Chapter 18
Ever since Tang Xiaozuo returned to the Tang Sect, Feng Linran came to accompany her almost every day for a period of time.When it is long, it takes half a day, and when it is short, it will be at least an hour.Zuo Hufa and Right Hufa also came to see her, but fortunately they came together, otherwise, if Tang Xiaozuo saw Zuo Hufa alone, he would indeed feel a little uncomfortable.

Tang Xiaozuo talked about his work as an undercover agent in the Tianzhu Sect, and sincerely apologized to them: "I did cause a lot of trouble for the Tianzhu Sect, and you should be angry..."

Guardian You laughed and said: "Nan Xing said that you have never done anything to offend our Tianzhu family, and you are not a bad-hearted girl. As men, how can we care about a little girl like you." He raised his palms, "You Take good care of your body, and I will never be angry with you again, let's clap your hands!"

Tang Xiaozuo printed his hand with a bag of tears in his pocket.

Later she said to Feng Linran: "Master, I was always worried that this matter would be exposed, and I was always worried. But after this catastrophe, everyone forgave me, and I felt that one illness would solve all my worries." , You said that if I make a mistake again in the future..."

Feng Linran opened his mouth and bit her lips: "You should bite, let me swallow the rest of the words!"

"Oh." Tang Xiaozuo was obedient, and really stopped talking.

Lan Yu also came to see her, and brought her favorite fruits, even though she couldn't eat them temporarily, she happily put all these things into the bed.

Lan Yu looked at her, hesitated to speak.

After Tang Xiaozuo settled the fruit, he immediately turned his head and apologized to her: "I'm sorry Miss Lan Yu, I lied to you. I am Tang Xiaozuo, not Fu Ling." She looked into Lan Yu's eyes and said seriously, " I am very happy that you can come to see me today..."

"Fu Ling, no, Miss Tang..." Lan Yu called her a little strangely, "I also want to say sorry to you about something."

Tang Xiaozuo was a little confused: "When did you ever do something sorry for me?"

"That's right, some time ago, you came to Tianzhaimen." Lan Yu avoided her eyes, not daring to look at her, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell the owner of the door earlier, and I caused you to suffer so much."

"This matter." In fact, Tang Xiaozuo didn't hear why she felt sorry, so he said, "There's nothing to be sorry about. At that time, the sect master and Zuo protector hadn't returned to Tianzhumen, and you didn't I know what the conflict between me and the sect master is, so it's normal that I didn't tell the sect master in time. I'm too self-willed, I dare to run around with such bad luck, and I have caused so much trouble for everyone, I feel very sorry , you have nothing to blame yourself for."

"Miss Tang, thank you for being so considerate. Let's just pretend that these things never happened, shall we? Let's not mention it in the future, okay?" Lan Yu looked at her expectantly.

"Okay, why not!" Tang Xiaozuo stretched out his little finger and said cheerfully, "Let's pull the hook."

When Lan Yu's hand hooked with hers, they both breathed a sigh of relief.Later, Lan Yu chatted with her for a while, then got up to leave.

As soon as Lan Yu left, Feng Linran came in, stood by the bed, and stretched out his hand with a serious face: "Hand it over!"

Tang Xiaozuo pretended to be stupid: "Ah? What?"

"The fruits brought by Lan Yu, don't leave any less, hand them over to me!"

"Don't, sect master, don't be so cruel, I'll just smell it, I won't eat it." Tang Xiaozuo vowed.

Feng Linran sneered at her: "Your elder brother told me that last time you showed sparks for an apple tooth, do you think I can trust you now?" He hooked his hands, "Hurry up! Six Apples, three oranges, two pears, two pomegranates, pass, pass, hand over, come out, come out!"

Tang Xiaozuo lost his temper at all: "Master, bring a basket over here, and I'll dig it out for you one by one, and then let me continue to live an ascetic life by myself. I'm not complaining, I'm not complaining at all. Oh……"

The days of not being able to eat and drink casually were too tormenting, so Tang Xiaozuo worked hard to hypnotize himself every day, so that he could get better soon.

When her health was very good, Master began to prick her fingers with needles. After two rounds of pricking ten fingers, she finally investigated the mysteries in her body.

Tang Xiaozuo followed his master into his pharmacy with his finger up. The master pointed to some little white rabbits and said to her: "Xiao Zuo, these rabbits have been fed heartbroken grass for the master. Do you know why they are so sick now? Are you still alive?"

