I have special undercover skills

Chapter 16 Poisoned wine and heartbroken

Chapter 16 Poisoned wine and heartbroken
Tang Xiaozuo met Zuo Yunshu and the others at the foot of the mountain not far from Tangmen.

There is a clear pond at the foot of the mountain. Because it is getting late autumn, many fallen leaves have fallen on the water.Tang Xiaozuo was also tired from walking all the way, so he squatted by the pool, pushing away the leaves to wash off the fine sweat on his face.

Xiao Bai, whose name has just been changed, is playing with his little paws.

Tang Xiaozuo felt much refreshed after washing his face, so he picked up a leaf and prepared to scoop up some water for Xiaobai to drink.But when she raised her head, she saw a girl squatting on the opposite side, whose appearance was almost exactly the same as hers.

Tang Xiaozuo was stunned for a moment, because of the momentary slow reaction, the girl also raised her head and saw her: the small clear pool kept the two of them looking at each other, Tang Xiaozuo also saw the same surprise in her eyes .

Tang Xiaozuo didn't expect Zuo Yunshu to come back so soon, nor did he expect that he would bring Fu Ling back to Tang Sect first.

Not far away came Zuo Yunshu's advice: "Yun Zhi, don't go too far..."

Tang Xiaozuo shrank back, thinking that it would not be easy for Tangmen to go back anytime soon, so he should go to another place for two days.

Thinking of this, she got up and wanted to leave here.It's just that before she left, she turned her head and looked at Fuling one more time...

It was at this moment that Tang Xiaozuo suddenly saw something strange behind Fu Ling opposite, two people rushed out suddenly, knocked Fu Ling to the ground, and quickly covered her mouth, preventing her from speaking or moving.

Xiaobai was frightened and flew into the air with a huff.

Tang Xiaozuo was taken aback by such a sudden situation, and she didn't care about anything else. She knew that Zuo Yunshu and the others should be nearby, so she immediately shouted: "Help, you're robbing someone!"

Her shout naturally attracted the attention of those two people, one of them swished two throwing knives, she dodged sideways, and then ran away, she could only help here.

It's just that she never expected that just after she turned around and ran two steps, there were two throwing knives in front of her, and two more people appeared from nowhere, rushing towards her with sacks in their pockets.

The only thing Tang Xiaozuo was better than Fu Ling was that she knew a little martial arts, so she was not restrained by one move like Fu Ling.When she was fighting with these two people, Fuling on the other side had already been taken away, and Zuo Yunshu arrived late with his talents.

Zuo Yunshu was about to rush over almost without hesitation, but another scream came from across the air: "Brother, save me!"

The sound came from the opposite direction to Tang Xiaozuo's side. It was the cry of Fuling being dragged away, and Zuo Yunshu stopped in his tracks.He stared at Tang Xiaozuo for a moment, probably seeing that her clothes were different from his "sister", and confirmed her identity: "Fu Ling?"

Tang Xiaozuo's attention was slightly distracted, but the two picked up the air and dismantled the move, knocked her on the back of the neck, taking off her strength.

"Zuo Yun..." Tang Xiaozuo just wanted to ask for help, but someone covered his mouth and dragged him back.

And there was another terrified "big brother" from the other side, Zuo Yunshu hesitated and made a choice: "Fu Ling, wait for me for a while, I will come to save you after I rescue Yun Zhi!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, running towards the direction where the voice came from, opposite to the direction in which Tang Xiaozuo was dragged away.

Tang Xiaozuo was weak, but he was roaring in his heart: Zuo Yunshu, you bastard, at least leave me two people to save me!
She was put on a sack and carried on her shoulders. The bumps and ups and downs made her want to vomit.

After an unknown amount of time, the sack on Tang Xiaozuo's body was ripped off, and she was surrounded by many masked people, while Fu Ling beside her had already passed out.

Someone stuffed a ball of cloth into Tang Xiaozuo's mouth to prevent her from speaking, but luckily they didn't tie her up with a rope, and it was clear that she would not be able to escape for a while.At this time, her strength has not fully recovered, so naturally she dare not act rashly.

