Chapter 58

After brushing the shells of the mussels, Qingxuan put away the wooden basin and went out, Rong Chenzi wiped her dry and carried her to the couch.When the clam turned into a human body, it was a little unconscious: "Zhiguan, can you feed him with Yuanjing again?" Rong Chenzi blushed, and the clam entangled him like an octopus, "I'll be sure in a few days." I still want to fight the three-eyed snake, I'll get better soon, so I can go with you."

Why doesn't Rong Chenzi understand this truth, but he hasn't figured out whether he should just be with her like this, so how could... He Mu crawled up to his chest carefully, and looked at him with bright eyes: "Zhi Guan, I promise to be obedient in the future, if you tell me to beat you, I will never hit anything, and if you tell me to beat a dog, I will never hit chickens, so why don’t you keep raising me?”

Rong Chenzi lowered his eyes and didn't speak, He Mu was an acquaintance: "Then I'll take it as your promise?"

The last time Rong Chenzi pinched her, she still had lingering fears, but now she just lay on Rong Chenzi's chest and looked at him quietly, Rong Chenzi's heart was in a mess, she didn't know whether she should follow her heart or push her away .As for the current situation, the singing snake is still alive, so there must still be time for inner cultivation.He hesitated, the mussel licked his Adam's apple, his soft hands gently unbuttoned his robe, his chest was as tight as iron, the mussel licked all the way.Rong Chenzi twitched his muscles, picked up the mussel, and said in a hoarse voice, "Not today."

The clam struggled, but he was afraid of hurting her, so he didn't dare to use any force.The clam broke free from his shackles and crawled to his side again: "Why not? I think I'm already fine."

She didn't understand at all, Rong Chenzi was a mature man after all, he had already tasted the marrow and tasted it, and it had been empty for a long time at this time, even if he calmed down, how could he ensure that his desire would not change, his essence was pure and pure?
"Zhiguan!" He Mu twisted his arm, and could feel its smoothness and softness through the material of the clothes, Rong Chenzi couldn't breathe steadily: "Are you good, wait until tomorrow..."

"I don't want to!" He Mu pulled his hand to touch his own little feet, "Going to fight the three-eyed snake is of course a day earlier!"

Rong Chenzi's breathing gradually became short of breath, he knew it was wrong, but in the end he was stuck in a quagmire and couldn't help himself.He covered her body, not to press her down, supported the weight with his elbows, and said in a rough voice, "If you feel unwell, tell me immediately."

The mussel cheered and kept licking his neck. The muscles of Rong Chenzi's body were tense, and beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead. The mussel was still a little uncomfortable—her body was too tender.She twisted slightly to avoid: "Zhiguan, take it easy."

Rong Chenzi's teeth clenched, and he tried a few times before entering the alley.The body fit tightly, and he forcibly restrained his mind. After several trials, he suddenly withdrew, rolled over and got off the couch. He Mu thought he was angry again, and hurriedly sat up: "Zhiguan?"

Her current body couldn't bear the violent intercourse at all, Rong Chenzi panted heavily to help her: "It's nothing, I'll be back soon."

He Mu waited for two quarters before he finally returned with a chill in his body.When He Mu touched him, he cried out: "Zhi Guan, you are so cold!" Rong Chenzi hummed in a low voice, not allowing He Mu to move any more, and held her back to get on the horse again.That firm body was so cold that it was about to freeze, and the clam stroked it inch by inch: "Have you taken a cold shower?"

Rong Chenzi's consciousness was already awake, and his self-control ability was much stronger at this time, even his voice remained unchanged: "It's nothing."

The cold hard object was embedded in the body, and it was rare for the mussel to obediently remain motionless: "Zhi Guan." She hugged Rong Chenzi's neck, touching his skin.Rong Chenzi pushed her away: "No, you're going to catch a cold."

The river clam warmed him with the water stored in its body, and the water carried her body temperature, Rong Chenzi felt warm all over his body like spring.

"How do you feel?" His movements were as gentle as possible, and He Mu was lying comfortably: "It's very good, Zhiguan, come on."

Rong Chenzi couldn't laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to concentrate on cheering.

The time is too long, and it is boring to do nothing.Rong Chenzi still cared about what he was thinking: "Jiang Haoran...what's the relationship with you?"

He Mu crossed his legs around his waist, and replied calmly: "It's my former martial artist."

Rong Chenzi is not a gossip person, but facing this Jiang Haoran who suddenly came to his door, he was always stuck in his throat: "Then why..."

The mussel touched his broad chest, and he quickly patted her hand down: "Don't move around."

"He has other inner training, so I'm leaving." He Mu yawned, obviously not wanting to say more.Rong Chenzi had no choice but to stop asking.

The next day, the snow still did not live.There was news from Zhuang Shaoqin that the singing snake had not moved in the past few days, and even the Daoist sect doubted—could it be that the rock crevice collapsed and crushed them to death?Rong Chenzi rushed over to discuss the plan with his peers Zhirenren and Yuyanrenren, and He Mu was in better spirits and played in the snow in the yard.Rong Chenzi only told her not to play too crazy, and did not stop her.

Her little hands were flushed from the cold, and her cheeks were also flushed. She was sticking red peppers on the snowman's face as eyes, when suddenly she fell silent.Although the voice behind him was soft on purpose, it still couldn't conceal the coercion in it: "You are indeed here. You know that I have been looking for you all these years."

A circle of water rippled around the clam, and she stared round her eyes: "You still have the nerve to look for me, why are you looking for me?"

The person approached gradually, and his footprints were only shallow on the knee-covered snow: "Panpan, how many times do you want me to explain? Don't be so selfish all the time, okay?" He took a few steps closer, and the river Bang turned around and ran towards Yuanfu Hall.

