I have special undercover skills

Chapter 12 Pretending to be Brother and Sister

Chapter 12 Pretending to be Brother and Sister
The three herbs were finally taken away by Zuo Yunshu, and Tang Xiaozuo was also taken away by Zuo Yunshu the next day.

Before she left, she secretly left a letter to her master and senior brother, briefly explaining about Zuo Yunshu's deal with her, and at the end she didn't forget to tell her master that Zuo Yunshu is a shameless drug thief!

But when she was picked up by Zuo Yunshu in the carriage, she didn't find any trace of those herbs.

Zuo Yunshu suddenly raised the curtain, pulled her over, pointed out the window and said, "Look..."

Tang Xiaozuo looked outside curiously, but apart from the scenery along the road, there was nothing special.

"What are you showing me?"

"I don't want to see anything, I just want you to show your face, so that those who follow me will think that Yunzhi and I have returned to Mingyue Villa." Zuo Yunshu said naturally.

Tang Xiaozuo turned his head and gave him a blank look, and said angrily: "Then you can just say it directly, it's not that I don't cooperate."

Zuo Yunshu raised his lips.

Tang Xiaozuo was happy to lean on the car window to watch the scenery, but the autumn wind started to be bitter, and occasionally the wind would be strong, and it would lift up the thick bangs on her forehead very ungently, revealing the scar accidentally.

Tang Xiaozuo didn't care at all, but Zuo Yunshu happened to glance at him.He wasn't too surprised, but said lightly: "So the difference between you and Yun Zhi lies in your forehead, Yun Zhi has no scar on his forehead, you should be more careful, don't let others see it."

Tang Xiaozuo held down the flying hair on his forehead with his hand, and didn't speak for a long time.

What can she say, the difference between her and that "Yunzhi" is not only the forehead.

Zuo Yunshu ignored her after exhorting these words, he leaned on the carriage with his arms folded, eyes closed and rested, the aura of repelling people thousands of miles away was particularly strong in this small carriage.

His attitude suddenly changed drastically when they arrived at Mingyue Villa.

When the carriage stopped, Zuo Yunshu got out of the carriage first, and when she opened the curtain and was about to jump off, Zuo Yunshu who was already standing outside stretched out her hand with a smile: "Yun Zhi, be careful, come on, Brother help you down."

Tang Xiaozuo's two chicken feet shrank three points into his sleeves in shock.

Zuo Yunshu kept the smile on his face unchanged, stepped forward, pulled her hand out abruptly, and helped her out of the carriage with "concern".

This is not the end!
Tang Xiaozuo really couldn't adapt to his sudden overture, and was about to rush into the villa, but he was held in place and could not move.The other party rolled up her exquisite cuffs, and wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on her face in a decent manner: "After sitting in the carriage for so long, are you tired?"

Tang Xiao's left brain was shocked, and he regained some reason: Zuo Yunshu wanted to create the illusion that Zuo Yunzhi had returned, so he made more plays at the gate of the villa, telling those who were hiding in the dark to peep One can see enough.

After thinking about this, Tang Xiaozuo felt relieved. He was about to call him "Master Zuo", but he only opened his mouth with the word "Zuo", and his hand wiped his sweat secretly. I pinched my cheeks.

"Brother..." Zuo Yunshu smiled and squeezed out three words calmly.

Tang Xiaozuo gave him a jolt, and said a few words dully: "Brother, brother, let's go in."

About Zuo Yunshu had acted enough, so he took her into Mingyue Villa.

"Where do I live?" Tang Xiaozuo couldn't wait to get away from him, and didn't want to stay with him for another quarter of an hour.

"After dinner, I'll ask Ake to take you there."

After the meal, Zuo Yunshu asked A Ke to take her to "Zuo Yunzhi"'s room, or rather, Fu Ling's room now.Even A Ke couldn't tell her from Fu Ling, and they called each other very skillfully.

Tang Xiaozuo still remembered the simple-looking young man in front of her who hadn't done anything good to her, especially when he pushed herself into the rockery cave, which almost caused her a psychological shadow.

"Ah Ke..." Revisiting the old place, when passing the rockery, Tang Xiaozuo made a tender voice and smiled at him very sweetly.

The boy blushed when she called him, and was so ashamed that he avoided looking at her.

"What's the matter, Miss, Miss?"

Tang Xiaozuo stroked the stone wall of the rockery next to him, pretending to be puzzled and said, "Isn't there a mechanism here? Where did it come from? Ake, do you still remember?"

A Ke naturally remembered it, and he immediately taught Tang Xiaozuo enthusiastically: "Miss, look, just press here, and the stone door above will fall down."

"is it?"

Although Tang Xiao looked surprised on the left, a wicked smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Taking advantage of A Ke's unpreparedness, Tang Xiaozuo pushed him in, then immediately pressed the place he just said, watching the heavy stone door fall triumphantly.