One of the people with broken eyebrows looked at her and Fuling for a long time, then frowned and asked the other person: "Why do these two people look exactly the same? Which one is Zuo Yunshu's younger sister?"

The person being asked pointed to Fu Ling who was unconscious and said, "It should be this one, because Zuo Yunshu has been chasing and saving this one just now."

The Broken Eyebrow Man thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Tang Xiaozuo and said, "Then this should be the person the leader of the martial arts has always wanted to take revenge on. What's the name of that girl next to Feng Linran?"

Someone immediately answered him: "It seems to be called Poria..."

Tang Xiaozuo immediately panicked: Once she gets involved with the leader of the martial arts, she will know that something is wrong.

The broken eyebrow man nodded and stared at the two of them for a long time.The person next to him asked him: "Boss, if we take these two girls away, it may be a bit difficult. Look..."

The Broken Eyebrow Man should also be thinking about this issue, obviously it is difficult to make a decision, after all, the previous martial arts leader Lin Yunlong once promised that whoever catches the person who killed his daughter will exchange the position of leader.

But judging from today's situation, these people obviously came for Zuo Yunshu's sister. Tang Xiaozuo was just unlucky and ran into him.

The Tang Sect was right in front of her eyes, and she hadn't figured it out, and she was actually planted at the door of her own house.Judging from the current situation, these people should not have gone far with her and Fuling. After all, it is really difficult to take away two living people under the nose of Tangmen.

After all, the Broken Eyebrow Man couldn't make a choice between the two of them, so he gave an order: "Exchange the clothes of these two girls. If Zuo Yunshu's person finds him, give him the fake Zuo Yunzhi. Let's take the truth away."

Tang Xiaozuo's mood was very complicated for a moment: You stupid human beings are planning to push her out as a fake Zuo Yunzhi, should she be happy or sad?

The rest of the people obeyed the order and immediately began to change clothes for her and Fu Ling.One of them took advantage of the opportunity of changing clothes to touch Tang Xiaozuo, Tang Xiaozuo struggled to dodge, and then that person was kicked.

The person who kicked him was the one with the broken eyebrow: "You boy, be honest! Don't make any more fools at this time!"

Thanks to this kick, the person who changed Tang Xiaozuo's clothes was finally honest.

Fortunately, the weather is cooler now, so Tang Xiaozuo wore a thick jacket to avoid being looked at.

Her and Fu Ling's clothes were quickly changed, and then put on the sack again.

Tang Xiaozuo thought, Zuo Yunshu must have sent someone to notify the Tang Sect people at this time, so there is still a high possibility that they will be found.Just looking at the posture of this group of people, they clearly intend to keep one of them, but they don't know who will be taken away when the time comes.

Looking at the clothes on his body, Tang Xiaozuo secretly thought, maybe the possibility of being rescued would be higher.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, Tang Xiaozuo heard a familiar voice—Zuo Yunshu finally came.

Tang Xiaozuo, who was blindfolded in the sack, listened for a while, and realized that Zuo Yunshu didn't dare to act rashly. After all, there were two of them as hostages in this group, so they confronted each other for a long time.

When the sack on Tang Xiaozuo's body was removed, she saw that she and Fu Ling were in a very dangerous place.

This is a section of winding mountain road, where she and Fu Ling are located, facing the pool of water below, that is to say, as soon as the two people holding them let go, she and Fu Ling will fall into the pool below.

At this time, both her and Fu Ling's hands were tied, if they fell, they would die.

Tang Xiaozuo suddenly felt sorry for him.

The man with broken eyebrows said to Zuo Yunshu: "Master Zuo, you have also seen that I have two maids in my hand, one is your sister, and the other is from Tianzhumen. I can return one, but only One!" His tone was arrogant, and he obviously felt that he had an extra bargaining chip, "I heard that Feng Linran, the head of the Tianzhu Sect, likes this girl very much, and you and Feng Linran are good friends, I don't know if you will choose to rescue her. Which girl?"

