Chapter 52

Rong Chenzi carried the mussel all the way back to his bedroom. Although he didn't return to the Qingxu Temple for some days, his room was cleaned every day by a special person, and it was still spotless.Entering the secret room, Rong Chenzi put her on the couch, He Mu was a little uneasy, and grabbed his neck to prevent him from leaving.Rong Chenzi comforted her softly: "Hey, I'll go find the magical artifact and I'll be right back."

The clam stared wide-eyed: "You won't come back, will you?"

Rong Chenzi slowly opened her hand: "Trust me."

He was about to go out when he met Ye Tian who was rushing towards him.Ye Tian threw the horsewhip in her hand on the ground, her expression anxious: "Brother, her heart has been broken and her life is at the end of her life, how can I save her?"

Rong Chenzi paused slightly, and said for a while, "You can catch a broken heart, and you can borrow it if your life is over."

Ye Tian was stunned, and after a long time she said in a daze: "Brother, do you want to borrow your life for her? But the master said that it is a forbidden technique, you..."

Rong Chenzi stopped her words: "Because Master has repeatedly warned that this is a forbidden technique, I haven't studied it deeply, and now I don't know how to grasp it. It happened suddenly, I have to do it first, and you can enlighten it for me. " Ye Tian looked at his face quietly, she knew that he had made up his mind without any extra words.She just complied.

The two went to the Wuliang Grotto and collected all the books related to the technique of borrowing fate, He Mu lay quietly on the couch.Qing Xuan came over to see her a few times, and prepared enough water for her as Rong Chenzi ordered.She could feel her primordial spirit collapsing, and her heart was getting more and more flustered, but she couldn't bear to move.The primordial spirit is concentrated in stillness and dispersed in movement, she must persevere for a while, maybe Rong Chenzi really has a way.Qing Yun also came over to take a look, but Rong Chenzi had orders, so no one dared to disturb her.

Qingzhen outside spoke in a low voice: "Last time I almost murdered Master, why did Master bring her back this time?"

Qing Su said with a sigh: "I think she's really convinced of our master."

Qing Yun's voice was depressed: "I don't want to make braised fairy meat for her! That's a way to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors..."

Finally came Qingxuan's voice: "Don't get together here, go do your own thing!"

The big river clam lay quietly, black hair flowing like ink on the side of the pillow.After she left, Rong Chenzi ordered Qingxuan to throw out all the things that belonged to her in the room, but he didn't think of doing anything with this secret room, so he didn't touch it much.The gentleman is open and frank, he is not a person with many secrets, even on the couch he behaves quite well, there is really no place where he can't see people.This secret room was also left by Taoist Priest Zixin, so it was of little use to him.

He Mu hadn't thought about things this quietly for a long time. At this moment, she was as fragile as a baby, and a three-foot child who came in casually could kill her here.But she couldn't help herself anymore, her chest hurt like a gap, and she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand.People who have lived for thousands of years seldom hand over their lives to others.Except for their own martial arts, they don't believe in anyone.But now, she is lying in a Taoist temple, waiting for a Taoist priest to come to rescue her. Maybe the Taoist priest will have to spend a lot of effort.

She stared blankly at the roof of the tent, not daring to light incense in the room, now she is also in a demonic body, and her Qi veins are weak.In the Taoist temple, there are many gods of the Three Purities and Four Imperials, fearing that the spirit of the gods would hurt her, Rong Chenzi ordered Qingxuan to clean up all the magical artifacts in the room.Not long after, Qingxuan and Qingsu came in again, lightly lighted many lotus lanterns, and put them in a formation. She didn't dare to move too much, and she couldn't see clearly what the formation was.The light in the room gradually brightened, and the dark golden light reflected on her crimson robes, making her even more beautiful.

Rong Chenzi's apprentices are also very upright, Qingxuan and Qingsu only took one look, then hurriedly turned around and left the secret room.

When Rong Chenzi came in with Ye Tian, ​​the mussel was still unable to move.Ye Tian stepped forward to untie her clothes, she pouted her mouth in disapproval, Ye Tian also got angry: "You think I would like to see you! I don't have everything you have!" Dropping her eyes to look at her lawn, and then lowered her head to look at her own mountain, Ye Tian was so angry that she almost threw her to the ground.Rong Chenzi's face turned reddish, quite embarrassed.He turned his head and tied a red thread on his middle finger, then punctured the fingertip, making the red thread stained with blood.

Ye Tian took off all the clothes from He Mum's body, she snorted coldly, although she looked disdainful, she still couldn't help but look at it twice.This clam skin color is like snow, smooth and tender to the touch, really worthy of the words "ice muscle and jade bone".She eats and drinks all day long, but her waist is extremely slender, and it is absolutely difficult to grasp the protruding place.Ye Tian didn't dare to look down, she was a person who seldom imagined wildly, but somehow she suddenly thought of the lingering scene between the mussel and her senior brother that night.How did brother Ye make love to her... this body...has brother ever caressed it?
He... must be very fond of it, right?

Suddenly two clouds of fire burned on her face, her eyes moved up, and she couldn't help seeing the wound on the chest of the mussel again.Liu Qinfang was extremely ruthless with the saber, and wanted the mussel's life wholeheartedly.

Rong Chenzi was also very embarrassed. He tied the red thread between his fingers to the middle finger of the clam's right hand, and took another roll of red thread of unknown material. streamer.He sat down in front of the couch, with silver hooks on the side of the couch and a curtain, and the light reflected the spring light in the room.

