Chapter 5
After Tang Xiaozuo and Zuo Hufa went back, they told Feng Linran what happened at the foot of the mountain.

Feng Linran didn't lose his temper as expected, but there was a trace of bloodthirsty red in his eyes.He said in a cool voice, "Very well, I wanted to calm things down, but they came to challenge my patience."

Tang Xiaozuo dragged his body and was about to leave when Feng Linran stopped him: "What are you doing?"

She supported the wall and said with difficulty: "Master, can I go back and lie down for a while, my bones hurt..."

Feng Linran, who was originally sitting, stood up, strode towards her, and looked her up: "Are you injured too?"

"It's not hurt, it just hurts..." The place on his body that was poked by the sword was so painful that he wanted to rub it but couldn't. Tang Xiaozuo was so uncomfortable that his facial features wrinkled together.

Feng Linran suddenly hugged her horizontally, frightened her, grabbed his lapel and said nervously: "Master, what are you doing?"

"Aren't you in pain, I will carry you back to rest."

As soon as Feng Linran hugged her and went out, the eyes of all the women around them automatically focused on them.Those eyes fell on Feng Linran as admiration, but when they fell on her, they became knives, and they would kill her in minutes.

Tang Xiaozuo couldn't help reminding him: "Master, can you walk faster, I'm under a lot of pressure to be stared at by them like this."

But Feng Linran didn't seem to take her words seriously, and why did he feel like he was walking more slowly?

Tang Xiaozuo was put on the bed by Feng Linran, and the doctor who bandaged Zuo's wound just now also came to look at her wound.She was a little shy, so she only lifted up a corner of her clothes, showed the doctor a look at the painful place, and immediately covered it up, then hid in the curtain, took a few glances by herself, and described it to the doctor.There were several bruises and blood bruises on her body, which looked very scary, but fortunately, it was not a serious problem, the doctor said, just apply some plaster for removing blood stasis.

Feng Linran frowned faintly: "How did you get hurt?"

"It was stabbed with a sword. Fortunately, I wore the golden silk soft armor given to me by the right guard." Thinking of the scene at that time, Tang Xiaozuo still had lingering fears in his heart.

Feng Linran was thoughtful, then told her to take good care of her wounds and left.

It has been three days since I saw Feng Linran again, he looked relaxed, walked lightly, and came to see her with a smile on his fan.

It was rare for Tang Xiaozuo to see him showing such an expression, and he couldn't help but wondered: "Master, did something good happen?"

"Well, go out and relax for a while, and I feel much better." He paced over.

It didn't matter that he relaxed, Tang Xiaozuo found out later that he beat up all the people who attacked them at the foot of the mountain that day.Moreover, the way of beating people is quite strange, without any trauma, but they stabbed their muscles and bones with the scabbard.

Of course, these are things for later.At this time, Feng Linran pulled up his robe and sat by the bed, asking her, "How is your injury?"

"It's all over!" Tang Xiaozuo was sitting on the bed, waiting for him to ask this question.She stood up, and jumped on the quilt with her bare feet, "Master, you see, I can jump and jump now, what's the matter, can I get out of bed?"

Before he left that day, he left two people to take care of her and he ordered her not to get out of bed if she was not well.Those two were also obedient, watching her closely, not allowing her feet to touch the ground, pitying her for solving some personal problems, the rest of the time was spent in bed, it was really boring.

Feng Linran pulled her to sit down, pinched her small hands and arms, and then pinched her face, and said with satisfaction: "It's really recovered well, and I'm fatter than before I left."

What a sad compliment, who else in the world gained six pounds in three days like her?
But Feng Linran's next sentence made her happy again.

"You saved Guardian Zuo and the others, which is considered a great achievement. If you have any wishes, I can fulfill you." He had a smile in his eyes, and he didn't seem to be lying.

wish?Hearing what he said, Tang Xiaozuo immediately straightened up, and excitedly uttered a long list of wishes: "Can I keep the bowls from being washed? Can I not wash the clothes? Can I not pour the water for washing my feet?"

Feng Linran was taken aback for a moment, as if she couldn't think that she would say such a thing.

"Are you wasting the wish I gave you like this?"

"It's not a waste..." She really did enough of these three things.

"Are you sure?" Feng Linran moved a little closer, staring into her eyes.

Tang Xiaozuo nodded.

"Well, I am satisfied with you." Feng Linran seemed a little disappointed, but then raised her hand and raised her chin, met her eyes, and her voice was a little bewildered, "I will give you another wish. The second is clear, what do you want?"

one left?
Tang Xiaozuo raised his head, trying to look at him.There were pools in his eyes, and his face was like a peach blossom. Now that his extremely handsome face was only a short distance away from her, it suddenly made her breathless.

