Chapter 68

The clams stayed in the pot for an unknown number of days, and the pot got hotter and hotter, and her shell was gradually unable to withstand the heat.She can only use the water stored in her body to cool the shell bit by bit, but the water is getting less and less, and she is getting weaker and weaker.On the fifth day, the male singing snake came to see her once, wearing Chun Yulin's body, He Mu wanted him to get closer, but he was obviously afraid of He Mu and didn't approach her.

Many inner cultivators have special skills to save their lives or join the enemy together, and some of them don't even rely on spells to activate them. It is an extremely cautious snake and will not let the mussel have this opportunity.It can be said to hate this mussel to the bone. The hatred between the two originated more than [-] years ago. The mussel was seriously injured and escaped from Jiangfu. On the way, it encountered the Ming Snake that hatched with the help of the wind, and the Ming Snake brought it to Changgang Mountain.

At that time, the seal was still intact. Gongming Snake took a fancy to her age and Tianshui spirit, and wanted to take it for his own use, so he used the ancient blood to save her life, and also made a contract with the gods and demons, and ordered Hebei to cultivate Dharma Body for him. A tool to get him out of trouble.The contract of gods and demons is a very serious transaction certificate, which restricts the gods and demons of the three realms. Once it takes effect, it must be completed.

He Mu signed, and Gongming Snake was relieved, so he let her go.

Everything was very good at first, but when the mussel walked out of Changgang Mountain, it killed the little snake that it had managed to hatch with great difficulty, and there was no news of it again.Naming Snake was furious, and wondered why there was a contract between gods and demons, why this thing could still go back on its word, and then one day it had nothing to do, and carefully studied the contract with the female snake, and found that there was no effective date written on it. ——

That is to say, the clam promised to cultivate the dharma body for it, but it didn't say how many years, whether it was 100 years or 1000 years... Anyway, there is no time limit.

Gong Ming Snake lost all face, and has hated the mussel ever since. Therefore, once another snake egg hatches successfully, he always wants to find this mussel to avenge his shame.Now that the mussel fell into his hands, how could he get anything good?

It's just that there are spirits of wind and water in the mussel's body, so it is also very afraid and dare not act rashly.It had to be trapped in the mud, which exhausted its body's water storage and made it critically ill.At that time, no matter whether it is to take the two elves or her life, it will be easy and easy to catch?
In the end, the clam didn't dare to cry anymore, the water in her body was getting less and less, and she became thin and dry.There are thousands of punishments in this world that can be called cruel, but for aquatic creatures, there is nothing more terrifying than dying of thirst.He Mu couldn't even speak. For more than 4000 years, when her senior brother gave up on her and ran for her own life, she had never been so desperate.She shrank into her shell, moaned occasionally, and stopped moving.

Rong Chenzi was going crazy looking for it, Lijiaji and Lingxia town had been turned upside down, but where is the person?
He hasn't had a drop of water in the past few days, and Ye Tian is anxious and distressed: "Brother, you should drink some water first. Even if we find her, we will have a hard fight with Ming Snake. If you fall, who will deal with Ming Snake?" ?”

Rong Chenzi couldn't listen to these things, he understood the reason, but he couldn't let go no matter what.She is so delicate, greedy for food and playful, she will cry hungry if she is fed a little less, and she can't stand tired, and she needs to be hugged after walking a few steps.In order to deal with Ming Snake, I didn't feed her much along the way, and the last meal was the oranges I ate at Lijiaji.He began to think about it in fear, his heart felt as if a knife was being twisted.

Jiang Haoran is also making people search everywhere. No matter what he has done before, at least he has some sincerity towards He Mum.The Jiang family is more concerned about finding the clam. Now that the clam has gathered two elves, and the wind and water complement each other, if it takes time, it will surely reach the pinnacle of magic.And if she is weak, she might be able to retrieve the wind and water spirits...

The Dragon King over the East China Sea somehow got the news, and the Dragon King also sent a few Sea Clans over.With the support of the Sea Clan, Rong Chenzi searched for the earth's air with the energy of the water veins, and finally found some clues - the Snake Singing is underground, and this underground is indeed Changgang Mountain.