Ake's panicked face is really refreshing to see.

Ignoring the shouts inside, she clapped her hands, hummed a song, and left as if nothing had happened.

On the second day, when Zuo Yunshu brought A Ke to her room, Tang Xiaozuo thought it was to settle accounts. After all, A Ke looked at her with resentful eyes, which could be felt several meters away.

But no, Zuo Yunshu only asked "How are you resting", and then took her to have breakfast.After she finished her breakfast tremblingly, he took her to visit the old farm owner, that is Zuo Haotian.

If what Feng Linran investigated at that time was true, then this Zuo Haotian could also be regarded as her benefactor.He kindly took in their mother and son at the beginning, although his mother's end was not good, but Zuo Haotian treated her very well.

So she didn't reject Zuo Yunshu, and followed obediently.

Zuo Haotian was as excited as before when he saw her, but what he said was a little strange: "Yunzhi, daddy's good Yunzhi, you finally came back to see daddy..."

Tang Xiaozuo gave Zuo Yunshu a strange look, Zuo Yunshu's face remained unchanged, and he said in a low voice, "I know what you want to ask, and I will explain it to you later."

Zuo Haotian kept holding her hand, and spoke intermittently for a while, although it was a bit rambling, but Tang Xiaozuo also heard something strange from his words.

She didn't expect Zuo Haotian to be so sick that he was still a rare person who could tell the difference between her and Fu Ling.

He never admitted that the Poria that Zuo Yunshu brought back a few days ago was Zuo Yunzhi, and it was really unfilial to scold Zuo Yunshu for lying to him.But Zuo Yunshu thought Fuling was Zuo Yunzhi, and couldn't understand why his father didn't admit it.

Zuo Yunshu explained to Tang Xiaozuo: "For about so many years, the first person I saw was you, so I preconceived that you were Yunzhi. But when I brought the real Yunzhi to him, he didn't recognize it. Yes, really confused."

Tang Xiaozuo secretly sneered: If you think you are smart, you are the one who is confused!
At midnight, Tang Xiaozuo appeared in Zuo Haotian's room on time, easily knocked down the maid who was dozing beside him, and then walked towards Zuo Haotian who was on the bed.

During the day, Zuo Haotian kept holding her hand and talking, although on the surface he was rambling, but when Zuo Yunshu couldn't see, he secretly wrote "Zi Shi" in her hand two words.

Then she understood: this old man is really clear in his heart.

As soon as Tang Xiaozuo approached the bed, Zuo Haotian opened his eyes, presumably he was waiting for her and stayed awake.Tang Xiaozuo was a little dazed, wondering if he should be called "Master Zuo" or "Father" at this moment?
It was Zuo Haotian who spoke first, beckoning her to come closer: "Yunzhi, come here."

He still called her Yunzhi.

Tang Xiaozuo wasn't sure if he really knew that he was Yunzhi, or as Zuo Yunshu said, he just thought she was Yunzhi because of preconceived ideas.

But what Zuo Haotian said next quickly answered her doubts.He said: "I know you are Yunzhi, the girl who lived here before is a fake."

Tang Xiaozuo was taken aback: "Why are you so sure?"

"There is a small red birthmark on the back of Yunzhi's neck. You have it, but that girl doesn't." Zuo Haotian became faintly excited.

Tang Xiaozuo touched her neck subconsciously: there was indeed a red birthmark there, she didn't know it before, and she only discovered it when Lin Zhenzhen knocked her head open and bandaged her at the inn.

It turned out that it was as simple as a birthmark to distinguish her from Fu Ling.

Tang Xiaozuo called "Master Zuo", and wanted to comfort him, but he interrupted him with a sigh: "You call me Master Zuo, after all, you are unfamiliar. Back then, I was sorry for your mother, and I was ashamed." Yu Yunshu's mother, you and Yun Shu both hate me, I know..."

"I don't hate you. I've forgotten all about the past." Tang Xiaozuo's face was calm, because he forgot too thoroughly, so now he only regards him as a poor old man, and has no other feelings.

She said that she had really forgotten what happened before, but Zuo Haotian obviously thought it was just words of comfort.He showed guilt, and said something Tang Xiaozuo couldn't understand: "After your mother died, I should have cared more about you, and I wouldn't let Yun Shu hurt you like that. But Yunzhi, for my sake , can you forgive Yun Shu?"

So Zuo Yunshu really did something to hurt her before.

Zuo Haotian didn't notice her strangeness yet, and continued to plead with her: "I have always regarded you as my own daughter, and I have longed for a life of having both children and children. Now that I am a dying person, you can't even fulfill this wish." Unwilling to be satisfied?"