"Sect Master..."

He lazily raised a note: "Huh?"

"Is it possible to wish for anything?"


Tang Xiaozuo gulped, blushed, and stammered, "Then I think, think..."

"Thinking about what?"

"I want to live in your yard!" Tang Xiaozuo mustered up the courage to say it.

After all, she has not forgotten her identity as an undercover agent, the closer she is to him, the better she can monitor his behavior.

Feng Linran's eyes drifted away, wandering over her face several times, his slender fingers slid across her face, and finally touched her forehead: "Promising, sure!"

Tang Xiaozuo grinned happily.

In this way, Tang Xiaozuo not only got rid of the chores, but even moved to Feng Linran's yard in a grandiose manner, and lived next to his room, only separated by a wall, and couldn't be closer!

The woman from Tianzhumen looked at Tang Xiaozuo even more horribly, wishing she could crush her into pieces, burn her to ashes and bury her in the ground as fertilizer.Even Guardian You, who had just come back and heard about this incident, was very surprised, and exclaimed at her: "Your treatment is clearly the rhythm of being the wife of the sect master."

Tang Xiaozuo was startled, and hurriedly explained: "You can't talk nonsense, I risked my life in exchange for it." Then she said triumphantly, "It's a beautiful day when you don't have to wash dishes and clothes. Go to the courtyard to bask in the sun..."

"That's all you pursue." You Hufa looked at her dumbfounded.

Tang Xiaozuo cheered at him, gave him a few fresh fruits in his arms, and ran away bouncing around.

Protector You couldn't help grinning, thinking that he had to go to the sect master to report the business, so he turned around and walked towards Feng Linran's room without further delay.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a person standing in the distance, proudly dressed in red, with an extraordinary demeanor and unparalleled beauty.

It was Feng Linran.

The protector on the right looked at Feng Linran, followed his gaze, and looked at the courtyard together, at the little man nestled beside the stone table, gnawing fruit with a face full of ecstasy.

Tang Xiaozuo didn't notice it, neither did Feng Linran, probably only the onlooker, Protector You, saw it. The head of the Tianzhu Sect, who is feared in the world, can't help showing a touch of tenderness when facing a silly girl. , smiling fondly.

When Guardian You came back this time, he had already inquired about Zuo Yunzhi's affairs.Feng Linran felt that since Tang Xiaozuo was involved in this matter, he asked her to come in and listen.

According to what Guardian Right inquired about, what Zuo Yunshu said to Tang Xiaozuo that day was indeed a bit wrong.

According to Zuo Yunshu, the relationship between the two brothers and sisters should be very good, but this is not the case. Although Zuo Yunzhi is his sister, the two are not related by blood. It can be said to be extremely bad.

Zuo Yunzhi's biological mother's name is Thirteen Niang, who is Zuo Yunshu's father, Zuo Haotian's first love.It's just that the two didn't come together later, but got married and had children.

After Thirteen Niang gave birth to her daughter, her husband died suddenly due to illness. Her husband's family despised their wives and drove them out.

After Shi Sanniang took her daughter back to her mother's house, her life was not easy.She was also a proud and arrogant person, but she couldn't bear this kind of life, so she took her daughter and ran away from home.

When Zuo Haotian heard about this, he found their wives, brought them back to Mingyue Villa, and placed them in the courtyard on the south side of the villa, which was the yard where Ake took Tang Xiaozuo that day.

"So Zuo Haotian married Thirteen Niangs?" Tang Xiaozuo asked curiously.

The right protector shook his head: "The owner of the left villa didn't marry Thirteen Niangs, because Thirteen Niangs died soon after arriving at Mingyue Villa."

"Dead? Why?"

"The people in Mingyue Villa only said that Thirteenth Niang had a sudden illness, but what is the reason for this is indeed fascinating." Protector You drank a cup of tea to moisten his throat, and said to Tang Xiaozuo, "You think, a A man who has already married and established a business takes his first love into his own home, who will be the first person to feel uncomfortable?"

Tang Xiaozuo thought for a while before blurting out: "Of course it's the wife of Zhuang Zhuo."

"Exactly!" Protector Right put down the cup and continued, "I haven't found out how Thirteen Niang died, but since Thirteen Niang's death, Zuo Zhuangzhu has recognized Thirteen Niang's daughter as himself His daughter, named Zuo Yunzhi. Mrs. Zuo was also kicked out of Mingyue Villa by a letter of divorce. Afterwards, Mrs. Zuo’s body was found at the bottom of the cliff, and she was carried back. buried in his name."

