Chenzi with the Five Thunder Curse.

Rong Chenzi was caught off guard and had no choice but to suffer.He couldn't bear to destroy the remains of his predecessors. In the final analysis, the change in Lingxia Mountain was caused by him.Therefore, only a corpse suppressing talisman was drawn to shock the Taoist's body.

The Five Thunders Curse is a very common spell, if it couldn't hurt his fur in the past, it will make it worse when it is cast on him now.But he still has to worry about that big river clam.

The battle was over, and only the chores of moving tables and chairs remained.He Mu didn't look at it, she returned to the Qingxu Temple, went to the dining hall to get some food, and then slowly returned to Rong Chenzi's bedroom.

A few days ago, Rong Chenzi performed some town house techniques in the room, and the room kept burning incense for refuge, so there was nothing unusual in the room at this time.She took the food and sat on the couch, as if thinking of something, she took a white pill from her waist, lifted the lid of the incense burner, and threw it down.

(End of this chapter)

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