Chapter 64

For four or two navel oranges, the mussels ate six!While she was eating oranges, Rong Chenzi also had a general understanding of the current situation of Lijiaji - since the incident of vicious dogs cannibalizing people, people in the village have been missing frequently, and recently, for some reason, they have been shrouded in the shadows all day long. In a sandy yellow atmosphere, even the sun has never been seen.Later at night, a three-year-old child saw Li Pan, who had been bitten beyond recognition by a vicious dog, come out and walk around.

His movements were stiff, and his eyeballs were pulled out and hung out of the sockets.Previously, everyone said that children were talking nonsense, but they didn't care.Then one night, Li Shi fell into a drowsy sleep when he heard someone knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw his bloody son standing at the door with worms on his face.This Li Shi has been scared out of his wits ever since, and he still can't speak clearly.

Later, there were more and more strange things in the village. For example, when a family killed a chicken, the blood flowed all over the ground, more than a person's blood.Surprisingly, the owner still boiled the chicken into soup. When he lifted the lid off the pot, he found that the soup inside was as thick as jelly.Stretch out the spoon and scoop it, and an eyeball rolls out under the jelly.His youngest son lost his left eye inexplicably.

Rong Chenzi's face was serious: "It's such a strange thing, why didn't anyone come to Qingxu Temple for help?"

Elder Xu sighed: "Zhiguan, this village is surrounded by something outside, people who come in don't feel it, but they can't get out. Several groups of people came to ask for you, and even those who fell off the cliff will not come down." There are three of us, and there is a wall outside, we can’t get out no matter what.”

Rong Chenzi's eyes were heavy: "It's poor Taoist carelessness." He sighed, his voice full of self-blame.That day he knew that there was something different about the mad dog cannibalism in Lijiaji.However, after being plotted against by He Peng, he was seriously injured, his face remained silent, and after all he couldn't calm down, and for a moment he forgot about the Li Jiaji matter.

When everyone was talking, the big river mussels were eating nonsense.She didn't feel that she had brought any disaster here, she looked innocent.Rong Chenzi couldn't bear to be harsh, and patted her head.She rubbed her belly, although not all the oranges were smashed, there were still many left.She looked at it and wanted to take it away.Ye Tian snorted coldly when she saw her eyes, and turned away.The mussel had to look at the three-eyed snake, and the three-eyed snake was very shocked: "Your Majesty, I really can't bear this..." It rolled its eyes, calculated again, and kept urging the mussel, "But if I cultivate human form , This kind of thing is definitely not a problem! Let alone carrying oranges, even carrying an elephant will do!"

He Mu squinted her eyes, and she went to please Qingxuan again: "Qingxuan, hehe, I like you the most!"

Rong Chenzi couldn't laugh or cry, he carried her over like a puppy, and whispered to Qingxuan: "Pick up a few."

Qingyun had no choice but to pick up six and let Qingming carry them on her back, thinking that they would be enough for her next meal.Rong Chenzi touched the orange juice with his index finger, drew a talisman on the cabin, and then chanted a mantra, and then sealed the spell into the talisman: "This place will be very safe, try not to leave the hut. Wait until I rescue the others , will come here to join you and others."

Mr. Xu complied, and when Rong Chenzi and the others went out, he closed the cabin tightly.

The clam was bouncing and walking behind Ye Tian, ​​suddenly her foot moved, her body seemed to be flowing, and she rushed straight to Qing Shu who was walking at the end, a black wind suddenly surged up from the ground, tightly wrapped the place where Qing Shu was, Chenzi held the talisman in his hand, and was about to step forward, but saw the black figure in front of him suddenly groan, twisting in pain.The clam escaped from its package without a sound, and Qing Shu stood behind her in good condition, still a little shocked.

There was a puff of white gas from the black shadow, but it turned into a lump of ice in a short while.He Mu tilted his head to look at it: "Even the fog has become a spirit!!"

Rong Chenzi tightened his thick eyebrows: "It is logically impossible. The Feng Shui of the Li family is not good. How can there be spiritual power for so many evil things?" Putting it in the demon bag, his expression became more and more dignified, "Everyone, be careful."