The real Fuling is still awake, but her fake Fuling's eyes are wide open, wanting to see which one Zuo Yunshu will choose.

Logically speaking, he would definitely choose his younger sister, because although he and Feng Linran are good friends, facing the current problem, normal people would choose someone who is closer to him.

Besides, "Zuo Yunzhi" is not only "sister" to him, but also the only person in this world who may know the whereabouts of Lu Qiuke and "Xuanji Miaojie".

Of course, if possible, Tang Xiaozuo still hoped that Zuo Yunshu would be smarter and save them both.

Zuo Yunshu's eyes lingered in front of her and Fu Ling, and it could be seen that he was also tangled, and the tangled time seemed to be much longer than Tang Xiaozuo thought.

Perhaps he was stalling for time, waiting for people from the Tang Sect to rush over.

Seeing that Zuo Yunshu couldn't make a decision, the man with broken eyebrows ordered others to push Tang Xiaozuo and Fuling to the side of the winding mountain road: "Master Zuo, I'll count to five, if you still can't get off Decided, I will throw these two girls away!"

"Wait a minute!" Zuo Yunshu shouted immediately, "I have a question to ask her."

Zuo Yunshu pointed to Tang Xiaozuo and said.

Broken Eyebrow didn't want to agree, after all, he thought that as soon as Tang Xiaozuo opened his mouth, the identities of the two of them could be immediately distinguished.But Zuo Yunshu looked as if he had to ask, and it would not be good for him to continue in such a stalemate, so he bit the bullet and agreed.He took out the cloth stuffed in Tang Xiaozuo's mouth, and said to Zuo Yunshu, "Just ask."

Zuo Yunshu stared at Tang Xiaozuo, and said with some difficulty: "Are you... Yunzhi or Fuling?"

Tang Xiaozuo sighed in his heart: He is really smart, he can guess that these people might have changed her identity with Fu Ling.It's just that although she knows who she is, can she tell it?Would he believe what she said?

Probably at this time, she and Fuling really have to keep one another. In the face of danger, people are selfish, and she is not noble enough to give away the chance of escape.

But Miss Fuling is indeed innocent, and she was drawn into these right and wrong for no reason.

Tang Xiaozuo bit his lip, looked into Zuo Yunshu's eyes, and replied, "I am... Tang Xiaozuo."

Forgive her for choosing to protect herself in the end, because admitting that she is Tang Xiaozuo is tantamount to admitting that she is Zuo Yunzhi indirectly.

Zuo Yunshu was stunned for a moment by her answer, and the unresolved pain between his brows expressed that the next choice made him feel very sad, but he still asked her by name: "Then I choose her, Xiao Zuo, I sister."

Such a choice made Tang Xiaozuo not sure whether to be sad or happy.The man with broken eyebrows and the man holding Tang Xiaozuo looked at each other, indicating what he was going to do next.

The man holding Tang Xiaozuo stood still, and the Broken Eyebrow man led the others and Fu Ling to retreat.But at this moment, a gust of mountain wind blows away the hair on Tang Xiaozuo's forehead.

The moment Tang Xiaozuo exposed the scar on her forehead, she suddenly had a bad feeling. She subconsciously turned her head away, but Zuo Yunshu still saw it.

She remembered that time when Zuo Yunshu and Zuo Yunshu went to Mingyue Villa in a carriage, Zuo Yunshu saw the scar on her forehead and said with a smile: "So the difference between you and Yunzhi lies in your forehead, Yunzhi has no scar on her forehead ..."

In fact, he was wrong, it wasn't that Yunzhi didn't have a scar on her forehead, but that Fu Ling didn't have a scar on her forehead.

When Tang Xiaozuo thought of this, Zuo Yunshu over there had already spoken, yelling for the man with the broken eyebrow to stop.

"Wait a minute, it's not right! It's not right!" Zuo Yunshu repeatedly said two things were wrong, and faintly became agitated.He glanced at Tang Xiaozuo, and the guilt on his face disappeared as he looked at the unconscious Fuling. He pointed at Fuling, his fingertips trembling, and said to the man with the broken eyebrow, "Just now... I was wrong, I What I want is...that girl."