With a blushing face, he took out the mussel's heart from the air, the mussel's body was slightly numb, and suddenly lost consciousness.She looked at Rong Chenzi with horror in her eyes.Rong Chenzi packed half a box of red clay in an inkstone-shaped stone box, and he really wanted to mend her heart.But when he had the heart in his hand, he suddenly frowned—in addition to the recent knife wound, there were old marks on the mussel's heart.It seems that the old wound is very delicate, and the ventricle has not been injured.And the scars are already very light, if he didn't have to mend his mind, it would be hard to notice.

He continued the pulse with the red thread, and dipped his fingertips in the clay, focusing on mending his heart.With limited blood, the heart can't be too far away from the body. He is almost lying on the mussel's chest, with a faint fragrance lingering at the end of his nose. He needs to suppress his gaze so that he can't stop noticing the towering "mountains" on her chest.

Ye Tian kept flipping through the book "Borrowing Fate", turning back and forth among the lotus cups, arranging the magical instruments that Rong Chenzi will use in order, lest there be any omissions.He Mu lying on his back had nothing to do but look at the magnified face of Rong Chenzi in front of him.Rong Chenzi's eyebrows are very thick, his nose bridge is high, and his eyes are not like Chun Yulin's Danfeng eyes, but they always have a sharp and majestic look.The whole face is very resolute and stylish, but he always looks calm and old-fashioned. It seems that he has a clear understanding of the world and has no vitality, showing a bit of oldness for no reason.

On the official road, He Peng would stand with him, at least with a gap of one or two generations.The mussel doesn't hurt anymore, and she's a little bit more beautiful—this kind of person ages quickly, unlike me, with eternal youth and eternal cardamom years.

Rong Chenzi held his breath and concentrated his mind, not looking anywhere else out of the corner of his eye.Mussel opened her mouth and yawned silently—she was a little sleepy.

Rong Chenzi noticed it immediately, and he quickly tightened the red line on his left middle finger, the wound deepened, and the color of the red line became brighter.He just glanced at the mussel, and told him in a low voice: "Don't sleep." The mussel nodded and pushed up her eyelids—she wanted to live, and for thousands of years, she had experienced countless joys and sorrows. , but she is still afraid of death, she wants to live well.She wants to continue to watch the sunrise of the sea, continue to listen to the singing of seagulls, continue to count the tides, and continue to eat those delicious foods.

Rong Chenzi didn't dare to lean on her body, mending the heart is a very delicate job, with so many blood vessels, there must be no omission.His arms were already numb, and the sweat on his head was about to drip.He Mu raised his right hand with difficulty, and he frowned slightly: "Don't move around."

He Mu grinned, and gently wiped the sweat off his forehead with his small hands.A small movement, but she did it with great difficulty.Rong Chenzi didn't stop her anymore - it's good to find something to do so as not to sleep.

After a full hour and a half, Rong Chenzi finally put her heart back in his chest. He cleaned up the broken bones in He Mum's chest, and then looked at He Mum: "How do you feel?"

He Mu frowned, she was really skeptical about Xuanshu: "I can't even feel that I have breasts."

Rong Chenzi's face was reddish, he took the silk of the mussel, and gently pressed the acupoints of the mussel with his five fingers through the thin silk, starting from the chest.From time to time, his rough fingertips brushed against the double peaks of the mussel, and his expression became even more embarrassing.The clam pouted: "It's not like you haven't touched it before."

Rong Chenzi gave a dry cough, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense."

After passing the chest, he slightly increased the weight, but his attention was finally focused on the chest of the mussel. The heart began to beat slowly, at first it was very slow, and it was almost impossible to feel it.He pressed down all the way through the webbing, and when he reached the lower abdomen, his heart began to beat violently, and his throat felt a little dry.He is not a person who is prone to evil thoughts, so he felt ashamed and recited the "Qing Jing Sutra" silently again.Ye Tian was still behind him, but he couldn't ask her for help—he was more aware of the injured heart arteries of the mussel, and he knew which acupoints needed special care.He pressed all the way along the smooth and smooth skin, He Mu's heartbeat slowly recovered, and her big eyes filled with tears again: "Zhiguan, it hurts!"

Rong Chenzi let out a sigh of relief, and his subordinates kept saying, "Hold it."

His white clothes were covered with dust and mud, only his hands were clean.Ye Tian heard the mussel's noise and came over, couldn't bear to see Rong Chenzi so tired, she took off her shoes and went to bed: "Brother, you wash up first, I'll help her to revitalize the blood." Rong Chenzi hesitated a little , Ye Tian said again: "You also need to recover your strength to borrow your life."

Rong Chenzi had no choice but to nod: "Alright." He looked at the red line on his left middle finger, and hesitated again: "Let's wait a little longer." He raised his hand to touch He Mu's forehead, his movements were gentle, "I still want to Are you going to sleep?" He Mu could see the tiredness in his eyes, she shook her head lightly: "I'm not sleepy anymore."

Only then did Rong Chenzi feel relieved, and made a new articulation, cutting off the red thread between the two of them with his fingers.

As soon as he came out of the secret room, Qingxuan quickly fetched hot water for him to freshen up.The little Taoist priests came over from time to time to see if the master had anything else to say.Seeing the exhaustion of the master who has always been fierce and fierce, all the disciples were shocked——this, this, this, the goblin really sucks human blood!How long did it take, this river oyster spirit squeezed our master into such a state...

(End of this chapter)

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