The right protector paused, and then said: "So, do you think Zuo Yunshu will treat his sister well?"

Hearing this matter, Tang Xiaozuo was in a cold sweat.

Recalling Zuo Yunshu's words, Tang Xiaozuo couldn't help but think carefully and fearfully.

He said: "Yunzhi's biological mother died young, and she has a gloomy personality. She likes to hide secretly where others can't find her. Since I was a child, I like to study the art of mechanism, so I made a stone door for her in the middle of the rockery. She is not happy. When she was young, she liked to hide inside. Once I closed the stone gate, no one would be able to find her..."

He said: "Five years ago, Yunzhi suffered a sudden illness and often appeared insane, and many doctors were of no help. We sent her to the Kongling Island to recuperate, and we never thought that the news would leak out. Someone followed Yunzhi's boat and boarded it. Ethereal Island..."

Tang Xiaozuo didn't know why she remembered what Zuo Yunshu said so clearly, but these words were deeply imprinted in her mind.

Therefore, the mechanism in the rockery is very likely Zuo Yunshu's way to rectify Zuo Yunzhi, and even Zuo Yunzhi's madness may have something to do with him.

Protector You told all the things he had inquired about Zuo Yunzhi, and then stared at Tang Xiaozuo: "Fu Ling, since Zuo Yunshu feels that you are very similar to Zuo Yunzhi, why don't you tell me about yourself? Let's see if it really has something to do with Zuo Yunzhi."

"I..." Tang Xiaozuo's whole body was trembling. She is not Fuling, how could she know Fuling's life experience? How should this lie be made up?
"Fu Ling, Fu Ling?" Seeing that she didn't answer, Guardian You called her twice.

"Ah?" Tang Xiaozuo felt cold, she folded her arms, not daring to look at him.

In fact, it is not difficult to make up a lie, but at this moment, her mind is blank and she can't think of anything.

"Are you shaking?" Guardian Zuo was the first to notice her abnormality, holding her wrist to check her pulse, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Feng Linran suddenly walked up to her, grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the stool: "Why are your hands so cold?"

"Master, door master," she looked up at Feng Linran tremblingly, "I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly feel very cold..."

Feng Linran and the two protectors on the left and right looked at each other, and doubts appeared in the eyes of the three of them—"Are you really..."

"Yes, what is it?" Tang Xiaozuo asked with a blank face.

"It's nothing, I will take you to find a doctor." Feng Linran didn't say anything more, and walked out with her arms, leaving the two guardians on the left and right looking at each other.

Tang Xiaozuo's symptoms came out of nowhere, and the doctor couldn't explain why. Feng Linran even suspected that she was faking it.

"What is your disease, even the doctor can't see it?"

Tang Xiaozuo was so cold that his teeth were chattering, and he was about to cry: "Doctor, am I terminally ill? Is there any help?"

Feng Linran slapped her on the back of the head: "What nonsense!" His face was a little more nervous than her.

The doctor was also frowning, stroking his beard and thinking for a long time, he still shook his head: "Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, I really can't see the cause of this disease."

"Then what should we do now?" Feng Linran said displeased.

The doctor sighed: "I can't find the root cause, so I can only use some local methods to relieve the symptoms."

"What way?"

"Nature is fire and hot water."

Tang Xiaozuo's eyes widened: "What? Are you going to stew me?"

Feng Linran understood, but he was too lazy to explain to her, so he immediately ordered someone to make a brazier and boil a few buckets of hot water.

Only then did Tang Xiaozuo realize that he was not going to stew her.

Early autumn has just arrived, and there are still cicadas outside, but there is a row of braziers in Tang Xiaozuo's room, which is warm as if in a stove.

The tub was quickly brought in, filled with several tubs of hot water, Feng Linran tested the temperature of the water, and then threw her in.

"Is this better?"

Although the water is not boiling hot, it is quite a bit hotter than usual bathing.Tang Xiaozuo thumped a few times in the tub, finally got used to the temperature, so he grabbed the edge of the tub and said gratefully, "It's much better, thank you door master..."

Feng Linran, who had turned pale because of her just now, suddenly had a jade face, and his cheeks became redder, and the breath he exhaled was comparable to the dense heat.

His body froze for a while, he loosened his collar with his fingers, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Well, you can soak here for a while, this seat is a bit hot, let's go first."

Tang Xiaozuo squatted in the bathtub obediently, and waved his hands: "The master of the sect, please go slowly..."

The coldness in his body gradually dissipated, Tang Xiaozuo looked at the closed door, recalled the words of the guardian Caiyou and the suspicion in their eyes, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

If it wasn't for the big brother who came to her suddenly, Tang Xiaozuo would be entangled with him to death.