He finished speaking for a long time, but Tang Xiaozuo didn't say a word, he was probably impatient and coughed up a mouthful of blood.Tang Xiaozuo couldn't bear it, so he took the clean handkerchief beside him and handed it to him.

"Master Zuo, it's my business not to forgive, it's not something that can be forced."

Tang Xiaozuo helped him to lie down, and was about to turn around and leave, but was held by his withered hand.

"Yun Zhi, after you disappeared on Kongling Island, Yun Shu went to look for you. After all these years, he also blamed himself. He is not as bad as you think. If you have any complaints against him, let me do it Father's to repay..."

He begged her in such a low voice, she couldn't help it, and turned to tell him: "Master Zuo, do you really think he's not bad? He once mixed nuxony in your medicine, which made you worse and worse. The worse he can't take care of himself, even so, can you forgive him?"

Zuo Haotian was startled, his cloudy eyes shook violently, and his voice became stiff: "I can understand why he would do this..."

The son hated his father so much, yet he said he understood?
Tang Xiaozuo remembered what Guardian You had mentioned about Zuo Haotian.It is true that Zuo Haotian did not take in Thirteen Niangs in an appropriate way. Without Mrs. Zuo's consent, he brought his first love back to Mingyue Villa.

May I ask what wife in this world would tolerate a woman her husband likes in her home?
If Madam Zuo really killed Thirteen Niangs, then Madam Zuo was Tang Xiaozuo's mother-killing enemy.But Mrs. Zuo had already fallen off the cliff and died, and the reason was inseparable from Thirteen Niangs.And the source of all this is Zuo Haotian.

That's why Zuo Yunshu hated Zuo Haotian, Shisanniang, and Shisanniang's daughter, which was her.

But who should she hate?
Tang Xiaozuo pressed Zuo Haotian to hold his hand, and turned away from looking at him, because what she said next would disappoint him.

"Master Zuo, if you ever really loved me, please don't tell Zuo Yunshu my identity. I don't want to be Zuo Yunzhi."

After she said this, she ran away without looking back, leaving only an old voice: "Yunzhi..."

Tang Xiaozuo's thoughts were very confused, and Zuo Haotian's words kept lingering in her ears. She always felt that she should have said something more euphemistic just now, after all, he is a poor old man now.

She was getting more and more uneasy, and she always felt that something was wrong. She was about to return to the room, but she stopped suddenly and turned her head back.

From a distance, she saw flames suddenly appearing in Zuo Haotian's yard, and thick smoke billowed in. She groaned inwardly, accelerated her feet, and ran towards the yard.

Others also found the fire and yelled for someone to put it out.

Fortunately, Tang Xiaozuo discovered it in time, and the fire was not too serious.She tore off her sleeves, soaked them in water, covered her mouth and nose, kicked open the door and rushed in, and saw that Zuo Haotian's bed curtain had been burned completely, but he was lying not far from the bed, holding a candlestick in his hand .

Apparently he started the fire himself.

Tang Xiaozuo first took out the antidote to wake up the servant girl who was stunned by her drug, and told her to run for her life, then grabbed Zuo Haotian's arm, lifted him up, and staggered towards the door.

"People outside, hurry up and help!" Tang Xiaozuo shouted.

Zuo Haotian had already passed out, Tang Xiaozuo threw away the handkerchief that was used to cover his nose, and dragged him away with both hands. The distance was only a few steps away, but she walked with great difficulty.

Finally, a person rushed in amidst the smoke and smoke, ran straight towards her, took Zuo Haotian from Tang Xiao's left hand without saying a word, and rushed out of the room in a flash.

It's Zuo Yunshu.

Even if he didn't lose his humanity.

Tang Xiaozuo was choked by the smoke and coughed, and the surroundings were already full of flames. She wanted to go out with Zuo Yunshu, but suddenly her head hurt, her breathing was temporarily suffocated, and then overwhelming dizziness hit her, making her unable to stand still. Can't move.

Strong and choking smoke was poured into her nostrils, and the world was spinning like a hell on earth. She was in pain and was about to die.

After an unknown amount of time, someone grabbed her shoulders violently.

Tang Xiaozuo screamed in horror, she couldn't see who that person was because of the illusion in front of her eyes.

"I'll take you out!"

Zuo Yunshu hugged her, rolled on the spot, and broke out at the last moment when the fire overwhelmed the house.

Zuo Yunshu told A Ke to take Tang Xiaozuo back to the room, while he hurried to see Zuo Haotian.

But before she returned to the room, someone came running again, saying that Zuo Yunshu wanted her to go back.

A Ke turned her head to ask Tang Xiaozuo's opinion.

Tang Xiaozuo cheered up: "Then let's go back."

Presumably Zuo Haotian's condition is not good.

This is indeed the case.

