final abyss

Chapter 274 Little One's Combat Awareness

Chapter 274 Little One's Combat Awareness
Han Yi's thoughts moved, and then the swarm surged, all staring at the three with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Run in!"

One of them roared, and then the three immediately backed away, and with a bang, the door was closed.


The dragon turtle in front roared, sank, ran forward a few steps, and slammed into the gate, which suddenly fell down.

But at this moment, a red lightsaber swung down instantly, trying to chop off the dragon turtle's head.

However, the speed of the dragon tortoise was very fast, and its head retracted, reaching into the shell of the tortoise.

And the man's eyes flashed a hint of fierceness, and the lightsaber made a "chuckle", and many red electric currents flashed around the sword body, and then it slashed fiercely at the front of the turtle's shell.

Immediately, the red electric current around the sword body rushed into the turtle shell along the sword body, and a smell of meat floated out of the turtle shell accompanied by bursts of smoke.

Han Yi watched the man's sneak attack coldly, but made no moves. This time, he planned to hand over all three of them to the swarm.

These Zerg warriors were bred to fight, and now is a good time to test their combat effectiveness.


The man was about to retreat after severely injuring the dragon tortoise, but what he didn't expect was that although the dragon tortoise was seriously injured, it still didn't die. As its head popped out suddenly, it bit the man's foot firmly , the madness in the eyes is still not afraid of death, which is also a characteristic of the Zerg.

"Go away!"

Seeing the other Zerg rushing towards him, the man with the red lightsaber panicked immediately. He shook his foot that was firmly stuck by the dragon turtle's sharp teeth, and pieces of metal blades popped out, piercing the dragon turtle's mouth, and automatically It came out of its head.

Immediately, the dragon turtle's pupils slowly expanded, and it lost its vitality. The man shook his foot again and retracted all the metal blades into the metal armor. Then he kicked forward, tilting the dragon turtle's head, and immediately kicked Pulled back and started to retreat.


His companion suddenly roared at him, and the man with the red lightsaber was startled. He turned his head to look, only to find a Zerg covered in pitch-black armor leaping from the back of the dragon turtle he had killed. He got up and rushed towards him with his steel claws raised.

But at this moment, he thought it was too late to react, and he couldn't help showing a frightened expression.


A missile came from a distance, hit the totem's body and exploded instantly, the shock wave lifted it far away, and at the same time, a burst of flames covered it.

Fortunately, the totem's armor was the same as Han Yi's, and the flames only covered a circle before retreating away, but the high temperature erupted by the flames burned its black armor red.


Seeing this, the extremely cold storm fish next to him spit out a white mist, and the totem shivered suddenly, and the red-hot black armor on his body immediately cooled down.

However, the totem obviously didn't appreciate it, and even roared angrily at the extremely cold storm fish, then turned around again and faced the person who had already run to his companion, growling in his mouth, obviously angry that the person successfully escaped.

"Little one, you are here to direct these Zergs how to fight. Remember, even if they are your subordinates, one dies and one less one dies now. You have to use it flexibly, and don't let your temper come your way."

Hearing Han Yi's words, the little one lying on the back of the dragon turtle showed an excited look. It was not the first time that it commanded its subordinates to fight. It didn't show up.


A burst of fluctuations came from the little one, and every Zerg warrior immediately raised his head, as if he was listening to the Queen Mother's order.

The faces of the three people in the distance were ugly. They seemed to realize that the Zerg in front of them seemed to be under the command of the person who chatted with them before.

But how is this possible? Could it be that the man got the intimacy of the high-level in the Zerg, and specially allocated a group of Zerg soldiers to become his subordinates? They couldn't figure it out.

But they didn't want to just let it go, and then they each took out their weapons, ready to fight to the death.

As the little boy lowered his head, the totem flew out again, and the dire fish followed the totem's instruction and ran wildly.


The totem jumped up again, and the steel claws smashed towards the lightsaber man's chest, and the lightsaber man lifted the weapon in his hand, and a little red starlight radiated from the collision, and the steel claws that the totem collided with the man slowly fell under the lightsaber. Slowly turning red, as if under extreme heat.