Tang Xiaozuo looked at the twenty small holes that had been pierced on his ten fingers, his mind suddenly stirred, and then an idea popped up: "Blood? Could it be because of my blood?"

The master nodded, and took the opportunity to say: "The heartbroken grass these rabbits eat is soaked in your blood. I have been observing for the teacher for ten days. Still survived."

The master paused, and continued: "Your blood can detoxify the poison of the heartbroken grass, do you know why?"

"Let me think about it, I haven't used my brain for a long time, I have to think about it..." Tang Xiaozuo leaned over the rabbit cage and meditated.

She lived for 18 years and will be 19 soon, and she didn't find out about this until today.It stands to reason that it is impossible for the blood of a normal person to have such a miraculous effect, unless she is not a normal person.But why is she not a normal person?Since when was she not a normal person?

She thought and thought, and suddenly remembered: five years ago on Kongling Island, before the raging fire, surrounded by those masked unknown villains, senior Lu Qiuke fed her something, and then pushed her into the region.Holding a wreck of a wooden boat, she swam across a strait and over mountains with indescribable strength. Finally, when her strength disappeared, she accidentally fell off a cliff...

"It's the Bodhi Snake Gallbladder!" Tang Xiaozuo exclaimed, "It's the Bodhi Snake Gallbladder in my body that detoxified the poison of the Heartbroken Grass, right?"

The master looked at her and nodded happily: "Xiao Zuo, you are very smart."

Tang Xiaozuo was about to cheer, but suddenly, his face turned pale.

The master noticed her strangeness, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Tang Xiaozuo collapsed on the ground as if he suddenly lost all his strength.Master quickly knelt down to help her, and she instinctively grabbed his clothes.

"Master..." Her voice changed into a tone that seemed to be crying but not crying.

"Little Zuo, don't scare Master, what's wrong with you?"

Tang Xiaozuo's eyes were empty for a long time before they regained their light.

"Master, my previous memories... are back." She let go of Master's clothes, sat on the ground, folded her knees, and stopped looking at him, "I'm back, I'm all back, I'm all back." I...remember..."

Tang Xiaozuo locked himself in the room for a long time and did not come out. Feng Linran came to see her, felt her body was a little cold, and carried her to the yard to bask in the sun.

Tang Xiaozuo leaned back as if giving up on himself, spreading his limbs.

Feng Linran quickly caught her, and she yelled at the sky, "I'm so wronged, I'm so wronged!"

Feng Linran straightened her body back, hugged her tightly in his arms, not giving her another chance to be a monster, and said with a smile: "Why are you aggrieved? You still hate Lin Yunlong for poisoning you, you And wait a little longer, in a few days I will join hands with Zuo Yunshu and take his villa!"

When Tang Xiaozuo heard the name "Zuo Yunshu", he immediately turned down: "Don't mention Zuo Yunshu to me!"

More than half of the reason why she was aggrieved was because of Zuo Yunshu.

When she lived in Mingyue Villa before, she fumbled around trying to find some memories of the past, and even forced the dumb woman to tell her some, although she could predict that her life in Mingyue Villa must have been very difficult. Miserable, but when she thinks about it all now, it is more than the word "miserable" can describe.

Tang Xiaozuo felt that God must not be able to see how miserable she was, that's why he let her fall off the cliff and lose her memory, and let her master and people from the Tang Sect accompany her to live a pure and happy life for five years, otherwise she would definitely go crazy again once.

That's right, the reason why Tang Xiaozuo was sent to Kongling Island for treatment five years ago was not because of a sickness in his body, but a sickness in his brain.

When Thirteen Niang traded her life for her daughter to stay in Mingyue Villa, she must have never expected that her daughter would be driven crazy by the people of Mingyue Villa one day.

The person who drove Tang Xiaozuo crazy was Zuo Yunshu.

Thirteen Niang and Mrs. Zuo passed away one after the other. She was young and didn't know what happened, but Zuo Yunshu obviously understood better than her.At that time, brother Yun Shu, who was pretty good to her, seemed to be a different person.

Zuo Yunshu was four or five years older than her, but her bullying mind was several times better than that of her peers.

Zuo Yunshu in his youth was courageous, venomous, and hard-hearted. Tang Xiaozuo still felt horrified when he thought of the methods he used to bully her.

As he had said before, locking her in a cave in a rockery was one of the methods.At that time, as long as he didn't like her, he would take her in. At the beginning, he simply locked her up for a few hours, and then gradually upgraded, throwing bugs, snakes, mice in it...