After tonight's calamity, Zuo Haotian's body could no longer bear it, and he might not be able to survive the night.The doctor looked at it, sighed and shook his head, expressing that he was hopeless.

Zuo Yunshu's eyes turned red anxiously, he grabbed the person next to him: "Go and get the snow lotus, ganoderma lucidum and ginseng, hurry up!"

The man ran out immediately, and returned after a while holding three wooden boxes.

Tang Xiaozuo took a look, it was the three herbs that Zuo Yunshu stole from Tangmen that day.

She couldn't help being a little surprised: he stole the medicinal materials for Zuo Haotian.But even though these medicinal materials can be used to extend life, Zuo Haotian's body cannot bear the efficacy of the medicinal materials.The doctor hesitated for a while, but only took the snow lotus, ground it into a fine powder, and gave it to Zuo Haotian.

Half an hour later, Zuo Haotian faintly woke up.

Everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but they heard the doctor say to Zuo Yunshu: "If the old owner still has any wish, please grant it together. I'm afraid the old owner..."

Tang Xiaozuo's face immediately turned pale when he saw Zuo Yunshu.

However, this was also something that could not be recovered. Zuo Yunshu was silent for a moment, waved away the other people in the room, but left Tang Xiaozuo behind.He came over and grabbed her hand to help her up: "No matter what my father says later, you will answer for Yunzhi, okay?"

What else could Tang Xiaozuo do besides nodding his head?

She and Zuo Yunshu came to Zuo Haotian's bed together.

Tang Xiaozuo met him twice that night, but he didn't expect the meeting to end his life.

In Zuo Haotian's originally gloomy eyes, when he saw her holding hands with Zuo Yunshu, he finally got a little lively: "I am very happy to see you two brothers and sisters living in harmony..."

Even though what he saw was just the appearance, why should they expose it in front of a passing old man.

Zuo Yunshu remained silent, but Tang Xiaozuo felt that he was holding his hand a lot harder, and it was clear that he was also being patient, and he was unwilling to express his feelings easily.

Why bother father and son to do this?
"Yunzhi, you will forgive Yun Shu, treat him as your own brother, help him, and never betray him, will you?" Zuo Haotian looked at Tang Xiaozuo expectantly, but this time it was his turn Until she was silent.

Seeing her silent for a long time, Zuo Haotian suddenly said again: "Yun Zhi, you will definitely not reject me, otherwise you will feel ashamed."

Tang Xiao's left body trembled.

Yes, if she doesn't agree to him, she will have a hard time with her conscience: Even if Zuo Haotian set fire tonight and refused to live, but if she hadn't drugged the maid in his room before, maybe he would have been discovered before he set the fire , so that things like this will not happen later.

It was Zuo Haotian who invited her to come this night, perhaps he had set himself a trap from the very beginning.

Nothing is more effective than threatening a man with death.

Tang Xiaozuo wanted to run away, but Zuo Yunshu's hand and Zuo Haotian's gaze were forcing her to make a decision.She had no room to refuse, and she almost finished the following words tremblingly: "Yes, I will forgive elder brother, treat him as my own brother, help him, and never betray him."

Promises are always tied to those who have a heart. If they don't have the heart, they can turn around and forget it.

Even if he forgot everything from the past, Tang Xiaozuo still couldn't be unintentional.

Zuo Haotian relaxed his expression after listening, as if letting go of the burden that had been on his heart for many years, he smiled and said to Zuo Yunshu: "Xiao Shu, you must always remember Yun Zhi's words, and treat her better in the future." , you actually know in your heart that she has never done anything wrong..."

Zuo Haotian kept laughing, his eyes gradually became empty, as if he saw a very beautiful person and a very beautiful thing, there was no more pain in his body, no pain in his heart, he separated from the world, stepped on the breeze, and gradually walking away...

This night, the mourning of Mingyue Villa covered the entire moon.

Zuo Yunshu slowly let go of her hand, his calmness was terrifying: "Miss Fuling, thank you tonight, you go back to rest first, I can come alone for my father's funeral." He called Ake, send her back.

To him, she was just playing a play with him.The people who watched the opera left, and the singers also dispersed.

In the early morning of the next day, the mourners came, and Zuo Yunshu came to look for her in person.He looked tired, but he still arranged everything calmly: "Today, many important people in the martial arts will come to mourn my father. You must show up and let them know that Yunzhi is at Mingyue Villa."

Even though he was very sad in his heart at this time, he was still thoughtful and calculated people's hearts.

Tang Xiaozuo only had one question: "Will the master of my family come?"

"I'll come." He changed her into mourning clothes, helped her up, and told him secretly, "For these three days, we have to get along like brothers and sisters, so you'd better not tell him that you are Fu Ling..."

She wasn't Poria in the first place.

Tang Xiaozuo gave him a complicated look.

(End of this chapter)

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