Zuo Yunshu said that his sister Zuo Yunzhi was killed when she went to Kongling Island five years ago and has been missing since then.And she happened to fall off the cliff five years ago, and almost died of the fall. After waking up, she forgot all about the past.

She was also curious about her previous memory, but she couldn't remember it.The master is also powerless about this: "If you can't remember it, you can't remember it. It is God's will, so there is no need to force it."

If she is really Zuo Yunzhi, although the time is right, the place is not right.Zuo Yunzhi was killed on Kongling Island in the South China Sea, but the Tang Sect was killed on Yanhui Mountain in the north, the difference between the two is more than a thousand miles.

If she is not Zuo Yunzhi, but she has a face very similar to Zuo Yunzhi, and she looks exactly the same as the real Fu Ling, is it possible... the real Fu Ling is Zuo Yunzhi?

This kind of coincidence makes people want to hold their heads and scream.

Ah Jiu flew in from the window and landed on the table, hopping around with her little paws to attract her attention.When Tang Xiaozuo saw it, he ran over immediately, picked it up and looked left and right, but he didn't find any note.

Just as she was wondering, she heard a very soft landing sound by the window, and turned her head to look, it was Tang Yan, the eldest brother.

"Senior Brother?" Tang Xiaozuo was surprised, "Why are you here?" Then she ran to the window, looked outside vigilantly, then closed the window, and pulled Senior Brother aside.

"You are so brave, you dare to break into the gate of heaven? You should have told me in advance."

"If I had told you in advance, would you have accepted me?" The eldest brother patted his clothes and looked at her with a smile.

Tang Xiaozuo said in shame: "Well, I'm timid, I don't dare..." Then he looked at him with bright eyes again, "Brother, you came at the right time, I have a question to ask you."

"What's the problem?" Eldest brother found a stool and sat down on his own. Seeing that she was still standing, he gave her a hand and motioned her to sit down.

How could Tang Xiaozuo be in the mood to sit down? He walked around the room and made sure that no one was listening to the corner. Fang said reassuringly, "Brother, do you still remember the matter about Zuo Yunshu I mentioned to you last time?"

The big brother nodded.

"Didn't Zuo Yunshu's younger sister, that is, Zuo Yunzhi, be killed and disappeared on Kongling Island five years ago? It just so happened that I was also picked up by my master five years ago, and Zuo Yunzhi and I look very similar. What do you think?" Could I be Zuo Yunzhi?" She asked mysteriously, "Feng Linran and the others are also suspecting that I am Zuo Yunzhi."

The elder brother was slightly startled, and then asked her: "Then do you want to be Zuo Yunzhi?"

"No!" Tang Xiaozuo replied without thinking, and then said in a low voice, "She is so miserable, both her parents died early, Zuo Yunshu also hates her, the only one who treats her well is Zuo Haotian , Unfortunately, Zuo Haotian is too sick to get out of bed now."

"Then it's over." Eldest brother rubbed her head and said with a smile, "You don't want to be Zuo Yunzhi, then you're not Zuo Yunzhi. Why bother so much?"

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Regardless of whether she is Zuo Yunzhi or not, she only wants to be Tang Xiaozuo now, the past is over, why is she still struggling with this.

The gloom of the past few days was resolved by the senior brother's words, Tang Xiaozuo was in a good mood, hugged Ah Jiu and smiled, and just now remembered his purpose for coming here.

"Eldest brother, what are you going to do when you come to Tianzhumen?"

"I saw you last time. After I went back, I heard that the left protector of Tianzhumen was injured. I remembered that when you left that day, I was with that left protector. I was a little worried, so I came to see you." The senior brother has a warm face.

Tang Xiaozuo let out a "huh": "Elder brother, when did you care about me so much?"

The elder brother gave a "puchi" sound: "Well, actually, because you haven't sent news to Tangmen for a long time, Master asked me to come over to see if you have revealed your identity, and by the way, go around the Tianzhu Gate."

Tang Xiaozuo gave him a blank look - he knew that "Nuan Nan" had nothing to do with him.

"By the way, Xiao Zuo, do you know when Feng Linran has the fewest people around?" Elder brother asked her.

Tang Xiaozuo asked suspiciously, "What are you going to do to him?"

"What are you doing so nervous about him?" Eldest brother looked at her meaningfully, but fortunately he didn't say anything, "I just want to find out his reality, please help me."

Tang Xiaozuo twisted his clothes and answered after a while: "Okay."

