Chapter 17

Rong Chenzi is a good clean person, so he will naturally have to freshen up after work, the loss of essence will damage his body to some extent, but he doesn't care about it because of his profound knowledge.He was determined to feed the mussel to the end, and this move also meant to completely seal off his retreat.

The mussel didn't take it seriously, she sat on the couch and played with Rong Chenzi's seal, imprinting many red seals on Rong Chenzi's snow-white Taoist robe, without feeling tired after intercourse.Rong Chenzi fetched clean water again and went back to the room. Seeing this, he just shook his head slightly, and casually threw the Taoist robe into the bamboo basket. He did not know what kind of magic was cast to turn the mussel back into his real body.Regardless of whether she likes it or not, pressing it in the washbasin is just a scrub.

He is very good at brushing river mussels. First, filter the whole clam shell with clean water, then close the clam shell tightly, and carefully remove the dirt in the lines along the threads on the shell. First brush three times clockwise, then counterclockwise three times. After brushing side A and side B, brush both sides, and then scrub the dust and mud at the intersection of the two shells on the back.

After brushing, change the water, then filter first to filter out the impurities in the clam shells, still close the clam shells, and scrub again.

After wiping, wipe it with a sweat towel. The sweat towel must be wet first and then wrung dry, so as not to wipe it too dry and make the mussel uncomfortable.After wiping, he carried her to the couch, and then he went out to pour water, melted a talisman randomly, and mixed it with sugar to feed her.Remove the traces in the house while she is drinking the talisman water, and then get on the couch.

At this time, the river mussel had turned back into a human body, and the whole body burrowed into his arms like a loach.He was still lying on his back, with his hands folded under his navel, motionless and silent, letting the clam toss and turn.

How could Da He Mu be reconciled, she sat astride Rong Chenzi, tried her best, but she couldn't arouse the slightest distraction in him.

He Mu was very sad: "Old Taoist."

Rong Chenzi's mind was as calm as water: "Huh?"

"Aren't you monks empty of the four elements?"

Rong Chenzi pulled her down and lay down next to her. He is an upright and upright person. As long as he decides to be together, he has no second thoughts about He Mu. When she is not messing around, he is very willing to solve her doubts, and She communicated: "The four things are all empty, that's the monks' plaything. Taoism has different teachings, and there are many kinds of exercises. The Taishang Laojun said that one of the five precepts is not to commit adultery, um, but it is just not to have sex with women." , strayed into evil ways, there is no such thing as saying that the four elements are all empty."

"Ah?!" He Mu was dumbfounded, "No... isn't it your thing?"

It's over, it's daylight! ! !
Rong Chenzi patted her head, and added: "Of course, ascetics pay attention to tranquility and tranquility. If there are lustful thoughts together, it will hinder the cultivation to some extent."

He Mu didn't despair now, she tilted her head and leaned on Rong Chenzi's generous shoulder, her ears were pressed together, Rong Chenzi was slightly startled, and silently accepted her intimacy.

Early the next morning, cloudy and light rain.This kind of weather can't stop Taoist priests from practicing, Rong Chenzi still leads his disciples to do morning classes, Ye Tian's work and rest time is exactly the same as Qingxu Temple's work and rest time, and now he is teaching Rong Chenzi in the martial arts training ground in the back mountain.

The two come from the same sect, and their kung fu is roughly the same, and the two have known each other since childhood, so they have a very tacit understanding, and the coordination between each move and style is unique.All the disciples observed carefully, and then figured out and practiced on their own, and some details that were difficult to understand in ordinary times gradually became clear.

Taoist Master Zixin's disciples are both internal and external, and Ye Tian is no exception.While practicing sword with her, Rong Chenzi explained the essentials of the moves.In the slanting wind and drizzle, Ye Tian's expression was serious, but his eyes were warm.Only when the line of sight flicked to a certain place, cloudy eyes appeared in the eyes.

In autumn, Lingxia Mountain is full of large areas of hibiscus, whose flowers are bell-shaped, with double petals and tender stamens, gorgeous and splendid.The drizzle is like silk, and the heat has completely dropped.The big river clam was very happy, and pinched the cloud turning formula with his right hand.But for a moment, the drizzle condensed into snowflakes, which fell on the hairline of the flowers one by one, forming a wonderful scene between the heaven, the earth, the mountains and the forest.

Rong Chenzi was already worried about her running around, so he also put his attention on her when practicing sword.Looking back at this moment, I saw the wind and snow among the flowers, and the beautiful face in neon clothes and feathers.

He Mu felt his gaze, she raised her flour face, put her hands together in a trumpet shape to her lips, and said loudly: "Zhiguan, these flowers are so beautiful, can I pick some?"