After Zuo Yunshu finished speaking, Tang Xiaozuo felt his heart suffocate.

The man with broken eyebrows was also stunned: "You..."

Zuo Yunshu drew out his sword: "If you don't keep that girl, even if Zuomou risked his life today, he would never let you leave alive!"

The broken eyebrow man's eyes sank, and after weighing it up, he said, "Okay, then I'll keep this girl, I hope you don't regret it, Young Master Zuo!"

Zuo Yunshu pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Tang Xiaozuo said in a low voice: "Zuo Yunshu, I am Tang Xiaozuo..."

But Zuo Yunshu didn't look at her as if he didn't hear her.

The Broken Eyebrow man ordered other people to switch positions between Tang Xiaozuo and Fuling. Now there is a person holding Fuling in his arms to temporarily stop Zuo Yunshu on the road. When Tang Xiaozuo was taken to a place far away by them, he saw the Fuling's man threw her into the clear pool below the mountain, then threw a throwing knife to discourage Zuo Yunshu and the others, and then quickly withdrew and left.

After such a long distance, Tang Xiaozuo still heard the plop of Fu Ling when it fell into the water.

Zuo Yunshu valued his "sisters" so much, compared to chasing them, it was more important for him to jump down immediately to save people.

But Tang Xiaozuo was soon put on a sack again, and he couldn't see anything, only heard the urgent cry of a pigeon.

Tang Xiaozuo knew that his destination would be with the martial arts leader in the end, because apart from Lin Yunlong who had great hatred for her in the world, no one else had any reason to arrest her.And once she was sent there, she probably wouldn't come out alive again.

She was afraid of death, and even more afraid of an ugly death.

"Uncle, you won't really send me to Lin Yunlong, will you?" When they were resting in the forest at night, Tang Xiaozuo was put on the ground.Tang Xiaozuo got a head out of the sack, and said to the man with the broken eyebrow intentionally.

The Broken Eyebrow man added a piece of firewood to the bonfire, and the two pheasants above had been roasted so fragrant.He snorted: "You are very smart."

"Of course I'm smart, so I think it's necessary to tell you something." Tang Xiaozuo moved to his side like a silkworm.The man just stared at her coldly, not at all worried that she would run away, and naturally she was unable to run away, "Uncle, do you think that if you hand me over to Lin Yunlong, he will really give you the position of martial arts leader?" ?"

As soon as she mentioned the word "Martial Arts Leader", the eyebrow-broken man's eyes visibly flickered, and he finally became interested in what she said next.

"What do you think?"

Tang Xiaozuo sat cross-legged in the sack, and said to him: "You should know better than me, every martial arts leader is elected by everyone, and I have never heard of a leader who voluntarily gave way to another person. Even if Lin Yunlong gives you the position of leader now, do you think other martial arts heroes will recognize you? Of course not!"

The man raised his eyebrows: "So?"

"So, Lin Yunlong actually didn't mean to give up his position at all. He couldn't catch me himself, so he used this method to trick other people to catch me. Do you think he is very deep in the city?" Tang Xiaozuo's expression became serious. He deliberately made the matter more serious, "Besides, once you hand me over to Lin Yunlong, Lin Yunlong will definitely think that you covet his position as the leader, and he will definitely see you as a thorn in his side, and try to get rid of you. .Uncle, you can understand at a glance, do you think what I said is right?"

The man nodded, as if laughing, and said, "You're right." He brought the chicken leg to her mouth, "Seeing you speak so hard, I will reward you with a chicken leg?"

Tang Xiaozuo took advantage of him being in a good mood at this time, and said: "Look, I'm not of much use value to you, and I haven't seen your face. If you let me go, I will definitely not follow you." Someone else mentioned this matter. Uncle, please do me a favor and let me go. "

"She's a quick-talking little girl. In order to protect yourself, you lied to Zuo Yunshu that you were his sister during the day. Obviously you have a lot of heart, so how can I trust you?"