She was young at that time, and thought that she would be punished for doing something wrong, so she threw herself on the stone wall and cried that she was wrong, begging him to let him go, and even wrote these words on the stone wall to express her determination to admit her mistakes .

However it didn't help.

The most egregious time was when Zuo Yunshu left the villa after locking her in, and went to work with Zuo Haotian. It was two days after they came back. He ate lunch and took a nap before thinking about Woke up and she was still trapped inside.At that time, Zuo Haotian was also looking for her, and this matter was finally discovered.

When the stone door was opened, she was as motionless as the insects, snakes and mice on the ground.

That day, Zuo Yunshu was beaten until she couldn't get out of bed for three days, and she fell into a coma for three days. After waking up, her head was not clear.

However, Zuo Yunshu not only did not give up his revenge on her, but intensified it instead.

After a long time, she became numb. Zuo Yunshu couldn't do anything against her no matter how many methods he had, because she imagined a world, and she existed in another world, not this world that hurt her physically and mentally.

Her incompatibility with the real world was called "hysteria" by the doctor, but in the eyes of others, she was bewildered, and there was a trace of sarcasm in addition to regret.

That's right, who in the villa would treat an outsider like her sincerely?

Zuo Haotian invited many doctors to see her, but they couldn't see her well.How would he know that as long as she stays in Mingyue Villa for one day, this disease will never be cured.

Luqiu Ke, who was far away on the Kongling Island, had occasional correspondence with Zuo Haotian. When he heard about this, he offered to let Tang Xiaozuo go to his Kongling Island to recuperate for a period of time. He might be able to cure her.

Zuo Haotian personally took her to Ethereal Island.The island is surrounded by organ arrays, if senior Luqiuke hadn't greeted them personally, they would not have been able to land on the island at all.

Tang Xiaozuo spent a very happy time on the island. Senior Luqiu Ke knew her world that others couldn't understand. She creates the world she wants, and then slowly pulls her back into the real world...

To this day, when Tang Xiaozuo finally remembered the lovely old man who was always smiling after five years, she cried uncontrollably in the room.

Feng Linran hugged her and shook her, shaking her back from her memories.

"What are you thinking, half crying?"

Tang Xiaozuo came back to his senses, put his arms around Feng Linran's neck and leaned on Feng Linran's shoulder and said, "Master, I remembered."

Feng Linran asked her indifferently at first: "Oh? What do you remember?"

Tang Xiaozuo arched his neck and found a comfortable position to nestle in: "Master, do you remember that I told you before that I fell off a cliff five years ago, and all previous memories have disappeared. But now, I remember..."

She could feel Feng Linran's body froze after hearing her words, and her Adam's apple was about to say something, but she covered her mouth.

"Don't ask, I haven't finished yet..."

"I remember everything. I'm Zuo Yunzhi. I've been to Kongling Island. I know the whereabouts of Senior Luqiuke and "Mystery and Wonderful Solution"..." She kissed his ear, "But these, I don't want to Tell Zuo Yunshu, I hate him, I hate him to death!"

Regarding what happened to Zuo Yunzhi in Mingyue Villa, although Feng Linran couldn't know exactly, he could more or less guess that her life was not easy before, so when she made this request, he didn't refute it, but just hugged her Tightly: "Okay, whatever you say is what you say, let's not tell him!"

Tang Xiaozuo kissed him on the cheek again, touched his stomach, and then remembered that he hadn't eaten for a long time: "Master, I'm hungry, I want to go to the kitchen to find something to eat, do you want it?"

Feng Linran pinched her cheeks and got up: "You wait here, I'll go."

Tang Xiaozuo refused: "Let's go together, I'm too hungry to wait."

"Let's go then."

Then they met the third senior brother in the kitchen.

In fact, since Tang Xiaozuo returned to Tangmen, the third senior brother had never appeared in front of her, so she naturally knew that he was hiding from her.Probably he felt that the "Tang Xiaozuo" he liked a few days ago was not himself, so he must have been hit.

The senior brother told her that when Zuo Yunshu rescued the wet "Zuo Yunzhi" that day, the third senior brother realized that something was wrong, Zuo Yunshu guessed the truth and suspected that his sister had been dropped, so he went to question the master.

Master didn't want to face such an embarrassing thing, so he pushed the elder brother out to block it.At the beginning, the elder brother also denied it, insisting that the "Zuo Yunzhi" in the room was Tang Xiaozuo, until Zuo Yunshu told them that both Zuo Yunzhi and the other Tang Xiaozuo were held hostage, and he was unable to save them. So he chose to rescue his sister.