The long-range man shook his left hand, and his metal fist turned into a machine gun, directly locking onto the totem.

But just as he was about to trigger the shooting, Xiao Budian stared at him fiercely, and the violent fish school's mental impact was activated instantly.


The condensed thoughts turned into sharp arrows and slammed into his mind, causing him to fall to the ground in pain and howl in pain.

Han Yi looked at the little one in surprise. He didn't expect it to time the attack of the dire fish, which was completely beyond his imagination.

Immediately, he looked forward to it even more, he wanted to see how much surprise the little one would give him.

The man with the red lightsaber and the totem pressed against each other tightly, competing with each other, but the man with the lightsaber had a flash of light in his eyes, and then he swung his right leg forward and slammed into the totem's lower body.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Budian's eyes flashed, and an order flooded into the mind of the extremely cold storm fish, and the mouth of the extremely cold storm fish immediately puffed up, and the power of extreme cold began to brew in the mouth.


The body of the totem was tilted by the impact, and then fell heavily to the ground. Seeing this, the man with the red lightsaber couldn't help showing a look of joy. He was about to chop off the lightsaber, but found a mass of white The mist swept towards itself.

"Not good! Get out of the way!"

The man next to him wanted to push his companion away, but the dragon tortoise that had already approached roared, and its head popped out, biting one of his laser forks. But there was no intention of letting go.

But that person also missed the best time to escape, his whole body was covered by white mist, although he was protected by metal armor, but a layer of frost covered his body, and his movements became more and more sluggish, even icy cold The breath began to rush into his body along the armor, making him shiver.

"Turn on the overload mode and heat the armor!"

The companion who was entangled by the dragon tortoise yelled angrily, and then raised the fork, trying to cut off the dragon tortoise's head, but the dragon tortoise had already achieved the desired effect, and decisively stretched its head, avoiding this fatal attack. hit.

The person who heard this suddenly popped up two things similar to exhaust pipes, and the flames were continuously ejected from the pipes, and the entire armor trembled slightly.

At this time, Xiao Budian showed a very humane smile. If you look closely at this smile, it seems to be somewhat similar to Han Yi, with a hint of disdain and cruelty in his eyes.

While the man was still fighting against the extreme cold, the fallen totem pierced his metal armor with its sharp claws and nailed his feet to the ground.

Even before the man cried out in pain, a dragon turtle had already struck. When it was about to approach the totem, it kicked its limbs, and its body rose into the air, pressing down on the man's head with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Totem also pulled out the steel claw at this time, and rolled back.


There was a loud noise, and the ground shook, and the man with the red lightsaber was crushed heavily by the dragon turtle, and his body was unknown.

But the attack by the little one was obviously more than that. After stabilizing his body, the totem jumped up again without hesitation, and rushed straight to the man who was impacted by the vicious fish and who was in mourning.

Apparently, it was not so easy to recover from a collective thought bombardment by the dire fish. When the totem rushed to his side, his eyes were still bloodshot, and he seemed to be in extreme pain.

After that, the totem's sharp claws slashed down in an instant, inserted into his neck, and then lowered its head and bit into the blood vessel gushing out of him, killing him completely.

Seeing this scene, Han Yi couldn't help but nodded. In fact, he probably guessed that the Dire Fish's mind attack was directly related to the strength of mental power.

If it is for mages, the effect should be much weaker, but for shooters, there is no problem at all.

The face of the man holding the fork was pale. In just a moment, one of his companions died, the life of the other was unknown, and the two lost their combat effectiveness. Only he was left, unable to make any waves at all.

At this moment, he even extinguished the idea of ​​continuing to resist. He looked around, but there was no exit for him to escape at all, and a desperate thought emerged in his heart.

"Ah! You're going to die!" The man roared hysterically at Han Yi, but his eyes were full of dead silence.

Han Yi smiled coldly, without any intention of responding.

But the little one had red eyes, and a trace of anger emerged in his heart, because it knew that the man was insulting its "father" because of its wisdom.

Immediately following its thought, all the insects rioted and rushed towards the man.

The man who had lost hope finally looked at Han Yi again, then turned around and ran towards the French window next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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