Tang Xiaozuo felt cold: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I won't do anything to you, but I will still give you to Lin Yunlong. You are right, he will definitely not give me the position of leader, but I will let him accept my favor, if If something happens to me in the future, it will be regarded as an extra shelter."

At that time in the Tang Sect, Zuo Yunshu had just come out of the room of "Zuo Yunzhi".She choked on falling into the water and coughed all the time, but she got better now.She was quite frightened today, Zuo Yunshu fed her a bowl of tranquilizing medicine, she yawned, closed her crying eyes, and fell asleep.

Zuo Yunshu paced back and forth in the yard, it was rare to see him feel so restless.

Tang Yu hurried over. Today he went out to do errands, and when he came back, he heard that something had happened to his little junior sister.Fortunately, Master told him that Xiao Zuo was fine, so he breathed a sigh of relief.Although it was night, he was still worried, so he ran to see her.

When Tang Yu walked into the courtyard, Zuo Yunshu was naturally the first to see.He asked Zuo Yunshu, "Did Xiao Zuo fall asleep?"

Hearing that he called "Little Zuo", Zuo Yunshu frowned again, another person's voice appeared in her mind, and she said, "Zuo Yunshu, I am Tang Xiaozuo... "

In that situation, when she said this, he could only pretend that he didn't hear it.

Otherwise, how should he face her?

But now thinking about this sentence carefully, Zuo Yunshu inexplicably felt that there was something in her words, something was wrong that couldn't be said.

Zuo Yunshu hid his emotions. Seeing that Tang Yu was really worried, he couldn't bear it, so he let go, "Go in and see her, keep your voice down, she has already fallen asleep."

Tang Yu said thank you, moved lightly, opened the door and went in.

Zuo Yunshu thought about it, and felt that it was not good for them to be alone in the same room, so he also walked over and stood near the door to watch them both.

He saw Tang Yu knelt down on the side of the bed cautiously, picked up Yun Zhi's hand and held it tenderly in his big hand, those eager eyes were full of affection at this moment, looking at Yun Zhi who was sleeping peacefully.

Xu Shi couldn't help himself for a while, Tang Yu stretched out his hand to caress Yunzhi's face again, the man's movements were rough after all, which made Zuo Yunshu feel a little displeased, he was about to stop him, but Tang Yu was taken aback suddenly.

Tang Yu's fingertips rested on Zuo Yunzhi's forehead, and he suddenly lifted up the hair on her forehead: the smooth forehead, the delicate and fat-like skin, were clearly visible.

Zuo Yunshu stepped forward and pulled Tang Yu away: "You are too much, don't be rude to Yunzhi!"

Tang Yu was confused: "I remember there was a scar on Xiao Zuo's forehead, why is it gone?"

Zuo Yunshu's body shook, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he grabbed his skirt suddenly, almost lifting him up: "What did you say?"

After all, Tang Xiaozuo was thrown to Lin Yunlong by those people.Because she was mentally prepared in advance, she could still control her emotions.

Tang Xiaozuo didn't know what agreement the Broken Eyebrow Man reached with Lin Yunlong in the end.But it can probably be heard that Broken Eyebrow Man made it clear that he has no covetous heart for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, and it was only by chance that he was able to catch her, so he just hoped that Lin Yunlong could take care of him more in the martial arts in the future. other requirements.

Lin Yunlong is naturally very satisfied with this result, so it can be seen that Tang Xiaozuo's previous evaluation of him was correct: this hypocritical leader!

But Tang Xiaozuo no longer cared about these things intentionally, after all her life was almost gone, how could she have the time to think about other things.

After the man with the broken eyebrow left, she was tied up and thrown into a dark room. When she looked up, she saw Lin Zhenzhen's coffin. There was a portrait of Lin Zhenzhen hanging behind the coffin. It's like stepping out of a painting.

Tang Xiaozuo trembled with fright, and began to sweat coldly.

