Chapter 77

There is a large brocade flower at the entrance of the guest house.At this time, it is in the flowering period. From a distance, the flowers are really beautiful like brocade belts.The mayor, Liu Gelao and others accompanied Rong Chenzi in, Rong Chenzi answered, but his eyes didn't glance at the mussel running ahead.

Her figure passed through the corridor very quickly, and the two maids took her into the room to rest, and Rong Chenzi then looked away.At the same time, the mayor asked cautiously: "Zhi Guan, there won't be any more troubles in our town, right?"

Rong Chenzi also has a lot of helplessness in his heart, people and things in the world, how can there be no reason to avoid future troubles forever and follow them for life.Just to reassure everyone, he still nodded slightly: "Lingxia Town is full of spiritual energy, and it is a blessed land. As long as everyone accumulates virtue and does good deeds, there will always be good rewards."

It's like he didn't say this, but it was unusual for him to say it, and everyone relaxed at the moment.

The deeds performed this time, also known as Yangjiao, are done for living people, and are mainly used to pray for gods to avoid disasters and protect the population.Such rituals are not difficult for Rong Chenzi, but he still takes a bath and changes clothes very solemnly.Elder Liu Ge kept begging him to find his daughter for him, and he didn't leave all afternoon.

Rong Chenzi has He Mu in mind, and he is still brooding about Liu Qinfang's secret injury to He Mu, but he is a monk after all, and he also thinks of her life after all.Now that the river clam is fine, there is nothing wrong with checking her whereabouts.

Elder Liu Ge also took a fancy to this point, so he begged hard.If it was a mussel, he wouldn't talk about it for an afternoon, even if he knelt for 800 years, that guy would never pay any attention to him—if he was in a good mood, maybe he could give him a futon or something.

It was dusk when He Mu woke up, she searched the yard for a long time but did not see Rong Chenzi, so she pouted all the way out of the yard.Qing Yun thought she was going to sleep until midnight, so she didn't pay attention, and made vegetarian duck neck for her in the kitchen alone.

She was still wearing a white feather gauze skirt, her bare feet were radiant, and her cheeks had a delicate blush due to sufficient sleep, as fresh as autumn fruits.At this time, Lingxia Town was busy, all the lanterns in front of the wooden buildings were lit, and countless small stalls were hawking to attract customers.He Mu originally wanted to find Rong Chenzi, but as soon as she was attracted by the scent... she kind of forgot the business.

She walked all the way and looked around, Lingxia town is simple and simple after all, a girl dressed like this is absolutely unheard of, everyone's eyes are staring like black chickens, chasing her all the way.Fortunately, someone who saw her in the inn explained in private: "Shhh, don't surprise her, she's a treasure of knowledge."

She stopped in front of a roast duck shop, frowning and considering whether to go to Rong Chenzi first or have something to eat first.While he was struggling, the shop owner didn't dare to be negligent, he quickly cut a few plates of roast duck, rolled it up, dipped it in sauce and served it to her.The scent made her salivate, and this guy temporarily forgot about looking for Rong Chenzi.

After Qing Yun finished the plain duck neck, she naturally sent the maid from the inn to check on her, only to find that she was gone!

Qingyun was so anxious that her hair stood on end, and hurriedly ordered all the people in the guest house to go look for it.

Rong Chenzi is leading Qingxuan and Qingsu disciples together with Liu Gelao to look for Liu Qinfang.He also felt that things were weird - he used Liu Qinfang's date of birth to deduce her fortune-telling. This person's yang life is not over, even if he dies accidentally, he will die a sudden death and will not be kept by the Yin Division.

But now she can't see people when she is born, and she can't see her soul when she dies.Rong Chenzi used blood as a guide, and used her favorite jewelry to perform the tracking technique, but her breath disappeared in a simple private house.Anyway no more clues.

Rong Chenzi frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Who lives in there?"

Old Liu Ge didn't know, but the mayor knew: "This is the home of Yu Zhusheng. Everyone usually calls him Lao Yu. There is a grandfather, a wife, and a child named Yu Chun." , "Zhiguan, could it be that this family has been possessed by a snake demon?"

Rong Chenzi shook his head: "Don't make wild guesses!"

He knocked on the door and went in. Old Yu was a little hunched, he had never been so close to someone like Rong Chenzi, he showed a timid look on his face, he could tell he was an honest person.Rong Chenzi walked forward quickly, and found that the place just a wall away from the location where the tracing technique had just arrived was Lao Yu's pigsty.