When asked when Feng Linran was surrounded by the fewest people, Tang Xiaozuo buried his head in thought for a while, then raised his blushing face, with an uncontrollable expression, and answered in a low voice: "When he takes a bath, no one is allowed around him." of……"

Feng Linran has always attached great importance to such things as bathing, unlike Tang Xiaozuo, it doesn't matter if he throws his clothes into hot water.Feng Linran is a very particular person. When taking a bath, he must use a large bathtub that can hold three or four people. He said that the water cools down slowly and can stretch the body.

Think back when she first came here, it would take half an hour to boil the bath water for him at night, otherwise it would not be able to fill his big tub.

Not really a good memory.

The elder brother snapped her fingers to bring her back to her thoughts: "Is he taking a bath tonight?"

Tang Xiaozuo counted the days, Feng Linran took a bath every three days, and tonight happened to be the day to take a bath.

So, at night, the two climbed onto the roof, and the cat was on the rubble, waiting for Feng Linran to take a bath.

I don't know why, but there is always a visual sense of being a hooligan.

There was the sound of rushing water, Tang Xiaozuo uncovered a piece of rubble, and through the small hole, he saw Feng Linran sitting in the bathtub in the room below, with wet hair, white jade shoulders, and strong body. Chest... pectoralis...

My nose is so itchy, I really want to have a nosebleed.

"You stare here, I'll go down and have a look." The senior brother quietly backed away and jumped down.

Tang Xiaozuo wanted to see but felt embarrassed, covered his eyes but couldn't help but poke his fingers away, blushing with embarrassment, red ears, dizzy and dizzy, wishing that the big brother could move faster and end sooner.

A quarter of an hour is simply longer than an hour.

Eldest brother still didn't come up, Tang Xiaozuo was so ashamed that he was about to faint.

Below, Feng Linran was enjoying a comfortable soak, with his arms casually placed on the bathtub, his head leaned against the bucket arms and his eyes closed to rest his mind, his water-stained chest and arms shook Tang Xiaozuo's eyes...

Tick ​​tock!

A red dot landed right between his eyebrows, so charming.

As for what the red dot was, Tang Xiaozuo pinched his nose and did not speak.

"Who?" Feng Linran opened his eyes suddenly, grabbed the robe next to him and wrapped it around his body, the water splashed and flew upwards.

This action happened in an instant, before Tang Xiaozuo had time to escape, his neck was clamped by his piercing hands, and he dragged him down.

"Cough cough..."

Splashes of water, broken rubble, and Feng Linran falling back into the bathtub, plus a Tang Xiaozuo who was flailing his limbs.

"Master, it's me..."

"Fu Ling?" The hand pinching her neck loosened.

When the people outside heard the movement, they rushed in immediately, and then stopped three feet away from the bathtub, their eyes widened, and their jaws almost dropped...

Feng Linran, who was barely wearing a piece of clothing, was more attractive than not wearing any clothes. Although he was wearing clothes, Tang Xiaozuo, who was completely soaked, showed half of his exquisite figure. Feng Linran's hand was still on Tang Xiaozuo's. On the neck, under Tang Xiaozuo's nose, there are two red streaks, the scene is too glamorous to look at.

Seeing that it was Tang Xiaozuo, Feng Linran's eyes sank, he locked her in his arms and turned his back, blocking the sight of those people looking at her, and said in a deep voice, "Go out first!"

"Yes!" Everyone retreated.

Tang Xiaozuo curled up in his arms, feeling the overwhelming anger from above his head: "Master, listen to my explanation..."

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a gray figure, which turned out to be the elder brother who hadn't had time to retreat yet.

Feng Linran was hot, he pushed her away, and wanted to stand up and go out, but Tang Xiaozuo grabbed his neck anxiously.

"Sect Master..."

Feng Linran was taken aback for a moment, but froze there.

The gray figure had already reached the window, Tang Xiaozuo was trembling nervously: "Master, I like you!"

She said this loudly, just covering the slight sound of the window opening.

Huh, luckily...

Just as she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly her eyes dimmed, and it was Feng Linran who came over for a kiss.

His breath was a little messy, his wet fingers pinched her chin, and he put a handsome face on his face: "Bold girl..."

"The door... um..."

Early the next morning, Protector You saw Tang Xiaozuo who was punished to kneel outside Fenglin Ran's room.

"What did you do wrong?" Protector You asked her.

Tang Xiaozuo sighed: "Sneak peek at the door master taking a bath..."

The Right Guardian smiled so much that he leaned on his waist and went in to find Feng Linran, and then Tang Xiaozuo heard him yelling: "Master, what's wrong with your lips?"

"Can't I bite myself?"

(End of this chapter)

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