After countless years of seals, who would have thought that this snake would almost hollow out the bottom of Changgang Mountain?There was chaos in a hurry, at that time when everyone saw it disappearing suddenly, they just fled away, and saw that the mussel disappeared, they immediately became a little panicked.But I don't think that within this seal, the mussel can't escape, how can it escape?
The location is determined, and there is no further delay, and everyone hastily dug a passage.

The ground of Changgang Mountain is really empty, and the passage connects to the hole dug by the singing snake, but entering it feels like entering a maze.One hole is connected to another hole, and it seems that there will never be an end.Jiang Haoran walked in the front, Rong Chenzi was already very anxious, but his movements were not as fast as him, so he had to follow behind.Ye Tian was in the middle, followed by Zhuang Shaoqin, followed by Daoist Xingzhi, Master Jiaye and other members of the Jiang family.

The cave was endless, and Rong Chenzi was so worried that he blocked Jiang Haoran and tried it with his soul.It is very risky to act rashly when the situation is unclear, but he can't care less about it.That river mussel is the most timid and afraid of the dark, so they would light a wall lamp when they sleep together at night, what happened now?

Ming Snake didn't expect the other party to come so fast. At that time, it was looking at the mussels, and the mussels in the pot had been gradually exhausted, and even the water that lowered the temperature of the mussel shells every day could not be evened out.The spirit survives by relying on its master's anger. If it really wants to kill her before taking it, it's afraid that it will destroy two of the world's most precious treasures.It's just not exhausted to the end, and I'm worried that she still has a killer move hidden.Ming Snake hesitated for a while, then slowly approached He Mum.When the clam opened its mouth, its voice was hoarse, like rusted iron rubbing against each other: "Do you want wind and water spirits?"

Seeing that she was still able to speak, Ming Snake couldn't help but stamped her feet, and didn't dare to move forward again—it didn't have Jiang Haoran's good sword skills, and it was able to defeat the elf and keep the river clam alive.It hated the mussel so much that it wanted to torture her.Now I still regret it, if I knew she could last for so long, I should have taken out the wind and water spirits when she was unconscious, and let her live or die!
He left bitterly, the clam was in the shell, she bit her wrist, and sucked blood to keep herself alive.It turned out that biting her wrist was really painful. Her face was wrinkled into a ball but she couldn't shed tears.

When Rong Chenzi and his party arrived at the main hall, nearly eleven days had passed since He Mu was captured by the Ming Snake.The view of the cave in front of him suddenly widened, and the torch was no longer needed.Everyone went in with Rong Chenzi, and saw that the cave at the bottom of the mountain was about Zhang long, circular in shape, and a radius of more than three Zhang.There were simple furnishings inside, some tables and chairs that had to be added according to human habits after Ming Snake took Chun Yulin's body.

Chun Yulin, who was dressed in red, was sitting on a chair. Facing the uninvited guest in front of him, he looked calm and unfazed: "Everyone of you has extraordinary cultivation, it is really a pill for my recovery."

It has been imprisoned for a long time, and its strength is much weaker than before. If it stays in the world for too long, it will inevitably be discovered by the gods.Therefore, the most urgent task is naturally to restore the body.

The people who came in were not frightened, and they didn't say anything.What Rong Chenzi and Jiang Haoran are most anxious about is naturally not what kind of tricks it plays: "Ming Snake, what will happen to you Panpan?!"

Ming Snake lifted Erlang's legs, leaned back, and leaned on the back of the chair: "That treacherous villain!" It gritted its teeth, and the voice was full of anger, "Hmph, I don't dare to stick my teeth between my teeth."

Rong Chenzi clenched his fists and said every word: "You ate her?"

Ming Snake snorted nonchalantly, and stood up suddenly: "Stop talking nonsense, let me show you yellow-mouthed children a little color!" With a wave of its hand, everyone could see clearly that the reason for the light in the hall is that there are countless people around. Ten small chirping snakes are blowing flames for lighting.And there are still countless lines hidden in the darkness. At this time, they all opened their third eyes and glared viciously at the people in the center.

The singing snake that had surrendered to the river mussel had squeezed among this snake since it came in. It was indeed a little afraid of its old master, and now it was shamelessly acting as a spy.

Rong Chenzi and the others started to kill snakes, but the snake skin was too tough, and they didn't have internal cultivation, so they were too slow to kill snakes.The group of snakes came up one after the other, and soon surrounded everyone in the center, and those who could not see them from a distance seemed to have been buried by the group of snakes.