There are several pigs in it, and they are either sleeping or huddling around in the pen.The smell in the pigsty was not good, Mr. Liu Ge and the mayor covered their noses and did not follow in.Rong Chenzi walked slowly past several pigpens, thoughtful.

He seemed to hear a very small sound, like a soul crying.Crying of the soul is a sound made by a person after suffering unbearable destruction and torture, during which the pain cannot be disguised.But he couldn't find the source, everything was normal here, and there was nothing evil about it.

Walking to the last circle, I saw a black sow imprisoned in it, covered with scars, lying on a pile of straw and panting.He frowned slightly: "This is..."

Before Lao Yu could answer, the pig seemed to hear his voice, and opened its eyes suddenly, but the pig's eyes couldn't see far away, and it couldn't see who was talking.Rong Chenzi was secretly startled—this pig seemed to recognize his voice!He said softly again: "Can you understand the words of the poor?"

The pig was stunned for a long time, and suddenly went crazy. It jumped up, regardless of the injury, jumped up on its front legs, and put it on the fence, screaming like blood and weeping.Everyone's faces were ashen from shock, and Rong Chenzi was as steady as a mountain: "If you want people to listen to you, you must first calm down."

The pig was crying, and Lao Yu was also very frightened, and walked away tremblingly: "Zhiguan, this is none of my business! This pig has been raised for several years, and it has been doing well in the past few years." Yes, a few days ago, there were less and less. He didn’t eat or talk, and killed all the eleven piglets he brought. Eleven piglets, how much food did I feed it, is it easy for me? Me. It was quite a moment of anger, so I hit it..."

Rong Chenzi raised his hand to stop him, and he said in a low voice, "Mr. Liu Ge, I think we have found your mistress."

When he said this, his voice was heavy. How could a person be turned into a pig, so that he could hardly detect it even after exhausting all kinds of magic weapons?Liu Qinfang is a weak girl, what kind of hatred does she have with this person, he wants to resort to such insidious methods to make her life worse than death?
Rong Chenzi could come up with the answer almost without thinking.I feel a little bit embarrassed in my heart, but I don't have much resentment. He seems to be not as jealous as he used to be.That clam still couldn't change the virtue of a demon, but who could say she was wrong?She is not tolerant enough and has no heart, but who in this world has the obligation to be as big as the sea and to be tolerant in everything?She is not born to harm people's hearts, but if she is harmed by others, she will pay back a thousand times the pain.

He sighed: "Although this matter is too insidious, if you hadn't conspired against her treasure first and had evil thoughts, how could you have come to this catastrophe?" The pig's eyes were weeping blood, Rong Chenzi sighed softly, "It's true that you are in pain now, but if she hadn't happened by chance, she would have died by now, and thousands of years of practice would have been destroyed by your hands. Isn't she in pain?"

The pig was afraid that he would leave, so the two front legs desperately tried to catch him. The mayor hadn't recovered yet, but Mr. Liu Ge calmed down after seeing a lot of the world: " mean this pig... ..."

He didn't ask any more questions, Rong Chenzi's eyes confirmed his doubts.He turned his head and looked at the pig again. Although his daughter wasn't considered Shen Yuluoyan, she was at least pretty and lovely. Now this pig...

He groaned and remained silent, he was also an emperor teacher after all, and he was a man of honor both inside and outside, so now he led the pig back, wouldn't it make the world laugh at him?The pig heard his voice and wanted to get closer to him even more frantically.He avoided behind Rong Chenzi, his expression fluctuating.

After about a stick of incense, he adjusted his face and said solemnly: "Zhi Guan, my little girl must have met an accident. The world is impermanent, and it was unpredictable. I thought that the old man had done good deeds all his life, and had never done anything dirty. Unexpectedly, in the end, he was still The white-haired man is giving away the black-haired man." He slowly exited the pigsty, his eyes were sad but determined, "If you don't know what to do, go back."

The pig could understand what he said, but it bumped its head against the pen, the rough pigskin was scratched, the old wound was cracked, and it was dripping with blood.Rong Chenzi sighed, he is a monk, this situation is really unbearable.He turned around and left the pigsty, and the pig let out a final howl, shrill and desperate.