Only then did the elder brother realize the seriousness of the matter, and quickly told the master.Just at this time, Feng Linran also came to Tangmen to inquire about Tang Xiaozuo's whereabouts, so the matter of changing identities could no longer be dealt with.

If it wasn't for the rush to find her whereabouts, the Tang Sect might have had a scuffle that day.

Feng Linran found out that Tang Xiaozuo was kidnapped and Zuo Yunshu failed to rescue her, so she was so angry that she wanted to hit Zuo Yunshu; Zuo Yunshu knew that the "sister" she had always valued was a fake, but she missed it He lost his real "sister" and was so angry that he wanted to beat his master; but the third senior brother knew that he had been kept in the dark all this time, that he had always liked the wrong person, so he was so angry that he wanted to beat the senior brother... …

Of course, none of them did anything in the end, and they chose to let each other go temporarily, and then searched for her whereabouts together.

The senior brother said that after they rescued her, the third senior brother still found an opportunity to "talk" to the senior senior brother with his fists clenched.

After the talk, the third senior brother often went out because he had too many things to do.

Seeing them in the kitchen now, they were less embarrassed by the smell of food.

The third senior brother handed over a bowl of vegetable porridge he had just filled: "Xiao Zuo, do you want some porridge?"

"Don't drink porridge for now, is there any meat?" She walked around him, opened the lid of the pot to look for it, there was indeed a bowl of stewed braised pork in the pot.

Tang Xiaozuo stretched out his hand to grab it, but Feng Linran behind him grabbed it first.She turned around and rushed over to grab it, stomping her feet and said: "Master said I can eat meat, give it to me quickly!"

"But I also want to eat, we each have half." Feng Linran said with a smile.

"That must be!" Tang Xiaozuo gave him a wink, "You go and find the chopsticks, and I'll get the steamed buns..."

Both of them were very hungry. They searched for something and a place as quickly as possible, and they were standing next to the cooking pot ready to eat. The picture was not too good.

Feng Linran gave her the thinner meat and picked the fatter meat for herself.Tang Xiaozuo put a piece in her mouth, feeling that her whole body was going to be sublimated. Naturally, she didn't forget the third senior brother who was standing over there with a bowl of porridge and petrified alone: ​​"You also come to eat, third senior brother, two more servings." When the bowl of porridge came, the mantou choked a little..."

The third senior brother handed her his bowl, and Feng Linran crossed his hand: "Give me a bowl too!"

The third brother glared at him, and took out the remaining porridge in the pot, which was exactly one bowl, and he drank it in one gulp, then put the empty bowl aside: "There is no more!"

Feng Linran glanced at the provocative third senior brother, and touched Tang Xiaozuo with his elbow: "You can share half of the porridge with me."

Tang Xiaozuo handed him his bowl without hesitation, he picked it up and took a sip, then smiled at the third senior brother showing off and complacently.

The third senior brother looked hurt, and said dejectedly: "I won't eat, you can eat."

Feng Linran waved his hand: "Let's go..."

Tang Xiaozuo held up a steamed bun and called him: "Senior brother, take a steamed bun before leaving, so you won't be hungry for a while..."

The third senior brother didn't take her steamed buns, didn't answer her words, walked to the door by himself, mumbled for a while, then suddenly turned around and said: "Xiao Zuo, come out for a while, I have something to say to you."

Tang Xiaozuo chewed his mouth full, looked at him, then at the meat, and then at Feng Linran.

Feng Linran lowered his head and ignored her, but said at the right time: "Well, you go, I will eat the meat myself."

She swallowed the food in her mouth with difficulty, and said to the third senior brother, "Can you wait until I finish eating the meat?"

The third senior brother was even more sad: "So in your eyes, I am not as good as a few pieces of meat..."

Tang Xiaozuo was about to put down his chopsticks, so Feng Linran quickly stuffed a few pieces of fat from the bowl into his mouth, and then motioned her to eat the rest, while he himself walked up to the third senior brother, boldly Holding the third senior brother's shoulder tightly, he said, "Come on, brother, let me talk to you..."

The third senior brother was obviously not happy, but he couldn't break free from Feng Linran's arm, so he was dragged away.

Tang Xiaozuo couldn't resist the deep curiosity in his heart, he secretly followed after chewing the meat.

She didn't dare to get too close to them, so that she couldn't hear their conversation completely. She could only hear Feng Linran talking a lot intermittently, and the third senior brother was interrupted by him several times.