The three-eyed snake naturally didn't dare to go forward, it had been born for a long time and had devoured countless souls.When I was Liu Qinfang, I learned a lot of human habits - including greed for life and fear of death.So at this moment it is eager to try at the end of the tail, just afraid that the male crowing snake will notice something strange.

Rong Chenzi and the others had been entangled with Xiao Ming Snake for more than an hour, if this continued, Iron Man would also fall down from exhaustion.

The three-eyed snake got a little anxious, it crawled around outside, hesitated for a long time, and finally took advantage of the other snakes' surprise, it started to bite randomly.Others have limited IQ and don't know what's going on. They only know how to follow the master's orders.Most three-eyed snakes have venom, but it is stored in the fangs. If it is injected into the body, it will still not be able to withstand it.So the snake starts to spray the venom all the way into the eyes of the snakes, or into the gaping mouth.

The snakes were in chaos, Rong Chenzi and Jiang Haoran didn't intend to kill the snakes, they both broke out and searched for the mussels.

The bottom of the mountain was cold and dark, Rong Chenzi continued to explore the way with his soul, and Jiang Haoran followed behind him.Suddenly, he froze all over, and quickly walked to the western entrance to get in. In the dark underground cave, he first touched a piece of clothing, and then the fairy rope.He was trembling all over, and suddenly he rushed forward and hugged the person in the darkness tightly. He was familiar with the long hair and clothes, and he kissed her forehead forcefully: "Xiao He?"

Jiang Haoran also rushed forward, and first tore off the immortal rope.His weapon is a pair of hands, really cut gold and cut jade.The mussels in the darkness were silent and seemed to have passed out.Rong Chenzi hastily picked her up, felt that her breathing and heartbeat were still there, he used his kung fu to help her adjust her breath, and felt that her kung fu was exhausted too much, and her inner breath was empty.

He was so distressed that he couldn't speak, his inner breath circulated for a week, and He Mu seemed to finally come to his senses.She tugged on Rong Chenzi's sleeve, and said in a seductive voice, "Zhi Guan, are you here?"

Rong Chenzi was confused when he was concerned, and hugged her tightly: "Thank God, luckily you are fine."

Jiang Haoran tore Rong Chenzi away with all his strength, and stepped forward to hug the mussel tightly. His purpose was different from Rong Chenzi's: "Panpan, let's wait for this matter, and follow me back to Jiang's house, okay?" His voice Urgently, "I promise, I will never lose my temper at every turn, Auntie and the just don't want to see them in the future. I will also repair your favorite Crystal Palace for you, just the two of us together, okay?"

He Mu leaned against his arms, not saying a word.

Rong Chenzi also knows that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, he is not sure about the outside situation, now he has to go out and join everyone.Jiang Haoran took the lead in hugging He Mum, and Rong Chenzi led the way.He explores the way with his primordial spirit, and he can perceive the surrounding situation from every pore in his body.Since perception does not require vision, it is completely unaffected by light.

The male Ming Snake stood in front of an iron pot. The mussels in the pot were indeed weakened, but there were no signs of death yet.He was a little hesitant, he didn't dare to act rashly, and he was afraid that if she really died, the wind and water spirits would be destroyed in vain.He stood in front of the pot for a long time, and the clam inside said hoarsely, "You want wind and water spirits, why don't you get them yourself?"

Gongming Snake smiled coldly, not being provoked by her: "Sooner or later it will be mine, why should I worry?"

He Mu insisted on talking to him. According to the rules of the demon, letting the other party see his weakness is to advance his own death date.She is only weak for a while and energized for a while, making Gongming Snake confused about what is going on with her.The time was urgent, and the pot that Ming Snake was looking for was just random from Li Jiaji, and it was almost impossible to melt through its clamshell.But Tu Keshui, in such an environment, adding fire to the soil, her body is fragile, and naturally life is worse than death.

The mussel gritted its teeth, she didn't want to die, she wanted to live.

Seemingly thinking of something, she suddenly asked: "Did Rong Chenzi come outside?" Gongming Snake snorted coldly, and she was puzzled, "Then why are you still here?"

Gongming Snake folded his arms around his chest and said leisurely: "Guess?"

He Mu's heart skipped a few beats, and he was suddenly terrified: "You..."

(End of this chapter)

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