Rong Chenzi accompanied Zhenren Zhi and others in Yuanfu Hall, discussing how to deal with Ming Snake.Unexpectedly, the door of the palace was kicked open, and the mussel ran in half covered in wind and snow.Without looking at anyone, he got into Rong Chenzi's arms.Rong Chenzi frowned slightly, and was about to push her away, when Jiang Haoran, who was dressed in a golden robe outside the hall, followed behind.He unconsciously tightened his grip on He Mum, and his words were tinged with anger: "What happened?" He Mum didn't speak, he was an upright character, so he got up right away, with his crown on his shoulders, his body like a mountain, " Honorable Lord Jiang, the sky is bright and the sun is bright, what is the reason for you chasing my female guest in the audience?"

Jiang Haoran was also the leader of the party, and his face suddenly became a little uncomfortable. No matter how dull Jiaye is now, he can guess Jiang Haoran's intentions for coming this time, but he doesn't know how to smooth things over.Seeing the two confronting each other, He Mu hugged Rong Chenzi's neck: "Zhiguan, I made a snowman, go and see if it looks like it!"

Seeing her as lively as ever, Rong Chenzi's face turned pale, then Master Jiaye clasped his hands together and said: "Zhiguan, there must be a misunderstanding, it's better not to hurt the harmony."

Jiang Haoran also coughed dryly: "I don't intend to offend you... Don't be surprised if you know."

Rong Chenzi sat down, but held the mussel tightly in his arms. He was originally a gentleman who obeyed the rules, but now he is willing to show such intimacy in front of others, the warning is beyond words.Jiang Haoran gritted his silver teeth, and finally did not speak to He Mu again.

Lunch is served in the dining hall, He Mu naturally sits next to Rong Chenzi, and Ye Tian is on her right.Rong Chenzi turned the exorcism talisman into water talisman while talking to real person Jiaye.Next to him, Qingxuan immediately offered sugar, and Rong Chenzi mixed it with talisman water, and put it in front of the mussel as if nothing had happened.The mussels drank all the water before he put some vegetables with chopsticks on the plate for her.Jiang Haoran also participates in the discussion of Snake Singing from time to time, and the most urgent thing is to destroy the snake eggs down the mountain to prevent them from spreading again.

Jiang Haoran went to look at the mussel within three sentences, Rong Chenzi was very displeased, feeling annoyed that his wife was underestimated by others.He immediately took the clam and stood up: "Qingxuan, take the Sea Emperor back to his room and bring the food into the room."

Qingxuan responded, He Mu hugged Rong Chenzi's neck, his voice was soft and crisp: "Zhiguan, I want to eat with you."

Rong Chenzi's face was reddish, but he still replied softly: "Go back to the room first, I'll come and eat with you later, okay?"

Only now was He Mu happy, and obediently followed behind Qing Xuan, bouncing towards Rong Chenzi's bedroom.Rong Chenzi frowned: "Walk well!"

On the dining table, looking at where Jiang Haoran's eyes followed, Gao Bixin's face was already livid, she dropped her chopsticks with a slap, and turned around to leave.Jiang Haoran apologized, and followed her out of the dining hall.Reverend Jiaye felt his head was big, but Reverend Xingzhi looked suspicious: "This Lord Jiang and that Sea Emperor seem to be old acquaintances."

Ye Tian snorted coldly, looked at her senior brother's face, and suddenly became furious: "I'll go out!" He Mum was eating snacks, and Ye Tian barged in murderously: "That one named Jiang Did it harass you?"

The mussel swallowed the pastry with difficulty: "What are you doing?"

Ye Tian's face was ferocious: "Listen, if you want to follow my senior brother, you must be single-minded. If you dare to act rashly, see if I don't cut you into seven or 49 pieces! If you don't provoke him, he dares to spy on my senior brother." Brother’s stuff, I’ll cut him into ninety-nine and eighty-one pieces first!”

He Mu took a bite of the peach slice: "This is too bloody...doesn't everything need violence to solve it..." She took another bite of the peach slice and whispered in front of Ye Tian.

In the afternoon, Gao Bixin was looking up at the gods, and Ye Tian held incense for him: "It seems that you are also snow-skinned and beautiful, why did you follow that heartless Lord Jiang?" Anger flashed in Gao Bixin's eyes, but Ye Tian Sweet's next sentence made her even more angry, "He just saw a tripod of my senior brother today, guess what words he said? He said that compared to my senior brother's tripod, you are like a mess cow dung..."

Gao Bi's heart was filled with anger, but she still had some reason, knowing that she couldn't make such a fuss: "As a monk, how can you make such provocative remarks?!"

Ye Tian shook her head, and also sighed: "I didn't want to speak at all, but I also can't understand my elder brother's tripod. My elder brother is conservative and simple, and it's fine to pay her like a treasure. Now this Jiang It's really unfair to have beauty beside you but don't know how to cherish it."

As soon as she said these words, Gao Bixin wringed off all the incense sticks in her hand with five fingers: "My surname is Jiang, why do you expect this bitch to treat me so badly!" rushed away.

Dahe Muchuang jumped out from behind the statue, looked at her back with a smile, and murmured: "Jiang Haoran, Jiang Haoran, this is called attacking the other's shield with the other's spear, take care."

Ye Tian inevitably became gossipy: "She seems to hate you so much, what shameful thing did you do to make people hate you so much?"

He Mu yawned: "Jiang Haoran is very powerful, and Zhiguan can still use him to fight the three-eyed snake, so now is not the time to be angry with Gao Bi, but the past and the future will have to be settled sooner or later." She At the end of the words, there was a bit of sternness, Ye Tian looked back at her, and couldn't help but shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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