He Mu didn't care about it: "It's okay, let me use a method of protection, this little thing is still easy to deal with."

After the words fell, everyone only felt that there were circles of fine lines around them, and their bodies were warm and comfortable like bathing in the spring sun.She didn't know what kind of formation it was, once it was opened, it would be separated from the surrounding evil, and subtle black threads could be clearly seen at the intersection of water patterns and air.

Two steps forward, another evil object approached, but it was blocked by the water, as if it was frozen.So that Qing Yun can calmly collect them into the demon bottle.Even Ye Tian also discovered the mystery of Nei Xiu, so she slowed down and got closer to her.

He Mu followed behind Rong Chenzi, feeling very safe, and snorted through his nose: "Why can even trivial things become essences!"

The second family is at the foot of Changgang Mountain, with a green brick house and a vermilion gate. It seems that the family is much richer than Xu's old family.Rong Chenzi knew that this was the home of Mi Lijuqi in the Li family.He took two steps forward and raised his hand to knock on the door.After knocking on the door for a long time, Li Juqi poked his head out. When he saw Rong Chenzi, he almost cried: "Zhiguan..."

The five-year-old man burst into tears instantly.

Rong Chenzi helped him up: "Okay, I already know the matter. It's really a poor person's fault. Who else is in your family?"

Li Juqi cried with snot and tears: "Zhiguan, after the accident, I distributed all the rice and food to them. I am doing a good deed! Please help me, and you must give me a way to survive!"

He was unconscious, so Rong Chenzi had no choice but to help him in.It didn't take long, but the yard of Li's house was covered with thatch half the height of a person.Li Juqi's older and older wives also came out tremblingly. The eldest wife was fat, and when she walked into the yard, she called Zhiguan tremblingly.Rong Chenzi looked mournful, and stepped forward to support her: "Since you are dead, you should enter the earth and reincarnate, don't miss the world anymore."

The living woman in front of her immediately changed her face: "Zhi Guan!" She held Rong Chenzi's arm tightly, and Rong Chenzi said in a heavy voice, "You are dead, go."

I saw the face of the woman in front of him who was originally described as life turned blue for a moment, and then there were corpse spots, and in the blink of an eye, she was like a person who had been dead for several days, and had already begun to rot.Li Juqi's concubine behind her was bought by Li Juqi, she was more beautiful, but now her face has faded.

Rong Chenzi put the woman flat, and said in a calm voice, "Take a bed board, or a wooden board."

Seeing his wife's death, Li Juqi seemed to wake up again. While crying, he went in and removed a door panel. Rong Chenzi laid his body on the door and found a white cloth to wrap around her.Li Juqi seemed to know what he was going to do, and moved some kerosene out of the house while crying.Rong Chenzi put the body in the backyard and cremated it, and after a while, he focused on the smoke and said softly: "Go."

The smoke curled up around Li Juqi, who was weeping and crying, and went away.

The clam was still gnawing on the orange: "Doesn't she know she's dead? Why are you still alive after being dead for so many days?"

Ye Tian said sadly: "Because she is reluctant to part with her family, she loves her husband, and she wants to live."

The people in the courtyard had been engulfed in flames, and He Peng felt a little sad: "Her husband must love her very much, so let's rescue this family too."

Rong Chenzi walked around the house, making sure that there was no one alive in the house: "Your life should have died, but you still have a good heart to save people with food, and God will bless you in this calamity." Li Juqi has regained his senses, because He Mu was washing his face with cold water: "What are you crying for?"

The mussel's eyes are wide open, pure and delicate, like a flower.After being washed in cold water, Li Juqi became more sober: "My wife and I have been with me for so long, we have endured so much hardship, and finally we are getting better. I even bought a little wife. I am sorry for her..."

He Mu patted him on the shoulder like an adult: "Forget it, you big man, you should be brave now."

Li Juqi had already wiped away his tears. In the face of life and death, men are always more ruthless.Rong Chenzi pondered: "We should let them go to Xu's hometown at this time, but there may be accidents on the way."

