Grim Reaper of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 28 System Your Uncle

Chapter 28 System Your Uncle

Not long after the phone was hung up, Uncle Ben called.

"King, it's not good, Peter has been kidnapped." As soon as the phone was connected, Ben Parker's panicked voice came from inside: "They want me to call you and tell you to do what they asked, Otherwise they would have killed Peter."

"Uncle Ben, don't worry, listen to me," Wang Yang interrupted Ben, and comforted him: "They are coming for me, they won't hurt Peter,
Believe me, I will definitely send Peter back to you safely tomorrow! "

"I promise he won't get hurt in any way."

"Okay, okay." Uncle Ben didn't ask who kidnapped Peter, nor did he blame Wang Yang. He finally calmed down after hearing Wang Yang's promise: "King, you must rescue Peter, we can't Lose him!"

After finishing the call with Uncle Ben, Wang Yang called the other party back to see what they were going to do.

"Hi Mr. Wang, I'm Jin..."

"Don't talk nonsense, get straight to the point!" Before the other party finished speaking, Wang Yang interrupted directly: "I don't care who you are or what purpose you have. I only care about one thing, and that is Peter Parker!"

"If something happens to Peter, I swear, all of you will be buried with him, including Jin Bin!"

"Now, tell me your purpose." After finishing speaking, Wang Yang gave the other party a chance to speak.

"Mr. Wang, it seems that you still don't understand your situation," the other party said slowly, "Maybe I need to use Peter's finger to remind you that you have no choice now!"

"If Peter gets hurt, I will treat him as dead, and what I need to do is to avenge him. Now, please think about it before calling me." After speaking, Wang Yang hung up the phone directly.

Peter must be rescued, but Wang Yang knew that he could not be threatened by the other party, so he had to speak ruthlessly and do nothing.

Only in this way can they turn passive into active. As long as the other party needs to achieve a certain purpose through themselves, they will definitely not touch Parker.

On the contrary, if they really dared to hurt Parker, Wang Yang would have to do as he said and avenge him.

You must know that this kind of thing has never been discussed. Once you show weakness, the other party will seize your dead spot and make an inch of it. In the end, even if you do what they say, you may not be saved.


At this time, Edward Weibull, who was hung up on the other side, looked at his subordinates around him in a daze, unable to react.

Since becoming the boss with Jin Bing, he has always been the only one who threatens others. When will it be the turn of others to threaten him?
The last person who talked to him like this has already been thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

"Boss, do you want me to cut off one of his fingers and send it to the other party?" A younger brother next to him came up and asked.

He also heard what the other party said on the phone, and he felt that that person must have never experienced the cruelty of the world, so he dared to talk to the boss like this.

Wasn't it the same with those people before?They didn't say any harsh words one by one, but after seeing the parts on their relatives, which one is not honest?

If you want to be more obedient, be more obedient!

"Forget it," Edward Weibull thought for a while and waved his hand: "Boss Jin Bing has something to do, so he tied this brat here. The boss will definitely be angry."

Thinking of Jin Bin's angry look, the younger brother couldn't help but trembled, his eyes were full of fear.

The last time Boss Jin Bing was angry, he beat the enemy to pieces with his fists!
"Say!" Wang Yang said after answering the other party's call again.

"Mr. Wang, there's no need for us to be so tense," the other party's tone eased a lot: "You help us complete what the boss Jin Bin told us, and how about we send Peter back to you intact?"

Wang Yang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the other party's words. If the other party was stubborn and determined to hurt Peter, it would be useless to kill them all.

But fortunately, the opponent finally played according to the routine.

"Tell me, what does Jin Bing want me to do?" Wang Yang asked calmly.

"It's very simple," the other party raised his tone when he saw Wang Yang's promise: "First, Boss Jin Bing hopes that you will not meddle in Tony Stark's affairs;

Second, we need you to send us some Bruce Banner serum. "

"These two things are very simple for you. We will give you two days. If you don't contact us after two days, you will never see Peter Parker again."

After speaking, the other party directly hung up the phone.

After putting away the phone, Wang Yang was very puzzled. Why did this matter involve Tony again?
Could it be that Obadiah Stan thought it was not safe to find Wang Qiu from the Ten Rings Gang, so he also found Jin Bing?

Could it be Jin Bing's people who attacked Tony at the door of his shop that day?

Or is there someone else besides Obadiah Stan who also wants Tony's life.

It's getting more and more chaotic, and it's already out of the track of the movie universe.

"System, are you sure we are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe now? Why are the plots and characters different?"

Wang Yang wanted to ask this question when Jin Bing first came out, but he forgot about it later.

"Then why are there characters that don't appear in the movie?" Wang Yang was puzzled. Since it is a movie universe, why does Jin Bing still have hatred?

[All the characters in this world have appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe]
"Impossible, Jin didn't appear in the Marvel Avengers series or superhero independent movies!" Wang Yang retorted: "Even if it did, it appeared in Daredevil, but that was before 08 , the timeline is wrong!"

[You were only 19 years old when you left]
[Didn't even see the end of Avengers 4]
[How do you know Kim doesn't appear in Marvel's Avengers movies]
"This..." Wang Yang was dumbfounded.

What the broken system said was so fucking reasonable, Wang Yang didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Marvel's making movies is not based on its own will. Could it be that Marvel won't make movies if he disappears?
Maybe after I left, Marvel didn't know how many movies they made. Maybe the God group has already appeared?
"Where is my original world Marvel movie?" Wang Yang asked the system after thinking about it.

By the way, I also want to see what other characters will appear in the future, so don't catch myself by surprise.

[Why do you know so much?you can't see again]
Fuck it, it hurts!

"I can't see it, can't I make up my mind?" Wang Yang gritted his teeth: "Just tell me which movies you have made and where you have shot them. I can handle it!"

[Insufficient authority, no answer]
"System, I'm ignoring your uncle!"


(End of this chapter)

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