Feng Linran said: "Brother, until now, if there is still a small flame burning in your heart for Xiao Zuo, you should quickly pinch it. It is not a gentleman's behavior to think about someone else's fiancee..."

The third senior brother was shocked: "When will Xiao Zuo become..."

Feng Linran immediately interrupted: "As far as today's daytime affairs are concerned, your master has already agreed, and I have already prepared a dowry gift. As compensation, I will promise you that girl Fu Ling. You are right. She confessed the truth, she can't confess it in vain..."

The third senior brother became angry: "Master Fengmen, I treat her like a little left..."

Feng Linran interrupted again: "I know, but our girl from Tianzhumen is not for you to play with casually. Since you have expressed your heart to other girls, and they believe in you, you have to be responsible to other girls. , otherwise are you still a man?"

The third senior brother's arrogance suddenly faded: "But..."

Feng Linran patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry about it, Xiao Zuo just treats you as an elder brother, her sweetheart is me, don't add unnecessary troubles to yourself, I will worry about you..."

The third senior brother punched the big tree next to him with his fist, and the only few withered and yellow leaves on the tree were also shaken off, which was especially appropriate for the occasion.

However, when Feng Linran mentioned Poria, Tang Xiaozuo still cared about her.

"Where is Miss Fuling now? Are you still in Mingyue Villa?" After Feng Linran persuaded the third senior brother to leave, Tang Xiaozuo jumped over to ask him, and handed him a large Fengshui pear, and gnawed a smaller one himself.

Feng Linran took a leisurely walk with her to admire the moon, and chatted casually: "Fuling is still in Mingyue Villa, and I heard that she was very angry when she found out that she was changed by you. Zuo Yunshu saw her emotional It's not very good, so I haven't sent her back to Tianzhu Gate for the time being..."

Tang Xiaozuo was disappointed: "She should be angry, we did this without her consent, I will definitely apologize to her when I see her someday."

"En." Feng Linran looked at her tenderly.

Tang Xiaozuo carefully gnawed the pear in his hand, then remained silent for a while, then suddenly turned his head and said to Feng Linran, "Master, I have an idea, and it's very uncomfortable to hold it in my heart..."

"what idea?"

"I want to find out the murderer who killed Senior Luqiuke back then." She said with firm eyes, "Senior Luqiuke fought to protect my life back then, I can't let him die like this for nothing!"

Feng Linran breathed a sigh of relief: "You mean, Senior Luqiu Ke already..."

Tang Xiaozuo felt sore in his heart, with tears in his eyes, and nodded: "Senior, he is already dead, and he will die with those people..."

She remembered very clearly that she was held hostage at that time, and Senior Lu Qiuke promised to hand over the "Mysterious Secrets and Wonderful Solutions" in order to save her, but he had to make sure that she was fine first.

At that time, she was covered with wounds, and those people had cut many cuts on her face with daggers, and after wiping her face, there was warm blood all over her face.Senior Lu Qiuke took advantage of the opportunity of giving her medicine, stuffed Bodhi snake gall into her mouth, and then pushed her into the sea.

How could she forget the desperate and decisive voice of the old man: "Left girl, live on..."

She pulled Feng Linran and walked to Master's pharmacy: "Let's go to Master!"

In the pharmacy refining room, the master was still playing with the little rabbits in the cage. When he saw them coming in, he said with a smile: "Little Zuo, you came just in time. These little guys are completely alive. There are needles over there. Take some of your blood and give it to me, let me see if your blood can dissolve other poisons..."

Tang Xiaozuo did not agree to his words, but walked up to him, looked at him solemnly and seriously: "Master, I have something to tell you about senior Luqiuke..."

"Don't say it yet!" Master suddenly raised his hand to interrupt her, the eyes that were originally full of smiles seemed to be hit by something, and panic spread all of a sudden.The grass stalk used to tease rabbits in his hand was trembling slightly like his hands, "Don't say it, don't say it..."

Tang Xiaozuo knew why the master suddenly lost his composure, because he must have expected that what she said next would not fulfill his wish.

It was rumored in the world that senior Luqiuke just disappeared. Although no one survived on Kongling Island after the accident five years ago, everyone thought that a strange person like Luqiuke would not die easily. He must have been hiding or imprisoned so that no one could find him.

The master has always insisted on this idea, so even after she recovered her memory, he never asked about it, because he didn't dare, he was afraid of hearing the truth from her that he didn't want to hear.