After leaving Lao Yu's house, the mayor didn't say a word. Liu Ge is always the emperor's teacher. Although he is out of work, his status has not diminished.If he shouldn't interfere in his affairs, it's better to talk less.Rong Chenzi is a smart person, so he naturally knows what Liu Ge is thinking now - how does he meet people with a daughter who has turned into a sow?
Naturally, it is assumed that there is no such daughter, so as not to damage the family tradition.It's just that the love between father and daughter is as thick as blood, so such a fickleness will inevitably make an upright person like him feel a little bit contemptuous.

He didn't want to go with everyone anymore, and after saying goodbye, he led his disciples back to the guest house.He suddenly smelled a scent on the road, and his gloom eased a little, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth—if the river clam saw this, he would definitely be happy.

After he paused for a while, Qing Xuan and Qing Su naturally understood the meaning after following him for a long time.The two immediately stepped forward to pack a few roast ducks back.Then they walked to the door, and they came back again: "Master... this disciple thinks... maybe this roast duck is unnecessary to buy."

Rong Chenzi raised his eyebrows, and after a few steps forward, he saw the mussels gobbling up inside!The corners of her mouth are full of oil, and there are a pile of dishes beside her!The boss is sweating profusely roasting a new duck!
Rong Chenzi couldn't laugh or cry, and went to meet the money.The boss didn't want to say anything: "You are out of your mind, you have helped the folks in the village so much on weekdays, how can the villain care about this little money."

How could Rong Chenzi let Hemu eat and drink for nothing, he insisted on paying the money, and dragged Hemu out of the shop.He Mu frowned, and began to eat greedily, but now she felt a little tired again.She pulled Rong Chenzi's hand to touch her chest, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Rong Chenzi quickly withdrew her hand: "What's the matter?"

He Mu muttered: "Zhiguan, I feel uncomfortable here."

Rong Chenzi knew that she was oiled, he sighed, and inevitably went back to the store to pour a glass of water, melted a clearing talisman into it, and fed it to the mussel.He Mu leaned against him and hummed, so he had no choice but to send Qingxuan to hire a carriage and let her get in the carriage, so as not to be watched all the way.

Back in the other building, Qing Yun was already so anxious that she almost spontaneously combusted, and seeing her enter the door with Rong Chenzi, her heart fell to the ground with a bang.Rong Chenzi hastily ordered his disciples to prepare hot water for the mussels to bathe.There are maids bathing in the annex, so it's not easy for him to be there.

The mussel obediently took a hot bath, and ran to Rongchen's room smelling delicious.Rong Chenzi was sitting by the desk reading a book. On the desk was a candlestick and a cup of tea.Qing Xuanben stood by, seeing her coming in, naturally he didn't want to stay for long, so he hurriedly retreated and closed the door behind him.

He Mu leaned delicately into Rong Chenzi's arms, his voice was crisp and tender: "Zhiguan~~~~" The ending sound changed into a different pattern, Rong Chenzi sighed, and couldn't help but put down the scroll in his hand, and rubbed her stomach : "Can it be better?"

He Mu leaned against his arms and asked him to rub his belly, he was so comfortable he hummed: "I want you to know how to hug and sleep!"

Rong Chenzi picked her up and found that she was only wearing a big bath towel and nothing inside.He suddenly looked angry: "You, you, you! You came out dressed like this again! What if someone bumps into you?!"

That look was so fierce that He Mu immediately burst into tears: "You don't love people, you just train them all day long! Woooooo..."

Rong Chenzi took a deep breath, went to her room to get her clothes, and calmed down by the way, planning to lower his tone before talking to her when he came back.But when he came back with the dress, He Mu was already lying on the bed and fell asleep.Half of the bed was only surrounded by a thin quilt, her legs were long and straight, her feet were delicate and exquisite, a large area of ​​smooth skin was exposed on her back, and her long hair was half covered with a pillow.

Although Rong Chenzi has excellent concentration, but he already has a deep affection for the mussel, so he was a little tempted for a while.His rough palm slowly stroked the back of the mussel, the skin was delicate and smooth, she seemed to feel it, and opened her sleepy eyes.Rong Chenzi's throat was dry, and her right hand slowly held her slender feet, rubbing them gently.

The clam opened its eyes, their eyes were as bright as water.Rong Chenzi didn't mention the previous matter anymore, and said in a gentle voice, "I'll take you somewhere tomorrow."

The clam put the scorpion head in the crescent of his neck, looking lazy and innocent, completely safe and harmless: "Where are you going?"

Rong Chenzi patted her on the back to lull her to sleep: "Go see an old friend."

(End of this chapter)

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