The clam leaned over to him, carelessly saying, "It's not difficult!"

She pointed to the direction of the mountainside: "Run over there now, don't look back! Let's see who dares to make things difficult for you!"

Li Juqi was skeptical, they had been afraid to go out these days, his eldest wife was protecting them like a door god, she was just a woman, but she didn't know where the strength came from, so scared those monsters didn't dare to step into the house again.In the past, although Li Juqi was the richest man in the Li family, he was terribly afraid of his wife.Now that his wife is dead, his heart feels like it has been hollowed out, without a backbone.

Seeing that he didn't respond, He Mu got a little angry: "No matter how bad you are, you are still a man, so be brave!"

Li Juqi was also aroused by the man's blood, nodded firmly, turned around to look at the unextinguished flames in the courtyard, and dragged his little wife to start running up the mountain.

The strange thing is that a transparent road gradually appeared in front of him, like a brocade belt up to the mountainside.The clam stood motionless, and the transparent brocade belt opened up the evil all the way, until they ran into Mr. Xu's wooden house, and then slowly melted.

A group of people continued to move forward, and there was a courtyard formed by three families below.Rong Chenzi knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered, so he had to forcefully push the latch open, and a group of people stepped into the courtyard.I saw a white domestic pig weighing more than a hundred catties in the yard, with green eyes like a wolf, and even faintly visible fangs at the corners of its mouth.A huge black civet cat is confronting it at the door of the room. The fur of the civet cat is blown up. Occasionally, when the pig comes forward, the civet cat will arch its body and spread its tail behind. Silk, piercing tight.

Seeing Rong Chenzi and his party, the civet cat suddenly barked passionately, as if calling for the owner of the house.He Mu jumped over to look at the pig, she wasn't afraid of this kind of evil, but the pig suddenly lost all prestige and was trembling.The big civet cat jumped over the white pig with a meow, and went to rub Rong Chenzi.Rong Chenzi patted its head, and said softly: "The poor Taoist already knows what's going on here, so there's absolutely no reason to ignore your master."

The big civet cat lost its hostility, and touched the clam with its paws. The clam was afraid that it would scratch people, but it stretched out its small tongue and licked her feet.There was a warm look in Rong Chenzi's eyes: "She thanks you for saving her master."

Everyone in the room naturally knew Rong Chenzi, seeing him was like seeing a savior.Rong Chenzi comforted everyone, and a six or seven-year-old child walked up to He Mu, and gave her the silver lock he was wearing next to him. The child was dressed plainly, but very clean, and his smile was very cute : "Sister, you are the most beautiful sister I have ever seen, like a fairy."

Qingxuan, Qingyun and the others were all shocked - which kid is so smart, he can see the key points at a glance, it's really against the sky...

Sure enough, the mussel grinned and said, "Save away, save away, save them all!"

She repeated the old trick and asked them to run along the water-colored brocade to the wooden house on the mountainside. When Rong Chenzi entered the house, there were no corpses, and they were probably eaten by the pig.People eat pigs, but if they don't eat pigs, will they hate them so much that they want to eat people?He cut off the pig's head with a sword, and said in a soft voice: "The fate of livestock is also the sin of the past life. If you did not do good deeds in your lifetime, you will naturally fall into the way of animals. You don't have to be unfair today. Go."

After tidying up the yard, Rong Chenzi looked back at He Mu: "Actually, you are more than two thousand years old, right?"

He Mu immediately answered, "Why not? He's still young!!"

Rong Chenzi smiled softly: "That civet cat has practiced for hundreds of years, so it can protect her master from the soaring evil. But it can only kiss your feet..."

The clam jumped: "He's only over 1000 years old, he's still young!!"

Now even the three-eyed snake didn't believe it: "Your Majesty, when you followed Jiang Haoran, you said you were a thousand-year-old monster!"

He Mu was in a hurry: "You are an immortal, I have lived for more than 100 years, would I tell such a little lie?!"

(End of this chapter)

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