Tang Xiaozuo understood Master's timidity in this matter, but still hoped that Master would be bolder and let go of it sooner.

"Master, you haven't experienced any ups and downs in your life, so you can't be so timid." Tang Xiaozuo advised him.

The master suddenly lost his strength, and sat on the stool: "The teacher is not as fragile as you think, just tell me."

Tang Xiaozuo took a deep breath, and tried to use the calmest tone to describe everything that happened on Kongling Island five years ago.

"I lived on Kongling Island for almost half a year, and I gradually learned about the situation on the island after I recovered from my illness. Kongling Island is surrounded by the sea, and every place where I can go ashore has been set up by senior Luqiu Ke. If someone trespasses , will definitely suffer a big loss. We all thought the island was safe, but we didn't know..."

But I don't know that someone broke in later, it was really forced.

There are a lot of people besieging Kongling Island. They couldn't crack the organ array along the island, so they implemented the crowd tactics and sent people to test these organs over and over again.Many people sacrificed their lives in vain because of this, while those who did not sacrifice in the back stepped on the corpses of these people and entered the island.

After these people landed on the island, they began to make troubles and make troubles, forcing Luqiu Ke to show up.

They are numerous, powerful and vicious. Lu Qiuke and his family are isolated and helpless on this island. After confronting them a few times, they are at a disadvantage, and cannot contact and help the outside world for a while, so they can only hide first. .

They hid in a secret tunnel designed by Lu Qiuke underground, and hid for several days day and night, but those people still refused to leave.

Later, the food and water stored in the secret passage disappeared, and everyone had no choice but to face hunger and thirst.Lu Qiuke decided to go up to find some food and water. Tang Xiaozuo and his relatives disagreed at first, but if they didn't go out to take risks, they would have to starve to death here.

Lu Qiuke told his wife to take good care of Tang Xiaozuo and several other children, and then walked out of the secret passage with his son.

But after they left, before Tang Xiaozuo could wait for them to come back, their hiding place was discovered.

They are all women and children, and their resistance is not worth mentioning in the eyes of those people.Those people tied them together and forced them to ask about the whereabouts of senior Lu Qiuke.

They don't know at all, and even if they know, they will never say it.Those people got angry and set up a fire, threatening that if they didn't tell the whereabouts of Lu Qiuke, they would throw them into the fire.

Except Mrs. Luqiu, everyone was taken to the side of the fire.Every time they pressed Mrs. Luqiu, if she didn't answer, one of them would be thrown into the fire.

Tang Xiaozuo watched helplessly as Lu Qiuke's two young grandsons and daughter-in-law were thrown into the fire one after another, and she was next.

Mrs. Luqiu couldn't accept what she saw and passed out.After those people splashed water on Mrs. Luqiu to wake her up, Mrs. Luqiu went crazy.

When Tang Xiaozuo said this, he couldn't bear it anymore, knelt down and covered his face and cried until he curled up: "Master, you have to forgive me, I was still young at that time, I couldn't save them..."

These unbearable pains were the root of all her nightmares.

Feng Linran held her in his arms, and the master touched her head again and again, choked up sobbing: "I don't blame you, I don't blame you..."

"Master!" She grabbed Master's hand and gritted her teeth bitterly, "We must find the murderer behind it, who is in charge of this killing, he can't live well after doing such a heinous thing."

The master looked at her, the trembling beard and the blue veins on his forehead showed that he was trying to suppress the anger in his heart: "Yes, the master will never let him go!"

A crow croaked outside the house, causing Tang Xiaozuo's head to hurt severely, just like the wailing and screaming in the fire that day.

After Mrs. Luqiu went crazy, those people focused on Tang Xiaozuo, who was the only one who could speak, because they couldn't throw her into the fire anymore, so they had to use another method to force questions.

Someone gesticulated on her face with a sharp dagger, asking her to tell the whereabouts of Lu Qiuke.She cried and said she didn't know, but every time she said she didn't know, she was stabbed in the face, causing her to roll all over the ground in pain...

Later, Senior Luqiuke appeared, his son saw the tragic scene before him, and fought for his life with those people, but Senior Luqiuke was caught by them.

Tang Xiaozuo's last memory on Kongling Island is that the old man Lu Qiuke pushed her into the sea with all his might, giving her a glimmer of life, and at the same time, there was a "bang" explosion, and the highest mountain on the island toppled down, killing him and him. Those demons were buried together.

"Master, I want to go to Ethereal Island. This matter shouldn't just end like this." Tang Xiaozuo said.

(End of this chapter)

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