The little Taoist priests who were practicing all looked over, her voice was as clear as ice crystals, and the corners of her eyebrows and eyes were like crescent moons.Rong Chenzi's heart softened for no reason.But in front of his junior sister and disciples, he couldn't hold back his face, so his face remained serious and his tone was calm: "Only one is allowed."

The clam was a little unhappy, pouting to choose left and right, hesitating between a white flower and a pink flower.After a while, I picked the largest, most beautiful and most colorful pink hibiscus, and pinned it in the right hair.In that dawn, the morning light was twilight, the rain was slanting and the snow was shattering. She wore flowers in her hair, and her figure was graceful.

Rong Chenzi lost his mind for a moment, and after a while, the big river clam felt that he should not have noticed, so he quickly picked up the other two white hibiscus, carried it behind his back, and walked bouncing into the view... = =!

Ye Tian was also looking at the mussel, she bit her lips with silver teeth, and tightly held the purple gold sword in her hand, it turned out that Senior Brother likes women like her.She couldn't understand how Rong Chenzi, who was deeply influenced by his teacher Zixin Daoist, kept himself clean since he was a child, how could he fall in love with this kind of witch?
"Senior brother," she was still practicing sword with Rong Chenzi, but she was obviously out of her mind, "Where did this witch come from? She acts so coquettishly and pretentiously, how could you be deceived by her..."

Rong Chenzi stopped his hands: "Xiaoye!" His voice was calm, "Don't talk about her like that."

Ye Tian was still waiting to say something, Rong Chenzi stretched out his hand to stop him: "You are not focused on the sword today, let's call it a day."

Rong Chenzi put his sword back into its sheath, and Ye Tian stared at him quietly: "Brother, you have changed."

Rong Chenzi sighed softly: "Xiaoye, she and I... No matter what, it was always my fault. This matter is really absurd, and the senior brother can't say it, but the senior brother still understands the responsibility of a man. There is no need to say any more. "

He turned around to leave, but Ye Tian subconsciously stretched out her hand, but she didn't have the nerve to grab the corner of his clothes after all.She is a disciple taught by Taoist Priest Zixin. She has kept herself clean since she was a child, and she strictly guards against men and women.

The years of acquaintance with Rong Chenzi can be described as a long time, but there is never a half-step beyond the rules.

She keeps the etiquette, but the big river clam is not!

She jumped and ran over from the view, and the two hibiscus were hidden nowhere.Seeing Rong Chenzi from afar, he called out, "Zhi Guan!"

Rong Chenzi shook his head slightly, and whenever she ran close, he hugged his arm.Getting too close, Rong Chenzi smelled the fresh fragrance of flowers in her hair, Rong Chenzi's face turned red, and he tore her off his body, with a hint of reproach in his voice: "Speak well."

Da He Mu leaned on Rong Chen Zi in a shameless posture in Ye Tian's eyes: "Qing Su said you are going down the mountain today!!"

Rong Chenzi sighed again, he found that since he met this mussel, he often sighed: "If I want to take you there, that's fine too. But after you go down the mountain, you must listen to my words, don't run around at will, don't mess around. In addition Be dignified in your words and deeds, walk well when you walk, and talk well when you talk..." He walked forward while admonishing, and the clam followed him by pulling his sleeves, and she heard that she could follow him down the mountain, but she didn't care about Rong Chenzi What to say, it's good to be honest.

Rong Chenzi hadn't finished speaking: "You can't even wear this suit of clothes. You go down the mountain to do something. Your attire will cause people to gossip..."

Dahe Clam finally got impatient: "Ge Laozi, is it over yet?! If you dare to leave me behind, you will burn down your temple!!"

Rong Chenzi: "..."

After finishing the morning class, it is natural to have breakfast.Ye Tian doesn't sit at the table with He Mu, just as He Mu doesn't like to share her table either.The two each had a case, and Ye Tian looked at Rong Chenzi with anticipation in his eyes.

Frankly speaking, she and Rong Chenzi haven't seen each other for several months, and Rong Chenzi thinks it's appropriate to catch up with her.So he walked to Ye Tian's table, sat down with Lian Ju, and asked her about her daily life in the palace.

There was a smile in Ye Tian's eyes, she was always arrogant in the eyes of others, and she only laughed like this in front of Rong Chenzi and Zhuang Shaoqin.

Rong Chenzi listened very carefully, answering a few words from time to time, the two of them talked harmoniously all the time.

The little Taoist priests are peeking at another place——Master, sometimes your old really...sluggish...

(End of this chapter)

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