Regarding the matter of Lin Zhenzhen, she couldn't get over this hurdle in her heart after all.I also dreamed some scenes in my dreams before, bloody, not a good-looking scene.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, you wanted to hurt me first, and then I did it..." Tang Xiaozuo squirmed, trying to keep himself away from the spirit seat, "If you become a ghost, you must not come to me Take my life, otherwise I will become a ghost, and it will be so embarrassing for us two ghosts to meet, don't you think so..."

Tang Xiaozuo muttered something, and posted it on the wall to read Amitabha.

Just when she was about to break out of fear, Lin Yunlong came, followed by a follower.

Tang Xiaozuo saw that Lin Yunlong didn't hold any sharp weapon, but the entourage behind him was holding something like a glass of wine. It shouldn't be wine, it might be...

"Leader, is that poison?" Tang Xiaozuo shrank back and looked at him in horror.

Lin Yunlong glanced at her coldly: "You will pay for my daughter's life after all."

"Leader Lin, you clearly saw it that day, and I didn't do it first." Tang Xiaozuo flinched, trying his last hope, and begged him, "I also felt very guilty, but at that time I couldn't control myself anymore. gone."

In fact, she still hasn't remembered how she killed Lin Zhenzhen at that time, but it doesn't prevent it from becoming an established fact, and it doesn't prevent Lin Yunlong from avenging her.

Sure enough, Lin Yunlong did not show the slightest intention to forgive her: "Don't say any more, my daughter and the eighteen lives in the villa are ruined in your hands. If you are really guilty, you can use death to get theirs. Forgive me."

He winked at the entourage behind him, signaling him to go to Tang Xiaozuo's side.

The attendant came towards her like Yan Luo who was demanding his life.

She couldn't accept that she would end up like this, there was no way to escape at this moment, and the endless panic in her heart caused her pretended calm to collapse in an instant.

"You can't do this, it's not all my fault!"

Lin Yun stared: "Isn't it your fault that you killed my daughter?"

Tang Xiaozuo roared: "Aren't you wrong? Why didn't you ask yourself, if you didn't use your daughter as bait to lure Guardian Zuo, you wouldn't let your daughter fall into deep love Extreme! If you can stand up and stop your daughter when she wants to kill me, I will not lose control and kill you! You are also wrong, your selfishness and laissez-faire ruined your daughter, and you should be punished!"

Lin Yunlong clenched his fists suddenly, stepped back a few steps as if he couldn't accept it, his calmness just now collapsed, and roared: "Shut up!"

Pointing at the attendant, he said angrily, "Quick, feed her this! Tell her to shut up!"

"Lin Yunlong, your uncle! You scum!" Tang Xiaozuo cursed the last sentence, and was poured into his mouth with bitterness and acridity.

The Bodhi Snake Gallbladder in her body has yet to work, and she can feel the hostility that is about to surge up in her blood is slowly receding because of this cup of poison, irreversible.

"This is a wine made from heartbroken grass. You won't die right away. Enjoy the feeling of your gut being pierced!" Lin Yunlong laughed ferociously.

"Shameless..." Tang Xiaozuo almost gritted his teeth.

The glass of poisonous wine had already started to ferment in her stomach, and she felt like a sharp knife was carrying fire around her body, the pain came quickly and violently, she let out a shrill cry, her body twisted and rolled...

Lin Yunlong asked the man to gag her mouth, not wanting to offend other people with her shouting.He gave her a last look indifferently, asked the attendant to lock the door and left.

The poison of the heart-broken grass made her feel miserable, and she began to pant heavily.The blood rushing up from her throat was blocked by the foreign object in her mouth, so she couldn't spit it out, and choked it back into her throat, causing her to cough and suffocate.There is no more difficult moment than this. She was so painful that she almost passed out and then woke up immediately. The consciousness that could not dissipate made her taste this pain over and over again...

The past flashed before her eyes, the familiar and unfamiliar images, the people she knew and the people she didn't know, all flashed by at this moment.

It wasn't until a string broke in her mind that she felt liberated.

Her whole body seemed to be lighter, like a feather floating in the air, no pain, no weight, no sense of the world, and what she saw was a dazzling white light, because it became more and more dazzling, she I couldn't help but close my eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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